
Rotator /Shoulder Strengthening
Pectoral Stretch
Time / Reps
15 seconds
While standing interlock
fingers behind back and
retract shoulders by pressing
hands toward floor pulling
shoulder blades together
While standing with arms
straight out in cross your
forearms and rotate hands so
palms are together pulling
shoulder bladed apart then
slowly move hands toward
ground stretching muscles
between shoulder blades
While standing reach lift
right arm straight out to
shoulder level then reach
across your body keeping
arm straight and grasp right
elbow with your left hand
pulling right arm to your
chest. You should feel a
stretch in your triceps and
shoulder. Repeat other side.
Rhomboid stretch
15 seconds
Triceps stretch
15 seconds
Chicken Wing
15 seconds
Lift right arm to the sky and
bend elbow placing right
hand behind your head then
take your left hand and grab
your right elbow. While
keeping your back and neck
straight pull your right elbow
behind your head. Hold for
15 seconds then repeat
other side.
Iron Cross
30 Seconds Each Direction
Stand with feet shoulder
width apart and lift your
arms laterally to shoulder
height palms facing out
fingers to ceiling. Slowly
move arms in small forward
circles for 15 seconds then
reverse direction for 15
seconds. Keep arms out and
point fingers to the ground
palms facing in and repeat
Front Raises
45 Seconds or 12 to 15 reps
Use weights or Thera-band
Lateral Raises
45 Seconds or 12 to 15 reps
Use weights or Thera-band
45 Seconds or 12 to 15 reps
Use weights or Thera-band
45 Degree Hammer Fly’s
45 Seconds or 12 to 15 reps
Use weights or Thera-band
Internal / External
45 Seconds or 12 to 15 reps
Use weights or Thera-band
forward and reverse circles.
You should feel a significant
burn in your shoulders and
While holding weights at
your side standing erect
slowly lift arms forward
palms down to just above
shoulder level hold for a 3
count and return to starting
position repeat for 45
seconds or 12 to 15 reps.
While holding weights at
your side standing erect
slowly lift arms laterally
palms down to just above
shoulder level hold for a 3
count and return to starting
position repeat for 45
seconds or 12 to 15 reps.
Connect Thera-band to door
or around stair case at
standing erect with arms
shoulders bringing shoulder
blades together while slowly
bending your elbows pulling
hands to your chest keeping
elbows at shoulder height at
all time hold for 3 count
then return to starting
position. Repeat for 45
seconds or 15 to 15 reps.
While holding weights at
your side standing erect
slowly lift arms forward and
laterally at 45 degrees with
your thumbs up to just
above shoulder level hold
for a 3 count and return to
starting position repeat for
45 seconds or 12 to 15 reps.
Connect Thera-band to door
or staircase then stand with
left shoulder toward door
holding Thera-band in right
hand with elbow tight into
your side then slowly rotate
hand away from door as far
as possible keeping elbow
locked at your side then
return to starting position.
Repeat for 12 to 15 reps or
45 seconds then turn so right
arm is closer to door and
repeat in opposite direction.
Then switch and repeat with
opposite arm.