EDL 699I: Student Affairs Practice in Europe



EDL 699I: Student Affairs Practice in Europe

Summer I, 2008—Miami University

Instructor: Dr. Judy Rogers

Dr. Judy Rogers

Associate Professor, CSP

Miami University

304 McGuffey Hall

Phone: 513.529.6851 (W)

Email: rogersjl@muohio.edu

“All university systems are a combination of national and international traditions.”

Altbach, 1998, p. 57

Program Overview:

The ever-increasing globalization and interconnectedness of our society in the 21 st Century evidences the importance of preparing college students to enter a global society. As student affairs practitioners, it is imperative that we help create “citizens of the world” by employing a global perspective in our work.

EDL 699I: Student Affairs Practice in Europe is an opportunity for both professionals and graduate students to gain an understanding of the cultural and educational systems in

Germany, the Czech Republic, and Luxembourg by traveling abroad and experiencing

European higher education first hand. The itinerary for the two-week visit to European universities includes time in Luxembourg, with visits to Miami University-Luxembourg and the Université du Luxembourg. Several days will be spent in Germany in Berlin and at the Universitat Trier located in Trier, Germany’s oldest city. In the Czech Republic, two days are allotted to visiting Charles University in Prague. During each site visit, we will meet with university administrators, student affairs professionals, faculty, and students. In addition, study tour participants will attend a two-day conference while in Luxemburg titled Student Affairs Practice in Europe and the United States, and engage in roundtable discussions comparing and contrasting the practice of student affairs from our varied cultural perspectives.

Program participants can opt to take the course for three (3) graduate credit hours or as a non-credit workshop earning CEUs. It is expected that ALL program participants, regardless of whether or not they are taking the course for graduate credit, will participate in pre-departure orientations, preliminary readings, discussions, and be full and active participants while abroad. Those participating for credit will be expected to meet all of the aforementioned criteria, plus complete a final project.

Course Goals:


To study a comparative history of higher education



To explore and understand the education systems and student services practices in Germany, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic through readings and on-site experience


To understand the importance of comparative higher education and examine the increasing globalization of student affairs and the implications an international perspective has on our practice in the United States

Course Expectations:

The class format will consist of pre-departure readings and online discussion sessions conducted via Blackboard, then traveling to Europe and visiting universities in

Luxembourg, Germany, and the Czech Republic. While abroad, the class will be given opportunities to reflect and discuss the activities of the day. Therefore, students are expected to:

1). Read all assigned materials prior to departure and be prepared to fully participate in

Blackboard discussions.

Required for both credit and non-credit participants. During the four online discussion sessions prior to departure, each student will be expected to contribute posts to the Blackboard discussions. Questions will be provided for each session. Also note on the BB site the differing number of posts required of students registered for credit versus the non-credit option.

2). Keep a journal prior to and during the study abroad experience.

Required for credit participants only : For the four sessions prior to departure, you will be required to maintain a readings journal. The readings journal is designed to give you an opportunity to reflect on the written material and Blackboard discussions.

Journal prompts are provided on Blackboard

Required for all participants: During our time abroad, the journal is designed to: a) prompt you to do a cultural comparison of higher education and student affairs practice in the various countries we visit – questions/prompts are provided; b) to reflect on the experience of being a “foreigner” and the perceptions and perhaps misperceptions Europeans hold of Americans and c) the impact of this experiential learning activity on your professional development/identity.

3). Complete a final project that is an application of your learning into practice.

Required for credit participants only . This could assume a variety of forms and is intended to allow you to select something relevant for your professional development

(Examples: Creating and submitting a conference proposal on some aspect of the internationalization of student affairs; rewriting your philosophy of student affairs statement to include a global perspective; incorporating an international perspective in the programs or services in your current office, or preparing a paper to present at one of the topical work sessions during the conference in Luxembourg ).



Percentages for the three assignments will be jointly decided by the students and the instructor.


Course Text:

Rifkin, J. (2004). The European dream.

New York: Penguin.

This national bestseller provides a provocative and fascinating look at Europe’s vision of the future and argues that it is quietly eclipsing the American Dream. It is an accessible, interesting read that provides an important overall context for our exploration of higher education and student affairs in Europe. We will be discussing the European Union during our first site visit at the Miami University

Luxembourg campus; discussion of the text will also be woven all throughout the

Blackboard conversations and our discussions in Europe.

You will be responsible for reading chapters 1, 9, 10, 13, and pp. 379-385.

Although these sections will be provided electronically, we highly suggest purchasing this book and reading all of it.

Check your university/public library or purchase from these online sellers:


Barnes and Noble.com

Half Price Books

Pre-Departure Session One (March 17 – March 28): History of Higher Education and an Introduction to Comparative Education

 Read required readings by March 24, 2008

 Blackboard Discussion: March 24 – 28, 2008


Perkin, H. (1997). History of Universities. In L. Goodchild & H. Wecshler (Eds.),

The history of higher education (pp. 3-32). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.


Altbach, P.G. (1998). Comparative higher education: Knowledge, the university, and development.

Greenwich, CT: Ablex Publishing Corporation. (Read pp. 3-36,



Read all of the main documents of the Bologna Process: a.

Allegre, C., Berlinguer, L., Blackstone, T., & Ruttgers, J. (1998, May).

Sorbonne joint declaration: Joint declaration on harmonization of the architecture of the European higher education system . Retrieved January

20, 2006, from http://www.bmbf.de/pub/sorbonne_declaration.pdf



European Ministers of Education. (1999, June). The Bologna declaration of

19 June 1999: Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education.

Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://www.bolognaberlin2003.de/pdf/bologna_declaration.pdf


The National Union of Students in Europe. (2001, March). Student

Goteborg declaration.

Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://www.esib.org


European Ministers of Education. (2001, May). Towards the European higher education area: Communiqué of the meeting of European Ministers in charge of higher education.

Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/pdf/Prague_communiquTheta.pdf


European Ministers of Education. (2003, September ). Realising the

European higher education area: Communiqué of the conference of

Ministers responsible for higher education.

Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/Docs/00-



The National Unions of Students in Europe. (2005, March). Luxembourg student declaration . Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://www.bolognabergen2005.no/Docs/02-ESIB/050320_ESIB.pdf


European Ministers of Education. (2005, May). The European higher education area - Achieving the goals: Communiqué of the conference of

European Ministers responsible for higher education.

Retrieved January 20,

2006, from http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/Docs/00-



European University Association (2007, April) The Lisbon declaration –

Europe’s universities beyond 2010: Diversity with a common purpose.

Retrieved April 24, 2007, from http://www.eua.be/fileadmin/user_upload/files/newsletter/Lisbon_declaratio n.pdf


Naeve, G. (2003). The bologna declaration: Some of the historic dilemmas posed by the reconstruction of the community in Europe’s systems of higher education.

Educational Policy, 17 (1), 141-164.


Teichler, U. (l996). Comparative higher education: potentials and limits. Higher

Education, 32 , pp. 431-465.


Carnoy, M. (2007). Rethinking the comparative---and the international.

Comparative Education Review, 50 (4), 551-570.

Pre-Departure Session Two (March 31 - April 11): Higher Education in Germany


 Read required readings by April 7, 2008

 Blackboard Discussion: April 7 – April 11, 2008


Frackmann, E. & De Weert, E. (1994). Higher education policy in Germany. In L.

Goedegebuure et. al. (Eds.), Higher education policy: An international comparative perspective.

Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 132-161.


Gebhardt, J. (2001). Introduction: Beyond Humboldt—America? In H. Breinig, J.

Gebhardt, & B. Ostendorf (Eds.), German and American higher education:

Educational philosophies and political systems.

Munster: LIT, pp. 3-22.


Hormuth, S. (2002, September). Germany: Through reform and European compatibility to internationalization.

Retrieved August 25, 2005, from http://www.bi.ulaval.ca/Globalisation-Universities/pages/actes/index.htm


Labi, A. (2004, July 16). Germany’s Ivy League lottery. The Chronicle of Higher

Education, 50, 45, pp. A33. Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i45/45a03301.htm


Hochstettler, T. (2004, July 30). Aspiring to the steeples of excellence at German universities. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 50, 47, pp. B10.


January 20, 2006, from http://chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i47/47b01001.htm


Labi, A. (2006, February 3). Germany moves closer to restructuring its university system. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55, 22, pp. A47. Retrieved

February 5, 2006, from http://chronicle.com/weekly/v52/i22/22a04701.htm


Pritchard, R. (2006). Trends in the restructuring of German universities.

Comparative Education Review, 50 (1), 90-112.

Pre-Departure Session Three (April 14 – April 25): Higher Education in Luxembourg and the Czech Republic

 Read required readings by April 21, 2008

 Blackboard Discussion: April 21 – April 25, 2008


Tarrach, R. (2005, December 6). Strategic framework for the Universite du

Luxembourg (2006-2009, 2010-2015).

Retrieved February 8, 2006, from http://wwwfr.uni.lu/general_information/regulations/strategic_framework_for_t he_universite_du_luxembourg_2006_2009_2010_2015


Ministry of Culture, Higher Education, and Research. (n.d.). The University of

Luxembourg policy pamphlet: A guidance booklet for frequently asked questions and concerns.

[Pamphlet]. Luxembourg: Author. Retrieved February

8, 2006, from http://www.cedies.public.lu/DOCUMENTATION/

Formulaires/University_of_Luxembourg_Guidance_booklet_for_faq_and_conc erns.pdf



Sebková, H. & Urbánek, V. ( 1996). Access to higher education in the Czech

Republic. European Journal of Education, 31 (3), 273-288.


Stastna, v. (2001). Internationalization of higher education in the Czech Republic – the impact of the European Union programmes. European Journal of

Education, 36 (4), 473-491.


Bastová, J., Menclová, L., Sebková, H. & Kohoutek, J. (2004). Czech higher education students – viewpoints and status. European Journal of Education,

39 (4), 507-520.


Bateson, R. & Taylor, J. (2004). Student involvement in university life –beyond political activism and university governance: A view from central and eastern

Europe. European Journal of Education, 39 (4), 471-483.

Pre-Departure Session Four (April 28 - May 9) : The Globalization of Student Affairs in the United States and Student Services Abroad

 Read required readings by May 5, 2008

 Blackboard Discussion: May 5 – May 9, 2008


Osfield, K. J. (in press). The internationalization of student affairs and services in higher education: An emerging global perspective . Washington, DC: NASPA.

Chapter 1.


Dalton, J.C. (1999). The significance of international issues and responsibilities in the contemporary work of student affairs [Electronic Version]. New Directions for Student Services, 86 , pp. 3-11.


Ping C.J. (1999). An expanded international role for student affairs [Electronic

Version]. New Directions for Student Services, 86 , pp. 13-21.


Schaferbarthold, D. (1999). The place of student services in German universities

[Electronic Version]. New Directions for Student Services, 86 , pp. 33-38.


Labi, A. (2006, January 13). In Germany, Parents’ Weekend is a novelty. The

Chronicle of Higher Education, 52, 19, pp. A64. Retrieved January 20, 2006, from http://chronicle.com/weekly/v52/i19/19a06401.htm

