RPG Hour: Birthright Bonus!

RPG Hour: Birthright Bonus!
Featuring Rich Baker, Ed Stark and Carrie Bebris
Friday, June 2 and Friday June 30
WizO_Bilbo: Join us for RPG Hour starting right now in Wizards Presents
with Rich Baker, Ed Stark and Carrie Bebris! In recognition of the
anniversary of the award-winning Birthright line and in appreciation
for the continued loyalty of its fans, we're proud to present an online
Birthright celebration. BR folks, any opening comments before we open
the floor to questions?
guest35: I'm going to GenCon (hopefully), can you guys help me convert
Birthright to 3rd edition?
WotC_Ted: We should be able to help you convert BR to 3rd Edition. We're
going to have a special 3rd Edition room at GenCon where you can go to
ask questions, play games, etc.
guest35: Cool.
WotC_Ted: I'd just like to say I'm very happy to see the BR stuff
Carrie and Rich and I worked on get out there. I hope you like it.
Birthright_Carrie: I agree with Ted. . .it's so nice for those products
to finally reach their audience.
Dwight_the_Quick: How are occupations ended? Just by not using a
Declare War action to occupy a province for another action round?
WotC_Ted: Pretty much. An occupation can be ended voluntarily, or by
rebellion, but it has to be maintained to stay in effect.
Robert_of_Histros: Will there be any additional modules available
online in the future, like the adventure trilogy from the 98 catalogue?
WotC_Ted: Well, I'm not sure. Carrie, you were working on getting
Bloodspawn going, weren't you?
Birthright_Carrie: From what I understand, Bloodspawn will be available
some time this month. As for the other two Essence of Evil adventures,
they weren't far enough along in the design process to make available.
WotC_Ted: Shadow Moon never finished editing, and Charge of the Cold
Rider never really got started. You're right.
Volkar: The human races are based on historical cultures. What culture,
if any, were the Adurians based on?
Birthright_Carrie: I believe the Masetians were based on ancient
WotC_Ted: We'd actually come up with an evolved history of the Masetian
Empire, from its rise to its fall. Maybe I can dig out that map of
Aduria, if it hasn't disappeared.
WizO_Bilbo: Any chance the Masetian History will ever make an
appearance, maybe in an online format?
Darkstar: I would certainly be interested in that map, as part of my
online Adurian expansion.
WotC_Ted: It's possible, but I don't know when I'd find the time to
write it all up. Of course, Carrie's got nothing much to do ...
Ashton2: Mr. Stark, in your last Dragon article and in the KotGD you
alluded to the Age of Monsters. Was this something Rich had planned or
did you introduce this?
WotC_Ted: No, that was me. I basically figured that, at one time, the
gods of Abrynnis were much more involved in the world. In fact, I
postulated something not unlike the early Norse and Greek myths, where
the gods of Abrynnis were in constant war with terrible beasts and
creatures. The first gods achieved victory and "tamed" the lands,
making the magic less wild and more tied to the world.
guest35: Norse and Greek Myths?
WotC_Ted: Yeah. Both Norse and Greek myths have tales of the ancient
gods overcoming great evil monsters to make room for men in the world.
It's actually a common theme in many mythologies.
guest35: That is not an uncommon theme in Mythology.
guest34: How big did you intend for the individual provinces to be?
They seem pretty small on the map when you compare the scale, but in
texts, like in (the excellent) The Falcon and the Wolf they seem pretty
large, and have fairly large population sizes. Give me a "feel" for
them that I can convey to my players.
WotC_Ted: Well, I wasn't involved in the individual sizings, but if you
look at HAVENS and TRIBES, I think you'll get the idea that I intended
most provinces in Brechtur and Voslands to be fairly sparsely
populated. A few settlements and farming, but only major cities would
have high population density.
Dragon66: The BoR was great, Ed; what can we expect from the new
Bloodspawn book, Carrie?
Birthright_Carrie: About 18 Shadow World-specific monsters, plus a few
adventures to introduce them. We developed some really interesting
concepts about the nature of the Shadow World, many revolving around
the presence of an illusory element called the Seeming. A lot of the
monsters can manipulate the Seeming to their own benefit. Others have
learned to penetrate it, also to their benefit.
WotC_Ted: The Seeming was really cool. I did some research on the myths
of Faerie and pulled a lot of material out of that sort of thing. It
was forced perception--stronger than illusion, but it tied in nicely
with the fact that most magic in Cerilia was illusion (only blooded
wizards could cast "real" magic).
Lyndontoo: Two short questions: Will there be a log ... or if I go to
the fridge should I RUN?
WizO_Bilbo: A log will be posted. They usually take several weeks to
Lyndontoo: And, are varsks pictured as absolutely unique and as alien
to Vosgaard as the Vos? That is, did they evolve (or were created)
elsewhere, or are there likely a lot of other fur-bearing reptile-like
critters in them there hills?
WotC_Ted: Varsks aren't alien to Vosgaard. The Vos found them there
when they arrived. I never really considered it that much, but I
suppose there should be other fuzzy lizards in Vosgaard.
Dragon66: Finally...sheesh! Rich is here.
RichBaker: I'm very sorry I'm late. . . technical difficulties that
could not be fixed with a hammer, as I was tempted to try.
WizO_Bilbo: No problem, Rich. Do you have any comments before we move
back to the Q&A?
RichBaker: No, please don't let me interrupt! Just continue, and I'll
catch up.
lord_terence: Sorry for "off topicness" but many people have many
interpretations of trade routes...what do you suggest? (I haven't had
the time to read BoR, but have printed it.) Also, who if anyone were
you intending to get the IRON THRONE?
Birthright_Carrie: A PC, of course!
lord_terence: Heh heh ok, with no PC interference...say if there was a
2nd edition BR...or something…
WotC_Ted: Trade routes represent regular contact between two provinces
that results in financial profit for one or both of them. It can take
all sorts of forms. And Carrie's right, or course--a PC should
eventually achieve the Iron Throne. And would have.
Birthright_Carrie: We did toy with the idea of Anuirean colonies on
Aduria, and the possibility of an undiluted Roele bloodline down there.
But such a southern heir would have been a challenge for the PC heir.
Friday, June 20, 2000
Shane_M: How supported will BR be by WOTC?
RichBaker: Shane, right now we're focusing on the new edition of the
D&D game. We're not looking to keep a lot of product lines running at
the same time.
Shane_M: But BR is still "official"?
RichBaker: If we support Birthright in the future, it will be in that
format. But right now we don't have any plans to produce new Birthright
material or to convert Birthright into 3rd Edition. There are just
other things we have to do with our limited resources first. That said,
you'll see some Birthright snippets in some upcoming issues of Dragon
magazine. Specifically, I wrote a series of small journal entries in
the "Campaign Corner" column. So there's a trickle of BR material
coming out in the magazines in a couple of months, but no other plans.
WizO_Durst: Rich, would you translate bloodline abilities into feats
for 3rd Edition?
RichBaker: That's a good question, Durst. Ted, do you have any thoughts
on that one?
WotC_Ted: Okay, I'll take a shot. In 3E, we have some special abilities
called Feats. They're things you can learn that give you special
abilities. I would make some of the less magical blood abilities selfcontained feats. Then, I would simply make a few of the more magical
ones magical special abilities. I do think some would need to be
retooled a little for balance purposes, but not heavily.
RichBaker: Ted, it also occurs to me that blooded scion might also be a
prestige class you could stack onto other classes.
WotC_Ted: That would be terrific. I would much rather have Scion as a
prestige class full of interesting abilities than simply something you
start out as--even though that goes again BR.
Shane_M: Wouldn't having separate "blood-feats" based on a "bloodlevel," akin to normal feats and character level, work?
Volkar: What is the nature of the Serpent’s divinity? Is he really a
god? Or has he found another method to grant his spells to his
RichBaker: Carrie, do you want to take that one?
Birthright_Carrie: Ted, I think you've done the most with old snake
eyes. But I'll take it if you'd rather pass.
WotC_Ted: Okay. I'll try again if you'd like. I always thought that the
Serpent wasn't a god but, rather, was someone trying to become a god.
Birthright_Carrie: That's my take on him as well. Someone who believes
his own PR too much.
WotC_Ted: I think that one of the evil gods and he have made some sort
of deal, and the Serpent's followers actually get their spells from
Trevyr_of_Ansien: I'm interested in the relationship between the seelie
and unseelie courts in the SW, Carrie. At some points, it seems that
the rivalry between the courts predates the sundering of the daylight
and Shadow Worlds, while it also indicates that the seelie are the SW
counterparts of the elves. Is there a Daylight counterpart to the
unseelie? Could you clarify when the split began?
Birthright_Carrie: The elves are the daylight counterpart of the
seelie. Long ago, they were one race, the Sie. We haven't put a date on
exactly when the cataclysmic event occured that caused this rupture,
but it was well before Deismaar, to my thinking even before human
history...The faerie war between the seelie and unseelie is more
recent, but still an ancient war that's been going on longer than most
mortals can comprehend. It's a rivalry that exists solely in the SW,
and the Seeming messes with time there, so it's very hard to give an
exact date.
WotC_Ted: Wow, Carrie really remembers a lot of what we'd thought up.
That's a huge part of what makes the SW so scary for "normal" people
and terrifying for elves ... it's just a dangerous, difficult place.
Birthright_Carrie: There isn't a daylight counterpart to the Seelie, as
the seelie/unseelie split occurred after the SW/daylight world split.
Does that cover your whole question?
RichBaker: Glad we brought Carrie...
SWC: Ed, can you tell us about the idea of a Shadow Realm and how to
create and maintain one? I hear that was something you were thinking of
putting in "Shadow Moon."
WotC_Ted: Sure. In general, the Shadow World was supposed to have (as
Carrie explained) an ancient link to the "world of light", but a schism
occurred. I felt that to make "a" shadow realm, all you have to do was
go back to a pivotal point in history (preferably one that has magical
importance) and establish that schism. The important thing, however, is
to be able to link the rules of the game to the history of the world.
The SW mirrored Abrynnis in important ways, and the rules for living
and moving around in the SW had to do the same thing. It couldn't just
be a reflection (can I beat this "mirror" image to death?).
Volkar: Old Rock-Butt's "Hand of Azrai" comes from "Lands to the East",
as did the Magian's troops when he arrived. Are they from the same
place [wherever that is], or was the Voslands meant for the Hand?
RichBaker: Well, we know there's a continent out to the southeast,
Djapar--the homeland of the Basarji. And there's the Dragon Isles, and
the mysterious eastern lands somewhere beyond them.
WotC_Ted: That's where the ancestors of the Khinasi come from (Djapar),
Birthright_Carrie: As for the Magian, he claims to be "from the East"
but actually he arrived on Cerilia from the SW.
RichBaker: Yep. I had a rough idea that the lands beyond the Dragon
Isles might be a Far Eastern analogue, while Djapar might be Africalike.
Volkar: The Magian was from the SW, so were the troops he arrived with
from there too?
Birthright_Carrie: Could be. You're the DM--do you WANT them to be?
We've left a lot of the SW lore deliberately vague, to let DMs run with
WotC_Ted: I always thought the Magian came from the SW to "the east"
and recruited folks there; that way he wouldn't "blow his cover" in
Cerilia. But that's my OPINION, not anything firm.
Birthright_Carrie: I like that theory, Ted.
Guest37: What is the real-world cultural inspiration for the Anuireans,
particularly their personal and realm names?
RichBaker: The Anuireans are actually the most made-up of all the human
cultures...The other races deliberately feature strong real-world
analogies, but the Anuireans are pretty much a made-up amalgamation of
Gondor, the Roman Empire, and medieval England. The names are from a
language that I made up for my first whack at a fantasy novel, a long
time back. Obviously, I didn't make up a whole language (unlike
Professor Tolkien); I just wanted consistent-sounding names. I always
felt it was very "Minas Tirith meets the Roman Empire" in some ways ...
though there are a lot of unique elements. The language always felt
Euro-Mediterranean to me. A nice mix of believability and fantasy. But
they looked good, and seemed to feel pretty fantastic, so I used them
in Birthright.
WotC_Ted: I thought you did an excellent job with both the language and
the history.
RichBaker: Thanks, kind of you to say so!
guest37: Yes, my thoughts exactly, Ted. And you did a very good job at
it. I was convinced it had some strong analog in real history like the
other races!
Darkstar: A couple of times Birthright products have talked about a
race of beastmen from Aduria (Greatheart especially). Were these
creatures humans who have been transformed by azrai or a race native to
Aduria? Also, what happened to these beastmen after Deismaar?
Birthright_Carrie: Spill it, Rich.
WotC_Ted: I have some theories, too ... about their creation as well.
But go ahead, Rich
RichBaker: Darkstar, we were planning some product that would explore
Aduria late in the product line's life, but we never got a chance to
seriously work on it. Still, we had some concept meetings, discussing
what Aduria is like and what might be down there. In fact, I'm working
on a Dragon article that would clean up some of those old notes and
present them, maybe even for the Annual this year. Anyway, I think the
beastmen are a race native to Aduria, and I think they survived
Deismaar (in small numbers). Their land is an extremely rugged and
mountainous region in the heart of Aduria. They raid out from their
mountain retreats, causing much distress to all their neighbors. Hadn't
got much further than that, but there you go!
WotC_Ted: Are they friendly with the cat-centaurs?
Birthright_Carrie: The wemic?
WotC_Ted: Yep. I was looking forward to using them in Aduria.
RichBaker: I figured that NOBODY liked the beastmen, but it ain't
written yet, so whatever works better!
Birthright_Carrie: I was looking forward to the djinn.
WotC_Ted: Oh, yeah. The djinn <cackling evilly>.
Trevyr_of_Ansien: Would someone care to clarify the relationship
between Ruornil (the god of the moon) and the Shadow World? There is a
conflict alluded to between the Moon god and some of the forces of the
SW? Which ones, and how active is Ruornil's opposition? It is a major
part of his larger goals? Can the moon be seen in the Shadow World?
Birthright_Carrie: The moon and Ruornil for Shadow Moon?
WotC_Ted: Yeah. Ruornil's a good guy, and while the Shadow World isn't
evil, it's been corrupted since the schism, and there's a lot of evil
there. Ruornil and his hunters fight the SW as it appears in Cerilia.
In the SW, we figured there were still strongholds of good (or at least
neutrality), loosely called "havens." These places were areas where the
Seeming was controlled and the forces of evil and (especially) undead
were kept at bay. I expect that Ruornil would have some elements
working for him in the SW (as would many of the other gods), but it was
my thought that the true moon of Abrynnis would not shine in the Shadow
World until it was freed of the domination of evil. The "Shadow Moon"
and the "Blood Moon" were reflections of the true moon--mockeries of
Ruornil and of the true light of the world. Hope that answers your
Trevyr_of_Ansien: Thanks.
RichBaker: Presumably, those areas might exist under Ruornil's aegis or
protection in some way?
Birthright_Carrie: I'm amazed at how much of this you remember--I feel
like there are cobwebs in my brain! Great answer, Ted!
RichBaker: Cool notion, Ted! I've got a question...Anybody read The
Falcon and the Wolf?
WotC_Ted: I did. A while ago.
Trevyr_of_Ansien: Yes, I downloaded it--and my printout is all marked
up with notes!
Birthright_Carrie: Not yet, Rich, but I intend to soon! Shadowstone was
sooo good!
RichBaker: Thanks, just wanted to know that someone had seen it and
downloaded it!
WotC_Ted: The best BR novel by a lot. (Falcon & the Wolf)
MLMartin: A Metaphysics Question: The RAVENLOFT domain of Vorostokov
has been 'retconned' into being Cerilian (Vos) (retcon=retroactive
continuity). What connection do you think it has to the Shadow World?
Would it tie into the 'regular' SW, or would RL create its own SW for
the domain?
RichBaker: Hmmm... beats me, Martin. I'd say it depends on whether
you're playing a Ravenloft game or a Birthright game.
WotC_Ted: Not really. Truth to tell, I never liked the Cerilia/RL
connection... Not because I had anything against RL, but it always
seemed a little forced. The SW and RL really aren't connected at all. I
figured that the Shadow World was really closer akin to Abrynnis'
Border Ethereal than the Demiplane of Shadow.
Birthright_Carrie: I agree with Ted . . .
RichBaker: If you're playing in Ravenloft, then the Ravenloft mists
trump the Shadow World. If you're playing Birthright, then vice-versa.
WotC_Ted: You have to go through it to enter or leave Abrynnis, unless
you really know what you're doing.
Birthright_Carrie: In the absence of published SW info, many players
turned to RL for inspiration, and there's much there to inspire. But
our thinking about the SW took a different turn.
guest42: What exactly happened to the two duchies that compose modern
day Ghoere (those being the duchies of Dhalaene and Ghieste,
respectively)? How did they become united into one? What became of
their ducal families? When exactly did it occur? Any official rulings?
How much of the imperial civil war was put down to paper?
Birthright_Carrie: I think this one's yours, Rich.
RichBaker: Boy, I had a short essay I did on that, but darned if I
remember if it went into the back of The Falcon and the Wolf or The
WotC_Ted: If it went into Shadowstone it's now FR ...
Birthright_Carrie: I don't recall it being in Shadowstone.
RichBaker: If it went into F&W, it's there to read in the free PDF. If
it was in Shadowstone, we cut it, and I have no idea where that info is
now. I know that the two duchies -- Ghieste and Bhalaene, I think -united pretty late in the history, maybe about 450 MR or so. In fact,
that's the reason Ghoere jumped up as a big power late in history, kind
of like the unification of Germany in the 1860s. Baron Tuorel, the
villain of The Falcon and the Wolf, is one of the first rulers of the
united Ghoere. I think that he (or his father) brought 'em together
with a dynastic marriage. That essay I'm referring to actually
described most of the big Avan-Boeruine wars between Michael's death
and the current date.
Volkar: The Birthright novels were historical in nature, which was a
nice change from some of the other otherworld lines. Who made this
decision, and what was their reasoning?
RichBaker: I think we all realized that we couldn't have book
characters mucking up the world in the current day.
WotC_Ted: Hear, hear!
Birthright_Carrie: It certainly made things much easier for us
RichBaker: More so than in other campaign worlds, a Birthright campaign
could be really "thrown out of joint" by a really epic book storyline.
WotC_Ted: YOUR characters should be the most important to the campaign
world, not ours.
RichBaker: At one point, the president of TSR was going to make us tell
the Eleanor of Aquitaine story in the Birthright setting...In fact, she
insisted that the character had to be called Eleanor, and the kingdom
had to be called Aquitaine.
WotC_Ted: ...A little too literal for my tastes...
RichBaker: Fortunately, the company experienced financial disaster
before that came to pass...
WotC_Ted: ...Talk about finding a silver lining...
RichBaker: LOL! Anyway, big world-shaking events and a DM's Birthright
campaign don't mix, unless it's the DM's players who shake the world.
SWC: Almost exactly five years ago, Rich, you and Colin and the BR team
saw the first copies of Birthright's boxed set came in to TSR from the
printer. Any memories of your initial feelings on its release? And
also, Carrie, what are you writing these days?
RichBaker: Hey, that's two questions!
SWC: Hey, after I typeset all those products, I get two!
RichBaker: Initial feelings? That's easy... "Wow! Cool! How on Earth
could we afford to stick all these goodies in one boxed set????"
WotC_Ted: We couldn't.
RichBaker: Yes, I know, see 'Financial Disaster', above...
Birthright_Carrie: LOL, Ted! As for the second question, I've got a
novel coming out in November . . . Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth
Drannor. I've also been doing a lot of nonfiction magazine writing.
WotC_Ted: I remember thinking "wow, this is an excellent use of color"
and "boy, am I glad I came to TSR" from West End. I still am.
Birthright_Carrie: I was excited to be part of the team associated with
such a sharp-looking, well-written product.
WotC_Ted: Important tip: Read Carrie's Book. Circle November on your
calendar. You won't be disappointed.
Birthright_Carrie: Thanks, Ted.
RichBaker: Another important tip: When you're done with Carrie's book,
circle December on your calendar, and pick up City of Ravens!
WotC_Ted: I don't write books anymore. I have real work to do.
Birthright_Carrie: Wouldn't miss a Rich Baker book!
RichBaker: LOL, Ted. Knocking out a novel is really not much tougher
than spending three months in St. Thomas, drinking mai tais on the
Birthright_Carrie: Speak for yourself, Rich--I agonize over every word.
Must be the editor in me.
Jandolin: There has been discussion of Bloodlines outside of Cerilia on
the newsgroup. Are there any bloodlines in the nations outside of
Cerilia that are not derivative of the Cerilian Bloodlines (as in
Bloodline of Roelle etc.)? And if so are they similar in strength and
cultural significance to those in Cerilia?
WotC_Ted: Well, we'd discussed something like that for Aduria, but I
really believe we'd decided that all bloodlines would derive from the
Cerilian gods...who were also the Adurian gods. I could be wrong. Rich?
Carrie? That doesn't mean there aren't more Abrynnian gods, btw, but if
there are, they weren't involved in Deismaar.
Birthright_Carrie: That's how I remember it, Ted.
RichBaker: Nope, you're right, Ted. I guess Azrai might have had some
cohorts or demigods that we just haven't read about yet, but for the
most part, the bloodlines will stem from the gods killed at Deismaar.
Birthright_Carrie: There were only so many gods who blew up, after all.
WotC_Ted: But, remember, an explosion is spherical ... bloodlines were
created on both sides of the (former) isthmus.
RichBaker: Maybe all gods everywhere blew up when Deismaar went down.
Maybe the universe had to wipe the cosmos clean and start from scratch.
Jandolin: I don't mean the gods themselves but rather are the peoples
of foreign lands inhabited with bloodlines.
WotC_Ted: Not in my thinking.
Birthright_Carrie: We'd talked about the Anuireans colonizing other
places during the height of the empire...
WotC_Ted: Not bloodlines not derived from the gods at Deismaar, anyway.
I mean, somebody could have sailed back to Djarpar after the battle.
RichBaker: In fact, my Dragon pieces explore the north coast of Aduria,
where several Anuirean colonies used to exist.
Jandolin: But it's not on a culturally significant level like in
Birthright_Carrie: We thought most of the colonies would have been on
Aduria. I suppose, however, that explorers could have brought
bloodlines (a nicer alternative to smallpox) to other lands and races.
WotC_Ted: But, again, these are bloodlines derived from Cerilian
gods...not any other gods.
RichBaker: We'd talked about the fact that Aduria's bloodlines might be
more widespread, more dispersed, than Cerilia's in our initial
concepting. That's as far as we got, though.
WotC_Ted: Maybe even a little different in nature, but, Rich is right.
We didn't get farther down that road.
Birthright_Carrie: I'm really looking forward to those Dragon articles,
guest37: What were your plans for Cerilian dragons? Specifically, THE
Dragon of Drachenward?
WotC_Ted: Dragons in Cerilia were all unique creatures, and there was a
finite number. The Dragon of Drachenward, if memory serves me right (I
don't have my books here) was actually either a blooded person who
perhaps had some sort of draconic ally or ability to change into a
dragon or perhaps even a "blooded dragon" who ruled a domain of his
own. Now, The Dragon, if he were a dragon, wouldn't need a bloodline to
cast magic, because dragons of Cerilia can use true magic without that
special connection. So it's hard to tell which rumor is true. I
intentionally (when I wrote Tribes) wanted to leave that up in the air.
I hope that survived editing and worked out that way. Again, I don't
have a book handy to check.
RichBaker: Goodnight, all!
Birthright_Carrie: Bye, Rich!
WizO_Durst: G'night, Rich! Thanks for your time. Okay, end of Q&A. Ted,
Carrie, any closing comments?
Birthright_Carrie: I just want to thank everyone for showing up a
second time--glad we could reschedule. It was really nice to spend an
evening talking about Birthright.
WotC_Ted: I'm also very happy people were able to come, and I'm glad
you folks (and many others) are still playing BR and enjoying it. I
hope you'll all upgrade to 3rd Edition and tell us how your campaigns
transition. The BR world is a fun one, and a living one as long as
people play it. Bye!
Markkus: I didn't know much about BR before tonight, I found out it is
a rich world... I will be downloading the supplement available on the
website tonight
Birthright_Carrie: Glad to hear it, Markkus!
WizO_Durst: Okay, end of chat. Carrie, Ed, thanks for stopping by.
guest37: Thank you for your time.
WotC_Ted: You're welcome and thank you. Take care!
Trevyr_of_Ansien: Thanks Ed and Carrie! Great to speak with you.
SWC: Bye, Carrie and Ed!
Birthright_Carrie: It's always nice to talk to BR fans.
Volkar: Thanks for putting up with my silly questions!
guest42: Thanks. It’s wonderful to talk to the creators!
WizO_Durst: You can check out the updated Birthright Memories page at
Markkus: Thanks.
Birthright_Carrie: Goodnight, everyone. Thanks again!