
October - December 20, 1917
(Received too late for last week) —Seth Sprague Terry and family have returned to their
home in New York City after spending the summer at their cottage in Elizabethtown. We
hope to see them again in the early spring.
July – September 1918 – 16
—Seth Sprague Terry has returned to New York City after spending three weeks with his
family at the Terry cottage.
July – September 1918 - 19
—Seth Sprague Terry has rented his small cottage for the summer.
July – September 1918 – 38
—-Seth Sprague Terry has returned to New York City after several days here with his
family at the Terry cottage.
July – September 1918 - 73
—Seth Sprague Terry is here with his family at the Terry cottage for a three weeks'
sojourn. Also Mr. Haines, brother- in-law of Mrs. Terry, is here, having motored here
from Chicago in two days and one night.
July – September 1918 - 104
—Seth Sprague Terry and family have returned to their New York home after a pleasant
season here.
April – June 1919 – 86
—Seth Sprague Terry and family are expected here this week at the Terry Cottage
April – June 1919 - 95
—Seth Sprague Terry has purchased a piano since his arrival here.
July – September 1919 – 15
—Seth Sprague Terry has returned to New York after a week here with his family.
—Mrs. Tappin and two daughters are located in the small Terry cottage.
April – June 1920 – 51
—Seth Sprague Terry of New York City is expected up here soon to see about some
carpenter work done at his place here, the Terry cottage. A new bath room is being
installed and the barn is being slightly remodeled in order to make another entrance so as
to accommodate two or more cars. Both of the Terry cottages will be occupied this
April – June 1920 - 55
—Seth Sprague Terry of New York City was up here for a few hours. He came
Wednesday evening, going back Thursday noon of last week. He has arranged for some
improvements on his cottage: also on the barn.
April – June 1920 - 71
—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry arrived at their summer home here, the Terry cottage.
Monday for a few weeks as they are renting the large cottage for the summer —J. E.
Hodges has returned here to .resume his old duties as chauffer for Seth Sprague Terry."
April – June 1920 - 83
—Seth Sprague Terry and family are occupying their small cottage for a few weeks
before going abroad in July. The large cottage has been rented for the season.
April – June 1920 – 85
—Seth Sprague Terry and family are I occupying their small cottage for a few weeks
before going abroad in July. The large cottage has been rented for the season.
April – June 1921 – 89
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry are expected to arrive at the Terry cottage in
Elizabethtown the latter part of this week. Mr. Terry is a New York lawyer and real estate
man who has become favorably known in Elizabethtown during previous sojourns here.
July – Sept 1921 – 71
-Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry are in Buffalo but are expected home in a few days
-Mr. and Mrs. William Haines who have occupied the small Terry cottage for the last two
months have returned to their home in Buffalo.
JE Hodges and Master Ward S Terry started for Buffalo last Saturday morning. Seth S.
Terry, Jr. is visiting friends in Canada.
Aril – June 1922 - 112
Seth Sprague Terry and family of, New York arrived at their Elizabethtown summer
cottage Monday afternoon for the season. We gladly welcome them and hope their
sojourn here among our grand old hills will meet their ever\* expectation as to benefit
and pleasure.
July – September 1922 – 66
-Z Carter and M Terry were Saturday evening visitors in Peru.
-Jacob E. Hodges was the only son of the late Erastus Hodges of Elizabethtown.
Most of his life was passed in Elizabethtown, where he worked at different places,
notably for the late Charles N. Williams, the late Mrs. George W. Rexsamer, the late
William Simonds, Orlando Kellogg, William Evans and Seth Sprague Terry.
July – September 1922 - 98
Seth Sprague Terry and family have closed their Elizabethtown summer home and
returned to New York for the winter.
Oct – Dec 1922 – 96
Seth Sprague Terry of New York City was in town on business Saturday.
April June 1923 – 34
Mitchell Terry was a caller in Peru Saturday evening.
April June 1923 – 96
Seth Sprague Terry and family of New York have arrived at their Elizabethtown
summer home.
Jan – March 1923 – 32
Seth Sprague Terry's ice houses are being filled with ice from Denton's pond.
Jan – March 1923 - 93
Charles C. Oldruff, who had been in failing health for two years, passed peacefully away
at his home on the plain in Elizabethtown village early Sunday morning, in the 60th year
of his age. He was the youngest son of the late Oliver Oldruff and Ann Hodskins,
his wife, and was born in the month of December, 1863, on the farm in the Brainard's
section of Elizabethtown which is today-owned and occupied by Will Ferris.
Following in the footsteps of their father Oliver Oldruffs two sons Warren and Charles
became carpenters, the former locating in Port Henry and the latter in Elizabethtown.
Charles C. Oldruff erected several substantial buildings in and immediately around
Elizabethtown, notably the seven cottages and other buildings at "The Balsams" or
Kingsley" settlement a short distance above the Cobble Hill golf grounds and
superintended the erection of W. M. Marvin's Sons garage and apartments.
July – Sept 1923 – 23
- Richard Stevens and Family are enjoying Seth Sprague Terry's guest cottage
this season, having been located there for the past few days. Many local
friends unite in hoping their enjoyment may be unalloyed during the entire
season. Elizabethtown Chautauqua July 27, 28 and 30 Following is the Chautauqua
program to be rendered in the big tent at Elizabethtown July 27, 28 and 30, 1923:
Friday Afternoon
The Kraft Concert Company
J. William Terry Lecture - "He Can Who Thinks He Can"
Friday Night
J. William Terry." Lecture - "The Red Horizon"
The Kraft Concert Company
- Mrs. M. F. Hayes, who was employed by Mrs. Terry at the Balsams for the past week,
has returned home.
April – June 1924 – 57
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry motored up from New York City last Friday and were
in town over Saturday and Sunday. They have rented one of their cottages to John B.
Maddock for the summer. Mr. Terry and family are going abroad for the summer.
July September – 1924 – 66
Amagansett, L. I., home to the bedside of her mother to help care for her. Seth Sprague
Terry and family, who have been abroad all summer, are scheduled to return to New
York next week.
July – September - 82
John B. Maddock and family, who have occupied one of Seth Sprague Terry's cottages
the past few weeks, have gone to Saranac Lake.
April June 1925- 92
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry 'New York City were at their Elizabethtown summer
home last week, opening and getting ready for the season which they plan to spend here.
Xxxxx Milburn A. Norton has a I
job of painting to do for Seth Sprague Terry at the latter'- sumnnr tt it,
on the slope of Old Col>l i t1 i
April – June 1925 - 100
Seth Sprague Terry and family have arrived at their Elizabethtown home for the summer
which it is hoped may meet their every expectation as to benefit and pleasure.
Jan March 1925 – 28
Many local friends are pleased to hear that Seth Sprague Terry and family are planning to
spend next summer in one of their Elizabethtown cottages.
Oct Dec 1925 – 6
We regret to learn that the Terry cottage at the Balsams has been sold to a party from
Texas. This means these estimable people are no longer to be counted among our summer
citizens. They were good neighbors and all are sorry to lose them. However, the best of
good luck attend them.
Wayman Adams recently painted the portraits of both Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry
which are very lifelike,
Jan March 1926 – 96
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry, former Elizabethtown summer residents, have been
sojourning In Florida of late but are, like the birds,
July Sept 1926 – 55
E. E. Towne, counsel for the Humble Oil Company of Texas, has joined his family at
their Elizabethtown summer home. It will be recalled that Mr. Towne purchased Seth
Sprague Terry's cottages and land in Elizabethtown about a year ago. Mrs. Towne and
children arrived from Texas several weeks ago and local friends gladly welcome the
arrival of the husband and father. That Elizabethtown has become the summer home of
this estimable family of Texans is fully appreciated by all who have been fortunate
enough to become acquainted with them
July Sept 1934 – 68
E- E- Towne of Dallas, Texas, has; mother was formerly Florence Smart.
The movie "Baby Take a Bow," been spending some time with his
family at their summer home here.
April June 1940 – 124
Dr. and Mrs, Louis! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shaw and chfl- Persinger and son Rolf who have
tak- dren of New Sweden spent Thursday en a house here for the summer;
July Sept 1940 – 82
On Monday afternoon. August I9). the regular monthly business meeting was held with
Mrs. Henry M. Baird. president of the board of managers presiding. After the monthly
meeting the annual meeting for election of officers and other routine business was held.
There were four members Caleb A. Smart., Ernest Parker, Mrs. Ed. Lee Campe and Mrs
Robert Fenimore, whose terms expired. Also one vacancy caused by the resignation of
Mr.. E.E. Townes who is no longer here. The four retiring members were re-elected and
Mrs. Ellis J. Staley was elected in place of Mrs. Townes. .
A musical recital will be given this evening, Thursday, August 22, at the Church of the
Good Shepherd in Elizabethtown. Those participating will be Miss Vera Giles at the
piano, Miss Fannie Levine and Rolf Persinger with violins, Rev. Cornelius Du Bois at the
organ and Miss Vida Milholland, soprano. The program includes: Prelude in G minor,
Mr. Du Bois; "With verdure clad," Miss Milholland; Concerto for two violins and piano,
Miss Giles, Miss Levine, Mr. Persinger; "Mermaid's Song," "Charity," "The Time
for Making Songs," Miss Milholland; Concerto in A minor for piano, organ and
violin, Miss Giles, Miss Levine, Mr. DuBois.
July Sept 1941 – 67
A large and distinguished audience greeted Mr. Tinsdail, who was introduced by Dr.
Morris as the youngest student who was ever admitted to Teachers College. Among those
in the audience were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Persinger of New York. Dr. Matthew Lingquist
of Niagara University. Mr. and Mrs. William Gallowhur of Mt Kisko Mrs. Thomas Lamb
and Dick and Nancy Lamb of New York. Dr. and Mrs. H L Reed of Salisbury, Conn.,
Mr. Galamian, Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Adams, Mrs. Anne Wyse of Houston, Texas, also
Dr Rusk of Mt Holyoke College Dr Morse of Newburyport, Ma, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard,
Mr. E W Weiner of Belott, Wis., Mrs. Alice Foote McDougal and son Donald McDougal.
July – Sept 1941 – 122
A violin recital by Rolf Persinger, accompanied by Louis Persinger at the piano, will take
place at the Elizabethtown Social Center on Thursday evening, September 11, at 8:15
July Sept 1951 – 132
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Persinger and their two sons and families have been enjoying the past
week or ten days at the Persinger summer home near the foot of Cobble Hill. We are glad
to see these friends about town again.
April June 1953 - 124
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Persinger have arrived at their summer home at the foot of Cobble
Oct Dec 1953- 3
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Persinger closed their summer home here last Wednesday and
returned to New York City for the winter months.
July Sept 1954 – 78
A concert by Miss Gilda Muhlbauer and Louis- Persinger for the benefit of the Essex
County Child Welfare Fund will be held in the Elizabethtown High School auditorium on
Wednesday evening, August 25, 1954. The proceeds of this fund are used for the special
needs of Essex County children in foster homes and institutions.
July Sept 1954-83
Gilda Muhlbauer, an outstanding young violinist, who has lived in Elizabethtown for the
past ten summers winning many friends, is celebrating her tenth anniversary by giving a
violin recital for the benefit of the Essex County A Welfare Fund, on Wednesday
evening, August 25th, at 8:15 in the High School auditorium.
….Louis Persinger, celebrated violinist and teacher who guides her, will be at the piano.
July Sept 1954 – 110
A large and enthusiastic audience attended the concert for the Essex County Welfare
Fund Benefit on August 25fh at the Elizabethtown-Lewis central high school auditorium.
Miss Gilda Muhlbauer, a gifted and beautifully trained young violinist, played a difficult
and exacting program with authority and lovely tonal quality. She was accompanied on
the piano by Louis Persinger, her nationally famous teacher. The occasion was very
festive, enhanced by Miss Muhlbauer's charming stage presence and the genial
distinction of Mr. Persinger—also by a bevy of attractive and delightfully gowned young
lady ushers and a small flower girl, who carried the many floral tributes to the brilliant,
youthful artist and her teacher. Both of them have been "summer residents of
Elizabethtown for many years.
July Sept 1954 – 132
Louis Persinger closed his home here Monday and motored to New York. Mrs. A
Muhlbauer and Gilda accompanied him on the trip. We wish them all a happy winter.
April June 1957 – 133
Mr and Mrs Louis Persinger arrived at their cottage Monday evening for a three weeks
stay before going to Maine for a time.
January March 1960 – 84
A corporation has been formed and plans completed for a boys’ camp to be known as
Camp Ledgewood Incorporated, on the slope of Cobble Mountain, just south of
Elizabethtown village. The organization will use the group of cottages formerly known as
“The Balsams,” now owned by (Mr. Herbert W Thomas, for a summer recreational camp
for boys from ten to fourteen years of age and will accommodate forty. The camp under
the guidance of Edwards W Diemand, director, will open June 30, and run for eight
weeks until August 25th.
The location, less than a mile from Elizabethtown village, yet far enough away from
the main highway to be practically isolated, is ideal for recreational purposes. Though
entirely surrounded by woodland, it is easily accessible by good gravel road, has
electricity, an abundance of purest mountain spring water and modern sanitary facilities.
It will have its own tennis courts and swimming pool and practically adjoins the Cobble
Hill golf course. If also offers classes in arts and crafts and music, and abundant
opportunities for hiking, mountain climbing, horseback riding, trout fishing and other
sports and games.
The news of this enterprise comes as a source of much satisfaction to the many “old
timers” who recall the days when these wooded slopes rang with the shouts and laughter
of the children who comprised the families of those who came each year to spend their
vacation days in the beauty and quiet of the hills they loved.
We wish this enterprise all success. May it bring many new faces into our midst and
inspire them with a new appreciation of nature and our Pleasant Valley.
Jan March 1966 – 81
Mountain & Valley
Won Lost
Jaycees 61 35
Kyea Truckers 59 37
Paleface 50 46
K'offee Kup 48 48
Steinhoff's 48 48
AuSable Dairy 43 53
Elm Tree Inn 41 55
Spread Eagle Inn 34 62
High teams for the week
were Jaycees with a 988 single and Kyea Truckers with a 2815 triple.
High bowlers for the
week were Bob Devlin with a 209
single and Gary Barber and Bob
Devlin each had a high triple of
524. Others with games over 190
were: Gary Barber 200, Joe Casey and Hubert Dicks 192.
Better's Bait 57 34
Zaumetzer's Diggers ' 52 40
Sharkey's 51 40
Keene Valley Garaige 50 42
Homesteaders 49 43
Art's Wa-Was 44 48
American Legion 42 50
Bulldozers 10 2
High team for the, week was
Sharkey's with a 1035 single and
2998 triple. Joe Meconi of Sharkey's was high bowler for the
week with games of 214 194 and
139 for a 547 triple. -Others with
games over 190 were: Ray Rosio
212, Al Rougeau 206, Tom Sorrell 202, Clifton LaGoy 197, N. Dolly 194 and Francis
Casey 191. Others with a 3 game series over 500 were: A. Rougeau 545, R Irwin, 520, T
Sorrell 513, C LaGoy 512, N Dolly 194 and Francis Casey 191.
Others with a 3 game series over
I 500 were: A. Rougeau 545, R.
! Irwdn 520, T. Sorrell 513, C. LaGoy 512, N. Dolly 509, Charles
Betters 509, S. Patnode 508 and
J. Coolidge 503.
April June 1967 – 16
Mr. and Mrs. Dolly who have spent the winter in Keene Valley living in their trailer, are
moving back this week to their home at the foot of Cobble. Mr. and Mrs. Dolly purchased
the property built by Mr. Seth Sprague Terry many years ago, from Mr. Herbert W
Thomas last year.
April June 1967 – 34
at Keene Central School was
Donna Coolidge 9203, Juniors Joanne Senecal 95.03. Passing all subjects the following
P-UDUS: Donald Ashe. Michael Bickford, Jane and Alice Buysse. Robert Bathgate,
Meredith Dembrosky, Del Dolly, Nelson Defendorf, Linda Estes. Douglas Feltsham,
Wendy Gregory. Michael Hartson, Robert Hickey, Julie Lewis, Lance Luck. Paula
Lewis, Jenny Marsh, Denise Miner, Thomas Mehrman. Spencer Nye Sharrone
Nicholson. Louise Reed, Gregg Senecal, Roy Sheasby, Joseph Smith, Kent Wells.
January March 1967 - 24
Louis Persinger
A recent news dispatch from the Associated Press tells of the death of Louis Persinger at
the age of 80 at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. For many years he owned
property here and was a summer resident. He had been an active member of the Julliard
School of Music having taught such violinists as Yehudi Mexxhin, Isaac Stern, Ruggiero
Ricci and Camillo Wicks.
January March 1967 – 94
Sam Snow 151-89, Bernie Shambo 145-128, Dale Changelo 132-122, Bruce Joy 154148, Dale Walton 94-79.
Vs. Keene Valley
Dave McDonough 72-98, Del Dolly 107-113, Greg Watson 98-77
League Standings
25 ½
23 ½
Keene Valley 18
19 ½
21 ½
Oct Dec 1967 – 35
Mrs. Dolly and children spent the past week end visiting Mr. Dolly where he is working.
Oct Dec 1967 – 47
Mrs. Norris Dolly and children spent the past week end with Mr. Dolly at Meacham
April June 1968 – 72
Also Jerry Dolly was baptized at the morning service. Leslie Wyant and Nelson Ruger
came into the membership by confirmation. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Dolly of the First
Baptist Church, Petersburgh, W. Va. Came into the membership by transfer of Letter as
did Mr. and Mrs. Irving Herringshaw of the First Methodist Church of Herkimer, NY and
Miss Elizabeth Bolia of Boquet Chapel Church of the Nazarene.
Mr and Mrs Jseph O’Brien of Long Island have rented the Dolly Cottage at the foot of
Cobble Hill. The O’Briens will both be teaching at the Keene Valley School the coming
Oct Dec 1968 – 10
Sunday, September 29th, we recognized those who serve in our Sunday Church School.
The staff this year is as follows: Supt., Onley Kilburn; Treas., Miss Rosamond Lobdell;
pianist, Miss Helen Arthur; nursery, Mrs. Irving Herringshaw; kindergarten, Mrs. Harold
LaPine; primary, Mrs. Norris Dolly; middler, Mrs. Duane Gillespie; junior, Mrs. Allister
MacDougal; high, Miss Rosamond Lobdell; 9th grade, John E. Deming; sr high, Mrs
Emma Allen.
Oct Dec 1968 – 18
United Congregations Church Douglas W. Passage, Minister
Women’s Fellowship will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 promptly at the Parish House –
then a few members will drive cars up to the home of Mrs. Norris Dolly’s where the
meeting will be held.
April June 1969 – 64
Del Dolly, a member of our Sunday school read the Scripture at the morning service.
April June 1969 – 72
Jerry Dolly, a member of our church and Sunday school, read the Scripture at the
morning service. Mrs. Morris played the organ Sunday morning as Miss Arthur was ill.
April June 1969 – 88
Children’s Day
Congregations Church
Douglas w Passage, Minister
The call to Worship Sunday, June 8, was by Larry MacDougal, with the Invocation by
Andrea Klein. Offering was by Charles Porter with response by the Youth Choir and
Sunday school. Programs from the Kindergarten, Primary, Middler and Junior classes
were enjoyed. Ushers were James Morgan, David Wyant, Del Dolly and James Walls.
Benediction was given by Noel Merrihew III, Mrs. Stella Morris was organist. It was so
nice to see and hear the children taking part in this program. Many, many thanks go out
to all the teachers.
Jan March 1969 – 16
The following Officers were installed for 1969 by Right Worthy Brother Arthur Hooper.
Worthy Matron, Patricia Gillespie; Worthy Patron, Duane Gillespie; Associate Matron,
Gladys Klein; Associate Patron, Bernard Porter; Secretary, Aletha Watson; Treasurer,
Alma Hooper; Conductress, Florence Gauthier; Associate Conductress, Carolyn
MacDougal; Trustee, 3 years, Gertrude Marvin; Trustee, 2 years, Jean Buckley; Trustee,
1 year, Carol Morris; Chaplain, Melba Wrisley; arshall; Doris Porter; Assistant Marshal,
Doris Merrihew; Historian, Elizabeth Alexander; Musicians, Helen Arthur and Mary
Hoper; Warder, Emma Allen; Sentinel, Reeta Hanmer; Color Bearer, Celia COonrod;
Adah, Barbara Perkins; Ruth, Marguerite Agnew; Ester, Mary Dolly; Marth, Elizabeth
Bey; Electa, Diane Wallace.
April june 1970 – 72
O.E.S. News
On Saturday evening May 23, 1970, a special meeting was held in the Lodge rooms.
….Another duet was then sung by Worthy Sister Patricia Gillespie and Sister Mary
April June 1970 – 88
Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club News
Lee M Committee Chairman was the inducting officer for our new members, Norris
Dolly and Dick Burpee Pres. John presented them with Kiwanis pins. Welcome abroad.
Jan March 1971 – 32
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Dolly flew to Puerto Valjarta, Mexico, from New York City on
Saturday, January 9th and enjoyed a five day holiday along with a group of companions,
returning home on January 16th. They report a very lovely time. Mr. Dolly combined
business with pleasure, Needless to say Mrs. Dolly really had a ball. We are very leased
for them that they had the opportunity for such a nice vacation.
Open House at Adirondack Cen. Museum July 18
Warming their welcome with flowers, members of the Elizabethtown-Westport Garden
Club will decorate the Adirondack Center Museum for its Open House on Sunday, July
18, and will help staff both floors of the old school building.
Some of the members will be assigned by Mrs. Norris J Dolly, president of the club, to be
hostesses at the Colonial Garden, like the museum, operated by the Essex County
Historical Society
Oct Dec 1971 – 26
Kiwanis Club
Attendance: Twenty-one members were present.
Guests and Visiting Kiwanians: Burt Brookins from the Lake Placid Club. Bill Whitehill
and Key Club members, Randy Norton and Jerry Dolly. It is always nice to see visiting
members and guests and especially our young Key Club members.
E Post April June 1902 – 26
The Balsams
The Balsams, not Balsami,” is the name of the new cottage settlement up back of the
Cobble Hill Golf Ground. The slight error in last week’s Post was due to failure on our
part to correctly decipher the handwriting of our informer.
The name, however, carries with it the suggestion of fragrance, rest and health and work
there among the Balsams continues with unabated interest and enthusiasm.
EP Oct Dec 1902 – 31
Seth Sprague Terry returned to New York City Sunday night after a few days stay at his
Elizabethtown summer home.
EP April June 1903 – 29
Repairs and improvements are going on at “The Balsams,” the cottage settlement up back
of the Cobble Hill Golf Ground, Charles C. Oldruff of this village having charge.
EP July Sept 1905 – 49
Seth Sprague Terry and family, who occupied the Congregational parsonage for several
weeks, left for New York Saturday night going down on the sleeper train. Mr. Terry and
family plan to pass the fall and winter in Montclair, NJ and, we are glad to be able to say,
expect to return to Elizabethtown another season.
EP Oct Dec 1905 – 5
Prospective Cottages.
Seth Sprague Terry, the New York lawyer has purchased about 7 acres of land of G.
W. Jenkins. The land is located just south of Juniper Lodge, the summer home of the
Carletons. This land is to be improved in appearance by a landscape gardener from New
York and it is expected that two cottages and a barn will be erected thereon next season,
all of which is good news to Elizabethtown dwellers generally.
EP Oct Dec 1905 – 21
Seth Sprague Terry and party here again planning for building next season. Monday Mr.
and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry, Miss Terry, Charles C. Old ruff and R. Ulrica arrived
here from New York, being met at Maplewood Inn by H. Westhoff, an architect from
Saranac Lake. They went up on to the tract of land Mr. Terry recently purchased from G.
W. Jenkins and discussed plans for the future, both as to cottages and landscape
gardening. Mr. Ulricb s the landscape gardener who laid out the Pan American
Exposition Grounds at Buffalo, N. Y. being one of the best in his Hue that the world
affords. It is understood that the appearance of the tract adjoining Juniper Lodge on the
south will be greatly improved by the touch of the landscape gardener and that two new
cottages and a barn will be erected next season, Charles C. Oldruff having charge of the
carpenter work. The materialization of the plans above outlined will mean much for
Elizabethtown in the way of improvement, adding both beauty and charm to the place.
EP 1906 – 5
More About Mr. Terry's Cottage Plans: last Saturday and Sunday. Seth Sprague Terry,
the New York lawyer, was in Elizabethtown Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of last week. While here he purchased 2 3/4 acres more land of George W.
Jenkins. Friday he and Charles C. Oldruff went to Burlington, Vt., where a contract for
inside material finish for Mr. Terry's large cottage was let to Morgan Brothers. Friday
night Mr. Terry returned to New York. Tuesday morning he arrived in Elizabethtown
again and was busy through- Qf Vermont Mr. Oldruff concerning his cottages and barn.
The plans for the barn were agreed upon, the structure to be 26 ft x 38 ft and erected at
The contract for the extensive job of plumbing in Mr. Terry's large cottage has been let.
to Elmer E. Wakefield. Over 1,500 feet of 1 inch galvanized iron pipe will be laid from a
point on Deep Hollow Brook above W. M. Kingsley's summer home to Mr. Terry's
The cottage is also to be equipped with a steam heating plant, Work on the large cottage
will .be commenced as soon as frost will permit.
EP April June 1906 – 14
Work on Seth Sprague Terry’s new barn is well under way and work on the large cottage
will be commenced in a few days.
EP 1906 – April - June - 30
Seth Sprague Terry was in town Friday and Saturday looking after his large cottage and
surrounding work.
1906 July September - 5
Silas P Cross has recently built a unique bit or miss fireplace in the Seth Sprague Terry
Seth Sprague Terry, the New York lawyer, has been in town this week looking after his
cottage work.
1906 July – September - 13
Ben Franklin, Troy’s famous tenor, has arrived at Deer’s Head Inn and will sing there
this evening.
Following is a list of guests furnished us from Deer’s Head Inn Monday:
Seth Sprague Terry
1906 July September - 25
Seth Sprague Terry is in town looking after his cottage work. Mrs. Terry and children are
to arrive Sept 1st .
1907 April - June - 21
Mr and Mrs Seth Sprague Terry and Mr Terry’s sister returned to the city by sleeper
Friday night, having enjoyed their few days sojourn here very much. In a little over two
weeks Mr Terry and family will return to Elizabethtown for the summer.
1907 April - June 25
As we understand it, W J Mulvey of Essex will take the place so well filled by Byron
Dunning of Elizabethtown for the past fourteen summer seasons, Mr Dunning having
voluntarily quit Button Island to work for Seth Sprague Terry so that he might be at
1907 July - September 17
Seth Sprague Terry and a large party visited AuSable Chasm Tuesday.
1907 October - December 13
We are pleased to be able to announce that two city cottages in Elizabethtown are still
occupied, Mrs. Powlison and Seth Sprague Terry’s family being with us.
1908 April – June - 21
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry are at their summer home in this town for a few days
overseeing the planting of some trees, etc.
1908 October – December - 1
The Kingsley cottage and the Myers cottage are closed for the season and SST and family
returned to their city home by sleeper last night. We hope to see them al lback in
Elizabethtown next summer.
April - June 1909 – 21
Mr. and Mrs. "Seth Sprague Terry and Miss Grace Terry, a sister of Mr. Terry, are at the
large Terry cottage for a four days' stay this week. They arrived Tuesday and are to return
1909 April - June - 25
—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry and Miss Grace Terry returned to their city home
Saturday after pending four days at Mr. Terry's large cottage in Elizabethtown.
—Seth Sprague Terry's men are spraying spruce trees on his Elizabethtown property this
week. Mr. Terry has provided his men with a two wheel spraying machine, equipped with
a barrel, pump, pipe, hose and a liquid mixture recommended by State Entomologist E. P.
Pelt, which recommendation was published in the Post less than year ago.
April - June 1909 – 40
Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry has arrived in Elizabethtown for the season, which fact we note
with due appreciation.
1909 July – September - 6
— Clarence J. Hicks, Secretary of the International Y. M. C. A., and all his family,
excepting a son, arrived at Seth Sprague Terry's upper cottage Saturday. Mr. Hicks
sails for Europe July 13th on a business trip. The family will remain here through the
summer and Mr. Hicks says he plans to get back here in August, being greatly taken with
1909 July - September - 10
—Seth Sprague Terry and Clarence J. Hicks went to New York City by sleeper train
Sunday night
— Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bixby were guests in Elizabethtown over Sunday and
Monday. While in Elizabethtown they were, with other friends, invited to lunch with an
old and highly esteemed friend of Mr. Bixby—Seth Sprague Terry.
—Miss Grace Terry, who has been the guest of her brother Seth Sprague Terry at his
Elizabethtown summer home for some time, has gone to New York City preparatory
to going abroad for an indefinite stay.
1909 July - September 18
-Seth Sprague Terry went to New York City by sleeper train Sunday night, accompanied
by Byron Dunning of this place, the latter going there for skilled medical exanimation,
including the x-ray.
1909 July - September 30
Clarence J Hicks, International Y.M.C.A. Secretary, arrived in New York from abroad
last week and is now with his family in Seth Sprague Terry’s upper cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. David R Porter left Elizabethtown yesterday morning after a three days’
stay with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry. Mrs. Porter is a daughter of Mr. Hinckley,
head of Good Will Farm, Hickley, ME., and Mr. Porter is one of the best known
Y.M.C.A. ment in the world. Come again Mr. and Mrs. Porter.
1909 July Sept 38
Tbe songs by Grace ClarkKabler.
Noticed in the audience were Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hand; Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway;
Judge and Mrs. F. A. Smith and Miss Smith; Judge and Mrs. Rowland C. Kellogg, Mrs.
Wm. M. Kingsley and family, Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry and party; Mr. and Mrs. James
Wadbams; Mrs. Augustus N. Hand; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. He.ydt; Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Zitiell; Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Parker; Mrs. Orlando Kellogg and Miss Kellogg; Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin F. Stetson; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Hicks; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Powlison;
Miss. Mary A. Fuller; Mrs. James M. Lawton Miss Lucy Marks; Miss Hattie Broadway;
Miss Kate D. Gilbert; Mrs. Louis Evans and Miss Tv>retby Mrs. Hcury M. Baird,
Sydney W. fSarnard, Mrs. Witherbee and party from Port Henry; Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Becker and Mrs. J. H. French from Westport.
1909 July – September - 42
—Seth Sprague Terry was at his summer home here in Elizabethtown Saturday and
Sunday, returning to New York by sleeper Sunday night.
1909 October – December - 9
—Tomorrow Seth Sprague Terry closes his summer cottages in Elizabethtown. Mr. Terry
opened his summer home here May 20th am now, after 5 mouths and 2days, goes back to
Montclair, N. J., tosettleii anew house, No. 1 Russell Terrace. May Mr. Terry's new home
in Monclair meet his every expectation a to comfort, convenience and pleasure and may
he and family come to Elizabethtown again next spring enjoy that which is incident to
being located in a most commanding spot on the Mt. Cobble slope.
1910 October – December - 1
—Seth Sprague Terry and family closed their Elizabethtown home Friday, going to their
Montclair, N J., winter home.
1911 April – June - 21
—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry were in Elizabethtown Tuesday. They go abroad next
Wednesday to remain until the middle of' September. . However, both their
Elizabethtown cottages will be occupied this season.
1912 July – September - 28
—The Rev. C. N. Arbuckle, pastor of the Redeemer Baptist Church of Yonkers, N Y., a
guest at Duraod Farm, preached a powerful sermon in the Baptist Church here Sunday
morning and the Bev. George Mont- J H. Parkburst's assistant, who occupies Seth
Sprague Terry's upper cottage did likewise in the Congregational Church.
1913 April - June - 28
- We are pleased to be able to announce that Seth Sprague Terry and family of Montclair,
N. J., arrived at their Elizabethtown summer home Tuesday afternoon. May the season
here equal every expectation.
1913 July – September - 38
—The Kingsley cottage settlement is closed for the season, the only summer cottages
now remaining open under the shadow of old Cobble being Ledge wood, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Jenkins, Juniper Lodge, the summer home of Clifford Carleton and
family and Seth Sprague Terry’s cottage.
1914 April - June - 39
—Seth Sprague Terry and family arrived at their Elizabethtown summer home Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Terry had to return to New York City Monday on account of an important
law suit he bad to try Tuesday but plans to return to his family bjjre a little, later.
1915 April - June - 33
—Seth Sprague Terry is at his Elizabethtown summer home
1915 July – September - 1
Mrs. David R Porter and children and her sister Miss Faith Hinckley are occupying one
of Seth Sprague Terry’s cottages. Mrs. Porter and Miss Hinckley are daughters of the far
famed founder of Hinckley Farm, Me.
1915 July – September - 44
, —Seth Sprague Terry and family closed their Elizabethtown summer home Tuesday
and returned to their Montclair, N. J, winter home.
1916 April – June - 37
—Seth Sprague Terry and family are to arrive at their Elizabethtown summer home today via automobile, Jacob E. Hodges having gone to Montclair, N. J. several days ago to
run the car up.
1916 January - March - 9
- Death of M. W. Sackett.
We regret exceedingly to learn of the death" of M. W. Sackett, Mrs. Seth Sprague Terry's
father. The mortal remains were buried in Meadville, Pa., Saturday. Deceased had visited
Elizabethtown several times and will be missed here in the summer season. Surviving
relatives have the sympathy of many friends here.
1916 October – December - 7
—Friday Seth Sprague Terry and family closed their autmi?et cottages here and returned
to New York City for the winter season. Pleasant winter to them.
1917 July – September - 7
Furnished cottage for the summer on the side of Cobble Hill, Magnificent view. Garage.
Apply to Seth Sprague Terry, Elizabethtown N. Y. June 21 w2.
1917 July – September - 10
Furnished cottage for the summer on the side of Cobble Hill, Magnificent view. Garage.
Apply to Seth Sprague Terry, Elizabethtown, N. Y. June 21w2.
1917 July – September - 37
—Among those who have recent1y left Elizabethtown for their winter homes might be
mentioned Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bryce, Clifford Carleton (the artist) and his family, A. J
Wadbaras and family, Seth Sprague Terry and family and the Goss family, to all of
whom we extend our best wishes. May the rigors of whiter rest lightly upon them and
may they return again next summer
1918 July – September - 40
Local Changes Incident to the Season
Seth Sprague Terry and family have closed their cottages and returned to New York
Saturday for the winter.
1919 april june 36
t:'.-.*^||tti'"Bpragtte Terry and family
:u;MX^mfo& their ffilizabethtowo sum
Tftofckiipt laslt Thursday evening.
1919 july sept 1
—Seth Sprague Terry came up from New York on the sleeper Thursday-night, arriving at
Westport Station early Friday morning, coming at once to Elizabethtown in his auto.
Early Monday morning Jtfr. Terry and family in their an to with Jacob E. Hodges as
chauffeur started out on a tour through the Green Mountains of Vermont and the White
Mountains of New Hampshire.
1920 April - June 20
-Seth Sprague Terry arrived in town last evening and returned to New York today.
1908 August - 3
—Seth Sprague Terry and family hare closed their cottage at "The "Balsams" and
returned to Montclair N. J.
Esco press
1923 aug 1924 nov
Seth Sprague Terry and family who have been aBROAD all summer. Are scheduled
to return to new york next week
1971 july sept 81
August 15.
The members of the Garden Club and their president, Mrs. Norris Dolly, would
like to urge everyone to attend and participate in the flower show and to enjoy
making it one of this year's Special Occasions.
1971 july sept 151
Garden Club President Mrs. Norris J. Dolly said that credit for the idea should go to
Essex County Historical S although the Garden Club ladies did the work, using flower
pots generously donated by Mr. Montcalm Antaya of Willsboro.
Mrs. Dolly also said that anyone who would like some of the remaining annuals should
take them from the center beds as soon as possible.
1972 april jne 122
Section Seven golfers that are eligible for the intersectionals which
will be held in Pine Plains, New York and their scores include George
Bouyea of MAI, 83; Tom Shpur of Moriah, 83; Kerry Quinn of Westport,
85; Bruce Smith of Au Sable, 66; Barry Norton of Elizabethtown, 86;
Mike Vilardo of Ticonderoga, 87, Jeff Ma Ilia of Peru, 88; Don Nichols of
Plattsburgh, 88; Jerry Dolly of Elizabethtown, 89; and Rick Depoe of
AuSable Valley, 89
1972 april june 171
Present at the meeting were all board members; Bradford Brinton, attorney
representing the Village sewer project; Livingston Hatch, representing
Patrick DiNatale of DiNatale Management Corp.; Norris Dolly, John Deere Co,
salesman; reporters and others. Mr. DiNatale, loser of the advertised."
Mr, Santor pointed out that according to factory specifications on the John Deere
machine that it would not lift the 5000 lbs. required. And Mr. Dolly replied
that if there was any problem on the lifting capacity, more counter weight could
be added. Mr. Hatch said, "A spec is a
1972 jan march 62
Mrs. Frank McCabe. Mrs. Norris Dolly of Elizabethtown, president of the group,
led the discussion on plans for the year and the special projects that will be
undertaken. New members are cordially Invited to join the group* and current
members will welcome the opportunity to talk about the Club's program,
activities and concerns with any Interested potential member.
1972 july sept 178
Championship under coach Don Huntley. The Lions, behind Les Farrell's
two goal effort, opened the campaign with a 4-2 win over the Keene Valley
Beavers on the latters' gridiron. Dave Olcott opened the scoring for the
Lions in the first period on an assist from Jerry Dolly. Following the goal
the defenses took control of the action and neither team could score again
until near the end of the third quarter when the Lions' Farrell and Fred
Hooper hit the nets to send Elizabethtown out in front 3-0.
In the fourth stanza Jerry Dolly hit on an assist from Joe Shovan. The
Beavers with Mike Whitney and Joe LeClair both scoring goals, narrowed
the score to 4-2 at game's end.
At Crown Point Jimmy Carson's
1972 oct dec 26
This past weekend should have been a good one for the sports followers in the
area with a full slate of athletic events both on the local scene and on the boob
tube. It would have been had old man weather been In a more cooperative
mood. In case anyone is short on memory, it rained. Oh how it rained! It didn't
rain on Thursday the day the sports action in the area really got under a full head
of steam with the big soccer clash between Elizabethtown and Westport with a
big crowd on hand.
Elizabethtown took the contest 6-1 with their wingmen Dave Olcott and Jerry
Dolly playing a whale of a ballgame. The Lions offense revolves around the
outside men who continually cross the ball over in front of the opposition's net. In
short, if you can't contain the Lions
1973 july sept 59
Garden Club to Meet Tues., Aug. 7
The regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club will be held Tuesday, August 7,
at the summer home of Mrs. Charles Derecskey oft Cobble Hill. Other
hostesses assisting Susan will be Mrs. Franz Leichter of Westport;
Mrs. Leichter's aunt, Mrs. Frances Pullman from New York City; Mrs. Herbert
Savel of Westport; Mrs. Paul Grinwiss of Lewis and Mrs. Norris Dolly of