Spanish /Core 146: Conversation and Composition II Spring 2009 Professor Massey CONTACT INFORMATION: OFFICE: Hafey 518 PHONE: (570) 208-5900 ext. 5777 OFFICE HOURS: Monday: 2-3 Tuesday/Thursday: 8:30-11 am E-MAIL: (Other times by appointment) CONVERSATION TABLE: Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 TEXTS: Revista: Conversación sin barreras, Second Edition. Blanco, García, and Aparisi YOUR MOODLE CONNECTION: . Select the WebCT/Moodle DESCRIPTION: This course provides for development of proficiency in the active use of the foreign language, both spoken and written. Study of the cultures of Spain and Spanish American countries acquaints the student with the contemporary lifestyle, values and attitudes of the Spanish-speaking peoples and increases cultural awareness. Prerequisite: CORE/SPAN 145 or equivalent. INTRODUCTION: An awareness of cultures in countries other than the United States deepens our understanding of the diverse world in which we live and our place in it. When we step beyond our limited cultural surroundings and attempt to enter into the minds of others in the world community, we are often confronted with values and perspectives that challenge our beliefs and assumptions. The liberally educated individual whose philosophy of life is solidly grounded in human and humane principles should understand cultural diversity and be equipped to deal with it with empathy and sensitivity. Foreign language courses and foreign culture courses taught in English provide this important dimension of a liberal arts education. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess and appreciate with deeper insight and sensitivity the culture of a foreign people; 2. to analyze the interrelation of the geography, history and cultural achievements of a foreign nation; 3. to compare and contrast the American mode of thinking, creating, behaving and communicating with a foreign mode; 4. to master a clearly defined body of knowledge drawn from the culture, e.g., from the language, literature, history, contemporary culture, etc., of a foreign people. GOALS: 1. To recognize the need to avoid prejudice, provincialism and cultural and linguistic chauvinism; 2. to understand and appreciate with empathy cultural values, patterns and points of view different from one's own; 3. to be better prepared to deal with cross-cultural contacts; 4. to develop new insights into human and cultural values; 5. to understand that language is an integral part of a national heritage; 6. to develop a broader perspective on one's own language and culture by comparing it with another; 7. to develop a global perspective which recognizes the political, economic and cultural interdependence of all nations. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1. to acquire knowledge of the contemporary lifestyle, values and attitudes of the foreign people and increase cultural awareness; 2. to gain further insights into the relationship of language and culture; 3. to begin to perceive cultural phenomena as a native would; 4. to read with a fair degree of understanding material of a cultural nature; 5. to speak the foreign language with some fluency, making use of circumlocution; 6. to engage in social conversation in the language; 7. to write on cultural topics with a relative degree of clarity and correctness; 8. to think in the language with a minimum of English interference. GRADING SCALE: 93 - 100: A 90 - 92 : A- 87 - 89 : B+ 83 - 86 : B 80 - 82: B77 - 79 : C+ 73 - 76: C 70 - 72: C- 1 60 - 69: D Below 60: F ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS: 10% Participation/Attendance: In order for you to meet the aforementioned goals and objectives, it is imperative that you attend class regularly and on time and that you participate actively. You will receive a weekly participation/attendance grade based on the following criteria. Attendance Policy: You are allowed 3 absences without penalty for. In extenuating circumstances that require you to miss more than 3 classes, you must schedule an appointment with me to discuss your options in order not to be penalized for exceeding the 3 absence limit. Generally “extra” absences are not granted without providing appropriate documentation for all classes missed. Note that homework assignments may be checked. These will count as a weekly participation grade. 20% Compositions: Four compositions will be assigned this semester. The compositions must be word-processed, double spaced with oneinch margins, using a standard font. Accents must be typed into the documents. If you are unsure as to how to type in accents in Word or Word Perfect, please see me for help. All compositions should be a minimum of one page in length and not more than two pages. All compositions must be submitted by e-mail using the following format: 1. Include a heading with your name and the paper # at the top of your document. (Otherwise, when I print it, I don’t know to whom it belongs). 2. Title your document. 3. Save the document in Microsoft Word. Using other programs means I cannot access your paper. 4. Submit your document as an e-mail attachment by 6 pm on the due date to: 5. Title your e-mail: Paper #___. 6. Request a confirmation: Before submitting your e-mail, go to Options and ask for a “Delivery receipt”. When I open your document, I will send you a confirmation that it has been read. PLEASE NOTE: When writing compositions, more is not always better. Use what you know, check your work, refer to the library resources (there are Spanish thesauri available). You are only required to write a one page essay for any of the compositions. Start as soon as you get the assignment. Begin by brainstorming your ideas before you write. Apply the tools of your effective writing class to this course. It will make a difference. Since writing well is a process, you will have an opportunity to rework the first three (3) compositions for a grade. The initial assignments will be graded with comments indicating areas in which the work can be improved and returned as a hard copy. You will then have opportunities to improve on all or part of your work and to turn in the rewritten material as a hard copy along with the previous draft and accompanying grading rubric. Please note that no compositions will be regraded unless they are accompanied by the previous draft and rubric. Compositions will be re-graded using the same criteria as previously used. The grades will be averaged. NO LATE RE-WRITES WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!! Outside help on compositions from sources other than approved tutors or the professor will be considered cheating and may result in a grade of 0 on the assignment. The Writing Center may have a Spanish-speaking tutor on hand. (See the information on plagiarism.) 15% WrittenTests / 10% Final Exam There will be written tests after Chapters 4 and 5. The Final Exam will be cumulative with emphasis on Chapter 6. The date, time and place for the Final Exam will be announced by the Registrar’s Office. Test material will come from the textbook, notes and the video. Students will have the entire class for tests. 2 15% Quizzes To assist students in preparing for tests, there will be both announced and unannounced quizzes throughout the semester. Material will come from the textbook and the video. Listening activities may be read by the instructor or be dictations from the video but will relate to topics discussed in class. Announced quizzes will be 20 minutes in length and will be given at the start of class. Unannounced quizzes will range from 10 to 20 minutes in length. The remaining time will be used for other material 15% Oral Exams and Dialogues: There will be 2 oral exams during the semester. Students will converse individually with me using vocabulary and structures developed during the semester. Oral exams will be given outside of class and will be scheduled by appointment. Students are expected to keep the appointments for oral exams. If a student needs to cancel an appointment, he/she must notify me in advance by phone, e-mail, or in person. Failure to make such a notification will result in a grade of 0 for the individual. Dialogues will be administered during class. Students will work with a partner or group to elaborate on a topic. Assignments may be given in advance or speaking may be extemporaneous. Dialogues will be graded according to the accompanying rubric. Students are not allowed to use notes during the presentation. Props are allowed. It is recommended that students prepare for the dialogues by outlining their ideas and then practicing adlibbing the information. Dialogues should be 2-5 minutes in length. When working with a partner, it is your responsibility to exchange contact information. 10% Service Learning Project: Since this is a conversation course, you will be given a chance to converse on various topics in your major field and with native speakers. This gives you access to a greater number of “voices”. Students are expected to complete a ten hour Service Learning Project with one of the Community Partners. The project is described in greater detail in the document Service Learning Project. For students whose schedules pose a conflict Service Learning, other arrangements can be made, but I will need documentation from a professor, coach, employer, etc. Please consult with me as to what constitutes appropriate documentation. PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING: PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING: Often plagiarism and cheating are clear cut. But, some cases are defined by circumstances. On a final exam where work is expected to be individual effort, copying is clearly cheating. When students are instructed to work together, the end product is intended to be a collaborative effort. Sometimes plagiarism is defined by the particular discipline. Judges frequently sign their own names to documents written by law clerks. In this class all work is to be your own. Unapproved outside assistance is not permitted, including but not limited to cheat sheets, copying, purchasing papers, using Cliff’s notes, etc. Students may request assistance from the professor or the WRITING CENTER. If a quiz or exam must be made up, discussion of the exercise with students who have yet to complete the assignment is cheating. Finally, all sources must be cited when quoting or representing ideas developed by another. Students should use MLA format to cite sources. If you are question whether something is cheating: ASK or DON’T DO IT. 3 Many people feel cheating is a victimless crime; this is not true. For example, three students cheat on a test and receive A’s. The other students earn grades from A- to F. Who suffers? 1. The Cheaters: The instructor does not know if they understood the material and cannot help them. The Class: Instructors base decisions on students’ grades and may have chosen to repeat material (give a re-test?) if fewer students had had such excellent grades. 2. Employers: Some hiring decisions are based on transcripts. If grades do not reliably indicate a student’s performance, the employer isn’t getting what he expects. 3. Other students: Many opportunities are based on grades. Cheating robs qualified candidates of jobs, scholarships, etc. Cheaters may be overwhelmed in positions for which they are not qualified. 4. Future Students: If cheating is a campus culture, employers may begin to believe that King’s students as a whole are unprepared and choose to recruit elsewhere. 5. Society: The ethics of a group bear on the success of the group as a whole. When a community is made up of those who cheat (take ENRON or Madoff as an example), the group is destined to fail. WHAT ARE CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM? Some aspects of plagiarism and cheating are “no brainers”. Copying someone’s answers on the SAT’s is definitely cheating. However, sometimes the particular discipline or area of study sets the rules. For instance, a judge may have her law clerk write an opinion but sign her own name to the document. This is a common, and acceptable, practice within the legal system. For the purposes of this class, ALL work is expected to be your own. Unless otherwise specifically instructed in class, when you sign your name to a document, composition, test paper, quiz, etc, or e-mail a document under your name, or represent a document as your work, it is expected that you and only you have researched, edited, and written the document, answered any questions associated with the document, and done all work without assistance from unapproved outside sources. Tests and quizzes are to be completed individually; they are NOT a group effort. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION: MOODLE: MOODLE is the new on-line system for delivering course material. There, you will find: A copy of the master syllabus A list of readings, assignments, homework listings updated weekly Due date reminders Reading quizzes Postings of any changes to the master syllabus Links to on-line resources and information and general information that may help you To access MOODLE, go to . Select the WebCT/Moodle. Use your King’s user name and password. MAKE-UP WORK: Assignment dates are clearly marked on the syllabus and will be adhered to. In cases when the College closes, tests will be administered and other assignments due on the next scheduled class day. For any test or quiz that a student misses during the semester, the next most similar assignment will count twice. No MAKE UP QUIZZES OR TESTS WILL BE ADMINISTERED! LATE WORK: VERY IMPORTANT!! Except for compositions (see procedures above), assignments are due in class on the date indicated on the syllabus. Late work will be accepted but will be penalized with a reduction in grade. Late work turned in on paper MUST be submitted directly to me at which time I will record the time and date of submission. Assignments will be accepted by e-mail, but you must request a delivery receipt to confirm delivery. Delivery will be confirmed once I open and read the e-mail. It is not automatic. If you do not receive a delivery confirmation within one week of submitting your assignment, I have not received it. E-mail submissions will be recorded as having been received based on the If you miss a class, you a responsible for the material addressed in class. 4 VIEWING THE VIDEOS: Your textbook has a video as a first assignment in each chapter. These videos may be viewed on the Supersite that you may access with the code accompanying your textbook. If you do not have a code, you will find information at the end of this syllabus for purchasing access to the Supersite. You will also find information on accessing the site. E-MAIL: To facilitate communication I will only contact you through your King’s e-mail address. It is imperative that you check this on a regular basis and that you empty your mailbox. RUBRICS: Grading rubrics for the various types of assignments have been included with this syllabus for your reference. EXTRA CREDIT: During the semester, there will be various extra-credit activities. These will be posted on MOODLE. Participation in these events can earn you points towards an assignment. Attend the meeting or the event and I will give you a BONUS COUPON to hand in with the assignment you wish to use it on. There is a 4 point extra credit limit per assignment. Coupons are worth 2 points. On your coupon, indicate the assignment you want to use it on. CELL PHONES/BEEPERS/ETC. Please turn off all cell phones, beepers, etc. before class. Their use will affect your participation grade. OFFICE HOURS/EXTRA HELP/TUTORING: Should you find that you need extra help during the semester, please feel free to schedule an appointment with me or consult with the campus tutoring facility located in Mulligan in the Academic Skills Center. In many cases problems are easily resolved early in the semester but become almost impossible if you wait until mid-term or later!!! I don’t bite, and will do my level best to help you make it through the semester and learn as much Spanish as possible. I won’t let you cut corners because that’s not in your best interests, but if you let me know that you’re overwhelmed, I might be able to help you figure out just how to use that evasive preterit. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities should make an appointment with me during the first week of class. THE LAST WORD If your plan is to sit back, do nothing, and simply buy your diploma, there are plenty of unaccredited, on-line universities eager to take your money and present you with a worthless piece of paper that they call a diploma. However, in the end you will have accomplished nothing. Conversely, in this class you will have to work in order to LEARN. It will rarely be easy. It may be downright frustrating. BUT… it will certainly be rewarding to see what you can achieve. This is true of most things in life: the more you put in, the more you get out. 5 SUPERSITE ACCOUNT INFO How to Purchase a Supersite account: Students can buy a Supersite code at for $25 (with instant email delivery). You’ll use that code to log-on and add yourselves to the fall course. How to set up your REVISTA Supersite account and enroll in your Instructor's course Overview So that you can see your assignments and due dates, receive important announcements, and communicate with your Instructor and classmates, you will need to set up an account on the REVISTA Supersite, and then enroll as a registered student in your Instructor's course. Brief Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Go to the Student Registration page. Go to: Enter the Passcode printed inside your textbook. Choose your username and password, and enter your contact information. Find your school by selecting Colleges/Universities in Pennsylvania. Select Kings College from the list of schools. From the list of available courses, select Conversation and Composition taught by instructor Anne Massey, from Aug 27, 2007 to Dec 07, 2007. 7. Select the Section 1 section. Detailed Instructions 1. If you haven't done so already, you will need to set up an account on the REVISTA Supersite. To do this, visit the Student Registration page (the link will open in a new window. Go to: 2. Bound into the front of your new textbook is a card that has the Passcode allowing you access to the Supersite. You will need to scratch off the silver coating to view your Passcode. The Passcode is made up of six letters. Show me 3. Type your Passcode into the text box and click the Enter button. Show me 4. You will next select a permanent, personal Username and Password. You will use the new Username and Password that you choose to log into the Supersite on all future visits. You won't use the Passcode any more. 5. If your school uses a Student ID system, enter your Student ID here, to help your Instructor manage his or her course roster. If you don't have a Student ID, you can leave this field blank. 6. Make sure you enter a valid E-mail address, because your Instructor will need to be able to contact you regarding assignments, announcements, and class discussions. When you have filled out the whole form, click the Submit button. 7. After you click Submit, your Supersite account will be active, and you can use your new Username and Password to log in. However, will still need to Enroll in your Instructor's course. 8. First, find your school by selecting Pennsylvania from the list of States/Provinces, and Colleges/Universities for the type of School. Show me 9. From the list of schools on the next page, click on Kings College. If your school has more than one campus listed, make sure you select the right one. 10. From the list of available courses, select Conversation and Composition taught by instructor Anne Massey. Choose the appropriate dates. 11. Select the section named "Section 1". 12. Finally, you will see a confirmation screen with your Username and Password, and confirmation of your course enrollment. Please make sure to print this page out or write down the information, and keep it in a place where it will be easy to refer to. 6 DATE Mon., Jan. 12 Wed., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 16 Mon., Jan 19 (Short class) Wed., Jan. 21 Fri., Jan. 23 Mon., Jan 26 Wed., Jan. 28 Fri., Jan. 30 Mon., Feb. 2 Wed., Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 6 Mon., Feb. 9 Wed., Feb. 11 Fri., Feb. 13 Mon., Feb. 16 Wed., Feb. 18 Fri., Feb. 20 Mon., Feb. 23 Wed., Feb. 25 Fri., Feb. 27 COURSE CALENDAR1 TOPICS / DUE DATES Introduction to Course Vocabulary pp. 90 Vocabulary pp. 90 Cortometraje: El ojo en la nuca ASSIGN PAPER #1: DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 26 Cortometraje: El ojo en la nuca Cortometraje: El ojo en la nuca Cortometraje: El ojo en la nuca QUIZ #1: VOCABULARY Cortometraje: El ojo en la nuca Subjunctive Forms PAPER #1 DUE Subjunctive in subordinate noun clauses and in impersonal expressions Subjunctive in subordinate noun clauses and in impersonal expressions Subjunctive in subordinate noun clauses and in impersonal expressions QUIZ #2: SUBJUNCTIVE FORMS AND USES (PART I) Vocabulary pp. 98 La Tortilla ASSIGN SPEAKING TEST #1: DUE BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 La Tortilla La Tortilla Vocabulary pp. 102 ASSIGN PAPER #2: DUE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Carta abierta a mi nieto ASSIGN DIALOGUE #1: DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 NO CLASS: PROFESSOR AT CONFERENCE Work on Dialogue and Paper Carta abierta a mi nieto DIALOGUE #1 Carta abierta a mi nieto PAPER #2 DUE QUIZ #3: VOCABULARY Carta abierta a mi nieto Vocabulary pp. 107 Reading Poetry SPEAKING TEST #1 DUE MONDAY, MARCH 2 – FRIDAY, MARCH 6: WINTER RECESS Mon., March 9 Wed., March 11 Fri., March 13 Mon., March 16 1 Yo misma fui mi ruta ASSIGN SPEAKING TEST #2: DUE BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 Yo misma fui mi ruta EXAM #1 Subjunctive in adjective and adverb clauses ASSIGN PAPER #3: DUE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 The COURSE CALENDAR is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. 7 Wed., March 18 Fri., March 20 Mon., March 23 Wed., March 25 Fri., March 27 Mon., March 30 Wed., April 1 Fri., April 3 Mon., April 6 Wed. April 8 Subjunctive in adjective and adverb clauses DIALOGUE #2 ASSIGNED: DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Subjunctive in adjective and adverb clauses QUIZ #4: SUBJUNCTIVE IN ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB CLAUSES Vocabulary pp. 126 Drácula y los niños PAPER #3 DUE Drácula y los niños Vocabulary pp. 135 El mono que quiso ser autor satírico Q UIZ #5: VOCABULARY El mono que quiso ser autor satírico DIALOGUE #2 ASSIGN PAPER #4: DUE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 EXAM #2 Vocabulary pp. 146 Bajo la sombrilla ASSIGN DIALOGUE #3: DUE MONDAY, APRIL 20 EASTER RECESS Wed., April 15 Fri, April 17 Mon., April 20 Wed., April 22 Fri., April 24 Mon., April 27 Wed., April 29 Bajo la sombrilla Bajo la sombrilla DIALOGUE #3 PAPER #4 DUE Vocabulary pp. 158 ¿Cuáles son las prioridades de la humanidad para las próximas décadas? ¿Cuáles son las prioridades de la humanidad para las próximas décadas? ¿Cuáles son las prioridades de la humanidad para las próximas décadas? FINAL EXAM SPEAKING—NO CLASS 8 Speaking Test and Dialogue Rubric: *Intermediate grades in half point increments may also be given when students fall between category descriptors. Score* Functional Ability Refers to the ability to recognize the type of behavior the situation requires in terms of register and tone as well as the ability to open and close the conversation appropriately. Interactional Competence Reflects the ability to move the conversation forward, in other words, the ability to hold up one’s end of the conversation. Grammatical Accuracy and Fluency This reflects the flow, comprehensibility, and linguistic accuracy of speech. Flawless: 10 Excellent: 9 Very Good: 8 Fair: 7 Poor: 6 5 Failing: 3 0 10=flawless performance 9=Performance above expectations Total 8=Meets expectations 7=Meets few requirements Final Grade 6=Meets almost no requirements 5=Effort present, failure to meet requirements 3=Present for speaking test but ability falls far below level 0=Fails to complete assignment Student: _______________________________________________ 9 _________________ / 30 _________________ Composition Grading Guide Name: _____________________ Composition #_______ Draft #_______ Score_________ QUALITY AND ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS 18 / 19 / 20 Excellent: Interesting. Captures attention. Appropriate for intended audience. Coherent argument, strong transitions. Clear paragraph structure. Thorough development. Developed conclusion. Important, well-chosen ideas and examples ideas. Avoids the mundane. 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 Good: Meets most requirements of the assignment. Coherent. Some minor weaknesses may be indicated in transitions/paragraphing. Maintains structure of introduction, development, and conclusion, although the conclusion may be somewhat weaker than in an excellent paper. 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 Fair: Meets some criteria of the assignment. On topic. Overall argument present. Effort at transitions. Attempt at paragraphing. Attempt to have a clear introduction and body. 5/6/ 7 / 8/9 Poor: Fails to meet the criteria of the assignment in some major aspect. WILLINGNESS AND ABILITY EXPERIMENT WITH NEW, SOPHISTICATED STRUCTURES 10 Excellent: Correctly incorporates new and/or advanced vocabulary and structures 8/9 Good: Makes an effort to incorporate new/and or advanced structures into the essay and is largely / somewhat successful with this. 7 Fair: Some effort to incorporate new and/or advanced structures, but success is limited and/or structures are less advanced. 5/6 Poor: Little to no effort to incorporate advanced structures or structures incorrect. ABILITY TO MAKE IDEAS UNDERSTOOD 18 / 19 / 20 Excellent: Entirely comprehensible. No major “glitches”. 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 Good: Mostly comprehensible. 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 Fair: Some interference with comprehensibility. 5 / 6 / 7 / 8/9 Poor: Major issues with comprehensibility. USE AND RANGE OF WORD CHOICES, VOCABULARY, IDIOMS, ETC. 18 / 19 / 20 Excellent: Wide range of appropriately chosen words and idioms. Creative. 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 Good: Range of word choice. Use of circumlocution. Creativity. 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 Fair: Some repetition, inaccuracies and/or dictionary errors. 5/ 6 /7/ 8 /9 Poor: Repetition of vocabulary. Errors interfere with communication. GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY 18 / 19 / 20 Excellent: Errors of tense, mood, agreement, etc. are non-existent or minimal and occur only in regard to sophisticated structures. 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 Good: Some errors of tense, mood, agreement, etc, but meaning is unaffected. 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 Fair: Frequent grammatical errors. Meaning hampered. 5/6/7/8/9 Poor: Errors predominate paper. PUNCTUATION, SPELLING, ACCENT MARKS 10 Excellent: Paper absent of mechanical errors (ie. accents/spelling) 8/9 Good: Few mechanical errors 7 Fair: Some mechanical errors 5/6 Poor: Mechanical errors predominate paper 10 Accents and Special Characters in Microsoft Word There are several ways to put accent marks/special characters in a WORD document. Method I 1. Go to INSERT on the MENU BAR at the top of the screen 2. Select SYMBOL 3. In the SUBSET box (upper right hand corner) choose Latin-1 4. Select the character you want and click on it (Note: You may need to scroll next to the box of possible character options to find what you are searching for.) 5. Click INSERT and CLOSE to select the character and return to your document. Method II 1. Type the code for the character and then type ALT x. The code will convert to the character automatically. á 00E1 ¡ 00A1 é 00E9 ¿ 00BF í 00ED ü 00FC ó 00F3 Ü 00DC ú 00FA Ñ 00D1 Á 00C1 ñ 00F1 É 00C9 Í 00CD Ó 00D3 Ú 00DA Method III 1. Type CTRL ‘ (apostrophe). This will produce no response. Type the vowel. The accent will appear over the vowel. 2. For ¿, type CTRL SHIFT ALT ? 3. For ¡, type CTRL SHIFT ALT ! 4. For ü, type CTRL SHIFT : This will produce no response. Then type u or U. NOTE: For Special Characters in Microsoft PowerPoint and other programs, you may need to switch the language in which your computer functions. This will also allow you to spell check in Spanish. Be careful, however, as the computer will not catch words that are spelled correctly but misused. The Language can be changed through the TOOLS menu on the bar at the top of your screen. 11 Service Learning Project: Spanish for the Real World TO THE STUDENT: Basic Description: In this project, you will work with a Community Partner to complete a minimum of 10 hours of service using your knowledge of Spanish. Prior to beginning the project, you will set personal goals in conjunction with your instructor and with the agency. In addition, you will be asked to write and to speak about your experience in Spanish as part of the assigned class composition and dialogue topics. Expectations: While each agency will set specific objectives, overall expectations will remain the same for all students. In order to see that expectations are met, agency supervisors will be asked to 1) visit the class to describe their agency and its mission 2) enter into a Service Learning Contract with the student that outlines the expectations and objectives of the agency, the course instructor, and the student 3) provide the student with an initial orientation to the agency and indicate to whom problems or questions should be directed 4) sign the time log that the student MUST bring to each service contact experience, 4) complete a mid-semester and final evaluation check list in order for the course instructor to calculate a mid-term and final grade for this activity. The expectations on which students will be evaluated are: --Completion of hours, timeliness, and scheduling --Appropriate appearance and behavior for volunteer site --Work ethic --Knowledge of agency’s mission as demonstrated by specific behaviors and actions --Ability to work with others --Advancement towards pre-specified project objectives as outlined by the course instructor, the agency, and the student 12 Student Attendance Log Name of Student: Name of Agency: TO THE STUDENT: You are responsible for taking this log to each agency contact experience. Record the date of your experience. At the start of your visit record time in. At the end, record time out. Calculate the length of the visit and complete a brief description of the activities completed. Have your supervisor or the supervisor’s designee verify your service hours and activity description for the day. Note that if you fail to bring the log to a contact experience, you will not be able to record your hours for that day! At the end of the project, get a final total of your hours and have your supervisor sign off on this. Date of Experience Time In Time Out Total Hours Activities Description TOTAL SERVICE HOURS= 13 Supervisor’s Signature Mid-Semester / Final Evaluation (Circle One) Name of Student: Supervisor Completing Evaluation: Agency: Scale: 4: Excellent: Expectation fully met 3: Good: Expectation met 2: Fair: Expectation sometimes met but could use some improvement 1: Poor: Expectation rarely met 0: Failing: Expectation met at an unacceptable level 1. Completion of Hours, Timeliness, and Scheduling: Expectation: Student is efficient in creating and maintaining a schedule. Student is courteous and respects the time of others. Student is prompt and prepared. Student spreads the assignment evenly throughout the semester rather than attempting to “lump” hours together in a desperate attempt to complete the activity. 4 3 2 1 0 2. Appropriate appearance and behavior: Expectation: Student’s dress, cleanliness, and overall appearance are appropriate for the service agency and site. The student’s behavior is professional and appropriate for the situations in which he/she is involved. The student obeys all rules set forth by the Community Partner. 4 3 2 1 0 3. Work ethic: Expectation: The student is clearly involved and interested in the assigned tasks and seeks assistance if a task is too difficult or confusing. If the situation warrants, the student demonstrates initiative. Overall, he or she is an asset to the agency and reflects the service side of service learning. 4 3 2 1 0 4. Knowledge of the agency’s mission as demonstrated by specific behaviors and actions: Expectation: The student clearly understands agency’s mission and exemplifies it during the project. The student is able to reflect the mission by performing tasks which further the mission of the agency and by demonstrating enthusiasm for the work that he or she has undertaken. 4 3 2 1 0 5. Ability to work with others: Expectation: The student is able to work with a variety of people in settings outside the college classroom. The student adjusts to unfamiliar environments and situations, is able to interact with both groups and individuals, and can collaborate or work alone. The student capably handles minor day-to-day issues, but should more significant matters arise, also knows whom to contact. . 4 3 2 1 0 5. Advancement towards project objectives outlined in the Service Learning Contract: Expectation: The student has made sufficient progress toward and/or achieved the objectives outlined in the Service Learning Contract. 4 3 2 1 0 14 SERVICE LEARNING CONTRACT Spanish for the REAL WORLD: Spanish Conversation I and II Fall / Spring 20___ Course Instructor: Dr. Anne Massey King’s College Department of Foreign Languages 133 North River St. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18711 (570) 208-5900 (ext. 5777) Date due to course instructor: ________ Total hours required: 10 Student Information: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Local Phone: _______________________________ King’s e-mail:____________________________ Community Partner Information: Agency Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Course Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. to acquire knowledge of the contemporary lifestyle, values, and attitudes of the Latino people and to increase cultural awareness to gain further insights into the relationship of language and culture to begin to perceive cultural phenomena as a native would to read with a fair degree of understanding material of a cultural nature to speak the foreign language with some fluency and make use of circumlocution to engage in social conversation in the target language to write on cultural topics with a relative degree of clarity and correctness to think in the language with a minimum of English interference to communicate in Spanish in a variety of settings relevant to daily life, family, social interaction and topics of general interest to increase awareness of Latino culture in general and in the Wilkes-Barre area more specifically Learning Objectives: To be completed by the student and approved by the course instructor and the site supervisor. Below, please describe three learning goals/objectives for your work with this organization. These should relate to the course goals provided by your instructor, to the mission of the community partner, and to your own personal experience and development. 1. 2. 3. 15 Student Responsibilities: I agree to: 1. Work diligently to complete the learning objectives stated above. 2. Arrive on time for every session. 3. Call and inform the site ahead of time if I am unable to work when scheduled. 4. Be patient and productive and to make the best use of my time at the agency. 5. Make certain that I know to whom at the agency I should report any concerns, and inform my professor should any problems arise. 6. Keep an accurate record of my hours and complete the number of hours required by the class/agency. 7. Maintain a professional and cooperative attitude, appearance, and behavior. 8. Maintain confidentiality of students/staff/clients with whom you work and hold in confidence all information learned in the course of your service, whether that information is obtained through written records or daily interaction. _________________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________ Date Placement Site Responsibilities: I / We agree to: 1. Work to assist the student in completing the learning objectives stated above. 2. Provide information to the student about the agency and its services to the community. 3. Provide the student with the name and contact information of someone at the agency to whom he/she should report any concerns. 4. Verify the students hours. 5. Effectively monitor the performance of each student and complete the mid-term and final evaluations. 6. Contact the course instructor immediately if efforts to resolve problems with the student are unsuccessful. _________________________________________ Placement Site Supervisor’s Signature _________________________ Date Instructor’s Responsibilities: I agree to: 1. To assist the student and the community partner in establishing and completing the learning objectives stated above. 2. To the best of my ability, to match agencies with students whose level of language is sufficient to complete the assigned tasks. 3. To resolve problems between students and community partners effectively. 4. To provide the community partner with any necessary or helpful information. _________________________________________ Instructor Signature _________________________ Date 16