periode 3 - Académie de Bordeaux

à partir des situations de communication du site de l’I.A. Dordogne
I introduce myself
Séance 1 à 12
I introduce myself
Séance 1 à 12
Halloween chant
“knock knock…”
Maternelle Rhymes
Old Mac Donald
Making a
Christmas Card
Rhyme Five Little
PE Games
Game Where is it ?
Game Who are you ?
Penfriend Letter 1
(my pets)
Obstacle Course
Nombres de 1 à
10 à l’oral
Date à l’oral
What’s your
favourite colour ?
The Very Hungry
At the Coffee Shop
Buying Fruits
Sports Survey
A Birthday
Brown Bear
The Muffin Recipe Nombres de 1 à
From Head To Toe 50 oral
PE Games
Going Through The
Customs 1
Halloween “The Dark
Rituel météo et
Playing School with
a Chatterbox
Toys Survey
Going Through The
Customs 2
Halloween “The Dark
The Weather
The Fashion Show
Mr Wolf’s Week
Guy Fawkes
PE lesson : warm
Our Monster Book
The Breakfast
Guess Who
Penfriend letter 2 (my
Penfriend letter 3
- This is my school day
(my house, my
- Révisions avec TV
Goldilocks and the
Three Bears
Nombres de 1 à
20 à l’oral
Date à l’oral
Nombres de de
1 à 20 à l’écrit
20 à 50 à l’oral
Jours à l’écrit
Lire la date
Date à l’écrit
Nombres de 50
à 100 oral et
Date à l’écrit
I introduce
Séance 1 à 12
Numbers 1 to 6
How are you ? /
I’m fine, thank you
! / I’m not very well
Hello ! / Good
morning ! / Good
afternoon !
How old are you ?
/ I’m seven.
What’s your name
? / My name is
I introduce myself
Séance 1 à 12
Numbers 1 to 10
How are you ? / I’m fine, thank
you ! / I’m not very well !
Hello ! / Good morning ! / Good
afternoon !
How old are you ? / I’m seven.
What’s your name ? / My name is
Where do you live ? / I live in
A Birthday Invitation
L’âge, l’anniversaire ,
jours de la semaine, mois,
la date
Moyens de communication
Codes socio-culturels /
de politesse (Dear / Love
L’heure (at 03 pm)
How old are you ?
I’m 9.years old.
Happy birthday to you !
Today is …Yesterday was …
Tomorrow will be …
I’m the first / the second
When is your birthday
- My birthday is in May.
The first day of February
is a Sunday.
Wednesday December 16th
Who’s the twenty-third ?
Ana is the twenty-third.
- What’s your adress ?
- My adress is :
- What’s your phone
number ?
- My phone number is 05
53 45 67 90
Bob lives at the second
Going Through The
Customs 1
Révision avec TV Game
Voir plus bas
Playing School with a
Going Through The
Customs 2
Formules de politesse
Vie de classe : actions,
activités, matériel,
“What colour is your pen ?”
“Can I go to the toilet, please
“Can I have a blue pen / pair of
…please ?. - Here you are. Thank you.
- You’re welcome !” - “You’re
Fold/ Colour / stick / draw…
Take your pencil case…. /
Point to …. /
Put your hand up. / Sit
properly. / Take out your book
/ Point to the board
Classroom, clock, chair, desk,
blackboard, ruler, pencil, pen,
case, notebook, schoolbag,
glue stick, a pair of scissors, a
rubber, colouring
pencils, felt tip pens.
1,2,3,4 Come in please What
colour is your pen ? It’s blue.
a shirt – a skirt – a pair of
socks – a pair of shoes – a
pair of trousers – a T-shirt – a
dress – a coat – a scarf – an
anorak – a sweater – a jacket
– boots – a blouse
Colours Hello ! Good morning !
What’s your name ? My name is
The Customs
How old are you ? I’m 10
Where do you live ? I live in
What’s your nationality ? I’m
Have you got something to
declare ? No, I’ve got three
shirts, four pairs of socks and a
coat. Show me your passport !
OK ! Good bye ! Thank you !
Good bye !
In my suitcase, I’ve got three
pairs of trousers...
basket - table - chair- fridge
- cat - dog - rabbit
prépositions : under,on, in,
black - white
presenter -Player number
one! Good evening!
Player number one -Good
The presenter -What’s your
Player number one -My name
is Karin.
The presenter -How old are
you Karen?
Player number one -I’m 11.
The presenter-What’s your
nationality Karen ?
Player number one : -I’m
The presenter-Where do you
live ?
Player number one : -I live in
The presenter-And how are
you Karen ?
Player number one : -I’m fine,
thank you !
Where is the cat ?
The cat is under the table.
Going Through The
Customs 1
I introduce
Idem plus haut
I introduce myself
Good morning / afternoon
Countries : Italy – Germany –
France – Spain – Great Britain
– Portugal
Nationalities : Italian –
German – French – Spanish –
British – Portuguese
Numbers : one – two – three –
four – five – six – seven –
eight – nine – ten – eleven twelve
How are you John ? / I’m fine,
thank you !
How old are you John ? / I’m
What’s your name ? / My name is
Where do you live ? / I live in
What’s your nationality ? / I’m
Idem plus haut
Penfriend letter 1 (my
a dog, a cat, a goldfish, a bird, a
tortoise, a rabbit, a hamster, a
guinea, pig, a mouse
Have you got any cats ? / - Yes, I
- Where do you live ? / - I live in
- How many rabbits have you got
? / - I’ve got one rabbit.
- What’s your nationality ? / - I’m
- What's your name? / My name is
My phone number is 05
53 64 76 89 - What pet have you
got ? - I’ve got a dog and
two cats.
Our Monster Book
a head, a shoulder, a knee, a toe, a
mouth, a nose, an eye, an ear,an
arm, a leg, a foot, a hand
Numbers (until 100)
I’ve got long brown hair and blue eyes.
She’s got four hands but she’s got no
arms. Have you got brown eyes ? / Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t. He hasn’t
got any legs. / He’s got a big nose.
Has he got three eyes ? / Yes, he has.
/ No, he hasn’t. - Have you got … ? I’ve got;;;- How tall are you ? I’m 155
cm tall.
Guess Who
short – long – dark – blond
– a moustache – hair –
a tie, a necklace, a hat,
glasses, earrings
- Is it a boy or a girl ?
- It’s a girl.
- Is she wearing a hat ?
- No, she isn’t.
Penfriend letter 2 (my
- Has she got blond hair?
- Yes, she has.
Dear Phil,
- Has she got short hair?
How are you ?
- No, she hasn’t.
I’m in CM1. I’ve got green eyes and
- Is she wearing glasses ?
long blond hair. I’ve got one sister,
- No, she isn’t.
Claire. She’s 14 years old. She’s got
blond hair and blue eyes. I haven’t got
Has she got dark hair ?
any brothers. My father’s name is Paul. - Yes, she has.
He’s 35. My mother’s name is Jeanne.
- Has she got short hair ?
She’s 33. Tell me about your family.
- No, she hasn’t.
Yours Nicole
- Is she wearing a necklace?
Have you got brown eyes ? / - Yes, I
have. / - No, I haven’t. Have you got
- Yes, she is.
any brothers or sisters ?
- Is it Megan ?
Yes, I have one brother. No, I haven’t
- Yes it is.
got any sister. How many brothers
- I’m the winner !
/sisters have you got ? What’s your
father’s name ?My father’s name is
Victor. How old is your father / mother
? He / She is ….
Penfriend letter 2 (my
The Very Hungry
What’s your
favourite colour ?
blue, red, yellow,
green, black,
white, brown,
purple, orange,
pink ,
grey - Numbers
(until 12)
Sarah, what’s your
favourite colour ? /
My favourite colour
is purple.
Stuart, what’s your
favourite number ?
/ My favourite
number is 12.
What colour is it ? /
It’s yellow.
- What's your favourite
colour / number ?
- Yellow ! / Four.
apple, pear, plum,
orange, lollipop, sausage,
slice of Swiss cheese / one
slice of salami / one slice
watermelon, one piece of
chocolate cake / one piece
cherry pie, cookie, coca
Thirsty, hungry
les jours de la semaine
réactivation des Numbers
till 10
What is it ? An apple / a
“Close your eyes” . “Open
eyes.” “What’s missing ?”;
« I’m very hungry ». « Can I
have an apple, please.»
« Yes, here you are ! »
«Thank you. » ; « No, sorry
« Yum! Yum!, it’s delicious !
«Yuk ! It's awful !»
On Monday, he ate through
1 apple »
A Birthday Invitation
Idem plus haut
Numbers (until 50)
Buying Fruits
Numbers till 20
Fruit : apple - strawberry
- lemon - banana grapes - plum - cherry orange - peach - pear
What’s this ? It’s a banana.
What are these ? These
are pears.
I like …
I don’t like … Do you like …
? Yes, I do. No, I don’t .
Have you got an orange ?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Can I have the purple
strawberry, please ? - Yes,
you can. (Here it is !)
- No, you can’t.
Can I have three oranges, a
kilo of strawberries and five
apples, please ?
- Here you are !
- How much is it ?
- It’s five pounds.
- Here you are !
- Thank you !
- You are welcome!
En CM1, on peut ajouter :
- « How many apples do you
want ? »
- le prix avec 2 décimales
body : hair - eyes - long short - dark - blond - brown
Family : brother - sister father - mother grandmother
Dear Phil,
How are you ?
I’m in CM1. I’ve got green eyes and
long blond hair. I’ve got one sister,
Claire. She’s 14 years old. She’s
got blond hair and blue eyes. I
haven’t got any brothers. My
father’s name is Paul. He’s 35. My
mother’s name is Jeanne. She’s
Tell me about your family. Yours.
Have you got brown eyes ? / - Yes,
I have. / - No, I haven’t.
Have you got any brothers or
sisters ?
Yes, I have one brother. No, I
haven’t got any sister. How many
brothers /sisters have you got ?
What’s your father’s name ?
My father’s name is Victor. How
old is your father / mother ?
He / She is ….
Penfriend letter 3 (my
house, my hobbies)
a house / a flat / the country / I
live in a village / a town - the
bathroom / the toilet / the living
room / the kitchen / the dining
room / the bedroom / the garage listen to music - play football read a book - play rugby - ride a
horse - play basketball - go
cycling - play badminton - swim rollerblade - watch TV - play
video games - run - play tennis
Exemple : Dear Phil,
I hope you are OK. I’m in CM2. I
live in a house in the town of
Trelissac., I’ve got a garden, but
I haven’t got a swimming pool.
My favourite singer is Beyonce. I
like cycling and swimming, but I
don’t like running. Best wishes.
Where do you live ? / I live in a
flat in Périgueux.
- Do you live in a flat ? Yes, I do. /
No, I don’t.
I’ve got a garden. I haven’t got a
swimming pool. I like
rollerblading. / I don’t like playing
football. Have you got a garden?
How many bedrooms have you
got ? - I’ve got three bedrooms.
Who’s your favourite singer? / My
favourite singer is …
The Muffin Recipe
Buying Fruits
At the Coffee Shop
Tea, lemonade, coffee, cocacola, orange-juice, milk
applepie/apple-pies, icecream
Do you like milk ? / Yes, I
Do you like scones ? /
No, I don’t.
I like sandwiches. I don’t
like milk.
Can I have a sandwich,
please ? / Here you are.
/ Thank you.
What’s this ? It’s a
What are these ? These
are pears.
I like
… I don’t like … Do you
like … ? Yes, I do. No, I
Have you got an orange ?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Can I have the purple
strawberry, please ?
- Yes, you can. (Here it is
- No, you can’t.
Can I have three oranges,
a kilo of strawberries and
five apples, please ?
- Here you are !
- How much is it ?
- It’s five pounds.
- Here you are !
- Thank you !
- You are welcome!
En CM1, on peut ajouter :
- « How many apples do
you want ? »
- le prix avec 2 décimales
heat - preheat – mix – add – put –
scoop – sprinkle – bake - butter
a bowl – the oven – a cup – an egg –
two eggs - a teaspoon – salt –milk –
sugar – baking soda – cocoa
powder – vanilla – flour – chocolate
chips – butter
Compréhension orale et écrite du
texte de la recette ; lecture
Preheat your oven to 400°F.
- Butter the muffin tins.
- In a large bowl, put the cocoa,
the flour, the sugar, the baking
soda, the salt,
the vanilla and half a cup of
chocolate chips.
- In a separate bowl, mix the eggs
and the milk.
- Add to the mixture.
- Scoop the mixture into the
muffin tins.
- Sprinkle with the remaining
chocolate chips.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
Word chain : I went to the
supermarket and I bought flour,
sugar, salt and chocolate chips.
- What’s this ? - flour
- What are these ? - two eggs
Penfriend letter 3 (my
house, my hobbies)
Idem plus haut
The Breakfast
• Formules de politesse:
• Lexique :
Can I have some eggs with
bread and sausages?
What would you like to drink,
tea or coffee? / to eat? Can I
have the bill, please?
• Do you like....? Yes, I / No, I
I like...... / I don't like....
• Can I have....?
Certainly. Here you are.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
• Would you like to drink?
Would you like to eat?
Yes (please) No (sorry)
Penfriend letter 2 (my
Game Who are you ?
A dog, a cat, a rabbit, a
guinea pig, a bird, a fish, a
Cinderella, Spiderman,
Mickey, Snow White, Lucky
Luke, Little Red Riding
Hood, Goldilocks
Roger : - What pets have
you got ?
Marion : - I’ve got rabbits.
Roger : - How many
rabbits have you got ?
Marion : - Four - What
pets have you got ?
Roger : - I’ve got cats.
Marion : - How many cats
have you got ?
Roger : - Two - What pets
have you got ?
Marion : - I’ve got fish.
Roger : - Are you
Goldilocks ?
Marin : -Yes !
Roger : - I’m the winner !
Have you got cats?
Idem plus haut
Guess Who
Our Monster Book
Idem plus haut
a head, a shoulder, a knee, a toe, a
mouth, a nose, an eye, an ear
an arm, a leg, a foot, a hand
The Fashion Show
Numbers (until 100)
I’ve got long brown hair and blue
eyes. She’s got four hands but
she’s got no arms.
Have you got brown eyes ? / Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.
He hasn’t got any legs. / He’s
got a big nose.
Has he got three eyes ? / Yes,
he has. / No, he hasn’t.
- Have you got … ? - I’ve got …
- How tall are you ? I’m 155 cm
A scarf, a hat, socks,
trousers, a sweater, a cap, a
coat, pants, a shirt, a teeshirt,
a dress, a skirt, a cloak,
gloves, shoes, jeans, trainers
Red, orange, green, black,
white, purple, grey, pink,
yellow, blue, brown
adjectifs : nice, beautiful,
lovely, wonderful, marvelous
She is wearing a blue
sweater, white trousers and
black shoes.
Whose sweater is it ? / It’s
Stéphanie’s. Lucie is
wearing a wonderful brown
coat, a very nice pink hat, a
wonderful green sweater,
marvellous trousers and
beautiful black and white
Jérémy is wearing a lovely
blue scarf, a marvellous black
hat, a nice white shirt,
beautiful blue jeans and
wonderful red shoes.
PE Games
couleurs : green – red –
yellow- blue – white –
pink – black – brown –
purple – orange - grey /
animaux sing et plur. :
lion -bear - cow
tortoise dog - - rabbit cat horse - horses tiger
pig cow sheep
crocodile - giraffe -bird
-guinea pig –hamster mouse –goat food :
banana strawberries lemon - pears - apples grapes - peaches plums - oranges cherries - nuts – butter
- cake – snake – baked
beans - rice – ice cream
– apple pie - coca cola
– tomato – potato cookies – food – sugar /
things : a ball – a car –
a doll – a dice – a book
– a pen – a rubber – a
ruler – a teddy bear
What time is it?
How many objects
have you got?
Where are you?
I'm going to eat …
Close / Open your
eyes / What's missing
? / What's has
changed ? /
Give me … Good
morning Madam, Good
morning Sir
Simon says :
“Open/Close your
mouth/eyes.” / “Move
your nose /head.” /
“Touch your hair.” /
Raise your left
hand/Raise your right
leg.” / “Show me your
nose /Show me your
Sports Survey
Obstacle Course
Cette séquence contient
- 9 couleurs (blue, red,
green, yellow, black, white,
grey, orange, pink)
- 5 prépositions (to, into,
between, under, over)
- 7 objets (box, ball, stick,
chair, bench, hoop, cone)
- 6 verbes (jump, run, walk,
throw, go, crawl)
Il manque :
- des prépositions : « on », «
in », « next to », « near », «
behind », …
- des verbes : « stand », «
hop », …
- des couleurs : « purple », «
brown », …
Crawl under the bench.
Jump into / over the red
Throw the ball into the
green box. / over the
stick. / under the bench.
Run through the sticks.
play basketball, play football,
play golf, play rugby, play
volleyball, play badminton,
play handball, ride a horse,
ride a bike, swim, jump, run,
ski, rollerblade, do athletics,
do gymnastics
Can you ride a bike ? / Yes, I
can / No, I can't
Do you like swimming? / Yes, I
do / No, I don't.
like swimming. I don’t like
running What's your favourite
sport? What is your favourite
sport ? My favourite sport is
How many children can swim ?
Twelve children can swim.
PE lesson :
warm up
Le corps humain Head,
shoulder(s), knee(s), foot,
feet, eye(s), nose, mouth,
ear(s) Left / right arm(s) hip(s),
leg(s), elbow(s) Heel, bottom
Chin, chest
Verbes : Move, circle, put, tilt,
raise, lower, spread apart,
wriggle, stand, stand up,
reach, touch, bend, lean, jog,
hop, jump Adjectifs /
Adverbes / Expressions :
Right, left, from side to side,
forward, back, apart, together,
straight, up, down, on, with
Move your head. Put your chin
to your chest. Tilt your head
Raise your arms - Lower your
arms -
From Head To Toe
les animaux : a penguin – a giraffe –
a buffalo - a monkey – a seal – a
gorilla – a cat – a crocodile – a
camel – a donkey – an elephant – a
les parties du corps : The head – the
neck – the shoulders – the hips –
the arms – the knees – the legs –
the toes - The chest – the foot (feet)
– the
hand(s) – the back - the trunk - the
right foot - the right leg
des verbes de mouvements : Clap
your hands. Stomp your foot.
Thump your chest. Wiggle your
toes. Wriggle your hips. Kick your
foot.Clap your hands.
Kick your leg. Bend your knees.
Bend your neck. Turn your
head.Arch your back. Wave your
arms. Raise your shoulders.Raise
your arms. Touch your feet. Circle
your head.
I’m a seal and I wave my
Can you do it? I can do it
Can I have the red left hand,
I can see a
parrot on the right knee.
This is my school day
get up - have breakfast - get
dressed - brush my teeth - brush
my hair - have
my shower - wash my hands - go
to school - have lunch - go home
- have a snack –
watch TV - play video games - do
my homework - have dinner - go
to bed
Maths, English, Science, PE
(Physical Education), History,
Religion, Foreign
languages, Geography, Art,
Music, I T (Information
Technology : Computer,
Internet …)
What time is it ? It’s one
- What do you do at eight
o’clock ? / I watch TV at eight
- What time do you have
breakfast ? / I have breakfast
at half past seven.
Mr Wolf’s Week
The Weather Forecast
Rituel météo
Rituel météo
It’s windy. It’s sunny. It’s foggy. It’s
icy. It’s raining. It’s snowing.
England – Scotland – Wales –
Northern Ireland – Ireland - The
North of England – The South of
England – The East of England –
The West of England
What’sthe weather like today? It’s
Exemple :
Today, it’s raining in Scotland, in the
North of England and in the North of
Ireland. It’s sunny in Wales, in the
South of England and in the South of
Ireland. It’s foggy in the
Centre of England.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
windy, cloudy, rainy, raining,
foggy, snowy, snowing, icy, hot,
cold, warm
I go skating / dancing / splashing
in puddles / jogging / skating /
swimming / cycling / I fly my kite
/ I have a holiday.
On Monday, it was rainy, and Mr
Wolf had a splashing time. On
Tuesday, it was windy, and Mr wolf
flew his kite. On Wednesday, it
snowed, and Mr wolf went
snowballing. On Thursday, it was
icy, and Mr wolf went skating. On
Friday, it was sunny, and Mr wolf
went jogging. On Saturday and
Sunday, it was hot, and Mr wolf had
a holiday.
I go skating / dancing / splashing in
/ jogging / skating / swimming /
cycling / I fly my kite / I have a
I went skating / dancing / splashing
in puddles / jogging / skating /
swimming / cycling I flew my kite. I
had a holiday
Sports Survey
Idem plus haut
Obstacle Course
Idem plus haut
PE Games
Idem plus haut
Playing School with a
Idem plus haut
From Head To Toe
This is my school day
Idem plus haut
Idem plus haut