MEMORANDUM To: FIU Community From: Ronald M. Berkman, Executive Vice President & Provost Date: October 26, 2007 Re: Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Appointed I am pleased to announce that Dr. Kenneth Furton, Professor of Chemistry, has been appointed Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences effective December 20, 2007. He has served as an Associate Dean in the College since 2001 with initial responsibility for Budget and Facilities and subsequently with additional responsibility for Research. This has been a protracted search process and at the outset I want to express my appreciation to Interim Dean Mark Szuchman who selflessly stepped into the interim dean's role and agreed to remain the dean through the Fall 2007 term. His years as an Associate Dean and as Interim Dean have contributed much to the development of the College as the provider of core undergraduate curriculum, primary producer of doctoral degrees, and leader in external funding. Under his stewardship the College has become well positioned to be a major contributor to the goals of FIU at 50. I believe Professor Furton will be able to build on this base and exceed our expectations for the future prominence of the College. Dr. Furton has spent his entire professorial career at FIU. He received a B.S. in Forensic Science at the University of Central Florida in 1983, a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Wayne State University in 1986 and completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Wales, Swansea, U.K. in 1988 where he was a Lecturer and Senior Research Associate. Since becoming a faculty member at FIU he has directed the research of more than 100 undergraduate and graduate students, is the author or co-author of more than 100 publications and has received over $3.5 million in external research support. Prof. Furton's research program has focused on forensic science and separation science with much of his recent work focused on studying the chemical basis of detector dog alerts to forensic specimens. Professor Furton has testified numerous times as an expert witness in local and federal courts in areas including the use of canines for the detection of drug odors on currency and the detection of human odor. During his tenure as the Graduate Program Director in the Department of Chemistry he chaired the committee that wrote the successful proposal to implement the PhD program in Chemistry. He is the founding Director of the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) and coordinated the writing of successful proposal to establish the first M.S. in Forensic Science program in Florida. As Chairperson of Chemistry from 1997 to 2001, he oversaw various Office of the Provost University Park .Miami, FL 33199 . Tel 305-348-2151 . Fax 305-348-2994 . Florida International University is an Equal Opportunity/Access Employer and Institution . TDD via FRS 1-800-955-8771 Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences Appointed October 26, 2007 Page 2 initiatives, including the establishment of the Advanced Mass Spectrometry Facility; the implementation of Differential Assignment Policies and Procedures; the approval of the first departmental by-laws and the first long-range goals; and spearheaded a major revision of the undergraduate curriculum. As Associate Dean, Dr. Furton established a systematic space allocation policy to help departments more effectively assign laboratory space based on external funding and the number of graduate students; implemented an on-line course delivery policy resulting in an increase in annual enrollments from a handful of courses to nearly 300 courses in 2007 and annual enrollments of more than 12,000; established and managed a policy on indirect (F&A) return to departments and PIs, streamlining the operations of the Research Office and implementing a policy on academic year buy-out, which helped increase the College's salary savings from approximately $40,000 in 2005 to $400,000 in 2007. Notable awards Dr. Furton has received include the 1986 Boltz Award in Analytical Chemistry, 1996 International Association of Forensic Sciences Award and the 2005 FIU Council of 100 Outstanding University Professor Award. I want to thank Leonard Strickman, Dean of the College of Law, who chaired the search committee. He and his committee colleagues reviewed numerous applications and organized and hosted many candidate visits. Their work is deeply appreciated. Please, join me in wishing Dean Furton and the College mutual success. Office of the Provost University Park .Miami, FL 33199 . Tel 305-348-2151 . Fax 305-348-2994 . Florida International University is an Equal Opportunity/Access Employer and Institution . TDD via FRS 1-800-955-8771