EXAMPLES OF TABULATING DATA FROM THE PUBLIC USE MICRODATA SAMPLE OF CENSUS 2000 CENSUS 2000 June 23, 2009 The following exercises are all based on using PDQ-Explore to access the Census 2000 micro data in the IPACS08 data set. Unless otherwise noted, include the selection YEAR=2000 as part of the Universe/Selection specification in the setup. Note that the default sample weight assigned for this data set automatically selects only the first data set available for each year in the concatenated 1850-2007 file of decennial and ACS data. Setup entries in PDQ-Explore are not case-sensitive. Variable names in the following exercises are in lower-case, but they may be entered in the setup windows in upper, lower, or mixed case. Suggestion: Keep a window open to the IPUMS-USA documentation: http://usa.ipums.org/usa Click on “Variables” under “Documentation” Example 1. Question: Do men and women hold similar jobs? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited gender discrimination in the labor market. Consider persons aged 24 to 65 in 2000 who held a job. What detailed occupations were most numerically dominated by women? By men? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & age>24 & age<65 & empstat=1 occ1990 Row: sex Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Options: Percent by row and then click on male or female Example 2. Question: The Economic Status of Children by Race Consider children under age 18 in 2000. How did the races differ in the median household income of children? Quantiles Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & age<18 race Row: (blank) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Quantile order & expression 2 hhincome or (hhincome+50)/100 Example 3. Question: Interracial Marriage Consider married men age 20 and over classified by race in 2000. What was the marital status distribution of their wives? Was there a cohort pattern? That is, has there been an apparent increase over time in interracial marriage? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & sex=1 & age>24 & age<35 race Row: spouse(race) Column: age/5 For: Default Weight: Options: Percent by row (or percent by column) Example 4. Question: Children in Interracial Marriages How common was it for children under 18, classified by race, to be living with a mother (or father) of the same or different race? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & age<18 race Row: mother(race) or father(race) Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: Options: Percent by row (or percent by column) Example 5. Question: The Relative Earnings of Husbands and Wives How common was it for wives to earn more than their husbands? Did this vary by wife’s age or by her race? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & sex=2 & marst=1 incearn/15000 Row: incearn > spouse(incearn) Column: For: Default Weight: Options: Percent by row Example 6. Question: Federal Transfer Payments and the Prosperity of Local Areas Which metropolitan areas in the United States in 1999 obtain the largest amount of federal Social Security Payments? Assume that only persons 62 and over collected Social Security? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & age>=62 & incss>0 & incss<99999 metaread Row: Column: For: (datanum=1)*perwt*incss Weight: Example 7. Does military service provide a long term financial advantage to men, or women, who served in the nation’s Armed Forces? Persons born between about 1940 and 1949 provided much of the Question: personnel that served in the Armed Forces during the war in the former French-Indo China. In 2000, many of these people were 50 to 60 years old. Did those who served in the military have larger or smaller incomes than those who did not serve? Was there a difference by race or gender or by educational attainment? Summary Statistics Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & age>=50 & age<60 vetvietn Row: sex Column: race (or educ99) For: Default Weight: inctot Describe expression Example 8. Question: The Benefits of Having a Major University in your town Since the Russians launched Sputnik, higher education has been among the most rapidly growing and financially rewarding industrial sectors? Which metropolitan areas have the largest payrolls from employers in the higher education industry? Tabulation Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & empstat=1 & ind1990=850 metaread Row: sex>0 Column: (blank) For: (datanum=1)*perwt*inctot (or incearn) Weight: Option Sort in ascending or descending order Example 9. Question: Education and Regional Variations in Earnings Suppose you had an advanced degree – a master’s degree or more. You might think that there is a national market for people with this level of human capital. Do the weekly earnings of such people vary much from one state to another or from one state to another? Are there big areal variations for women but not for men? Summary statistics Query Type: Universe/Selection: year=2000 & educ99>14 & incearn>0 & wkswork1>0 metaread (or statefip) Row: sex Column: (blank) For: Default Weight: incearn/wkswork1 Describe expression: