A. Distribution of Income The aim of a tax system to raise revenue for the government, with two objectives in mind: efficiency and equity. But taxes distort incentives, so they cause deadweight losses, reduction in economic well-being of taxpayers in excess of the amount of revenue raised by the government. The deadweight loss is the inefficiency that a tax creates as people allocate resources according to the tax incentive rather than the true costs and benefits of the good and services that they buy and sell. a. Direct taxation i. Tax levied (imposed) directly on an individual or organization levied on goods when they are purchased. Nearly all direct taxes are taxes on income or wealth ii. Example: income tax, capital gain tax, or corporation tax. b. Indirect taxation i. A tax that increases the price of a good so that consumers are actually paying the tax by paying more for the products. ii. Example: Fuel, liquor and cigarette taxes c. Progressive taxation i. High income taxpayers pay a larger fraction of their income d. Proportional taxation i. All taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income Regressive Tax: A tax which is regressive… Just kidding. A regressive tax is a tax which places a larger percent of the burden of taxation on those with lower incomes than on those with higher incomes. Under a regressive tax system as the amount being taxed increases the tax rate decreases and conversely as the amount being taxed decreases the tax rate increases. Regressive taxation is largely criticized for being unfairly biased towards wealthy individuals and placing a much larger burden, relative to income, on those less able to bear it. A regressive tax cannot so much be based on an actual percent tax but can also be based on propensity to engage in the taxed activity. That means that taxed activities which lower income persons are more likely to engage in than higher income persons are technically regressively taxed. Property tax is commonly considered an example of a regressive tax as higher income persons tend to own substantially more property and pay a substantially smaller portion of their income in property tax. Transfer Payments: A transfer payment is a payment of money by the government. Transfer payments could more or less be considered a gift by the government as they are not a part of an exchange. Nothing is being given by the individual for the transfer payment therefore it is more or less a gift. Transfer payments are often criticized as being a form of income redistribution. Examples of transfer payments include welfare, student scholarship grants, and social security benefits. Laffer Curve: The Laffer Curve is a curve in economics which is used to illustrate the idea that increases in tax rate does not necessarily increase tax revenue. The curve shows that at a 100% tax rate there will be NO tax revenue as people have no incentive to earn money because it will all be taxed and taken from them. There is a peak point on the curve which illustrates the amount of tax which will generate the maximum revenue. The ideal situation, both for taxer and taxee would be for taxation to be set at this level as it will be most beneficial to both parties involved. The Laffer curve is shown below. Government Revenue 0 Tax Rate (percent) 100 Lorenze Curve: The lorenze curve is a visual representation of the equality of the distribution of income in a country. The straighter the lorenze curve the more proportionally the income is distributed. This means that the ideal would be a straight line which would mean that 20% of the population would have 20% of the income 30% would have 30% and so on. The lorenze curve sadly is generally used to measure economic inequality. % Income Perfect Equality Actual Distribution 0 % Population 100 Gini Coefficent: The Gini coefficient is a statistical representation of the equality of income distribution within a country. The Gini coefficient is a number between 0 and 1.The lower the Gini coefficient the more equal the distribution of income. The closer to 1 the coefficient the less equal the distribution. In the world today some of the countries with the most equal income distribution, such as Denmark, have coefficients of .232. Countries such as Namibia with some of the least equitable distributions of income have coefficients of .707. Recovering Alcoholics, Disabled Want Alcohol Tax in Maryland Raised http://www.news8.net/news/stories/0309/604293.html Bills moving through the Maryland legislature want to add five cents onto alcohol and distilled spirits purchases. The increase in this indirect tax would raise the state $80 million, but family members say more importantly, it will provide help for those in need. The advocates are urging to increase the state excise tax as a way to generate funds for almost 19,000 residents in need of support services. It is true that an increase in taxes would raise government revenue for Maryland, but the taxes can cause inefficiencies because the buyers pay above the equilibrium price. This increase in price would cause consumers to purchase less, but this might be beneficial to the society because it would discourage many to consume less alcohol, and it might hurt the producers. The tax on alcohol also creates dead weight loss in the economy, causing the market to be less efficient.