Algebra II Trigonometry NOTES Chapter 13 (GraphingTrigonometric Functions) (2014) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 49 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 50 Assignment #11: Name: __________________________ Graph the A: function, then using a different color, graph the B: function. Describe the transformation, as a horizontal translation right or left, a vertical translation up or down, a horizontal compression or stretch or a vertical compression or stretch. Then, answer the questions below each graph. 1) A: f(x) = x2 B: f(x) = x2 + 5 Parent Translation (right4) (-2,4) (0,0) (2,4) (-2+4,4)= (-2,4) (0+4,0)= (4,0) (2+4,4)= (6,4) i) Describe the Transformation: Translate VERTICALLY up 5 add 5 to each y value. ii) Don’t graph, but describe the transformation between: f(x) = sin(x) and f(x) = sin(x) + 2 Vertically translate UP 2 iii) So, given the general form of f(x) = sinx + d, what would you say ‘d’ does to the function. ‘d’ vertically translates, up or down. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 51 2) A: f(x) = (x)2 B: f(x) = (x - 4)2 Parent Translation (right4) (-2,4) (0,0) (2,4) (-2+4,4)= (-2,4) (0+4,0)= (4,0) (2+4,4)= (6,4) i) Describe the Transformation: TRANSLATE HORIZONTALLY to the right 4 ii) Don’t graph, but describe the transformation between: f(x) = sin(x) and f(x) = sin(x - 90o) TRANSLATE HORIZONTALLY to the right 90o iii) So, given the general form of f(x) = sin(x – c), what would you say ‘c’ does to the function. TRANSLATE HORIZONTALLY to the right or left. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 52 3) A: f(x) = |x| B: f(x) = 3|x| i) Describe the Transformation: Vertically STRETCH by 3 ii) Don’t graph, but describe the transformation between: f(x) = sin(x) and f(x) = 3sin(x) Vertically stretch by 3 iii) So, given the general form of f(x) = asin(x), what would you say ‘a’ does to the function. It will vertically stretch the function Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 53 1 4 4) A: f(x) = (x)2 B: f(x) = ( x)2 i) Describe the Transformation: Horizontally Stretch by 4 ii) Don’t graph, but describe the transformation between: f(x) = sin(x) and f(x) = sin(3x) Horizontally compress by 3 iii) So, given the general form of f(x) = sin(bx), what would you say ‘b’ does to the function. ‘b’ either horizontally stretches or compresses. (If 0<b<1, then stretch…. If b> 1 compresses.) {end of assignment} Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 54 Linguini Trig Graphs Materials: 7 pieces of linguini Piece of construction paper Protractor Setup: Groups of 3 people y = cosx 0o y = sinx 1. Using a protractor to determine angle measures, mark every 15 degrees around the circle using the positive x axis as 0o. Label each mark with its positive angle measure. 2. Drop perpendicular for each of the angle measures. 3. Label each of the x-axes as angle in degrees (15, 30, 45, …..). Activity: You are now going to create the graphs of y = sin(x) and y = cos(x), using the unit circle and right triangles. Procedure: 1. Use a piece of spaghetti to represent the length of the radius of the circle. This linguini’s length represents 1 “linguini unit”. Break the linguini to be the length of the radius 2. Place the radius at the center to 0o. Transfer this length to the top graph at 0o on the y = cosx graph. Make a point at (0,1) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 55 3. Since this is a unit circle, the length of the horizontal leg of the triangle is equal to cos(150). Move the piece of linguini that was the horizontal leg of the triangle to the top axes where you are graphing cosine. 4. Place the piece of linguini perpendicular to the x-axis at 150, with one end of it on the xaxis and the other above the axis. Make a dot on the paper at the top of the piece of linguini to show the length of the horizontal leg of the 150 triangle. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the angle measures…. (remember what happens when you go left horizontally ) 5. Now, looking at the y = sinx graph….. What is the vertical component at 0o? Place a point there. 6. Since this is a unit circle, the length of the vertical leg of the triangle is equal to sin(150). Break a piece of linguini for each vertical component. Move the piece of linguini that was the vertical leg of the triangle to the bottom axes where you are graphing sine. Try to use as few spaghetti lengths as possible-they can be reused often! CHECKPOINT! Check in with your teacher to make sure you have created the graphs correctly. 7. Connect the dots on each of the graphs to create a smooth curve. 8. Complete the lab write-up. You will need to turn in one per pair. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 56 Names: _______ _ ____________________________ Trig graphs and Linguini Follow-up Questions Answer the following questions to help clarify patterns seen and concepts learned during the lab. 1. Explain the sine curve that you graphed, referring to the following questions. Write your answer in paragraph form. A. Where is the graph at 0 degrees? {We sometimes say “where does sine begin} Why? Include the unit circle in your reasoning? B. Did the values increase or decrease right after 0o? Explain the progression of the graph from 0 degrees to 360 degrees in general….. C. What was the maximum value of sine and at what degree marks did it occur? Why? Include the unit circle in your reasoning? D. What was the minimum value of sine and at what degree marks did it occur? Why? Include the unit circle in your reasoning? E. Where were the x-intercepts? {Give coordinates} F. Which values of the domain will result in a positive range? Negative? Why? G. What is the basic period of a sine graph? (How long did it take to start repeating?) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 57 2. Explain the cosine curve that you graphed, referring to the following questions. A. Where is your cosine graph at 0 degrees? Why? Include the unit circle in your reasoning? B. Where did it go from there? Explain the progression of the graph from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. C. What was the maximum value of cosine and at what degree marks did it occur? Why? Include the unit circle in your reasoning? D. What was the minimum value of cosine and at what degree marks did it occur? Why? E. Where were the x-intercepts? {Give coordinates} F. When is the domain positive? Negative? Why? {Turn in one write-up per pair} Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 58 Assignment #12 (after the Linguini Lab) 1) Graph each table of values on the circle and then on the coordinate plane Identify the range, maximum value, minimum value and period ( How long it takes to begin to repeat itself.) Be Careful to construct your graph to scale and so that the entire graph can fit on the page. x 0 y 0 0.5 30 45 2 0.71= 2 3 0.87= 2 1 0.87 60 90 120 135 2 0.71= 2 0.5 0 -0.5 150 180 210 225 45 90 270 180 -1 -0.71= - 240 270 300 315 330 360 2 2 3 -0.87= 2 -1 -0.87 -0.71 -0.5 0 1 90o 1 Maximimum: ( _________ , __________ ) -1< y <1 Range: _____________________________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 270o -1 Minimum: ( ____________ , ___________ ) 360o Period: _____________________ Page 59 360 2) Graph each table of values on the coordinate plane Identify the range, maximum value, minimum value and period ( How long would it take to begin to repeat itself even if it kept going.) Be Careful to construct your graph to scale and so that the entire graph can fit on the page. Answer questions based on the graph you drew. x 0 30 45 60 90 120 135 150 180 210 225 240 270 300 315 330 360 y 0 0.26 0.38 0.5 0.71 0.87 0.92 0.97 1 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.71 0.5 0.38 0.26 0 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 This is a sine graph… at least part of one. Knowing what the general shape (from the linguini activity) is, what would the period of this graph be? o The period would be 720 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 60 3) Graph each table of values on the coordinate plane from 00 and try to go until 450o. {Use the linguini pattern….} Identify the range, maximum value, minimum value and period ( How long it takes to begin to repeat itself.) Be Careful to construct your graph to scale and so that the entire graph can fit on the page. x 0 30 45 60 90 120 135 150 180 210 225 240 270 300 315 330 360 390 405 420 450 y 0 1 1.42 1.74 2 1.74 1.42 1 0 -1 -1.42 -1.74 -2 -1.74 -1.42 -1 0 2 90o 180o 270o 360o -2 o Maximimum: ( _________ , __________ ) 90 -2< y <2 2 Range: _____________________________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 270o -2 Minimum: ( ____________ , ___________ ) 360o Period: _____________________ Page 61 4) Fill in the chart: (using the unit circle and your calculator) x Exact value of cos(x) Approximate value of cos(x) 0o 30o 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 45o 600 90o 120o 135o 150o 1800 210o 225o 240o 270o 3000 315o 330o 360o 390o 4050 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 -1 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 {End of Assignment} Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 62 Summarizing the Linguini Lab as a class: 1. What is the period of the sine curve? That is, after how many degrees does the graph start to repeat? 2. 360o In relation to ONE period, where do the ‘zeros/x intercepts’ occur? 0, 180 , 360 (Beginning, Middle and End) 3. In relation to ONE period, where does the Maximum and Minimum occur? Max = 90 (1/4 of a period) 4. What is the period of the cosine function? That is, after how many degrees does the graph start to repeat? 5. 360o In relation to ONE period of a cosine function, where do the ‘zeros/x intercepts’ occur? 6. Min = 270 (3/4 of a period) ¼ and ¾ of a period In relation to ONE period of a cosine function, where does the Maximum and Minimum occur? Max = 0o , 360o (Beginning and End) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Min = 180o (Middle) Page 63 Summarizing with terminology: y = asinb(x-c) + d Amplitude is one-half the distance from the maximum value of y to the minimum value of y. Which variable in the general equation affects the amplitude y = sinx 1 3 y = 3sinx 2 2 a y = ½ sinx ½ 2 -½ (Vertical Stretched or compressed !!!!) --1 -3 2 ): How long a graph takes to repeat itself? b How long does a standard sine and cosine graph take to start repeating itself? Which variable in the general equation affects the period? Period ( y = sinx y = sin2x b y = sin ½ x (horizontal Stretched or compressed !!!!) 2 2 2 Phase shift : Shifting the graph horizontally. Remember a standard positioned sine graph starts a cycle at the origin. Which variable in the general equation affects the phase shift? c (phase shift or horizontal shift !!!!) Vertical Shift : Shifting the graph vertically. Remember a standard positioned sine graph, has midline at y = 0. Which variable in the general equation affects the vertical shift? d (vertical shift!!!!)\ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 64 Basic Shapes: sine: cosine: Red graph shows one period of cosine graph. (dotted shows sine graph) Amplitude and Period #1-2: Find the max. value, Coordinates of a maximum point, the min value, coordinates of a minimum point ,amplitude and period for each graph below. 1. 3 2 1 -1 2 4 6 5 -2 3 Minimum Value -1 Ampl.= 2 Maximum Value: Coordinates of Max: ( 3 3 -1 Coordinates of Min: ( , Period: Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 4 , ) , ) Page 65 2. 6 4 2 4 2 -2 3 2 2 9 4 -4 -6 Maximum Value: 6 Coordinates of Max: ( 3 ,6 ) 4 Minimum Value: -6 Coordinates of Min: ( 7 , 6 ) 4 Ampl.= 6 Period= {look max to max: Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 11 3 }=2 4 4 Page 66 3) y = sinx Max = 1 Min. = -1 Amplitude = 1 2 Period = *************************************************************************** 4) Given the general Equation: y = a sin( bx ), ‘a’ ( the number in front of the function ) affects the ‘b’ ( the number in front of the variable ) affects the AMPLITUDE PERIOD. *************************************************************************** #5-7: Do NOT use your calculator. Use your brain to guess the values. 5) y = 2 sin(x) Max = 2 Min. = -2 Amplitude = 2 Period = 360o or 2 6) y = -4sin( 2x ) Max = 7) y = 3sin ( 4 1 x) 2 Min. = -4 Amplitude = Amplitude = 3 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 4 Period = 180 Period = 720 or or 4 Page 67 8) Graph the following: y = 3sin ( 4 1 x) 2 3 , graph on the interval of 0 to 4 . -3 Period: Max: Min {To determine critical values, take your period ( fifth value ), divide it by 2 ( third value ), divide that by 2 ( second value ), and finally, use the increments to determine the fourth value.} x 1 3sin ( x ) 2 0 0 3 0 -3 0 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 -3 Generalizations for graphing SINE curves: Notice, what happens when the sine graph is at its beginning, middle and end of a period? Zeros (if on x axis) = Midline points,. What happens between two zeros? The graph is either at a maximum or a minimum. If the ‘a’ is positive, first go to the MAXIMUM, If the ‘a’ is negative, first go to the MINIMUM. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 68 8) Graph the following: y = 3sin ( 4 1 x) 2 3 , graph on the interval of 0 to 4 . -3 Period: Max: Min {To determine critical values, take your period ( fifth value ), divide it by 2 ( third value ), divide that by 2 ( second value ), and finally, use the increments to determine the fourth value.} x 1 3sin ( x ) 2 0 0 3 0 -3 0 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 -3 Generalizations for graphing SINE curves: Notice, what happens when the sine graph is at its beginning, middle and end of a period? Zeros (if on x axis) = Midline points,. What happens between two zeros? The graph is either at a maximum or a minimum. If the ‘a’ is positive, first go to the MAXIMUM, If the ‘a’ is negative, first go to the MINIMUM. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 69 Use your generalizations from the previous page to graph the following sine graphs. 9) y = 4sin(x) max. = 4 min.= -4 period = 2 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 -4 10) y = 2sin(3 ) max. = 2 min.= -2 period = 2 3 period = 2 2 6 3 2 2 4 3 2 3 -2 11) y = -2sin(4 ) max. = 2 min.= -2 2 -2 3 8 4 82 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 2 2 Page 70 Given the general Equation: y = a cos( bx ), ‘a’ ( the number in front of the function ) affects the AMPLITUDE ‘b’ ( the number in front of the variable ) affects the PERIOD. 12. y = cosx Max = 1 Min. = -1 Period = 360 or 2 Amplitude = 1 #13-15: Determine the max., min, amplitude and period for each function. 13. y = 5cosx Max = 5 Min. = -5 Amplitude = 5 2 Period = 14. y = -2cos5x Max = 2 Min. = -2 Amplitude = 2 Period = 5 Min. = -5 Amplitude = 5 Period = 1 15. y = 5cos ( x ) 3 Max = Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 2 5 6 Page 71 1 16) Graph the following function: 5cos ( x) over the interval of 0 to 6 . 3 To determine critical values, take your period ( fifth value ), divide it by 2 ( third value ), divide that by 2 ( second value ), and finally, use the increments to determine the fourth value. x 0 3 2 3 9 2 6 1 ( x) 3 1 cos ( x) 3 0 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 9 3 3 2 2 1 6 2 3 1 5cos ( x) 3 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 5 5 3 3 2 9 2 6 Notice, what happens when the cosine graph is at its beginning AND END of a cycle? Maximum (‘a’ is positive) or Minimum (‘a’ is negative) What happens in the middle of the period? What happens between a max and a min? Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Opposite of beginning Zero or Midline point Page 72 Use your generalizations from the previous page to graph the following cosine graphs. 17) y = 4cos(x) max. = 4 period = 2 -4 min.= 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 -4 Domain: all real numbers 18) y = 2cos(3x) max. = 2 Range: [-4, 4] -4 < y< 4 -2 min.= 2 period = 3 2 6 3 2 2 4 3 3 2 -2 Domain: all real numbers Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Range: [-2, 2] Page 73 19) y = -2cos(4x) max. = 2 min.= -2 period = 2 2 3 3 8 4 8 2 2 2 -2 Domain: all real numbers Range: [-2, 2] 2 2 2 Period = 1 1 2 2 1 20) y = 3cos X 2 3 1 2 3 4 -3 Domain: all real numbers Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Range: [-3, 3] Page 74 13.4 Practice amp = 4 period = 2 y 4sin amp = 1 period = 6 1 y 1sin 3 y = 2sin2x 2 4 -2 2 3 4 2 amp = 1.5 period = amp = 2 period = 3 y 1.5sin 42X 2 y 2sin 3 amp = 2.5 period = amp = 4 period = y 2.5sin 2 y 4sin 2 3 y = 3sinx 2 -3 2 -2 ( , 2) 8 4 y=2sin4x 2 2 8 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 2 2 y = 2sin8x 2 2 3 ( , 2) 8 -2 4 Page 75 ( 1.5 12 -1.5 2 ,1.5) 6 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 -2 ( , 1.5) 4 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 -2 1 8 3 4 8 2 1 4 2 3 4 6 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 -2 3 5 1 2 3 4 -1 4 3 2 4 -5 -3 3 4 4 4 -3 3 2 4 10 -4 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 5 3 10 2 5 2 3 -4 Page 76 4 6.28 2 -0.05 or -.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 77 Practice 13-5 The Cosine Function Sketch the graph of each function in the interval from 0 to 2. 1. y = 2 cos 3 1 6 2. y = 3 cos 1 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 5 3 1 2 2 Write an equation of a cosine function for each graph. 3. 4. y = -4cos θ 5. y = 4 cos 2 θ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry y = 3cos4 θ Page 78 Find the period and amplitude of each cosine function. Identify where the maximum value(s), minimum value(s), and zeros occur in the interval from 0 to 2. 6. 7. Period: 2 Amplitude: 1 Max= 1, Min = -1 Zeros: 3 Period: 2 2 Amplitude: 4 Max= 4, Min = -4 Zeros: , 8. Max= 5, Min = -5 3 5 7 , 4 4 , 4 , Period: 2 Amplitude: 5 Zeros: 4 3 , 2 2 Write a cosine function for each description. Assume that a > 0. 9. amplitude = 3, period = 4 y = 3cos 1 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 10. amplitude = y= 1 , period = 2 1 cos 2 2 Page 79 NOTE: No graphing Calculators will be allowed on the TEST. Notes: Vertical Shifting Unless it says otherwise, graph for 2 periods. 1. Graph: y = 2sinx + 3 2 Period = Amp.= 2 V/S= UP 3 5 3 1 2 3 2 Equation of Midline? Range: 4 2 y=3 [1,5] Domain: All real numbers. Give the coordinates of 3 points on the function over one period: ( 0, 3) ,5 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry ,3 3 ,1 2 2 ,3 Page 80 2. Shift the function: y = 2cos(3x) – 1 Period = 2 3 Amp = 2 V/S = DOWN 1 1 -1 6 2 3 4 3 2 3 -3 Equation of Midline? y = -1 (I like the labels to be uninterrupted, so I scaled it by 0.5) Domain: all real numbers Range: [-3,1] Give the coordinates of 3 points on the function over one period: ( 0 , 1) , 1 6 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry , 3 3 Page 81 Notes: Phase Shifting a) What makes the quantity = to zero? 2 b) This becomes the new beginning of the cycle. Everything shifts in this direction ( left or right ? ) c) This shift is called a phase shift. 3 Amp. = 2 Period = 2 720 720 720 P/S = LEFT 2 720 720 720 Use the information learned in #1, to find answer the following questions. Period = 2 Amp = ) 6 Period = 2 Amp.= 4. y = 3 sin ( 2x + ) Period = Amp.= 3 P/S = LEFT 2 720o Amp. = 1 P/S= 90 RIGHT 2. y = 3sin( x + ) 4 3. y = -2 cos ( x – y = 3 sin 2( x + 5. y = sin( 1 - 450 ) 2 2 3 2 P/S = P/S = 4 6 LEFT RIGHT ) Period = y = sin1/2( - 90) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 82 6. Graph the function. . y = 2sin( x – ) 2 P/S = RIGHT 2 Period= 2 2 2 -2 4 9 2 2 7. Graph the function. y = 3 cos ( 2x + ) y = 3 cos 2(x + Period = Amp = 3 P/S = 2 LEFT ) 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 -3 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 83 8) Graph the function for 2 periods. (Very hard… exposed to this, but won’t be this hard on tests) 8) Graph the function. y = 4 sin 2(x + Period = , ) 3 Period = so ¼ a period = Amp = 4 P/S = 3 left 4 , get common denominators between this and the phase shift (= 12). Label the horizontal axis with these increments. Then write each in terms of that denominator. 3 4 12 and 4 3 12 4 4 12 3 12 -4 2 12 5 12 6 8 12 2 3 11 12 20 12 5 3 Notice, we could just add the ¼ period value to our starting point, and keep doing that. 4 3 3 4 12 12 12 3 2 12 4 12 12 12 6 2 3 5 6 4 12 12 12 5 5 3 8 2 12 4 12 12 12 3 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 84 Practice: 9. Graph the function for 2 periods. y = -4 cos ( 5x + ) Period = y = -4cos5(x + ) 5 2 Amp = 5 1 2 4 5 10 4 P/S = Left 5 2 10 4 5 10 10 5 3 10 2 5 -4 Domain: All real numbers Range: 6 10 3 5 -4 < y < 4 Give the coordinates of 3 points on the function over one period: , 4 5 Minimum: _______________ Midline: y=0 0, 4 Maximum: _______________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 85 10) Graph the function for 2 periods. y = 3sin 2(x + ) 4 Period = Amp = 3 P/S = Left 4 3 4 -3 4 3 4 2 7 4 (, ) Domain: ___________________________ : Range [-3,3] 0,3 Give the coordinates of a maximum : _________________ , 3 2 Give the coordinates of a minimum: __________________ ,3 Give the coordinates of a midline point: ____________________ 4 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 86 11) Graph the function for 2 periods. y = 2sin 3(x + ) + 4 6 Period = 2 3 Amp = 2 P/S = 6 left V/S = Up 4 6 4 2 6 6 Equation of midline? y=4 Give 2 coordinates of a maximum: Give 2 coordinates of a minimum: 3 4 0, 6 ,2 3 (, ) Domain: ______________________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Range: 7 6 2 3 & 2 ,6 3 , 2 [ 2, 6] Page 87 12) Graph the function for 2 periods. y = 3sin 4(x + ) - 2 4 Period = 2 Amp = 3 P/S = 4 LEFT 1 4 8 8 4 3 8 2 3 4 -2 -5 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 88 13) Graph the function for 2 periods. y = 4cos2(x – 20o) Period: 180o Right 20o Amplitude= 4 (intervals: 45o) 25 20 65 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 110 155 200 245 290 335 Page 89 380 14) Graph the function for 2 periods. y = - 4cos3(x – ) 6 -4 6 6 3 2 2 3 4 3 -4 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 90 Writing equations of graphs: 1. Write a sine equation using the given information: { y = asin b(x - k ) + d } a. amp = 2, period = 90 no shifting. 360 360 90 b 4 b 90 y = +2sin4(x) b. amp. = 5 , period = 720 , shift up 1 y= +5sin ½ (x) + 1 c. max ( 90 , 3 ) , min ( 270 , - 3 ) y = 3 sin(x) Max to min = ½ period = 180, so period = 360 y = -3sin(x) - 2 d. max ( 270 , 1 ) , min ( 90 , -5 ) e. Zeros for 1 period => ( 90, -10 ) , ( 180 , -10 ) , ( 270 , -10 ) , Amp = 3 y = +3sin2(x-90) - 10 f. Max. ( 45 , 7 ) and Max ( 225 , 7 ) , no vertical shift. y = 7sin2(x) Distance between 2 max’s = 1 period = 180 g) P/S = 90 Right Period = 180 No V/S amp = 6 Starts going down. y = -6sin2(x-90) h) P/S = 45 Left V/S = 7 down Max = ( 0 , -3 ) y = 4sin2(x+45) - 7 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 91 Reminder: No Calculators will be allowed on the TEST. Tangents and Cotangents Reminder about unit circle…. Find the tangent for key values…. 0, (1, 0) tan(0) ( 2 , , , , … 3 6 4 3 2 0 0 1 3 1 3 , ) tan 2 2 6 3 2 2 , tan 1 4 2 2 1 3 ( , ) tan 3 2 2 3 1 (0,1) tan undefined 2 0 units How long does it take for the numbers to start repeating? ______________ This is NEW! The normal period for sine and cosine was: The normal period for tangent is 2 units . units !!!!! Let’s graph the coordinates of the tangent on the next page 0, 0 3 , ,1 , 3 , undefined ….. 2 6 3 4 3 What would ‘undefined’ mean on a graph? Asymptote! Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 92 Graph the following functions for two cycles. Determine the period and equation for the asymptotes for each function. Period tangent 1) y = tan b 1 4 2 2 -1 3 4 3 2 All real numbers Notice the Period is: __________________ Range: _____________________ 2) y= 1 = cotx tan x 1 -1 4 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 4 2 Page 93 Do not use a calculator to graph the functions. Graph for two periods. 3) y = tan 3 Period: 3 6 12 12 6 4 3 5 12 2 all real numbers except ( k ) Domain: __________________________________ 6 3 4) all real numbers Range: __________________________ y = -3 tan2x 3 - 8 4 3 4 8 2 3 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 4 Page 94 5) Period: y = 4tan 5x + 2 5 6 2 10 Equation of Asymptotes for one period: x Equation of Midline: 3 20 10 20 -2 10 ,x 5 10 Y=2 6) y = 3 tan 1 ( ) 2 Shift left 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 Coordinates of 3 points on a graph for one period: , 3 , , 0 , ,3 2 2 1 ( ) Another equation? y = - 3 cot 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 95 Do not use a calculator to graph the functions. Graph for two periods. 7) y = cot 3 1 1 8) 12 6 4 3 2 3 y = -3 cot2x +1 4 1 2 8 4 Equation of Asymptotes: x = 0+ Equation of midline: 3 8 2 2 k y=1 Coordinates of a Maximum: NONE Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 96 9) y = 4cot 5(x - ) 10 4 10 20 20 10 3 20 5 2 5 4 Amplitude: NONE 10) y = 3 cot 5 Period: Coordinates of a Midline point: (0, 0) or , 0 5 1 -4 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 4 7 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 97 Graphing Secants and Cosecants Graph two cycles of the graph ( 0 to ? ). Label the axes. 1) y = sinx 2 On the graph above, draw in vertical dotted lines, wherever the graph crosses the midline ( These lines are called vertical asymptotes. ) We can use this to graph y = csc x. Let’s do it on the graph above. 2) First graph:y = -2sin(4x) , then use it to graph y = -2csc(4x) 8 4 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 98 3) Graph y = cosx for two periods 1 2 -1 3 2 2 4 On the graph above, draw vertical asymptotes, wherever the graph crosses the midline. Use this graph to graph y = secx. 4) First graph y= 2 cos3x, then use this graph to graph: y= 2 sec3x 2 6 3 2 -2 2 3 4 3 What is the maximum value of the sec function? none What is the amplitude of a secant function? none What is the range? (, 2] [2, ) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 99 Graph each function from 5) 2 to 2 y = 3csc(x) 3 2 2 3 2 5 2 2 3 3 Give the coordinates of any 2 points on the graph: ,3 , , 3 NOT: (0,0) or ( ,0) 2 2 6) y = -2 sec ( x ) 2 2 Find the equation of the asymptotes: X = Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 2 2 n 2 Page 100 Graph each equation for at least two periods. 7) y = 4 sec ( 2x ) 4 4 2 3 4 2 -4 + , 4 sec ( 2x ) 4 {‘+’ means from the right} Checkpoint: as x , 4 sec ( 2x ) 4 {‘-’ means from the left} Checkpoint: as x , 4 sec ( 2x ) 2 Checkpoint: as x Checkpoint: as x + , 4 sec ( 2x ) 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry . -4 . {What is the y value doing?} {What is the y value doing?} . {What is the y value doing?} -4 . {What is the y value doing?} Page 101 8) y = -5csc( 1 3 3 2 3 ) 5 9 2 6 12 -5 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 102 sec/csc with shifting. Determine the amplitude and period for each graph below. Graph two periods of the graph ( 0 to ? ). Label the axes. 9) y = - 2 csc 4x + 3 5 3 1 8 4 3 8 2 Give the coordinates of 2 points (for one period) on the graph. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 3 ( ,1), ( ,5) 8 8 Page 103 10) y = 2 sec3(x - 2 ) 2 4 One fourth period= 3 6 6 3 shift = Right: 2 6 Common Denominator: 6 Period = 2 6 -2 3 2 5 2 3 6 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 5 11 3 6 Page 104 11) Graph: y = 2 sec(x 2 )+ 1 4 2 Period 2 , so one-fourth of period = 2 4 shift 4 5 4 15 4 Right 3 1 4 1 2 Equation of midline? 3 2 13 4 5 2 y=1 Equation of asymptotes for one period? x= 9 4 3 7 , x= 4 4 General equation of asymptotes : where 17 4 x 3 k 4 n Integers ( ) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 105 12) y = -4csc2(x + ) 3 Period= , one-fourth period = Shift 3 3 4 Left, so common Denominator=12. Critical values every Shift 4 left. 12 3 12 4 3 12 6 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 5 12 2 3 11 12 7 6 17 12 5 3 Page 106 Negative Functions 1) Graph y= sinx and y= –sin(x) (dotted) on the same set of axes from -2 to 2 . Try to decide which graph will match up with sin(-x) sin( ) = _________ 4 - sin( ) = _________ 4 sin(- ) = _________ 4 Generalization: Review from Chapter 3: f(-x) = -f(x) gives what type of function? ______________ Examples: Write each expression with a positive angle. 1b) sin(-40) Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 1c) -sin(-100) Page 107 2) Graph cosx and –cos(x) on the same set of axes from -2 to 2 . Try to decide which graph will match up with cos(-x) cos( ) = _________ -cos( ) = __________ cos(- ) = _________ Generalization: Reminder from Chapter 3: f(-x) = f(x) gives what type of function: Examples {re-write with positive angles}: 2b) sin(- )= 6 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 2c) cos( 5 )= 6 Page 108 3) Let’s use what we know about sine and cosine to make a generalization for sec(-x) , sec(x) and/or –sec(x). Generalization: 4) Let’s use what we know about sine and cosine to make a generalization for cscx , csc(-x) and/or –csc(x). Generalization: Here are some examples: Write an equation that is true using only positive angles. 5) csc( 7 )= 4 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 6) sec( 4 )= 3 Page 109 7) To find our generalization for tangent, we can either graph it: using a calculator graph tanx , -tan(x) and tan(-x) on the same set of axes. {Set lines to be different. Let y1 be normal, y2 = thick, y3 = dot.} Or we can verify this algebraically, using what we know of sin(-x) and cos(-x). Generalization: 8) Use your knowledge of tan(x) to make a generalization about cot(x). 9) Graph: y = cos(-2x) + 3 for 2 periods. What is the domain? _______________________ What is the range? _______________________ Coordinates of maximum: _______________ 2 coordinates on the graph for one period: _____________ ____________ Equation of Asymptotes: _____________________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 110 10) Graph: y = tan(- x - ) for 2 periods. 4 11) Graph: y = 3sin( – 2x) for 2 periods. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 111 14) Graph: y = -2 sec x + 4 2 What is the domain? _______________________ What is the range? _______________________ Coordinates of maximum: _______________ 2 coordinates on the graph for one period: _____________ ____________ Equation of Asymptotes: _____________________ Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 112 Here are some problems tying graphing into the picture… 15) as t +, cost ________ (This means as t approaches from the right, what is cos(t) doing?) 16) , cos(-t) ________ 3 (Key- what is the value of cos( )?) 3 as t 17) as t , sec(t) ________ 2 18) as t , sec(-t) ________ 2 19) as x , tan(-x) ________ 2 20) as x , cot(-x) ________ 2 REMINDER: No Graphing Calculators will be allowed on the TEST. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 113 Trig Review Worksheet Graph each function in the interval from 0 to 2. 1. y = cot 1 2 4. y = csc 1 2. y = sec + 2 5. y = sin x 2 3. y = sec 1 2 6. y = 3 cos x + 2 4 Match each function with its graph. Write the appropriate number next to the graph. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 114 7. y sin( x) 8. y cos( x) 9. y sin( x) 10. y cos( x) 11. y sin(2 x) 12. y cos(2 x) 13. y 2sin( x) 14. y 2 cos( x) . 15. y sin( x) 2 16. y cos( x) 1 18. y cos( x 30) 19. y 3sin(2 x) 21. y sin 2( x 90) 22. y 3cos 17. y sin( x 45) 1 20. y cos x 1 2 1 x 90 2 Use the graph of y = tan to find each value. If the tangent is undefined at that point, write undefined. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 115 23. tan 3 24. tan 4 2 25. tan 4 26. tan 3 2 Identify the period and tell where the asymptotes occur, in the interval from 0 to 2, for each function. 27. y = 2 tan 2 28 y = 3 tan 2 29. y = 4 tan Find the amplitude and period of each function. Describe any phase shift and vertical shift in the graph. 30. y = 3 cos x + 2 31. y = 2 sin x 2 33. y = sin x 3 34. y = 1 cos x 3 2 32. y = cos 2x + 1 35. y = cos 1 x–2 2 Identify the period of each tangent function. 36. 37. Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry 38. Page 116 Trig Graph Matching PAGE 1 Please match the verbal descriptions from page 2 with the equations written below, and with the appropriate graph. Use the answer sheet provided to record your answers. ______ 1. y = 3cos + 2 _______ 13. y = 2sin ______ 2. y = tan _______ 14. y = sin( - ______ 3. y = 2sin + 3 _______ 15. y = 3sin + 2 ______ 4. y = sin(4 ) _______ 16. y = sec ______ 5. y = 2sin(2 ) _______ 17. y = sin(2( - ______ 6. y = sin( + ) 4 ) 4 )) 4 _______ 18. y = 2csc ______ 7. y = 2cot _______ 19. y = 2sin(2( + ______ 8. y = -3sin + 2 _______ 20. y = -2sin - 3 ______ 9. y = -3cos2 _______ 21. y = -2sin ______ 10. y = -2sin _______ 22. y = csc 1 3 ______ 11. y = sin _______ 23. y = 2sin( + ______ 12. y = 3sin _______ 24. y = cot 1 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry )) 2 ) 2 Page 117 Trig Graph Matching PAGE 2 Please match the equation from page 1 with the verbal descriptions written below, and with the appropriate graph. Use the answer sheet provided to record your answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The absolute value of a sine curve with an amplitude of 3. A sine curve w/horizontal compression x factor of 4. A sine curve with a = 3, and d = 2. A cotangent curve where a = 2. A cosecant curve w/amplitude of 2. A cosine curve w/amplitude of 3, and a vertical shift up 2. A sine curve with a = -3, and d = 2 A sine curve with an amplitude of 2. A sine curve w/vertical stretch x factor of 2, and a vertical shift up 3 10. A sine curve with a phase shift right units. 4 11. A sine curve with an amplitude of 2, a horizontal stretch by a factor of 3, and reflected about the x-axis. 12. A secant curve. 13. A cotangent curve. 1 14. A sine curve w/b = . 2 15. A sine curve w/b = 2 and c = 4 16. A sine curve w/a = 2, b = 2, and c = 2 17. A cosecant curve. 1 3 18. A sine curve w/a = -2, and b = . 19. A sine curve with a phase shift left 20. A sine curve with a = 2, and c = 2 units. 4 21. A tangent curve. 22. A sine curve with an amplitude of 2, and reflected about the x-axis. 23. A cosine w/amplitude of 3, horizontal compression x 2, and reflected about the x-axis. 24. A sine curve w/a = 2 and b = 2 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 118 Trig Graph Match Answer Sheet Trig Equation # Verbal Description # Graphs of Trig Eq. Letter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 119 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 120 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 121 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 122 Graphing Unit Algebra Trigonometry Page 123