ABU DHABI MEN’S COLLEGE Updated Sept 2006 I N DEP EN DEN T L EARN I N G C EN T RE Top websites for learners and teachers of English Se l f -S tu d y T e st s , Q u iz z es , G a m es , P uz z le s , Ex e r ci s e, I nd e pe n de nt Le a r ni ng Grammar/Vocab/Spelling BBC Skillwise www.tinyurl.com/8svbo Full of worksheets, fact sheets and fun on-line games and quizzes to help practise spelling, punctuation, grammar, reading & comprehension Guide to Grammar & Writing www.tinyurl.com/94rou Interactive grammar workout maintained by Capital Community College. Grammar Blast! www.tinyurl.com/3jho7 Activities for ESL Students http://a4esl.org/ Over 1,000 activities to help study English as a Second Language. NetGrammar www.tinyurl.com/ks54z Learning the thousands of words needed to be comfortable in a language is a great challenge. The vocabulary guides are in essence virtual worlds. Users visit different parts of this world (i.e. insects, the family, the farm). Listening The English Listening Lounge BBC English in the News www.tinyurl.com/cu2ga Features exercises and activities to develop high intermediate/advanced learners' listening, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, www.englishlistening.com California Distance Learning Project www.cdlponline.org/ Have a blast with Grammar Blast! Answer 10 questions and earn up to 100 game points. To play, just click on the link below and choose a quiz. English Exercises Online www.smic.be/smic5022/ Features recordings of ordinary English speakers, with questions and other study aids. 3 levels available. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab www.esl-lab.com CDLP Web site has an exciting new look including audio-enhanced reading, vocabulary, and “pick an answer” activities, and some new features like a word and definition matching game, simplified navigation and lively animated graphics. English Language Listening Lab Online http://www.elllo.org/ NetGrammar focuses on English grammar through interactive listening, reading and writing activities. Business Grammar www.tinyurl.com/7t43r Free access to more than 100 vocabulary and grammar resources, interactive quizzes and exercises, ready-to-use handouts and lesson ideas. Vocabulary Guides www.tinyurl.com/dasjw More than 250 exercises online. free Great collection of video and audio clips tied to English language exercises. Comes with a useful self-study guide for home or classroom use with some of the listening quizzes. 3 levels available. Learn English by listening to English speakers from all over the world. Over 500 listening activities to choose from! Great for new learners. Reading Online Reading Passages and Exercises www.tinyurl.com/cdz3o General Sharjah HCT Colleges User ID= 970003062 Password= 970003062 A fun site for students who are learning English as a Second Language check out the fun stuff page. Sharjah HCT College's award winning portal containing great online activities and downloads for English (Including PET, IELTS, KCA) maths, business etc. On-Line Lessons Reading Skills English Lessons and Tests English Page www.englishpage.com Writing A Guide to Learning English www.tinyurl.com/dhxnh Test Preparation SelfAccess www.tinyurl.com/qrq4o www.englishlearner.com Learners of English will find all types of interactive tests and exercises here: grammar, vocabulary, reading, crosswords, hangman and more. English Forum www.tinyurl.com/888mo Interactive, self-study learning tools for English language and ILELTS students. Word Skills www.wordskills.com/level/ English Baby! www.tinyurl.com/dq4k7 username=hct password=admc Interactive Language Grammar, and Idioms English Exercises. Vocabulary ESL Blue(s) www.tinyurl.com/g334h English writing exercises including texts to correct and complete spelling & punctuation, and many different kinds of word game. There are also opportunities to practice creative writing. Three levels available. A comprehensive, award winning ESL Centre. Username=999 Password=999 Free online English lessons & ESL / EFL resources for intermediate and advanced English learners. Timed online readings with new lessons added regularly. Dave’s ESL Cafe www.eslcafe.com/ http://swcweb.sjwc.hct.ac.ae/ Reading resources created to test comprehension. Includes quizzes, online activities and other helpful materials that are wellorganized and easy to navigate. www.tinyurl.com/9aey4 English Zone www.english-zone.com/ Test your level of English here - 3 levels to choose from. Each test takes about 10-15 minutes. International House Net Languages Test www.tinyurl.com/exrgd Hip website providing students of English with access to real English, as it's spoken today, by Americans, in the U.S. English grammar, interactive quizzes, tutorials and games. Do the free level test and even try a sample class.