Strategic Planning Template - LaGuardia Community College

Strategic Planning Template, 2012-13
Based on the draft 2012-13 Strategic Plan, select three areas to focus on: one supporting graduation / retention and two linking to University Targets.
Some University Targets have already been translated to College Targets. You can select an existing College Target as one of your areas to focus on as well, or propose a
new College Target.
For each of your three areas, fill out a separate template as follows. Submit the three templates to your Vice President by April 23, 2012.
DEPARTMENT OR UNIT NAME: ____________________________________________________DIVISION: _________________________
1. What are you proposing? (target or activity) _________________________
Example: Increase on-campus employment of students as college assistant, peer advisors and in other related positions by 5%.
2. Identify which area your proposed target or activity will address:
University Target _______________________________________________
Existing College Target ________________________________________________________________________
Graduation /Retention Target _________________________________
Example: Increase on-campus employment of students as college assistant, peer advisors and in other related positions by 5% RELATES TO University
Target 4.2 - Retention rates will increase progressively.
3. Fill out the chart below. Note that these charts become the basis for your final workplans, which must be posted online by June 29, 2012.
Objective(s): List and describe the objective(s). What do you wish to accomplish (include measurable outcomes)?
Actions to achieve objective(s): Describe what actions you will undertake and how they will lead to achieving the objective(s).
Timeline: Indicate if the project/activity is to be completed over one, two, or three years. Include intermediate benchmarks (what will be accomplished by when).
Assessment Mechanism(s): How will you assess that the objective(s) have been achieved?
Resources: What additional resources, if any, will you need to achieve your objectives?
Cross-Divisional: Does the activity have an impact on or involve other divisions? Describe.
Actions to achieve objective/
Planned Assessment
Resources Needed
Cross-Divisional Impact /
Involvement (if applicable)