Lesson Plan - Chicago GEAR UP Alliance

Social Justice High School  Weekly Lesson Plan
Teacher: Ms. Alt
Literacy Strategy:
Course: American Literature (H)
Co-teaching Model: Inclusion
Period: 2
Quotation analysis
Cloze reading
Objective: Students will begin their study of Our Town, Death of a Salesman and The Glass Menegerie. We will focus on basic play structure, stage directions
and application of universal theme to daily life. Students will be assigned to their play analysis groups and will begin work on their assigned play.
Students will have 3 weeks total to read the 3 plays, complete notes, and prepare their scenes for presentation.
Day 1
Monday January 11
No bellringer; Vocabulary Quiz
New Material
Revisiting the American
Students work in
partnerships to redefine
the American Dream
based on their previous
knowledge of The Great
Gatsby and The Things
They Carried (previous 2
Large group share-out;
what makes these
definitions shift and
change? How does an
another’s perspective
and economic status
change his/her viewpoint
of the American Dream?
Day 2
Tuesday January 12
Bellringer: ACT/Allusions
Day 3
Thursday January 14
Bellringer: Stage Direction/Play
Structure quiz.
Students assigned into
small groups (4) for
their play of the week.
Students will read 1
play at a time with their
group and will read 1
play per week.
Large group discussion of
application of American
Dream in plays thus far (15
minutes; students take
notes while teacher records
ideas on board).
Day 4
Friday January 15
Bellringer: ACT/Allusions
Thematic Graphic
Organizer (small group)
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Partner work; teacher
acts as coach. (15
Leveled questions for
each group (Glass, Our
Town, Death)
Introduction to
Tennessee Williams,
Thornton Wilder and
Arthur Miller and stage
directions (students take
notes from Powerpoint;
teacher lecture). (15
Students lead
themselves through a
guided reading and
literature circle
Teacher evaluates
student participation
using participation
Students work
independently to
develop a thesis
Small group fishbowl
Read aloud/act out first 5
pages of Our Town.
Large group discussion
(20 minutes) on
American Dream/Our
Town introduction;
students take notes on
American Dream
connection questions (large
group); 15 minutes.
Small group
reading/acting/blocking (20
Exit Ticket:
1) How does the American
Dream change based on
economic status?
Exit Ticket:
1) Turn in your reading
schedule and group
roles to Ms. Alt
Exit Ticket:
1) Group progress report.
HW: Vocabulary definitions
due Thursday
HW: All groups finish their
assigned play by January 19;
then groups will switch to the
next play.
HW: Reading schedule (student
selected); Leveled notes
Quiz Thursday on play
structure/stage directions.
Thematic Graphic
Organizer (small group)
Small group
(20 minutes)
Exit Ticket:
1) Group Progress Report
HW: Reading schedule; Leveled
Vocabulary Quiz Monday