English Department Lynn Hofmann Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Eng 11 – pd 1 February 16, 2009 7th Grade – pd 2 Speech – pd 3 8th Grade – pd 5 Obj: students will quiz understanding and comprehension of ppt notes over Puritan beliefs/ values and ch 1-3 Method: students take written quiz Assess: quiz scores measure students comprehension and understanding Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will enhance thinking process – definition, description, argumentation. Method: In coop groups of 3 studetns will work on Lesson 1 react using ch 1-3 while focusing on definitions, descriptions and argumentation. Gather as a whole grp and discuss wksh Assess: discussion will measure thinking process Assign: ch 4-6 Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: Students will apply elements of fiction and Puritan beliefs/values to the novel. Method: discuss ch 4-6 exposition, RA, conflict, symbolism Assess: discussion will measure how well students have read. Assign: read ch 7&8, Quiz over ch 4-8 on Thursday Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will demonstrated understanding of 6 traits coupled with oral presentations Method: present info about hunting dog researched. Assess: using rubric to assess. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.1, Obj: students will review concepts of ch 9 – organizing your speech Method: students use class time to review for quiz Assign: quiz Tuesday Obj: students will continue to apply drama concepts by reading Our Town orally. Method: students will read aloud Our Town – each students has a character to read lines. Students will be reading Act II. Standard: 8.1.1, 8.1.3, 8.1.6 Obj: students will explore geography of novel setting. Students will enhance vocabulary Method: in coop group of two using mobile lab students will complete page 5 pre-reading activity sheet. Students will complete vowel worksheet. Obj: students will take written quiz Students will explore the concept of effective language. Method: Students take written quiz. After quiz students will read chapter 11 sections 1 & 2. Assess: students quiz scores will measure understanding of researching concepts for speeches. Assign: reach ch 11 doing sections 2 & 3 recalling the facts. Obj: students will continue to develop a visual understanding to enhance comprehension Method: view Act II Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will begin to enhance literary skills. Method: teacher will give info about Wilson Rawls to set up novel Where the Red Fern Grows. Obj: students will enhance understanding of using effective language in speeches. Method: teacher orally discusses important concepts of chpt 11 using ppt notes. Go over recalling the facts for the chapter. Obj: students will explore Act 3. Method: begin reading Act 3 out loud. Discuss how similar to real small town life in 2007 Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: explore elements of fiction Method: students will discuss ch 7&8 using react 3 wksh. Assess: discussion will measure understanding and reasoning skills. Assign: quiz over chpt 4-8 Friday Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will enhance reading skills. Method; teacher will use CCQ and begin reading novel a loud. Students answer comprehensive questions corresponding with chapters. Assign: Finish reading through chapter 3. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhance understanding of using effective language in speeches. Method: teacher orally discusses important concepts of chpt 11 using ppt notes. Obj: students will explore Act 3. Method: begin reading Act 3 out loud. Discuss how similar to real small town life in 2007. Begin watching video. Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will quiz comprehension and understanding of plot Method: take written quiz over chapter 4-8 Assess: scores will measure understanding and comprehension Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will explore comprehension skills. Students will enhance vocabulary skills Method: orally discuss comprehension questions for ch 13. In coop group work on vocab worksheets for chapter 2 -3. Orally discuss at end of period. Standard: 7.1.1 Obj: students will enhance understanding of using effective language. Method: students complete worksheets applying economy of language simile (11), metaphor (13), Irony (16), avoiding sexist language (20). Assign: worksheets due Monday. Assess: wksh answers will measure understanding of usage of effective language and types of usage. Obj: students will develop a visual understanding to enhance their comprehension. Method: view Act III. Assign: test on Monday. Standard: 8.1.1 Multicultural Activities: Instructional Strategy of Graphic Organizer: Writing Sample of 6 Traits: English Department Lynn Hofmann Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday 7th Grade – pd 7 February 16, 2009 11th Eng – pd 8 8th Grade – pd 9 Obj: students will demonstrated understanding of 6 traits coupled with oral presentations Method: present info about hunting dog researched. Assess: using rubric to assess. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.1, Obj: students will quiz understanding and comprehension of ppt notes over Puritan beliefs/ values and ch 1-3 Method: students take written quiz Assess: quiz scores measure students comprehension and understanding Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will continue to apply drama concepts by reading Our Town orally. Method: students will read aloud Our Town – each students has a character to read lines. Students will be reading Act II. Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will explore geography of novel setting. Students will enhance vocabulary Method: in coop group of two using mobile lab students will complete page 5 pre-reading activity sheet. Students will complete vowel worksheet. Obj: students will enhance thinking process – definition, description, argumentation. Method: In coop groups of 3 studetns will work on Lesson 1 react using ch 1-3 while focusing on definitions, descriptions and argumentation. Gather as a whole grp and discuss wksh Assess: discussion will measure thinking process Assign: ch 4-6 Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: Students will apply elements of fiction and Puritan beliefs/values to the novel. Method: discuss ch 4-6 exposition, RA, conflict, symbolism Assess: discussion will measure how well students have read. Assign: read ch 7&8, Quiz over ch 4-8 on Thursday Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will continue to develop a visual understanding to enhance comprehension Method: view Act II Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will begin to enhance literary skills. Method: teacher will give info about Wilson Rawls to set up novel Where the Red Fern Grows. Obj: students will explore Act 3. Method: begin reading Act 3 out loud. Discuss how similar to real small town life in 2007 Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhance reading skills. Method; teacher will use CCQ and begin reading novel a loud. Students answer comprehensive questions corresponding with chapters. Assign: Finish reading through chapter 3. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.1 Obj: explore elements of fiction Method: students will discuss ch 7&8 using react 3 wksh. Assess: discussion will measure understanding and reasoning skills. Assign: quiz over chpt 4-8 Friday Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will explore Act 3. Method: begin reading Act 3 out loud. Discuss how similar to real small town life in 2007. Begin watching video. Standard: 8.1.1 Obj: students will explore comprehension skills. Students will enhance vocabulary skills Method: orally discuss comprehension questions for ch 1-3. In coop group work on vocab worksheets for chapter 2 3. Orally discuss at end of period. Standard: 7.1.1 Obj: students will quiz comprehension and understanding of plot Method: take written quiz over chapter 4-8 Assess: scores will measure understanding and comprehension Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.4 Obj: students will develop a visual understanding to enhance their comprehension. Method: view Act III. Assign: test on Monday. Standard: 8.1.1 Multicultural Activities: Instructional Strategy of Graphic Organizer: Writing Sample of 6 Traits: Class: