U9L2 Directional Angles

Period # _____
Unit 9 Lesson 2: Do Now
Directions: Let u = <-1,3> and v = <2, 4> Find the component form of the vector 2u – 4v and
represent the vector geometrically on the coordinate plane below.
Geometric Representation
2u – 4v
Period # _____
Unit 9 Lesson 2: Do Now
Directions: Let u = <-1,3> and v = <2, 4> Find the component form of the vector 2u – 4v and
represent the vector geometrically on the coordinate plane below.
Geometric Representation
2u – 4v
Pre-Calculus Honors
Unit 9 Lesson 2: The Unit Vector and Linear Combinations of Vectors
Objective: ______________________________________________________________
Do Now: Mark up the following definition for linear combination form of vectors:
Definition of Linear Combinations
Component Form: v = < v1, v2>
Linear combination Form: v = v1i + v2j
The scalars v1 and v2 are called the horizontal and vertical components of v respectively and can be written as,
what is called, a linear combination of vectors i and j.
You can solve vector operation problems by converting u and v from linear combination form to component
form. This, however is not necessary. You can perform the rules you learned yesterday to vectors in linear
combination form.
For example Let u = -3i +8j in linear combination form is equivalent to u = <-3, 8> in component form.
Name the three ways vectors can be represented:
Group Practice 1: Discovering How to Find the Direction for a Vector
Geometric Representation
Example Problem
Directions: Fill in the blanks to
complete the verbal steps of the
proof below.
Directions: Draw a diagram that represents
the example problem on the right. Label
your reference angle, directional angle, and
magnitude on the diagram below.
Directions: Find the
magnitude and direction of
the vector
It follows that the direction angle
of q for v is determined by
1.) tanq =
sin q
Step 1: ____________________
2.) tanq =
v sinq
v cosq
Step 2: ____________________
3.) tan  
Step 3: ____________________
Therefore, you can find the reference
angle of the directional angle by
 y
tan 1     . Following, you have
to calculate the directional angle.
v = -2i -5j
Group Practice 2: Discovering Component Form Formula, Given a Magnitude and Directional
Geometric Representation
Example Problem
Directions: Label the x (the horizontal
component), the y (the vertical
Directions: Mark up the following
text and answer the questions below.
component), v (the magnitude of the
Direction is measured in different
ways and in different contexts,
especially navigation. A precise way to
specify the direction of a vector is the
directional angle (the angle q that v
makes with the positive x-axis.)
Find the component form of a
vector v with a directional angle
of 115 degrees and a magnitude
of 6.
vector, and  on the diagram below.
1. Using trigonometry, how can
you find the horizontal
component of a vector?
x = _________________
2. Using trigonometry, how can
you find the vertical
component of a vector?
y = _________________
3. Using questions #1 and #2,
write a formula that you can
use to find the component
form of a vector given the
directional angle and
V = < ___________ , ___________>
Group Practice 3: Find the vector v with the given magnitude and same direction as u.
v  5, u  5,7 
Vector Problem Set #1
1. Let A = (2, -1), B = (3, 1), C = (-4, 2) and D = (1, -5).
Find the component form and the magnitude of the vector
b) CD 2 AB
a) 3 AB
c) AC  BD
2. Use the figure to sketch a graph of the specified vector. Do each example on a separate
coordinate plane. Label all vectors.
(a) –3u
(b) u + 2 v
(c) 2u -1/2 v
(d) 1/4v
3. Find the component form of vector v.
Find the magnitude and directional angle of the vector.
< 3, 4 >
b) -3i – 5j
c.) 7(cos135◦I + sin135◦j)
Find the vector v with the given magnitude and same direction as u.
llvll = 2, u = < 3, -3 >
Answer Key
<-14.52, 44.70>
Magnitude = 5
53.13 degrees
Magnitude = 5
306.87 degrees
Magnitude = 7
135 degrees
<1.41, - 1.41>