Meeting Agenda - Regional Transit Authority

Citizens Advisory Committee of the Regional Transit Authority of SE MI
Monday, December 14, 2015
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
Conference Call: 760-569-7171; Participant Code: 734523
The CAC envisions a thriving Southeast Michigan supported by a reliable, affordable,
accessible, and efficient transit system, where it contributes quality advice and support to the
RTA’s continual improvement of how people move throughout the region.
1. Provide the RTA’s Board and staff with recommendations and advice - founded upon
members’ expertise and experience together with community input and engagement concerning the best means to bring about and maintain reliable, affordable, accessible,
and efficient transit throughout Southeast Michigan.
2. Contribute to the RTA’s Board and staff’s understanding and consideration of public and
stakeholder concerns, ideas, and needs.
3. Assist the public and other regional stakeholders in understanding the value of transit and
the goals, plans, and work of the RTA.
Welcome / Quorum
5 minutes
Public Comment
5 minutes
Approval of Minutes – November 23, 2015
2 minutes
RTA Update – Ben Stupka & Consultants
 Corridor Studies:
- Woodward
- Gratiot
- Michigan Ave.
 Regional Master Plan Overview
Executive Committee Summary/Chair Updates
 2016 CAC members – indicating if not continuing in year two
 Transitional Plans for Jan. 25 mtg:
- updates on what the CAC has done
- what are the responsibilities of the three committees
- self introductions & one small group activity to build relationships
40 minutes
5 minutes
Committee Updates/Action:
- Outreach Committee: Kathleen Alessandro
- Policy Committee: Patty Fedewa
- Presentation on Commuting Patterns, Larry Krieg
- Recommendation on Michigan Avenue
- Seniors/ADA Committee: John Waterman
- Assessable bus stops/Update on adopt-a-stop
30 minutes
Liaison Updates?
5 minutes
- Executive and Policy: Megan Owens, Lauren Baker
- Finance and Budget: Elizabeth Luther, David Weinreich
- Planning and Service Coordination: Larry Krieg, Jordan Twardy
- Public Transit Providers: Patty Fedewa, Larry Krieg, Jordan Twardy
- Finance/Business: George Jacobsen, Susan Pollay
- Regional Master Transit Action Plan (RMTAP): Jordan Twardy, Adrianna Jordan
- Gratiot Plan: Jerry Hasspacher, Arthur Divers
- Michigan Ave Plan: Prashanth Gururaja, Robert Polk
- Woodward Plan: Melanie Piana, Lisa Nuszkowski
Reflections: 30 seconds “best of CAC this year”
15 minutes
Words of Appreciation – Michael Ford
5 minutes
5 minutes
First Meeting of 2016: Monday, January 25, 2015 at 4:30 pm
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
Citizens Advisory Committee of the Regional Transit Authority of SE MI
Monday, November 23, 2015
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
Conference Call: 760-569-7171; Participant Code: 734523
The CAC envisions a thriving Southeast Michigan supported by a reliable, affordable, accessible, and efficient
transit system, where it contributes quality advice and support to the RTA’s continual improvement of how
people move throughout the region.
1. Provide the RTA’s Board and staff with recommendations and advice - founded upon members’ expertise
and experience together with community input and engagement - concerning the best means to bring
about and maintain reliable, affordable, accessible, and efficient transit throughout Southeast Michigan.
2. Contribute to the RTA’s Board and staff’s understanding and consideration of public and stakeholder
concerns, ideas, and needs.
3. Assist the public and other regional stakeholders in understanding the value of transit and the goals, plans,
and work of the RTA.
Welcome / Quorum – 22/35 attending
Public Comment
Jim Casha – Detroit’s City Planner doesn’t like State Fair plans, so RTA could have another
opportunity to influence State Fairgrounds
Renard Monczunski – Detroit People’s Platform surveyed DDOT riders and will continue to survey
Detroiters re knowledge about RTA and BRT; very focused on improving service within Detroit and
Approval of Minutes – October 26, 2015
Moved and seconded.
Comments/concerns – request to list who voted which way on Fairgrounds resolution – however
that has not been our practice, so chair rules request out of order
RTA Update
- General Update: Follow up on Policy Committee questions
Will include both possible Woodward midtown alignments in future
Concerns about vague questions at last set of Master Plan comments, which RTA will strive to
address in future
Concerns about BRT definitions utilized at RTA Public Meetings – RTA responded that the definition
is fuzzy nationally and that both are legitimate. CAC members voiced concern that a certain level is
required to be truly concerned BRT and that we don’t want BRT to be watered down. RTA Planner
Stupka responded that they are utilizing US FTA decisions
Need to make sure CAC liaisons are being notified. Email correction made.
SMART signage and service in Detroit. SMART and DDOT planners are meeting to decide how that
service can be best provided.
Fare Study report now available online.
- RTA Training: Follow up on 5 interviews/CAC member
Please email Rev Ott with responses from your interview, she’ll convey them to Travis
- 2016 CAC process/recruiting
Applications now available online. Note – two year terms. People who started in 2015 continue
to be on the CAC through the end of 2016. People who have been on the CAC since the start (2014)
are still eligible but NEED TO REAPPLY. Deadline to apply is December 16. Decisions will be made by
January 11. Use digital version if feasible. If anyone would like assistance in how they submit their
application, don’t hesitate to contact Travis.
Need help promoting openings to people who would be a good fit for the CAC, especially people
who can help with public engagement. Expect 5 hours per month to do outreach and engagement,
beyond meeting attendance.
Executive Committee Summary/Chair Updates
No in person Exec meeting planned for December
Expect to have substantial updates from RTA at Dec 14 meeting.
Committee Updates/Action:
- Outreach Committee: Kathleen Alessandro
- Gap analysis project/demo
- Policy Committee: Patty Fedewa
- Gratiot and Michigan Avenue Corridor Study Recommendations
o Redeveloping entire street provides great opportunity to incorporate
o Noting that we’re not asking RTA to design bike infrastructure, but asking MDOT
to do so and the RTA to work with them to enable it
o Friendly amendments:
 Struck the second-to-last bullet regarding MDOT’s Greg Johnson
 Edit language to “seniors, and individuals with disabilities”
o Approved unanimously
- Last policy meeting for the year after this meeting
Seniors/ADA Committee: John Waterman
- Assessable bus stops/Update on adopt-a-stop
o Developing an accessible stop check-list, hoping to completed by year’s end
Liaison Updates
- Executive and Policy: Megan Owens, Lauren Baker – no update
- Finance and Budget: Elizabeth Luther, David Weinreich – quick meeting, budget balanced
through 2017, agreed on ways to break out budget and make it easier to read, question about
Kresge grant appears to no longer be being utilized – will direct to RTA CEO
Planning and Service Coordination: Larry Krieg, Jordan Twardy
o Question of Detroit ordinance is being cleared up, Detroit City Council actively
working to eliminate any barriers to RTA or SMART bus operations within Detroit
o On-board rider surveys being concluded
o General public opinion survey under development
o Airport service – RTA interviewed potential bidders to RFP, learned companies
need flexibility in vehicle size, concerns about airport agreement
Public Transit Providers: Patty Fedewa, Larry Krieg, Jordan Twardy
o Fare Coordination Study is posted on the website
 Bigger challenge will be agreement between providers
o Concerns discussed about pedestrian and bicycle safety
o Working on fold-up version of full regional map, should be ready for public input
in January
o Woodward Study being re-invigorated
o AAATA had millage victory in Scio Township
o DDOT reaching 99% pull-outs
o SMART has ordered 59 new buses
o Detroit People Mover will provide free rides on Thanksgiving!
Finance/Business: George Jacobsen, Susan Pollay – no meeting
Regional Master Transit Action Plan (RMTAP): Jordan Twardy, Adrianna Jordan – no meeting
Gratiot Plan: Jerry Hasspacher, Arthur Divers –
o Question about extending Gratiot plan beyond Mt. Clemens to 23 Mile Road –
submitted to consultants
o Awaiting draft detailed definitions document
Michigan Ave Plan: Prashanth Gururaja, Robert Polk
o Tier One report has been finalized to include BRT and Regional Rail
o Now working on detailed definitions of alternatives, including 2 regional rail
options and 5 BRT options, mostly including supplemental bus service
 RTA accepting comments for next two weeks
 Definitions will be finalized in December
 Evaluation in January
o Another phase of outreach
Woodward Plan: Melanie Piana, Lisa Nuszkowski (update from
o Outreach meetings planned for February and April
o Expect environmental clearance within 6-8 months
o Need to address traffic impacts and historical preservation
 Per question – will include routing south of Grand Boulevard
Rev Ott will not be chairing next year. The schedule of all RTA Board meetings is available for
anyone considering applying to be Chair.
At December meeting, asking committee chairs to report back on
Lauren Baker
Brian Colfer
Frank Cunningham
Arthur Divers
Clive D’Souza
Patty Fedewa
Prashanth Gururaja
George Jacobsen
Adrianna Jordan
Andrew Justus
Larry Krieg
Alice Landino
Elizabeth Luther
Tina Abbate-Marzolf
Louise Ott
Megan Owens
Marie Pacini
Robert Polk
Todd Scott John
David Weinreich
Elnora Austell (phone)
Travis Gonyou (phone)
Ben Stupka (RTA staff)
Roy Rose (RTA Board)
Virginia Linkletter (RTA staff)
Last Meeting of 2015: Monday, December 14, 2015 at 4:30 pm
SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
RTA CAC Executive Committee
December 8, 2015, 11:30am – Conference Call - Draft Notes
Discussed 2016 CAC membership
 Applications due Dec 15 for new and renewing applicants
 Will ask/encourage current CAC members who are going into their second year to communicate
whether they plan to remain or leave
o Will include reminder in Exec update
 Don will work with RTA staff on fitting applicants to matrix of requirements
Proposed Agenda for Dec CAC meeting
 Ben and consultants will present update on corridor plans
o Est. 30 minutes
 Michael will offer some info / overview of draft Master Plan, but still unable to be specific on
dates or details
 Policy Committee will offer recommendation on Michigan Avenue and Larry Krieg will make
presentation on commuting patterns
 Discussed some sort of end of year party or celebration
o Decided no party but some recognition and appreciation
o Michael will work with Ginny about providing a certificate of appreciation to all who have
served in 2015
o Go around group and ask each person to share 30 seconds of what was most meaningful
from their participation this year
o Will do a group photo – ask Travis to lead that and get Ginny or a consultant or someone
to take it
Transition Plan to new CAC
 Need to elect new officers at January meeting
 Ideas/suggestions for first meeting include:
o Find way to get people to know each other better
o Need to educate people on expectations
o Share mission and vision and past CAC recommendations
o Everyone introduce themselves and perhaps
o Big picture overview from RTA on goals and process
 Need handbook of materials for new members
o Exec will email in doc format to every CAC member
o Requesting that Ginny provide copies to every CAC meeting, printed two-sided, for every
CAC member
o Megan will work with Ginny to compile everything, including
 RTA enabling legislation
 CAC mission and vision
 CAC bylaws
 Past CAC recommendations
 List of members with city/county, phone, email, category (rider, faith, senior, etc),
and term(s)
 Susan offered to work with Ginny to create the updated list once the 2016
CAC membership is place
 Current Exec team will meet by conference call second week of January to plan January CAC
meeting – Louise will send Doodle to schedule
TOPIC: Michigan Avenue Transit Corridor
The RTA will be recommending a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the Michigan Avenue
corridor to develop rapid transit between Ann Arbor and Detroit. The CAC is issuing
recommendations to be included in the Tier 2 Evaluation of Alternatives and in the LPA.
In the Tier 2 Evaluation of Alternatives, the RTA should evaluate a Regional Rail service option
of 15 to 20 round trips per day between Ann Arbor and Detroit to better serve the diverse transit
needs of the corridor.
For the Locally Preferred Alternative, the CAC recommends the RTA implement the following:
1) Regional Rail should be implemented as the spine of the full Ann Arbor-Detroit corridor.
2) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) should be implemented between Detroit and Detroit Metro
3) BRT should be implemented between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.
4) Frequent transit service along Michigan Ave should connect the two BRT segments.
The Michigan Avenue corridor is a very diverse corridor. It is home to several universities,
hospitals, entertainment venues, and employment centers. According to the BEST: Michigan
Avenue Purpose and Needs Report, the corridor is home to a higher population density and
employment density than the Region as a whole, with transit dependency also growing.
The transit in this corridor must meet the needs of workers, students, event goers, airport
travelers, and others. Colleges and universities across the corridor conduct classes from morning
to night. Airport travelers take flights throughout the day. Hospital and airport employees work
shifts that start and end at various times of the day. Sporting events, concerts, and other
entertainment occur on nights and weekends. This means that transit service should operate
throughout the day, be time efficient, and run extensively on weekends.
The CAC believes that rail is the most effective way to connect the entire length of the Michigan
Ave corridor from Ann Arbor to Detroit. It can connect the centers of various communities along
the corridor with the fastest service. The current draft of the Tier 2 Detailed Definitions of
Alternatives Report includes Commuter Rail with five round trips and no weekend service, and
Regional Rail with eight round trips seven days a week. Though Regional Rail is an
improvement over than Commuter Rail, Regional Rail would better meet the corridor’s transit
needs with more daily service. Including an alternative of 15 to 20 daily round trips in the Tier 2
analysis will present the costs and benefits of the higher amount of service and evaluate potential
paths for implementation through added infrastructure or operational improvements. Regional
rail lines in regions similar in size to ours, such as Dallas and Miami, which connect multiple
population centers and airports, have weekday service levels greater than 20 round trips per day.
BRT between Detroit and Detroit Metro Airport would directly serve areas with high transit
demand that are currently not connected well with transit. This route would connect downtown
and Southwest Detroit with other Wayne County communities, such as Dearborn and Inkster,
linking residents to important employment centers and the airport. Transfers can also be
coordinated with the Regional Rail service for faster connections to New Center, Ann Arbor, or
AAATA’s ridership along Washtenaw Ave between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti is its busiest
service. Current bus schedules between outlying Ypsilanti and job centers in Ann Arbor require
45-90 minutes each way commute time. This is very discouraging to all riders and potential
riders, while traffic congestion into Ann Arbor is increasing rapidly. In spite of enhanced
frequencies of buses on Washtenaw Ave, buses are standing-room only much of the time. BRT
would be an effective tool in decreasing travel times and increasing the reliability of transit
service in an already high demand corridor. BRT could be integrated with the possible
implementation of the Reimagine Washtenaw Corridor Improvement plan.
To maintain continuity in transit service along the corridor and provide transit access to residents
and jobs in between the two BRT segments, frequent transit service should be implemented
along Michigan Ave between the two BRT segments. This transit service could also be BRT.
All of these recommendations are at a minimum. It is not to exclusion of additional or
supplemental service. Express and local bus service, like the routes outlined in the Tier 2
Detailed Definition of Alternatives, should be implemented as ridership and other technical
factors warrant. These can be used, for example, to provide service in between rail departures,
directly to airport terminals, and special events.