Nervous System Webquest

Nervous System Web Quest
Description: The study of this intriguing organ system raises many
challenging questions such as: Why can a small glitch in the brain's
circuit be so devastating or highly debilitating to some while others
can function with major damage? How do experiences in life alter our
brains? This web quest will help you better understand the
components and purpose of the Nervous System.
TASK# 1 - Define Keywords
Vocabulary Words:
The Nervous System, Central Nervous System, Spinal Cord, Brain,
Nerves, Peripheral Nervous System, Somatic Nervous System,
Autonomic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System,
Parasympathetic Nervous System, Hormones, Neurons
Site #1- The Sensory Receptors
1. What are the two ways that sensory receptors are classified?
2. Identify and explain the three receptors that are classified by
3. Identify and explain the five receptors that are classified by
stimuli detected.
Site # 2 - The Brain is the Boss
1. What are the three main parts of the brain?
2. What does the cerebrum do?
3. What does the cerebellum do?
4. What does the brain stem do?
5. Give an example of an involuntary muscle.
6. How big is the pituitary gland and what does it do?
7. What does the hypothalamus do and where is it located?
8. What part of your brain controls your emotions?
9. What are two important minerals for the nervous system?
Site # 3- Neuroscience for Kids
1. Click on the “Explore the Nervous System” link and then click
on the “The Neuron” link. Use the information there to label the
following diagram.
2. Take the Neuron quiz at the bottom of the link.
Diagram of a Neuron
Site # 3 – The Secret Life of the Brain
1. Click on “mind illusions” and try one of the illusions. List which
illusion you chose and explain how it tricks your brain.
2. Click on “The Teenage Brain” and explore why teens sleep
more than adults. Briefly explain why.
3. In the Teenage Brain section, explore the link about desire and
addictions. Briefly explain what causes addictions.
Site # 4 – Phineas Gage
1. Explain why Phineas’s personality changed due to his injury.
Explore web sites on your own to answer the following questions:
1. How does the structure of a neuron help carry impulses
through the nervous system?
2. What roles do the central and peripheral nervous systems play
in the body?
3. Why are reflexes important?
4. What difficulties would a person have if his/her sensory
receptors weren’t functioning properly?
5. Describe the basic structure of a neuron and how an impulse
moves across a synapse.
6. Compare the central and peripheral nervous systems.
7. Explain what type of stimulus each sense organ responds to
and how.
8. Explain the advantage of having reflexes controlled by the
spinal cord.
Web Activities:
 Neuroscience for kids:
Match a brain
Get body smart:
 Brain Map
Nervous System Interactive