Introducing Queen M

Introducing Queen M.O.P.S.A.H.
BY: Janita Baucum
Common Core Standards:
RL 4 DETERMINE the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text,
including figurative language and connotative meanings. DEMONSTRATE
understanding of figures of speech, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Essential Questions:
 How does language usage reflect master of Standard English and its
 Why is it necessary to recognize figurative language in text?
Unit Goal:
By the end of this unit the learner will be able to identify and utilize figures of
speech. In addition, the learner will continue through out the year implementing the
M.O.P.S.A.H. strategy in writing opportunities.
 IDENITFY and list similes or metaphors in lyrics.
 ANALYZE importance of figurative language (i.e. figurative language
enhances writing as well as lyrics).
 APPLY knowledge of figurative language to write notes to M.O.P.S.A.H. in
“her language.”
Accommodations for Individual Student Needs:
 Learning styles ~ Discussion, Power Point, Figurative Language Rap,
Matching terms with definitions.
 Expectations ~ Some students will perform with minimal assistance, while
others may require additional guidance and prompts by teacher or peer tutors.
 Differentiated Instruction ~ The students will get the figurative language by
auditory method with the teacher reading the Power Point aloud. The students
will receive a worksheet to fill in the blanks for definitions. The kinesthetic
learner will manipulate the term with definition cards. So, they will see it,
hear it, write it, and say it.
Prior Knowledge:
 Identify figures of speech in the class read aloud book.
 Lessons taught in previous grades.
Introduction of the lesson:
TTW review the helping verb song while teacher is distributing the
M.O.P.S.A.H. worksheet.
1. The teacher will INTRODUCE the learning targets and state standards.
2. The teacher will RELATE the learning targets and standards to the
lives of the students by using a handout with song lyrics.
3. The teacher/students will DISCUSS the lyrics.
4. The teacher will EXPLAIN figurative language using a model called
5. The students will FOLLOW the teacher’s lecture via handout/Power
6. The teacher will ASSESS understanding of the lecture with a quick
independent matching assessment. (80% or above should be at the
mastery level).
7. Students will work in a group to ANALYZE, INTERPRET, AND
ORGANIZE the song lyrics presented in the introduction and
DETERMINE the types of figurative language used and their meaning.
8. Students will SUMMARIZE their findings with the class and ARGUE
for their interpretation of the figurative language.
9. Students will LISTEN to a figurative language rap as a closing review.
10. Students will APPLY their knowledge of figurative language by
creating their own figurative language on a post-it note provided.
Tennessee State Standards:
Writing: Use strong verbs and figurative language (e.g. metaphors, similes) for
emphasis or creative effect as appropriate to the purpose.
Media: Recognize how music uses figurative language techniques to carry or
influence a message.
Literature: Identify sound devices (e.g. alliteration, onomatopoeia). Analyze
figurative language in text.
Learning Targets:
Analyze figurative language within context
Determine the appropriate meaning of figurative language and phrases in passages
Student Objectives:
*Explore the use of figurative language in their every day lives
*Identify figurative languages through class discussions as well as independent
*Show understanding of figurative language by using it in writing
*Define the types of figurative language
Materials Needed:
Pencils, composition book, song lyrics, M.O.P.S.A.H. cards
The teacher will create a mood of curiosity and suspense by having the students
believe they are about to meet a person who will help the lesson. The teacher will
introduce M.O.P.S.A.H. (the queen of figurative language). The teacher will explain that
her purpose is to spice up their language. The students will have a worksheet and the
explanations for the acronym. The teacher will lecture (Power Point) about each letter
and the type of figurative language it represents. The students will follow along
completing their handout.