PC3130/3201 QUANTUM MECHANICS TUTORIAL 5 March 2000 1. Using the perturbation method, calculate the lowest energy up to first order of a particle of mass m in a one-dimensional potential well given by V (x) = t x a -a < x < a = x < -a; x > a where t is a small constant. The first state function 1(x) and energy E1 of a particle of mass m inside an infinite square well are given by 1 1 x 22 and E1 , cos a 2a 8ma 2 and 2 0 2. cos 2 d 2 16 1 4 An electron in the Coulomb potential (40)-1 qe/r has the normalised groundstate wave function (a3)-1/2 exp(-r/a). Assuming the nuclear charge is uniformly distributed on the surface of a sphere of radius r0, find the first order correction to the groundstate energy of the hydrogen atom, treating deviation from Coulomb potential energy as a perturbation. Repeat the calculation by assuming the nucleus to be a uniformly charged solid sphere of radius r0 0 Note: r x a = (40 2 / (qe2m) = 0.5 A (40)-1 qe2 / a = 27.2 eV, ~ r0 = 10-13 cm 3. A charged particle is bound in a harmonic potential V = kx2/2 . The system is placed in an external electric field that is constant in space and time. Calculate the shift of the energy of the ground state to order 2 . 4. The first excited state of the hydrogen atom has fourfold degeneracy, and the eigenfunctions in atomic units are: - 1 2 r 1 1/ 2 ) 2 4 200 2( ) 3/ 2 e r / 2 (1 )( 210 1 1 3/ 2 r / 2 3 1/ 2 ( ) e r ( ) cos 4 3 2 211 ( ) 1 1 3/ 2 r / 2 3 1/ 2 ( ) e r ( ) sin e i 8 3 2 The hydrogen atom is placed in a constant electric field along the x3~ direction. The perturbation potential can be taken as H = qe . x = qe x3 ~ ~ Show (a) nm x3 nm = 0 for m m by using x3 , 3 0 (b) nm x3 nm = 0 by considering the parity of the state nm (r,,) (c) zero. the possible values for the first order energy correction are 3qe and Note: 0 r n1e r dr (n)