Karen Amlaev MD, Chief of the department "Medical prevention and epidemiology of non-communicable deseases" EITI Stavropol State Medical University. 355017, Russian Federation, Stavropol, street. Mira, 310, tel. +79283180604, e-mail: kum672002@mail.ru THE PRESENT STATE OF INEQUALITY IN HEALTH (REVIEW) Health inequity is a general term typically differences, used to define changes, health], which is unfair and unjust” [1]. and Some researchers suggest a definition disproportions in the health status of based on which unfairness in health individuals and groups, however, not will be related to those health any health inequity will be unjust. disparities Yet, many types of health inequity are avoidable, undoubtedly unjust as the concept of unjust. ([1] - [5]). that are considered removable, unfair and health injustice focuses on distribution Health inequity is increasing both of resources and other processes that inside countries and among them. The drive certain types of health inequity, gap in life expectancy between the i.e. on systematic disparities in terms richest and poorest countries is more of health (or in its social determinants) than 40 years. Besides, in all countries among various social groups enjoying there is a large gap in terms of health more or less favorable opportunities. status In other words it focuses on health irrespective of their income. In high inequities that are unjust and unfair. income Speaking of the English terms dividing various countries there groups can be observed a more than 10-year life “inequality” and “inequity” that are expectancy used groups depending on such factors as to healthcare define the “disparity”: expression in social the gap ethnicity, between gender, various social & inequalities in health imply the same economic status, and the geography of disparity [just like social inequities in residence. In poor countries all regions show significant difference in When viewing the behavioral factors child death rate depending on the – either positively or negatively household welfare. affecting health – we shall come Socio-economic conditions (social determinants) have significant showing that poorer (from socio- impact people’s health through their economic point of view) groups entire life-span. People with lower usually demonstrate poorer nutrition, income demonstrate at least twice the lower physical activity at their spare likelihood of developing a serious time, have a higher level of tobacco disease if use or some other alcohol-related compared to those with high income. behavior patterns that seriously affect Besides, the social disparities in health health. Special literature available status, which could be called the reflecting the findings received from social health gradient, can be observed qualitative through all the stages of the social groups’ ladder and go beyond the low-income lifestyles, serves evidence that such group. In particular, even in the people have more restricted choices in middle lower terms of healthy lifestyles, which is positions contract diseases and die due to the limits on their time, space, more often than their colleagues and money available to them, and holding higher positions [1]. The most could also be accounted for by the important the psycho-social mechanisms influencing development of effective social and them. All this is aggravated with the economic policy are full and adequate difference vision of how inequality is generated, conditions and services, which could whether it is income or health prevent or reduce the health damage inequality, what factors influence this from the socio-economic factors. For process, how these inequalities are instance there are differences about related, search of the ways to reduce access to the major medical care and inequality up to a socially acceptable their quality when we talk of various level. groups of the society, where healthier or a across numerous undeniable facts premature class those conditions death with for research living in into conditions access to poorer and goods, 2 and better-off groups enjoy more of This assumption is based on the ideas that access. The same holds true both of the mechanisms connecting health for and socio-economic inequity. In some preventive services and for treatment. [6]. The cases such mechanisms are rather economic standpoint obvious while in other cases they are contains reasons showing that such more complicated and are not so healthcare disparities result in huge visible from the surface. Thus, the loss and waste of human resource, level which could otherwise be used both differences in living standards – the for individual prosperity and for the quality and the quantity of the goods society at large. Inequalities and and services consumed. This, first of inequities in health and health care are all, just manifestation of the more general content, food diversity and balance, process protective of social disintegration. of income affects the determines nutrition and the calorie sanitary-hygiene Therefore, the activities aimed at features of the clothes and footwear, overcoming inequalities and inequities as in health, could be a means of convenience of the living micro- focusing efforts and opportunities to environment. Differences in the living restore or revival of social cohesion. conditions develop unequal capacities Health a to adjust and to cope with physical significant part of the society has no and emotional stress. Inequity in chance to reach their full health living conditions determines unequal potential, and this cuts them from access to efficient ways of coping access and a chance to enjoy other with basic human rights. The conclusion mechanisms here implies that the society should be inequity “rubbing off” onto health is equal and fair in distributing the linked to the hypothesis stating that resources available so that to make the relationship between the health these accessible for everyone. [7]. and the socio-economic status could inequity Socio-economic means factors that are meaningful factors in health inequity. be well as health the comfort disturbances. of expressed and Such socio-economic through the interconnection of “better economic 3 status – better health status”. The Such health status is subject to the influence comprehension of social mechanisms of individual behavior – smoking, in the development of health and how alcohol, poor or imbalanced nutrition, much health inequity is due to and lack of physical activity. The economic and social changes that the differences in health status that are society faces; this will also bring due to lifestyle shall be unfair when about the idea of the trends – either the choice of the lifestyle is restricted increasing or decreasing – in health with socio-economic factors never inequity directly depending on the person groups. Such research projects are of himself. For instance, poorer (from great the socio-economic viewpoint) groups developing a social policy aiming at have been shown to tend to adopt better public health, as well as of behavior patterns posing potential assessing threat to their health. [8]. currently implemented measures. ([5], The findings from a number of research will between deeper different importance the help in social terms efficiency of of the [9], [10]). According to the documents European research projects suggest of the leading that the death rate among those found organizations at the “lowest” rank of the social nowadays policy of public healthcare ladder is typically 2-3 times as high, is based on the concept of health as a while the life expectancy in non- specific public benefit the access to qualified employees is 5 years shorter which should be determined following if compared with qualified personnel; the principles of social justice. This also there is a 9-12-year gap between implies equal opportunities in getting the poor and the well-off in terms of the key health resources for people their life expectancy free from any representing various social groups. disabling condition. ([5], [9], [10]). The ([2], implementation international [11]), of the this Studying social inequity in requirement would involve special health and its change over time is one attention towards the groups whose of the key areas in the modern status is less favorable compared to research into the sociology of health. others. ([5], [12]). 4 Mention should be made here increasing inequity, which puts them, that a policy aimed at reducing the too, among the top concern objects health-related burden in low-status from the point of view of public social groups will not just meet the healthcare. justice principles, yet it will also aggravation of women’s health, in contribute to significant improvement particular in those belonging to in the population’s health in general. vulnerable social groups, has become ([9], [13], [14]). an issue that is attracting more and The differentiated Even though the latest decade more attention from policy-makers in has seen measures to reduce inequity those countries. In some countries taken across Europe, there are still there is direct evidence of health many inequity depending on the ethnicity. countries concern that with the a growing disparities and The findings received from the United inequities are expanding, which is Kingdom as well as from other places especially obvious in the Central and suggest that this is largely a result of Eastern Europe where the phenomena the poor socio-economic conditions of in question have adopted in this certain ethnic groups. century an unprecedented scale if compared with industrial different and vary from area to area in countries. In some countries (the different periods of time, which is Russian Federation being one of evidence to the fact that they are not them) where the worsening general fixed health status in people is a common actually, be altered. The best results fact, the increasing inequity and gained or underway in a particular disparities are a dramatic consequence country should become a sample and a of shock. guide for other countries in their However, even countries with a good attempt to reach achievable aims in state of things in healthcare (e.g. improving their people’s health. severe Denmark, other Inequity and injustice are quite socio-economic the inevitable and could, and There is a growing consensus Sweden) also demonstrate significant on the question of the essential role evidence played by systematically manifested of Netherlands, and retaining and even 5 differences and differentiation in all Any way, socio-economic inequities that concerns the impact of health violate the principle of social justice. hazards and risks associated with In this respect the concept of social living conditions, when considering justice could be analyzed. the reasons underlying the observed Social justice has no clearly differences in health. This means that defined limits. All public ideas of some groups of society have much justice worse chances and opportunities to layered and not standardized. Even achieve and realize their full health within certain groups ir is possible to potential than others, due to their come across the combination of specific and different ideas of justice or the social, imposition of different ideologies of socio-economic justice. Conditionally there are three life circumstances: psychological factors physical, and conditions of their lives. Social multi- standards of justice: - justice in services (the "who makes systematic health disparities in various more, should get more" neo-liberal socio-economic groups. This inequity principle, in which the state must is socially determined (and, therefore, restrict access to social services, and is changeable) and is unfair. Such a to encourage self-market); judgment of justice is based on the - justice in needs (resources are common principle of human rights. divided There are facts showing that there is prescribed rules for needs); huge (and still increasing) social - inequity in Europe nowadays, at least inequalities are fair in the medium- as term perspective, because ultimately it as in heterogeneous, is far inequity are relative health criteria are concerned. [6]. on the functionalist basis of justice state- (market maximizes welfare for all). [15]. The range of socio-economic Social inequity has existed for inequities is wide: gender- and age- the entire comprehensible human related, race-ethnic, history. Even though inequity has professional, power-related, material- always been subject to destructive and property-related, territorial, etc. criticism educational, and has never been 6 approved, yet people through history esteem, dissatisfaction with their life, have demonstrated extreme resistance and substance abuse. ([1], [16]). to any “ideal” society based on social The World Health Organization equity and absence of suppression has developed an ambitious program among groups. Health for All, which targets at a 25 % There is special concern over reduction of health inequities both social inequity when it comes to inside countries and among them by children’s health. During that the the beginning of the XXI century [11]. report on health inequity, including However, given the results obtained the issues of qualitative assessment of from numerous research projects the gender, age, geographic, and socio- WHO European Bureau once again economic factors influencing health has defined the European targets for disparities, contains data on the health health inequity reduction. status of adolescents aged 11, 13, and HEALTH-21: European target 1 – 15 in 2005–2006 representing 41 Solidarity for health in the European countries and the WHO’s European Region. region and North America. The By the year 2020, the present gap in purpose of the report was to detect the health status between member states actual differences of the European region should be health status, and in youngsters’ provision of reduced by at least one third. information that could be useful for HEALTH-21: European target 2 – the development and implementation Equity in health. of specific programs, also contributing By the year 2020, the health gap to improving young people’s health at between socioeconomic groups within large. countries should be reduced by at least This research has produced one fourth in all member states, by convincing evidence showing that substantially improving the level of despite the high health status and health of disadvantaged groups. well-being in young people many of HEALTH-21: European target 3 – them still have severe issues related to Multisectoral responsibility for health. overweight and obesity, low self7 By the year 2020, all sectors should relative. This is because inequity will have recognized and accepted their inevitably responsibility for health. [6]. societies. Therefore, relative poverty Prior dealing will always be present even if the prominent health inequity there should living standards for all the groups of a be an understanding of its major society have gone up. and health with complex the causes to accompany inequity manifestations. The relation between the death rate and the income, the likelihood of Complete proper a shorter life expectancy develops due inequity to long accumulation of negative develops – be that in terms of income impacts from financial hardships and or health – as well as what factors the emotional reactions linked to influence the process, how these them. An individual’s health status is inequities are related, and finding largely determined by the social group ways to reduce the inequity down to a this particular person belongs to. A socially acceptable level – all these preliminary analysis of the relation are the between health inequity and economic development of an efficient socio- status shows that towards various economic policy. [17]. health indicators there is both inverse understanding important and of how premises for The most vulnerable to inequity (higher status – fewer diseases) and groups still remain the youth, women, direct relation. The position held by retirees, low-qualification an individual in the social hierarchy – workers. Along with poverty and no matter how it may be defined – beggary (sometimes referred to as through job, level of education or deep also income is always the determining disadvantage. This typically affects factor both for the health status, and children, for the prevalence of behaviors that and poverty) the there disabled, is retirees, representatives of another race or ethnicity, and the chronically poor. are destructive for health. People employed in areas with A society may eliminate absolute lower status and low income more poverty, yet there is always some often demonstrate stress symptoms. 8 Stress can act as an effect modifier. this number of infarction occurrences This means that in case of comparable goes down as long as the subjective levels of harmful impacts those economic status goes up ([10], [23] - experiencing [26]). stress are more susceptible to diseases and accidents. The dependence of health from We should also keep in view the extra the objective economic status is also effects an illustration of the type of health of behavioral manifestations, such as stress smoking, alcohol abuse or violence. An empirical issues. First, shows a higher of concentration of people with low interrelation between health inequity income among those with high or very and income inequity is, for instance, high likelihood of health loss: groups the data on differentiation of the of those unable to maintain self-care medium number of health deviations and suffering from limited physical in subjective capacity include the elderly. In other economic status. The highest number words, inverse relation between the of health issues has been registered in objective economic status and the the groups with the lowest economic health status is mostly typical of the status, and the number will decrease elderly and the oldest groups of the as the status of the group grows. population, Russian authors' works confirm the hypothesis concerning the fact that the influence of social aspect on health. development of a stable negative ([18] - [22]). relation between health and economic various groups illustration it of which supports the A similar relation between health status is largely subject to the factor of and the objective economic status can accumulating the negative impact be seen in case of some specific from financial hardships and their diseases, blood circulation issues in consequences over a long time. particular. The highest concentration Second, of those who suffered myocardial between chronic diseases and the infarction can be seen among the economic status. A complementary population with the lowest status, and analysis of the relation in view of the there is direct relation 9 age factor among people with various institutions. Among the well-off this incomes also shows that the poor have index a higher share of those suffering from compared to the disadvantaged, both diagnosed chronic diseases in all age in general, and within specific age and groups, if compared with similar age level-of-education groups ([22], [27] – groups with the maximum income. As [29]). for acute communicable diseases both is significantly higher, if Thus, there has been both direct the poor and the rich are equally and inverse relation identified vulnerable to them, with the middle between health and the objective and class demonstrating a lower level of subjective economic status. On the vulnerability. one hand, the higher economic status The distribution of the different the more often people visit medical age population suffering from health institutions for preventive purposes issues in the groups of the subjective and the higher the number of those economic status also suggests that in with chronic diseases detected. On the the young age (or in the first part of other hand, the higher economic status life) the share of people with detected the lower (on average) the number of (diagnosed) issues is growing along people with health issues, the lower with the subjective economic status the share of people with severe heart growth. Yet, there is a tendency seen diseases (myocardial infarction), and in those approaching the end of their the lower the share of those with age: the higher subjective economic significant and stable loss of health. In status the higher concentration of general the individual findings on people with health issues. health support the conclusions and People who are rather well-off assumptions concerning the prolonged have significant material possibilities and ongoing impact of income on to get the medical assistance needed health, which were done based on the and to take care of, and maintain their analysis of socio-economic inequity own health. This could be seen, in and territorial differences in people’s particular, of health status. There we can see both medical cumulative effect where “the quantity preventive in the visits prevalence to 10 (of money) shall transfer into quality data obtained suggesting that mental (of health)” after a certain period of disturbances are more common for the time, and the stimulating role of lower social class. [30]. Employment higher income on the ongoing health status was the main factor explaining monitoring and timely response to its differences in the prevalence of all disturbances. mental First of all, economic status - is disorders Unemployment among also adults. significantly only one of many social structural and increased the odds ratio of developing behavioral factors that affect health. It mental disorders in comparison with is more appropriate to consider age as the reference group. Chances of one developing of the most important drug addiction have almost four-fold after determinants of health - a direct increased indicator of the degree of "exhaustion" adjusting for other socio-demographic of biological resource of health given indicators, phobias and functional to man by nature. On average, the psychosis - almost tripled, depressive younger the person, the higher the episodes, generalized anxiety disorder biological resource, the older, the and obsessive-compulsive disorders - poorer the resource. more than doubled, and mixed anxiety The relation between the social status and various aspects of mental and depressive disorder - more than two-thirds. issues has been of interest for both At the same time, lately there doctors and researchers since long have been discovered other channels ago; the findings from a lot of of the significant impact that inequity research the has on health. In particular, it has been meaningfulness of social status in shown that chronic stresses related to understanding mental diseases and the dissatisfaction with one’s socio- disability. economic status may result in neuro- have The demonstrated epidemiological research projects conducted all over endocrine and psychological the world have shown an inverse functional relation between mental issues and the contributing to the disease likelihood. social class. There has been consistent It has already become a common alterations thus 11 opinion that a longer feeling of fear, are connected. Higher indices of uncertainty, low self-esteem, social vulnerability isolation, inability to make decisions individuals with lower levels of and be in charge of the situation both education and social achievements. are detected among at home and at work impact health There was also a suggestion that seriously: this may cause depression, belonging to a particular social class increase will susceptibility to influence the nature of communicable diseases, diabetes, high psychopathological blood cholesterol, and cardio-vascular in depression. Patients demonstrating issues. Low socio-economic position, symptoms of somatized and anxiety therefore, directly disorders more often belong to a lower through deprivation and financial social class. At the same time hardships, and through the subjective cognitive symptoms were more often vision of one’s “unequal” position in detected in patients from a higher the society and the related judgment, class. The severity of depression in relations, experiences. When studying adults, related to financial issues, may the influence that the socio-economic depend on age. Mirowsky и Ross [32] status has on health focus should be found that it goes down as the age kept on both the objective and goes up. Financial troubles and poor subjective status. marital relationships are significant Therefore, there is an undoubted factors contributing to the risk of connection financial depression onset and its chronic status and health, which can be seen course [33]. Just like depression, both from the scientific-theoretical poverty is typically chronic in its viewpoint, and at the level of common nature, so it usually needs focus both sense. ([27] – [29]). from caregivers and from decision impacts health socio-economic between the Many researchers state that low socio-economic status is associated with high prevalence of symptomatology makers. If compared to the general mood population people who attempt suicide disorders [31]. Socioeconomic status more often belong to the social groups and vulnerability in mood disorders 12 where social instability and poverty The social class is a risk factor of are typical. death due to alcohol abuse, which is Gunnell et al. [34] nvestigated the relation parasuicidal between behavior, suicide, factors as poverty, disadvantage socio- position and the social class. The rate economic issues. They identified a of alcohol-induced death is higher connection and among men involved in physical labor parasuicidal behavior, while negative than among clerks, yet the relative socio-economic factor offered nearly index will depend on the age. Men complete explanation. aged 25-39 and involved in common between and also related to such structural social suicide Besides, these murders and non-qualified physical labor suicides more often happen in densely demonstrate a death rate 10-20 times populated poor areas [35]. Crawford и higher than representatives of the Prince these middle class, while among those aged findings. They noticed an increase in 55-64 the same index is only 2,5–4 the young times higher if compared to those who unemployed men living under severe are involved in a type of labor social deprivation. It also true that the requiring special skills [38]. [36] suicide frequency of also rate support among cocaine or opiate Thus, consideration of of the overdose cases is associated with influence socio-economic poverty [37]. determinants of health on vulnerable Alcohol and drug addiction groups is an important element in the corresponds to the general tendency, implementation of effective social with the highest indices in the social policies to reduce inequalities in class V. Both unemployed men and health. women demonstrate a higher level of alcohol or substance dependency in case they belong to the unemployed. References 13 [1] Whitehead, M., Dahlgren, G. [6] Европейское региональное бюро «Европейские ВОЗ. стратегии преодолению по социального Копенгаген, 2008, 41 с., Режим доступа: неравенства в отношении здоровья: http://www.euro.who.int/document/e8 восходящее выравнивание», Ч. 2, 9383r.pdf. 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As the most important Summary: factors are considered poverty, ecological trouble, lack of The article describes the state of the education. problem of inequality in health in the residents largely confined to socio world. The main causes of increasing economic factors that do not depend inequality in health. The authors refer directly on the person. to them economic differentiation of Summary: society, the transition from health to inequity, the health, public health and health care. health of clinical medicine, Shown that Keywords: social lifestyle health determinants of unequal access to health services. Analyzed the influence of socioeconomic determinants that shape 17