Axial Skeleton Questions

Axial Skeleton Questions
Use the handout attached to complete the following questions.
1. a) The skeleton is divided into 2 sections. The __________________
skeleton which includes the skull, ribs, sternum, and vertebrae, and
the _______________________ skeleton which is mainly the limbs.
b) Identify the two separate sections of the skeleton and color code
them on your skeleton diagram.
2. Identify the main bones of the skull and color code them on the close
up diagram provided in this handout. (1 frontal, 2 parietal, 2 temporal,
1 occipital, and the maxilla).
3. What is the foramen magnum, where is it located, and what is it for?
4. a) How many pairs of ribs are there all together? ______________
How many pairs of true ribs? _______ Why are they called this?
How many pairs of false ribs? _______ Why are they called this?
How many pairs of floating ribs? ______ Why are they called this?
b) Color code the different groups of ribs on the diagram provided.
5. Why is it not practical for the rib cage not to be solid bone like the
skull? Give two reasons.
6. What two areas found in the rib cage and sternum are most
susceptible to injury?
7. The hole in the middle of the vertebral column is larger at the top
than towards the bottom. Why do you think this is necessary?
8. What is meant by a slipped disc? Why does it often cause discomfort
and numbness in the extremities?
9. The bony protuberances on each vertebra are there for the ribs and
muscles to attach to. Although they are necessary, how do they limit
the movement of the trunk?
10. a) What is the shape of the vertebral column and give a reason why it
is shaped this way.
b) Color code the vertebral column at the back of the handout.