Saigon Institute of Technology Houston Community College TOEFL (paper-based) SYLLABUS Semester: SPRING 2010 Campus and Room: Instructor: Office Hours: By appointment Class: ITP Day: Time: Telephone: Email Address: Prerequisite: Listening 2304, Speaking 2304, Reading 2304, Writing 2304 1. Course Objectives: The purpose of this intense course is to prepare students for the TOEFL paper-based exam and to further develop their listening, reading, and writing English in academic environment. The primary goal will be to improve their test scores on the TOEFL exam. 2. Textbook: Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: the Paper Test, by Le Huy Lam (editor), Nha xuat ban Tong hop Tp. HCM, 2005. 3. Course length: 100 hours 4. Course Requirements: Course requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: - Self –study, vocabulary learning emphasized - Strict timing when doing homework, esp. post-tests, and complete tests - Regular attendance - Punctuality - Active in-class participation - Timely completion of assignments as requested by their instructors No late work will be accepted for unexcused absences. 5. Course Evaluation: There will be no grading in the formal sense, although track of scores on the students’ assignments will be kept. The students’ progress will be based on their TOEFL – paper-based – scores at the end of the course. 6. Make-up test policy: There are no make-up tests for students who are absent on test dates. 8. Notes on Assignments & Examinations: Work is accepted only by the due dates specified by the instructor. Late submission may not be accepted. If students are absent from class, they are responsible for making arrangements to have their work handed in on the due date, and for informing themselves of the information covered in class 1 during the period of their absence. If a regularly scheduled examination is missed due to illness (properly and specifically documented in writing from a medical practitioner), an authorized school activity, or other approved reasons, an opportunity will be provided to make up the exam. No other make-up work will be assigned or accepted. 7. Cell Phones, Pagers, Tape Recorders: Cell phones must be turned on silent mode in the classroom. Students may not make or take calls during class. Tape recorders may be used only with instructor’s permission. 8. Scholastic Dishonesty: According to the Student Handbook, scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. a. Cheating on a test includes: Copying from another student’s test paper and using materials not authorized by the person giving the test. Collaborating with another student during a test without authority. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an unadministered test. Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. b. Plagiarism means the presentation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own new ideas or words without crediting the source of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. c. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit. Possible punishments for scholastic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F for the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from this institution. 9. Student Grievances: Students who wish to complain about any aspect of their education should first speak with their instructor. If the situation remains unresolved, then the student has the right to file a student grievance with the administration. Read your Student Handbook paying particular attention to the section on Student Policies. Within this section is a segment on Grievance Procedure as well as one on Academic Dishonesty. It is important that you familiarize yourself with both your rights and responsibilities as a student. The Student Handbook is available from the main office. This class aims to establish and maintain a positive learning environment based upon communication and mutual respect. It will be conducted in accordance with Saigon Tech's commitment to social justice and academic honesty. Therefore, the above procedures will be applied throughout the course. 10. Course Calendar 2 Week 1 (18-23 Jan) Session 1 Introduction to the course Listening Skills 1-2 (p. 42– 47) Session 2 Reading Skills 1, 2 (p. 283 – 289) Session 3 Listening Skills 3-4 (p. 48-53) TOEFL exercise Skills 1-3 (p. 50) S&W.E: Skills 1-5 (p. 130 – 138) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-5 (p. 138 – 139) S&W.E: Skills 6-8 (p. 139 – 144) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-8 (p. 144 – 146) Reading Skills 3 (p. 291 – 295) Reading Skill 2, cont. TOELF exercise Skills 1-2 (p.290-291) S&W.E: Skills 13-14 (p. 155-161) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-12 (p.154– 155) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-14 (p. 161 – 162) Reading Skill 5 (p. 299 – 301) TOEFL exercise Skills 3-5 (p.301-303) Reading Skills 4 (p. 296-298) S&W.E: Skills 15-19 (p. 163 – 173) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-19 (p. 173 – 174) Listening Skills 11-12 (p. 70-75) S&W.E Skills 20-23 (p. 176 – 182) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-23 (p. 182 – 183) Reading Skills 6-7 (p. 307-314) Reading TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-5 (p. 303 – 307) S&W.E Skills 24-26 (p. 184 – 189) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-26 (p. 189 – 190) S&W.E Skills 27-29 (p.190-195) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-29 (p. 195 – 196) Reading TOEFL exercise Skills 6-7 (p. 314-316) Listening Skills 5-6 (p. 54-58) TOEFL exercise Skills 4-6 (p. 58-59) 2 (25-30 Jan) S&W.E: Skills 9-12 (p. 146- 154) Listening Skills 8-10 (p. 62-68) 3 (01-06 Feb) 4 (22-27 Feb) Listening TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-6 (p. 59) Skill 7 (p. 60-61) Listening Skill 10, cont. TOEFL exercise Skills 7-10 (p. 68-69) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-10 (p. 69) Listening Skill 13 (p. 75-77) TOEFL exercise Skills 11-13 (p. 77) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-13 (p. 78) 3 5 (1-6 Mar) 6 (8-13 Mar) 7 (15-20 Mar) Listening Skills 14-15 (p. 78-83) TOEFL exercise Skills 14-15 (p. 83-84) Reading TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-7 (p. 316 – 320) Listening TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-15 (p. 84) Skill 16 (p. 85-86) S&W.E Skills 30-32 (p. 196 – 200) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-32 (p. 200 – 201) Listening Skill 17 (p. 87-88) TOEFL exercise Skills 16-17 (p. 89) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-17 (p. 89-90) S&W.E Skills 33-36 (p. 201– 208) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-36 (p. 208 – 209) Reading Skills 10-11 (326-330) Reading Skills 8-9 (p. 320 – 326) S&W.E Skills 37-38 (p. 210– 213) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-38 (p. 213 – 214) Listening Skill 23-27 (p. 104-111) S&W.E Skill 39-42 (p. 214-220) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-42 (p. 221) Reading TOEFL exercise Skills 8-11 (p. 330 – 332) Reading TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-11 (p. 333 – 337) Listening TOEFL review exercise Skills 23-27 (p. 112) S&W.E Skills 43-45 (p. 222 – 227) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-45 (p. 227 – 228) S&W.E Skills 46-48 (p.228-234) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-48 (p. 235) Reading Skills 12-13 (p. 338-345) 8 (22-27 Mar) 9 (29Mar -3April Listening Skill 18-22 (p. 93-100) TOEFL review exercise Skills 18-22 (p. 101) NO CLASS Listening Post Test Further Practice Test Reading TOEFL exercise Skills 12-13 (p. 346-348) Listening Complete Test 1 Further Practice Test S&W.E Skills 49-51 (p. 236-241) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-51 (p. 241-242) S&W.E Skills 52-55 (p. 242-248) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-55 (p. 248) Reading TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-13 (p. 349 – 353) 4 10 (05-10 Apr) 11 (12-17 Apr) 12 (19-24 Apr) 13 (26Apr -1May) Listening Complete Test 2 Further Practice Test S&W.E Skills 56-57 (p. 249 – 252) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-57 (p. 252 – 253) Listening Complete Test 4 Further Practice Test Reading Post test (p. 355 – 365) Further Practice Test S&W.E Skills 58-60 (p. 253 – 257) TOEFL review exercise Skills 1-60 (p. 258) Listening Complete Test 3 Further Practice Test Reading Complete Test 1 (p. 424 – 434) Further Practice Test Reading Complete Test 2 (p. 450 – 460) Further Practice Test Listening Complete Test 5 Further Practice Test S&W.E Post test (p. 259 - 265) Further Practice Test Listening Further Practice Test S&W.E Practice Test 1 (p. 417 – 423) Further Practice Test Reading Complete Test 4 (p. 502 – 512) Further Practice Test Reading Complete Test 3 (p. 476 – 786) Further Practice Test Listening Further Practice Test Reading Complete Test 5 (p. 528 – 538) Further Practice Test S&W.E Practice Test 2 (p. 443 – 449) Further Practice Test NO CLASS MOCK TEST, 2.5hrs 5 6