1st: Tuesday - 28th: Monday

1st: Tuesday - 28th: Monday
A display of artwork by young people.
Venue: Blackpool Central Library, Abingdon Street, Blackpool, Lancashire
Time: Library opening times
Website: http://www.mvfm.org/
1st: Tuesday - 28th: Monday
LGBT Local History in Brighton
Images of Brighton, one of the two local history galleries at Brighton Museum & Art
gallery, features aspects of the city's vibrant contemporary scene, including a display
about the local LGBT community. It includes oral histories by local people, video
footage of Pride and written information about the development of the LGBT
community in Brighton & Hove. The display was created by the museum's Local
History staff, in conjunction with GLAM (Gay and Lesbian Arts & Media) and the
Brighton Ourstory Project. Apart from the special Images of Brighton display, there is
much of interest to LGBT people throughout the museum, for example: LGBT oral
histories have been recorded for many of the sections, such as personal stories
about gay pubs and being bullied at school for being a lesbian in the Exploring
Brighton gallery; the Body gallery, which focuses on the way we present ourselves to
the world, includes body modification, with a special emphasis on piercing and
tattooing; the Fashion & Style gallery includes a display called Renegade showing
street fashions from recent decades; paintings in the Twentieth Century Art & Design
gallery include Après Midi by David Paynter and Two Figures by Fernand Léger,
while visitors to William Willett's Popular Pottery are greeted by Difficult Background,
a revolving Grayson Perry vase. It is all accessible free of charge and the museum's
Balcony Café does a fabulous afternoon tea!
Venue: Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, Entrance in Royal Pavilion Gardens,
Time: Tuesday 10am-7pm, Wednesday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 2-5pm, Closed
Website: http://www.virtualmuseum.info
1st: Tuesday
Celebrating our lives - Islington LGBT History Month Celebration
Celebration to commemorate the UK's and Islington's first LGBT History Month.
Speakers include Ben Summerskill (Stonewall), Lisa Power (THT), Cllrs Terry Stacy
and Laura Willoughby, photographer Robert Taylor, Jack Gilbert (Islington LGBT
Forum) and Vernal Scott (Head of Equality & Diversity). In conjunction with this
event, we will be opening an exclusive town hall foyer photographic exhibition of key
LGBT personalities, by renowned artist Robert Taylor. Subjects include Alan
Hollinghurst, Inge Blackman, Isaac Julien amongst many others. There will also be
memorable archive material on display from Gay Times.
Venue: Committee Room 1, Islington Town Hall, Upper Street N1 2UD
Organisation: London Borough of Islington
Time: 5.30pm onwards
Tel: 020 7527 3142
1st: Tuesday · 28th: Monday
Art Exhibition
An art exhibition focusing on the work of some of the leading LGBT artists over the
past 150 years.
Org: Bristol Central Library, College Green, Bristol
Venue: Bristol City Council
Time: Opening Hours
Tel: 0117 9037342
1st: Tuesday · 28th: Monday
Mail shot
Mail shot to school heads asking them to be aware of LGBT history month and gain
some valuable support and training from local LGBT community worker.
Org: Bromley PCT
Venue: Health Development Service, Beckenham Hospital
Tel: 01689 866698
1st: Tuesday
Showcase of educational resources on lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT)
issues, plus local support services. FAO: PSHE Coordinators of all schools
Venue: Learning Development Centre, Brighton
Deadline: 1st February
Website: http://ezone.eastsussexcc.gov.uk/vsb/main.asp?item=1049
1st: Tuesday
Resources for LGBT History
The University of York's Equality in the Curriculum project has funded the creation of
a set of webpages at
http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/bihr/guidefeaflets/lgbwebsite/index.htm on resources for
LGBT history in the University's archive, the Borthwick Institute, including the stories
of individuals from the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries as told in the records, to be
launched in conjunction with LGBT History month
Org: Borthwick Institute University of York
Tel: 01904 321162
Website: http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/bihr/guidefeaflets/lgbwebsite/index.htm
1 February - 28 February
Library display
A collection of posters and badges from LGBT events and campaigns in the London
Borough of Lambeth, along with a selection of LGBT History books, taken from the
collections at Lambeth Archives
Venue: Lambeth Archives & The Minet Library, 52 Knatchbull Road, London SE5
Time: Monday 13:00-20:00, Tuesday 10:00-18:00, Wednesday Closed, Thursday
10:00-18:00, Friday 10:00-13:00, Saturday 09:00-17:00, Sunday Closed
Tel: 020 7926 6076
2nd: Wednesday·19th: Saturday
Gateway to Heaven
A play written entirely from the memories of older lesbians and gay men. The author,
Clare Summerskill, interviewed twenty-six people from a wide range of social and
ethnic backgrounds: they tell of their experiences of living as a distinct minority in a
world where the majority did not even recognize homosexuality.
Performed by Clare and members of her company, Artemis
Venue: Oval House Theatre, 52·54 Kennington Oval, London SE11 5SW
Tel (Box Office): 0207 582 7680
Website: http://www.gatewaytoheaven.co.uk/
2nd: Wednesday
Training for Senior Managers/Leadership Teams on challenging homophobia
A full training day for schools' Senior Managers or Leadership Teams on challenging
homophobia, faced by both young people and staff in schools. An expert led day of
training facilitated by Jonathan Charlesworth M.Ed. (NUT Bristol), Projects Manager
of EACH (Educational Action Challenging Homophobia).
Venue: NUT Headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, LONDON WC1H 9BD
Time: 9.30am to 4.00pm
Tel: 020 7388 6191
Website: www.eachaction.org.uk
2nd: Wednesday
Naz Project London
Theatre trip to see The Maids, a play set against a 1960s Bollywood backdrop about
two Hijras (Indian Eunuchs) that plot the murder of their Mistress.
At Naz Project London, we will be screening My Beautiful Laundrette , Pink Mirror
and other films that represent LGBT within the communities we work with. (Dates not
Gateway to Heaven , a play based on memories of older lesbians and gay men. Held
at Oval House Theatre (Dates not confirmed)
Naz Project London will get involved in an event based in Barnet looking at
Newspaper Archives of LGBT communities.
Naz Project London has been invited to hold a stall at Hammersmith Town Hall on
25th Feb 05.
Club Kali and Exilio are looking to hold events at their club nights.
Org: Naz Project London
Venue: Various
Time: Various
Tel: 0208 741 1879
Website: http://www.naz.org.uk
3rd: Thursday
British Museum
On the first Thursday of the month the British Museum is open late. The
Enlightenment Gallery was newly opened last year and presents a view of the
development of museums. As a major international instituion contributing to
understanding of sexuality it is uniquely placed to provide a learning resource. How
does it do it?
Venue: British Museum, Enlightenment Gallery, London
Org: landscape.gallery and satyrs in suburbia
3rd: Feb
Network with other LGBT people in education
Press release : (Word doc)
3rd: Thursday
Celebrating LGBT History Month
Bona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eek! – or, Playing the Polari Game. Download the flyer
as a Word Document
Org: The Rainbow Network
Time: 10 – 4pm
Email: rainbow@dca.gsi.gov.uk
4th: Friday
OutWest Conference
OutWest has arranged a LGBT Conference on the 4th February 2005. The purpose
of this conference is to make service providers aware of their responsibilities to the
LGBT community following recent and long standing legislation. We wish to cover
four main topics :- * Crime * Housing * Health * Education Commander Steve Allen
from the Met will speak on Crime Deborah Gold from Stonewall Housing is speaking
on Housing Rosemary Watt-Wyness CEO Pace will tackle Health issues, other
speakers TBA.
Venue: Hounslow Civic Centre
Time: registration@ 9.30am, conference to begin @10.00am with 15 minute
presentations from each speaker plus a fifteen minute q/a.
Email: Les.Jackson@tube.tfl.gov.uk
4th: Friday
Tate Britain
The Tate Britain is open late in the evening, on the first Friday of February, so this is
a chance to walk around and work out all sorts of queer connections. Be around
7pm, with a pink canation?
Venue: Tate Britain, Millbank (Underground:Pimlico, Rail: Vauxhall, London
Org: landscape.gallery and satyrs in suburbia
4th: Friday
Photography Exhibition
Join us for an opening event for the first LGBT history month. Photographer Pam
Isherwood has been taking pictures of marches, demonstrations and Pride events
from the very beginning to present day. A selection of these images will be on display
at this event.
Venue: Inspire Cafe, St. Peter's Church, Liverpool Grove, Walworth London, SE17
Website: Website: http://www.pamisherwood.co.uk/gallery/prideexhn1.htm
Time: 7.00pm onwards
Tel: 020 7525 5659
4th: Friday
DVD launch
Luna have been commissioned by Nottingham LEA to do a report with LGB young
people (16-21 yr. olds) about their experiences of ducation and how they would like
schools to move forward and be a place where young LGB people feel safe, valued
and included. The DVD will be available from Friday the 4th February. The young
people will be recording a radio interview for BBC Radio Nottingham, to celebrate
Gay History Month. If you would like to listen to the young people who made the DVD
discussing the process and their involvement, go on to the Luna website, on the
consultation and participation section http://www.lunatraining.com . It will feature
there from 23rd February and might be something interesting to listen to with other
young people in secondary schools, as an introduction to other related discussions.
Org: Luna Training
Tel: 0790 567 2029
Website: http://www.lunatraining.com
4th: Friday
Celebrating LGBT History Month
Bona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eek! – or, Playing the Polari Game. Download the flyer
as a Word Document
Org: The Rainbow Network
Time: 10 – 4pm
Email: rainbow@dca.gsi.gov.uk
6th: Sunday
Soho Walks every Sunday in February
Stroll through streets that have witnessed the sexy secrets, trials, and triumphs of
gay life for nearly a thousand years. Enjoying the vibrancy of Soho's diverse cultural
history and see the richness that it offers today. Walks on 6th Feb, 13th Feb, 20th
Feb, 27th Feb
Org: Kairos in Soho
Venue: Meet on the steps of 56 Old Compton Street, W1. £5 No need to book.
Time: All start at 2pm
Tel: 08703665279
Website: http://www.kairosinsoho.org.uk
7th: Monday
Brighton-based support, social and campaign group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender teachers and education workers invites local schools and youth workers
to a showcase of LGBT educational resources: excerpts from a range of videos
free resources for lessons and assemblies
local support services and training providers
All the resources will be available on free loan to local schools · from infants to sixth
Venue: Learning Development Centre, Hodshrove Lane, Brighton
Time: 4·6pm
Tel: 01273 298299
Email: tart@ntlworld.com
7th: Monday
Account of a Possible Gay History
An account of a possible gay history, starting with Theocritus, moving backwards and
then forwards. John Lindsay was one of the founders of Gay Switchboard, Gay
Rights at Work, the Gay Librarians Group and the East London Faggots.
Venue: Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St., London WC1
Time: 5.30pm
Tel: 0208 547 2000
7th: Monday - 11th: Friday
Documentary on History of Brighton Pride
BBC Southern Counties Radio at 11.15am each day throughout the week will
broadcast a series of Documentary programmes about the History of Brighton Pride
as part of LGBT History Month and Brighton Winter Pride.
Time: 11.15am each day
7th: Monday
A House of Commons reception for LGBT History Month hosted by Angela Eagle MP
This reception will take place from 5.30-7.30 at the House of Commons. Jacqui
Smith, Equalities Minister, will be present, as will a Minister from the DfES (to be
confirmed). Admission is by invitation only. For further information join our mailing
Venue: House of Commons
Time: 5.30 - 7.30pm
7th: Monday
Diversity Awareness Week
The Scottish Executive's HR Policy Team (Diversity) and the Executive's LGBT Staff
Network are running a lunchtime seminar in the Scottish Executive's St Andrews
House Media Centre 1 on Monday 7 February at 12 noon. The aim of the seminar is
to acknowledge the contributions LGBT staff have made to the Civil Service. There
will be three speakers who will give short presentations on the contribution of LGBT
people to Scottish History, including the life and work of civil servant Cecil Sinclair,
life as a gay civil servant, and the challenges facing the LGBT community in the
Scottish Executive and in Scotland today. Confirmed speakers include Ellen Galford
and Brian Thompson from Remember When? (The Edinburgh LGBT History Project),
and Ali Jarvis (former director of Stonewall Scotland). This diversity awareness event
is open to Scottish Executive staff only. : As well as the seminar on the 7th February
the LGBT Staff Network is planning a number of social events to celebrate history
month. We will also have an LGBT History Month display in the entrance area of all
Executive buildings during the first week of February.
The Scottish Executive's HR Policy Team (Diversity) and the Executive's LGBT Staff
Venue: St Andrew's House, Edinburgh
Time: 12 · 1.45pm
Tel: 0131 244 0891
Website: http://www.scotland.gov.uk
7th: Monday until end of month
Pride and Protest
: To celebrate LGBT History Month in February 05, The Rainbow Project is joining
with the Irish Queer Archive to present Pride and Protest. This exhibition traces the
evolution of the lesbian and gay civil rights movement in Ireland (both north and
south) and includes an array of information, documentation and memorabilia from
LGBT college societies, the Democratic Unionist Party's (DUP) Save Ulster from
Sodomy campaign of the early 1980s, the Carpenter Club in Belfast, Jeff Dudgeon's
legal challenges against UK Government and more. The exhibition will be hosted by
Belfast Central Library and located in the first floor reading room. It will run from
Monday 7 February until the end of the month. /div> Org: The Rainbow Project
Venue: Belfast Central Library, Royal Avenue, Belfast
Time: 9am - 9pm Mondays and Thursdays, 9am - 5pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Fridays 9am -1pm Saturdays
Tel: 028 90319030
Website: www.rainbow-project.org
7th: Monday
Library Displays
We have arranged for two displays boards to be set up, celebrating the history of
LGBT communities. The displays will be placed at all 3 campus' of Barnet College
and 3 local Barnet Libaries. The Display will chart the change in attitudes towards
LGBT people over the last century including the significant changes LGBT people
have made themselves. This will include archive stories and information from varying
decades. (LGBT media archives at Middlesex University have kindly provided us with
some great material). Added information / leaflets will be displayed around the board
to be taken away for further reading; this will include information on Homophobic
Crime, leaflets from GALOP, CPS, Out Zone, BLAGG etc
Dates: 7/02/05 - 13/02/05, 14/02/05 - 20/02/05, 21/02/05
Org: Barnet LGBT Network and BASIC (Barnet Advocacy for sexuality in the
Venue: North Finchley Library, Edgware Library, Chipping Barnet Library, Barnet
College: Graham Park Campus, Russell Lane Campus, Wood street High Barnet
Time: 9am – 5pm
Tel: 020 8733 5856
7th: Monday – every Monday until 21st March (and Sat 12)
Are you unhappy about how much you drink or the drugs you take? Sorted? Is a 7
week group for gay/bi men to explore how they use drink and drugs, and plan ways
to reduce or manage their drinking and drug-taking in the future. This is a free
workshop for gay/bi men. Please phone 020 7700 1323 for more information or to
book a place.
Org: Pace (Project for Advocacy, Counselling and Education)
Venue: Pace, Islington
Time: Mondays 6.30-9pm, Saturday 10am-5pm
Tel: 020 7700 1323
Website: www.pacehealth.co.uk
8th: Tuesday
The Bisexual Underground
Regular monthly pub meet for London-based bisexuals and bi-friendly people,
holding a meeting with a historical theme.
Venue: the Blue Posts, 81 Newman Street, London, W1T 3EU
Time: 6·11pm
Website: http://www.bisexualunderground.org/
8th: Tuesday - 8th March
The Games People Play
Do you sometimes feel stuck in your ways of relating to other people? Games People
Play is a 5 week group using assertion skills as a way of breaking passive,
aggressive and manipulating ways of relating to other. This workshop is aimed at
Black and Asian Gay/Bi Men. Games People Play - for Black and Asian Gay/Bi Men
is a FREE workshop. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment!!!
Organisation: PACE
Venue: PACE, Manor Gardens, Holloway Road, London N7
Time: Tues evenings - 6.30pm-9pm, Sunday 6 March 2005 - 10am-5pm
Tel: Bookings hotline: 020 7700 1323
Email: groupwork@pace.dircon.co.uk
8th: Tuesday
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard:30 years of helping out
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard:30 years of helping out. Perry Savill and Neil
Cooper talk about the history and current work of the London Lesbian and Gay
Organisation: South London Gays
Venue: The Bread and Roses pub (upstairs), 68 Clapham Manor Street, London
Time: 8.30pm
Website: http://www.slago.org.uk/slg/
8th: Tuesday
Quiz Night
The usual fun-packed competitive evening at Café Sala, Broughton Street,
Edinburgh, but in honour of LGBT History Month, Ellen Galford, author of Moll
Cutpurse and The Fires of Bride wrote a special set of LGBT History questions for
the quiz teams to answer. Just show up before 8pm, join a team (3 to 5 women to
each team) and answer the questions to win a prize! £2 entrance fee per team.
Org: Remember When: celebrating the history of Edinburgh's LGBT communities
Venue: Café Sala, 57 Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3SA
Time: 8pm
Tel: 0131-558-2820
Website: http:// www.rememberwhen.org.uk
8th: February
Live Music
Live Music from Qboy "hottest gay rapper" - playing his first non-gay venue, Mz
Fontaine and DJ Cautious. Rap, R'n'B and Disco. Food Buffet, Drink specials and a
history of LGBT liberation. Sponsored by the London Metropolitan Police
Org: Pridentity - Goldsmiths LGBT society
Venue: Goldsmiths College Students' Union, Dixon Road, New Cross London SE14
Time: 7.30pm-late
Tel: 020 8692 1406
8th: Tuesday
Brunel University
A presentation and display of LGBT people throughout history.
Org: Brunel LGBT
Venue: Brunel University, Lecture Centre Foyer
Time: 10.00am-3.00pm
Tel: 07956 202322
Website: www.brunelstudents.com/lgbt
9th: Wednesday
Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
This seminar will focus on the introduction of the Employment Equality (Sexual
Orientation) Regulations 2003. Although the regulations represent the UK's first
legislative moves to combat workplace discrimination, there are gaps in the
legislation, around the issues of religious organisations and benefits dependent on
marital status, which led to an unsuccessful High Court legal challenge, led by trade
unions and the TUC. While the outcome of the appeal is awaited, this seminar is
aimed at familiarising trade unionists, employment lawyers, personnel specialists,
academics, students and those concerned with the development of public policy, to
the current regulations.
When and in what cases will the new laws apply? What constitutes direct and indirect
discrimination? What more can trade unions do to advance the rights of lesbian, gay
and bisexual workers and achieve a more comprehensive package of equality law.
These questions and many more will be addressed by the panel of employment law
experts at this informative half-day seminar organised by the Institute of Employment
Rights. Tickets: IER subscribers and members: £45.00, Trade Unions: £60.00,
Commercial: £120.00
Venue: NATFHE Centre, Britannia Street, London WC1
Time: 1:30- 4:15pm
Website: http://www.www.ier.org.uk/
9th: Wednesday
Celebrating LGBT History Month
Bona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eek! – or, Playing the Polari Game. Download the flyer
as a Word Document
Org: The Rainbow Network
Time: 10 – 4pm
Email: rainbow@dca.gsi.gov.uk
12th: Saturday
Cinethon 2005 - 12 hour Movie Marathon featuring films old and new
Beautiful Thing, GI Jane, Moulin Rouge, The Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the
Desert, Some Like It Hot plus a selection of shorts. Food and drink available through
the night. One film £6, Two films £10, Full pass £25. Advance bookings
Part of Brighton Winter Pride Week.
Venue: Duke of York's Picture House, Preston Circus, Brighton
Time: 10pm to 10am
Tel: Bookings: 01273 602503
13th: Sunday
Metropolitan Community Church North London Celebrates the First Ever LGBT
History Month
MCC has a primary ministry to LGBT community, all are welcome
Organised by Metropolitan Community Church North London
Venue: Trinity United Reforms Church Building, Buck Street London NW1 (Tube
Camden Town)
Time: 2pm and 7pm
Tel: 020 8802 0962
Website: http://www.mccnorthlondon.com/
13th: Sunday
The Poetry Cubicle presents . . .
5 - 8pm: HEY LADIEZ! 8.30pm onwards: Poetry & Music FREE! Launch of HEY
LADIEZ! - the new Sunday chillout for women and their friends - with a special love
theme, including a DJ spinning laidback vibes. Followed by spoken word, poetry and
music all about LOVE by Norfolk's most innovative and talented poets and
musicians. Poets Hilary Mellon and Dean Parkin provide the good, bad and ugly
poetic love while musicians T-Bone Steak and Shane provide bad-blues love and
Norfolk love songs. A SinSins Lovestore raffle plus a selection of books and
information from the Out Loud and Proud section of the N & N Millennium Library will
also be available.
Org: The Poetry Cubicle
Venue: Lounge, 13 St. Benedicts Street, Norwich, Norfolk
Time: 5pm - 8pm
Tel: (01603) 774789
Website: http://www.thepoetrycubicle.org.uk
14th: Monday
Mayoral Reception for LGBT History Month
Invitation only.
Manchester City Council
Venue: Town Hall
Time: evening
14th: Monday – 25th: Friday
Thomas Danby College
This is for Students of the college only. A display incorporating a timeline of historical
events, posters, books, videos, leaflets and information to promote LGBT History
month to students and staff at Thomas Danby College. This display is to raise
awareness amongst students and staff of the college. It is not open to the general
Org: Thomas Danby College
Venue: Leeds, Thomas Danby College Learning Centre
Time: Mon - Thu 8.30am - 8.00pm, Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm, Sat 9.00am - 1.45pm
Tel: 0113 2846246
Website: http:// www.thomasdanby.ac.uk
14th: Monday
History Exhibition
Exhibition in Shakespeare Hall, Central Library from 14th February. The exhibition is
primarily a Local History one showing old photographs of the gay Village (dating back
to 1901) hopefully together with their modern, colour, equivalents. There will be other
local material showing things like the clause 28 March etc and campaign posters
from the time.
Venue: Shakespeare Hall, Central Library, Manchester
15th: Tuesday
Gays and lesbians in British television: the early years
Southwark writer and historian Stephen Bourne will present an illustrated talk about
the early, pre-1980, years of gays and lesbians in British television. Extracts from
archive treasures will include the first gay character in a TV drama, the first gay
policeman on TV and one of the first documentaries about lesbians. This event is
Organised by Southwark Council
Venue: Inspire, St. Peter·s Church, Liverpool Grove, Walworth SE17 2HH
Time: 6.30·8.30pm
Tel: 020 7525 5659
Email: Dax.Ashworth@southwark.gov.uk
15th: Tuesday
How the media has reported LGBT experience
Robert Thompson, LAGNA's Outreach Officer is giving a series of talks, across the
country, to highlight how the media has covered LGBT experience. This is our history
but it is one that has been reported by people who aren't part of our community, and
as such it provides an important document of changing attitudes to us within society,
particularly in the last half century.
Organised by The Lesbian and Gay Foundation
Venue: The Lesbian and Gay Foundation, Unity House, 15 Pritchard Street, off
Charles Street, Manchester M1 7DA
Time: 6-9pm
Tel: 0161 2358001
Celebration of gay sexuality Group Workshop
Celebration of gay sexuality Group Workshop. (This is a gay man's HIV positive
support group)
Org: The Globe Centre/Lean
Venue: The Globe Centre, 159 Mile End Road, Stepney Green London E1
Time: 7-8.30 pm
Tel: 07966493076
Website: www.gaymenswellbeing.com
15th: Tuesday until 30th March
There will be a very small exhibition of records relating to LGBT history will be at
Birmingham City Archives.
Tel: 0121 303 4217 for opening times
16th: Wednesday
Talk organised by Southwark LGBT Network
Three local residents reflect on their own personal histories of growing up or coming
out as LGB or T/, tales of the struggles, triumphs and joys of being who we are.
Venue: the Green, 58-60 East Dulwich Road, London, SE22 9AX
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tel: 020 7525 5659
16th: Wednesday
Celebrating LGBT History Month
Bona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eek! – or, Playing the Polari Game. Download the flyer
as a Word Document
Org: The Rainbow Network
Time: 10 – 4pm
Email: rainbow@dca.gsi.gov.uk
16th: Wednesday
This is a joint event between the Home Office and Dfes diversity depts to celebrate
and raise awareness of LGBT History. Aims to give information on positive LGBT
issues. Internal staff only.
rg: Home Office/Dfes
Time: 10am - 12.45
Tel: 0114 207 4321
16th: Wednesday
Workshop on Bisexual History
The London Bisexual Women's group will be running a workshop on Bisexual
History. All women are welcome to our meetings.
Org: London Bisexual Women's group
Venue: The Glass Bar, West Lodge, Euston Gardens, 190 Euston Road, London
Time: 7pm-9pm
Website: http://lbiwomen.bi.org/
17th: Thursday
An Evening with Sue Sanders
Pridentity host an evening of discussion with Sue Sanders, from Schools Out! the
Anti-Bullying Alliance. What was Section 28? What do we do now? How can you
help? Are you a teacher? Or LGBT pupil? want to know more, come and find out
Also Pridentity brings to you representatives from the Multi-faiths of Britain to discuss
homosexuality in a religious context. Do you need help and support? What part does
religion play in sexual orientation? Thursday 3th March at 6pm in the Stephen
Lawrence Committee Room
Org: Pridentity - Goldsmiths LGBT society
Venue: Cinema/Small Hall, Goldsmiths College, Main Building, Lewisham Way, New
Cross, London SE14 6NW
Time: 7.00pm
Tel: 020 8692 1406
17th: Thursday
Celebrating LGBT History Month
Bona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eek! – or, Playing the Polari Game. Download the flyer
as a Word Document
Org: The Rainbow Network
Time: 10 – 4pm
Email: rainbow@dca.gsi.gov.uk
18th: Friday - 20th: Sunday
Residential weekend
A residential weekend for young lesbians,gay men and bisexuals, involving young
people from Edinburgh, Manchester, Belfast and north east England working
together in Manchester to produce art based work and discussion on lgbt history
month The saturday afternoon from 3.30 - 6.00 is open for all young,(12 - 25 years)
LGBT people to attend at the lesbian and gay centre 49-51 Sidney street, off Oxford
Road, city centre Manchester
Organised Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester and National Lottery Heritage fund,
young roots programme
Venue: Various venues in Manchester
Time: Various
Tel: 0161 234 3174
18th: Friday
Terrence Higgins Trust
Over the past 18 months Terrence Higgins Trust’s Sector Development Officer for
Young Gay Men has been working with agencies within and outside of the gay men’s
health sector to develop a website aimed at young gay men and young men
questioning their sexuality called With the level of fantastic youth work already
happening around the UK, this website has been developed to augment this work, to
target young men who are accessing services and support, and to provide advice,
information and support to young men who are isolated or who may be coming to
terms with their sexuality.
The site aims to be a one-stop-shop, and contains information on a plethora of key
and important issues, from coming out to dating, and from sexual health to drugs and
alcohol awareness. There will be interviews each month with out gay male celebrities
and stories from young men themselves on their experiences of coming out.
Development of ygm.org.uk is ongoing and the site will incorporate interactive tools
such as educational games, quizzes and polls. It will also house an area that
provides information for anyone working with young gay men.
The launch of ygm.org.uk, which promises to be an exciting, challenging, proactive
and significant resource is taking place from 16.00 - 18.00 on Friday 18th February
2005. Guest speakers will include Nick Partridge OBE, Chief Executive, Terrence
Higgins Trust, Phillip Wragg, Sector Development Officer - Young Gay Men,
Terrence Higgins Trust and TV Presenter Alistair Appleton.
Org: Terence Higgins Trust
Venue: Please contact Phillip Wragg
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Tel: Call Phillip Wragg on 020 7816 4662
Email phillip.wragg@tht.org.uk
18th: Friday
Art Workshop
Free Arts Workshop for Asian Lesbians & Bi Women. Also 19 & 20 February 2005,
Venue: Contact Theatre, Manchester
Time: 5 – 9pm
18th: Friday
Rikki Arundel
Rikki Arundel, trans activist and public speaker of 30 years, is giving an exciting and
interactive workshop, open to everyone- FOR FREE- at Keele University. This will be
followed by drinks with postgrads, and a night in the union with the undergrads
Venue: Chancellors Building, rm CB0.060, Keele University
Time: 5pm
Tel: 07961117931
19th: Saturday
Bob Kingdom’s Truman Capote
See flyer for details
Venue: Croydon Clocktower
Time: 8pm
20th: Sunday
Programme: Wagner: "Die Meistersinger" Overture; Grieg: Piano Concerto in A
minor; Piano - John Robson Shostakovich: Symphony No.5
Guest Conductor: Alison Beckett, Leader: Patrick Ardagh-Walter. Tickets: £10.00 (£6
concessions) on the door or in advance from 07963 853 099
The London Gay Symphony Orchestra
Venue: St John's Church, Waterloo Road, London SE1 (Waterloo tube/train station)
Time: 7pm
Tel: 07963 853 099
20th: - 31st March
Our stories workshops
Come tell us what it is like being gay in Leicester and learn new skills in photography,
art, writing and drama
Tel: Corin on 0116 254 7412
Email: beyondbarriers@llgbc.com
21st: Monday
The National Anti-bullying Poetry Competition
Closing date for entries. Open to all school pupils. Tackling homophobic bullying is
one of the themes on which entries are specifically invited.
For rules, details of prizes and a link to the entry form see the Teachernet site.
21st: Monday to 11th April
Creative Writing
These practical creative writing workshops explore and play with narrative. You·ll get
to experiment with language and ways of telling stories, and work towards finding a
writing voice that is uniquely your own. workshop facilitator: Royce Mahawatte, writer
and lecturer at the London Institute, who has a PHD in English Literature
Venue: Workshop Venue: Wise Thoughts, Studio 3, 2nd Floor, Chocolate Factory 2
(Proton House), 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UJ (Entrance: through
gates, at the end of car park)Subsidised fees (payable in advance & non-refundable):
£35 for seven sessions(+ £20 for video workshop material).
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Tel: 020 8829 8911
Website: Wise Thoughts
21st: Monday
Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) group at Cambridge City Council
This talk is one of a series of events organised by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and
Transgender (LGBT) group at Cambridge City Council as part of LGBT History
Month. It will be led by the Reverend Dr Fraser Watts, who is Chaplain of St
Edwards, the Starbridge Lecturer in Theology and Natural Science and a Fellow of
Queens' College, with contributions from Angie Stanton who is on attachment at St
Edwards as part of her training to be a priest in the Anglican church. As well as
outlining the history of this controversial subject, the talk will explain why it is that this
issue remains such a source of conflict in the Church today and allow each of the
presenters to provide their personal perspective on it. There will be an opportunity for
questions and open discussion afterwards.
An LGBT guide to cambridge is being produced as part of the week·s events. St
Edward King and MartyrPeas Hill Cambridge CB2 3PP St Edward's provides a
Christian centre for spiritual seekers from diverse backgrounds, and fosters
meditative Christianity, spiritual growth, and pastoral care. We are committed to
Christ and celebrate the glory of the Christian tradition, but we try to be open to the
Spirit of God everywhere, not only in the Church but outside it. The Chaplain is
Fraser Watts, who is also the Starbridge Lecturer in Theology and Natural Science
and a Fellow of Queens' College. He is a psychologist by background, and directs
the Psychology and Religion Research Programme, and is also Diocesan Advisor on
Pastoral Care and Counselling.
St Edward King and Martyr Peas Hill Cambridge
Venue: St Edward King and Martyr Peas Hill Cambridge
Time: 7.30pm
Tel: 01223 369508
Email: fnw1001@cam.ac.uk
21st: Monday
Wear Pink For the Day!
Help to raise awareness of issues in the workplace of discrimination and prejudicewear pink to work for a day!
LGBT staff support group- Cambridge City Council
Time: All day
Tel: 01223 369508
21st : Monday
Inside Out
BBC1 at 7.30pm on Monday 21st February. Inside Outside will have a piece on
homophobia with a slot on the work Schools Out is doing in schools
Time: 7.30pm
21st: Monday
Cambridge Events
21st: Monday
Week of events
Monday 21st Film Double Bill - 7pm St Matts Bar (Subject to the video working as
well as the dvd the films will be 'The Killing of Sister George' and 'Torch Song
Trilogy') Tuesday 22nd Collection of signatures for Petition to national blood service
to allow gay and bisexual men to be able to give blood 11.30 am outside Blood
mobile in car park 19, Frenchay. Pink door 3-4pm Bower Ashton SU office Film 4pm
Bower Ashton Bar (The Broken Hearts Club) Wednesday 23rd Pink door 11am-1pm
St Matts SU office Quiz night - 8pm St Matts Bar Thursday 24th Quiz night 9pm
Escape bar, Frenchay Friday 25th Pink door 11am-1pm 4F10 Frenchay Mardi Gras
themed Crunchie 8.30pm Frenchay Pink door are drop in sessions providing a safe
space where any student can drop in and have a chat about anything LGBT! There
will also be coffee and magazines if you just fancy a read of the current gay press
and information leaflets, condoms and lube to take away
Org: University of the West of England Students' Union
Tel: 0117 3282577/2096
Website: www.uwesu.net
21st: Monday
Trans Seminar
See flyer
22nd: Tuesday
A lunchtime seminar to celebrate the contribution made by LGBT staff to the
Department of Health and NHS.
Speakers will include: 1. Sir Nigel Crisp, NHS Chief Executive and DH Permanent
Secretary 2. Surinder Sharma, Director of Equality and Human Rights for the NHS
and DH 3. Louise Chambers (Department for Constitutional Affairs). After the
speakers there will be a short panel session, which will give the audience an
opportunity to ask a few questions of the speakers and other invited panellists. There
will also be an exhibition available throughout the event. The event has been
organised by the Department's Equality and Human Rights Group in partnership with
PRISM, the DH LGBT staff group.
The event is open to Department of Health staff and those working in the NHS. If you
would like to attend please email Mike Murnane
Organiser: Department of Health's Equality and Human Rights Group
Venue: London
Time: 12 - 2pm
Tel: 020 7972 4339
Email: mike.murnane@dh.gsi.gov.uk
Website: http://www.dh.gov.uk/
22nd: Tuesday to 12th April
Video/Moving Images
This course offers step by step guide to create moving images / films, encouraging
artistic expression through the development process. You will learn how to make and
edit films and create your own video pieces. workshop facilitator: Niranjan Kamatkar,
a prolific multimedia artist who had been directing and producing artworks over a
decade. His production SHIVER was premiered at the South Bank Centre and his
recent · Bollyqueens - a video & 2d image installations was premiered at the NFT.
Venue: Workshop Venue: Wise Thoughts, Studio 3, 2nd Floor, Chocolate Factory 2
(Proton House), 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UJ (Entrance: through
gates, at the end of car park)Subsidised fees (payable in advance & non-refundable):
£35 for seven sessions(+ £20 for video workshop material).
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Tel: 020 8829 8911
Website: Wise Thoughts
22nd: Tuesday
Something to Tell You: 20 Years On
This evening presents a comparison between the research undertaken by Trenchard
& Warren in 1984 and research carried out by the Metro Centre in 2004. It compares
areas such as the family, education, bullying, suicide, employment, homelessness
and sex & relationships. The evening will be presented by Hazel Wallace and
Lorraine Trenchard and is open for all to attend.
Venue: Metro Centre, Unit 401, 49 Greenwich High Road, London
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Tel: 020 8265 3311
22nd: Tuesday
Launch of Broken Rainbow Helpline
Launch of Broken Rainbow LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. More information on
the flyer
Org: Broken Rainbow
23rd: Wednesday
Gateway to Heaven
A play written entirely from the memories of older lesbians and gay men. The author,
Clare Summerskill, interviewed twenty-six people from a wide range of social and
ethnic backgrounds: they tell of their experiences of living as a distinct minority in a
world where the majority did not even recognize homosexuality.
Performed by Clare and members of her company, Artemis
Venue: The Y Theatre, 7 East Street, Leicester LE1 6EY
Tel (Box Office): 0116 255 7066
Website: http://www.gatewaytoheaven.co.uk/
23rd: Wednesday
Mark Simpson Talks About Celebsexuality
Simpson is the author of several critically-acclaimed books, including Male
Impersonators (·Brilliant· - Observer), It·s a Queer World (·You·d have to be a
chronic depressive not to laugh· - New Statesman), co-author of The Queen is Dead
(·Something of a masterpiece·- Independent) and editor of Anti-Gay (·The year·s
most controversial book· - BBC Radio 5). His most recent book is Saint Morrissey
(·Funny, clever, honest, irreverent and egotistical·more biographies should be written
this way· - Independent on Sunday Books of the Year). He has been variously
described as ·An amused, detached Voltaire·, ·One of the brightest writers around·,
and ·A brainy thug·.
Simpson relishes a bit of bickering and will be happy to open up a discussion with the
audience. Afterwards, he will be available to sign copies of his books. Refreshments
will be provided.
Venue: John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High Street SE1
Time: 7pm
Tel: 020 7407 0807
23rd: Wednesday
Black Gay Men's Advisory Group
The BGMAG website will provide information on activities taking place within the
group such as our campaigns, community development, training and support work as
well as providing details on membership and further involvment in the group.
Black Gay Men's Advisory Group (BGMAG)
Venue: City Hall, Queens Walk, London. SE1 (Places are limited to invitation -on a
first come first served basis).
Time: 5 - 7pm
Tel: 020 7816 4653
Email: admin@bgmag.org.uk
Website: http://www.bgmag.org.uk/
23rd: Wednesday
Carravagio exhibition
The National Gallery is uniquely placed as a national resource to investigate the
history of sexuality and how it is represented by an institution in receipt of public
funds. First Wednesday, it is open to the public late, there is music and all sorts of
Fun. Anyone interested is invited to turn up with a pink carnation and assemble
around pictures which resonate.
Venue: National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London
Time: 5pm onwards
Tel: 0208 547 2000
23rd: Wednesday to 13th April
The Dance workshops encourage participants to develop their own choreographic
work, using (Indian dance & contemporary) movements to weave individual
narratives and express personal stories through the body. workshop facilitator:
Subodh Rathod, an accomplished dancer and choreographer who had created dance
works that have been presented on national and international platforms.
Venue: Workshop Venue: Wise Thoughts, Studio 3, 2nd Floor, Chocolate Factory 2
(Proton House), 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UJ (Entrance: through
gates, at the end of car park)Subsidised fees (payable in advance & non-refundable):
£35 for seven sessions(+ £20 for video workshop material).
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Tel: 020 8829 8911
Website: Wise Thoughts
23rd: Wednesday
Quiz Night
Join us for a one off LGBT quiz night at a great venue in Peckham.
Org: Southwark LGBT Network
Venue: Rye Hotel, 31 Peckham Rye, London, SE15 3NX
Time: 8pm
Tel: 020 7525 5659
23rd: Wednesday · 28th
Durham University LGBT Awareness week
Organised by the LGBT Association executive committee. This year it ties in with the
LGBT History month, and is themed along those lines
Venue: Durham University, Durham, And Durham University Queens Campus,
Time: Varied
Tel: 07891928019
Website: http://www.lgbta.dsu.org.uk/camp_aw5.php
23rd : Wednesday
Disability Legislation Seminar
Seminar with Peter Purton TUC LGBT and Disability Rights policy officer. See flyer
for more details. Also, another event looking at images of LGBT people in the media
takes place on March 3 rd. More details here
Time: 12.30pm – 2pm
23rd - 28th February
Durham and Stockton
A week of events
Durham University's LGBT Association have organised a week-long series of events
including talks, workshops, films discussions and social events to tie in with LGBT
History Month.
Org: Durham University's LGBT Association
Venue: Various (see website)
Time: Various (see websites)
Tel: 0191-334-1772
Website: http://www.lgbta.dsu.org.uk/camp_aw5.php
23rd: Wednesday
Library Evening
Newham Library Service will be celebrating LGBT History month on Wednesday at
Stratford Library, from 7.30 to 9.30 PM.
7.30PM Being a Queer Writer: Talk by writer, director and producer Rikki BeadleBlair, the talent behind Channel 4 series Metrosexuality.
8.30 PM God Save the Queen: A short film by independant film producer Phil
Maxwell, exploring the themes of freedom and citizenship.
9 PM The Pink Dancers: Dance demonstration and the option to participate in a short
same sex dance workshop.
Refreshments will be provided. The event is free but it is advisable to book your
place in advance.
LGBT stock will be on display at Stratford library throughout February alongside
information from local support groups and clubs.
Time: 7.30 to 9.30 pm
Tel: To book call Kerry Jones on 020 8430 6664
Email: "mailto: kerry.jones@newham.gov.uk"
23rd: Wednesday
Pub Quiz
Pit your Wits for a Great Nite of Fun and Test your Nodules of Brain Matter. (Ooooh ..
Ain't we the Clever ones !!) Every Wednesday until end of February 2005 in
connection with LGBT History Month. Also enjoy a Free Meal with every drink !!
Org: Dil @ DaK Enterprises
Venue: Woolwich Infant Pub, Plumstead Road SE18
Time: 7.00pm onwards
Tel: 020 8854 3712
24th: Thursday
Drama is an enjoyable and deeply satisfying voyage of discovery that helps us
understand the human condition. These workshops safely explore our emotional
instincts in communications with others, while learning acting skills in a fun
supportive environment. workshop facilitator: Dimitri Devdariani, a creative director
who was born in Georgia (Russia), Dimitri has directed several drama productions for
Fringe and Community theatre initiative in London.
Venue: Workshop Venue: Wise Thoughts, Studio 3, 2nd Floor, Chocolate Factory 2
(Proton House), 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UJ (Entrance: through
gates, at the end of car park)Subsidised fees (payable in advance & non-refundable):
£35 for seven sessions(+ £20 for video workshop material).
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Tel: 020 8829 8911
Website: Wise Thoughts
24th: Thursday
Hall-Carpenter Archives, London School of Economics
The HCA celebrates 20 years of preserving and promoting gay history with a seminar
recounting the achievements and resources growing out of the HCA. Speakers
include Lisa Power, author of 'No Bath but Plenty of Bubbles', an oral history of the
Gay Liberation front, Robert Thompson 'Outreach Office for the Lesbian and Gay
Newsmedia Archive, Margot Farnham, Project Co-ordinator of the HCA oral history
project and Sue Donnelly, archivist and the LSE.
Venue: Library, London School of Economics, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tel: 020 7955 7223
Website: HCA
24th: Thursday
A celebratory reading of Gay Poets and poetry
A celebatory reading of Gay Poets and poetry. Authors will range from Sappho to
Adrienne Rich, from Shakespeare to Maya Angelou. Local poets, reading some of
their own material, will also be included!
Venue: CB2 Cafe, Norfolk Street, Cambridge
Time: 8pm · 10pm
Tel: 01223 369508
24th: Thursday
LGBT Forum Meeting
To all LGBT organisations based in London or serving LGBT Londoners: On the 24
February at City Hall, you are invited to attend a meeting of LGBT organisations
involved with the Mayor s GLA LGBT Forum. The aim of this meeting is to
reconstitute the forum on a democratic and accountable basis run, by and for the
LGBT community, under LGBT community control.
The purpose of these reforms is to re-establish a constructive, amicable working
relationship with the Mayor and the GLA.
LGBT Forum
Venue: Committee Room 2, City Hall, The Queens Walk, London SE1
Time: 6.30pm - 8:30pm
25th: Friday
Hemel Hempstead
Gateway to Heaven
A play written entirely from the memories of older lesbians and gay men. The author,
Clare Summerskill, interviewed twenty-six people from a wide range of social and
ethnic backgrounds: they tell of their experiences of living as a distinct minority in a
world where the majority did not even recognize homosexuality.
Performed by Clare and members of her company, Artemis
Venue: Old Town Hall, High Street, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 3AE
Tel (Box Office): 01442 228 091
Website: http://www.gatewaytoheaven.co.uk/
25th: Friday
FREE ENTRY To Perform or be in the Audience
Are you an artiste? a Poet, Singer, Musician, Drag Queen, Comedian, aged 16 and
over? We are celebrating the First Ever LGBT History Month. If you will like to take
part, or enjoy an evening of performance, you must sign on before the 11th February
05. This is a family celebration for LGBT people
Venue: Location: Rudolph Steiner House Theatre, Park Road London NW1 (Tube
Baker Street).
Time: Register for Open Mic & (Doors opens) at 6pm, Starts at 6.30pm
Tel: Jide 07949 223 194 or Colin 07956 551 215
Website: http://www.www.poetryupfront.co.uk /
25th: Friday
Meet Stella Duffy
Stella Duffy is a member of Improbable·s Lifegame company, most recently
performing at the National·s Cottesloe Theatre. She has acted on television, on
Radio 4, and on stage both here and abroad. She has written nine novels. The latest,
Parallel Lies is published by Virago in February 2005. Her previous book, State of
Happiness, was long-listed for the 2004 Orange Prize, and has been optioned for a
feature film. Her short story, Martha Grace won the CWA Short Story Dagger Award
in 2002. She has also written for various newspapers and magazines including The
Guardian, The Independent, The Times, Elle and Marie Claire.
This evening Stella will talk about the writing process and the challenges of
combining writing and performing. She will also read from her new book and several
of her other novels.
After her talk, Stella will invite questions from the audience and sign copies of her
Venue: John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High Street SE1
Time: 7pm
Tel: 020 7407 0807
25th: Friday
The Deirdre Cartwright Group
Venue: Spitz, 109 Commercial Road, London E1
Time: See flyer for details
25th: Friday
Hidden History
Raising awareness of the hidden history, highlighting support services and identifying
present day issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people in
our community.
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Venue: Assembly Hall, London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Town Hall, King
Street, Hammersmith W6 9JU
Time: 11am to 3pm
Tel: 020 8753 2677
Website: www.lbhf.gov.uk
25th: Friday
Eastern Fusion Party
Eastern Fusion Party this month comes in Celebration of LGBT History Month 2005.
With incredible eclectic rhythmz. Feast on easy listening from the 60s and 70s,dance
music from all the decades, hit home with Bhangra and Eastern Vibes, Wind your
Body with the latest soundz of R and B and Ragga and even grit your teeth to the
Ketchup Song and a couple of requests you wished people would keep to
themselves. Very Friendly Atmosphere. Just Chill with The Dil
Org: DaK Enterprises
Venue: Woolwich Infant Pub, Plumstead Road, Woolwich SE18
Time: 8 'til Late
Tel: 0208 854 3712 / 0795 711 3718
26th: Saturday
Meet Jake Arnott
Jake Arnott·s best-selling first novel, The Long Firm, received huge critical acclaim,
and has since been televised.This was followed by two more well-reviewed novels,
He Kills Coppers and Truecrime, in which he again writes with the complexity, depth
and humour which makes his books transcend the simple categorisation of ·crime
novel·. The Independent on Sunday described The Long Firm as ·one of the
smartest, funniest and original novels you will read all year· and Attitude Magazine,
who included him in ·The A list of the 50 most influential gay men in Britain·, says
·Arnott demonstrates that gay writers can manage more than camp social comedies
or cheap porn, and is widely regarded as one of Britain·s most promising novelists,
quite regardless of sexuality·.
After his talk, Jake Arnott will answer questions from the audience and sign copies of
his books.
Venue: Dulwich Library, 368 Lordship Lane, Dulwich SE22
Time: 2.30pm
Tel: 020 7525 6220
26th: Saturday
Act Now - stop the BNP National Conference
Unite Against Fascism is organising this conference to bring together the different
sections of society that oppose fascism and the BNP, including the anti-racist and
anti-fascist movement, trade unions, black organisations, faith communities, disability
rights and lesbian and gay organisations and all others. The conference will discuss
why the BNP·s vote has grown, what strategies are needed to halt the BNP·s
advance and set the scene for united campaigning against the BNP into the general
This conference is sponsored by CWU and SERTUC
Venue: TUC, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1
Time: 9.30am·5.30pm
Email: unite@natfhe.org.uk
Website: http://www.uaf.org.uk
26th: Saturday
London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard
The last event of London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard's 30th anniversary year
which will explore the future role of LGBT community groups in the 21st Century
Org: London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard
Venue: London Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA
Time: 10am to 5.30pm
Tel: 020 7837 6768
Website: www.queery.org.uk
27th: Sunday
Regular monthly meeting of social support group for Muslim lesbians, gays,
bisexuals, transgender, those questioning their sexuality or gender identity and their
family, friends and supporters.
Discussion: ·The History of the British LGBT Muslim movement · Where do we go
from here?·
Time: 1pm
Tel: 07849 170791
Email: info@imaan.org.uk
Website: http://www.imaan.org.uk/
27th: Sunday
Gateway to Heaven
A play written entirely from the memories of older lesbians and gay men. The author,
Clare Summerskill, interviewed twenty-six people from a wide range of social and
ethnic backgrounds: they tell of their experiences of living as a distinct minority in a
world where the majority did not even recognize homosexuality.
Performed by Clare and members of her company, Artemis
Venue: Chats Palace, 42·44 Brooksbys Walk, Hackney, London, E9 6DF
Tel (Box Office): 0208 533 0227
Website: http://www.gatewaytoheaven.co.uk/
27th: Sunday
Free-admission screening of the movie version of The Laramie Project
Free-admission screening of the movie version of the acclaimed play "The Laramie
Project", a dramatised documentary about the reactions of the people of Laramie,
Wyoming, to the brutal hate crime murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998. The event is
made possible with the financial support of Chorley Borough Council. Bar available
before and after the performance.
Org: Project Oscar, Chorley & South Ribble Primary Care Trust. : A joint event
between Project Oscar and Chorley Film Society.
Venue: Chorley Little Theatre, Dole Lane, Chorley, Lancashire
Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7pm)
Tel: 01772 644470
Website: http://www.chorley-pct.nhs.uk/projectoscar.html
27th: Sunday
Stroll through Edinburgh
A two-hour stroll through Edinburgh, looking at interesting landmarks, covering about
400 years of LGBT history. Stephen Gellaitry, local historian and experienced tour
guide, will provide the commentary. Numbers are limited: booking in advance with
Remember When is essential. Free event.
Org: Remember When: celebrating the histories of Edinburgh's LGBT communities
Venue: Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh
Time: 2pm
Tel: 0131-558-2820
Website: http://www.rememberwhen.org.uk
28th: Monday
Talk shop
Hate crime awareness talk shop with guest speaker. 1st topic in the series looks at:
Issues affecting older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Antony Smith,
National Development and Policy Officer, Older lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals,
Age Concern England.
Org: Bede House
Venue: Please contact Vita La Porta for venue details
Time: 7pm till late
Tel: 020 7232 1107
28th: Monday
Pride NOT Prejudice
DPAH/T are local statutory and voluntary agencies working together to make
Doncaster safer for the LGBT to live work and socialise. Opening event with raising
the Rainbow Flag above the Mansion House. Then a full interactive day raising the
awareness of discrimination, prejudice, LGBT His/herstory and assumptions made of
LGBT people. Through drama, poetry, RAP, silent theatre and music by young
women's, disabled, BME and LGBT groups. As well as displays and information
stalls. Everyone welcome · free refreshment throughout the day.
Org: Doncaster Partnership Against Homophobia / Transphobia
Venue: Doncaster Mansion House, High Street Doncaster South Yorkshire
Time: 10am - 3pm
Tel: 0114 2963254
Website: www.safeinsouthyorks.co.uk
28th: Monday
Soho Plan
Soho is the heart of the LGBT community in central London. Whether you live, work
or come to play here, what Soho looks like and what happens here will be important
to you. Kairos in Soho (KiS), a LGBT community organisation, has been asked by
Westminster City Council to find out what the LGBT community thinks about Soho.
Westminster wishes to include all communities in defining priorities for an Action Plan
for the area. KiS is organising three meetings for the LGBT communities to Speak
Out about Soho! this is the first. See website to have your say.
At the same event, there will also be "Soho Past" – An exhibition by the Lesbian and
Gay Newsmedia Archive / Kis Walking Tour based on Soho through the ages.
Org: Kairos in Soho
Venue: : Soho Centre For Health & Care, 1 Frith Street, London W1D 3HZ
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Tel: 0870 366 5279
Website: www.kairosinsoho.org.uk/sohoPlan.asp
28th: Monday
Shorts from London Lesbian & Gay Film Festivals
Come and check out the best shorts from the past two London Lesbian & Gay Film
Festivals and be the first to hear what s coming up in 2005. DRIVE ME CRAZY sees
a woman, a car and too many girls in a Belgian love story lit by traffic lights and set to
a cracking song. Coming out in a hair salon sounds like a gift, not for one young
Surinamese-Dutch girl whose bossy mother is the owner, but hot young love wins
over in YOU 2. Brotherly love falls under strain at school when another lad comes
along in SAME DIFFERENCE. And in SPIN, stakes are high when the bottle spins in
a beautifully filmed story of an adolescent party in a London suburb.
Curzon Cinemas
Venue: Curzon Soho, 99 Shaftesbury Avenue London W1
Time: 6pm
Tel: 020 7734 2255