Electricity Market Regulations (Conventional Private Electricity Producer), 5765-2004 The English version is a non-binding, unofficial translation from the original, binding, Hebrew version and is posted here exclusively for the convenience of the Public. Only the Hebrew version, as officially published in the official gazette (Reshumot) shall be binding. By virtue of my powers pursuant to sections 7, 20(b) and 63 of the Electricity Market Law, 5756-19961 (hereinafter – the Law), and in consultation with the Authority, I institute these regulations: 1. Definitions In these regulations: 1 2 “Electrical energy” Electricity measured in kilowatts per hour, at the generator terminals of the production unit, less the amount consumed by the production unit itself (net electrical energy). “Stored energy” Energy received in a loading process through electricity consumption, at low and shoulder demand times as defined by the Authority “Acceptance tests” Final tests of the facility before its commercial operation or after any material changes, including checks of protections and control of the facility, test of the synchronization system and other tests, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry or the Authority, as applicable. “Qualified tester” Holder of an electrician/ tester certificate type 3, as stated in regulation 7(10) of the Electrical Regulations (Licenses), 5745-19852. “Holder of a transmission license” Holder of an essential service provider’s license who has received a license to carry electricity from the production facility, along cables of the electrical grid at very high and ultra high voltage to a sub station and who controls more than Book of Laws, 5756, p. 208; 5763, p. 388 Collected Regulations, 5745, p. 878 1 half of the transmission capacity in the electricity market. “Holder of a distribution license” Holder of an essential service provider’s license who has received a license to carry electricity from a sub station to the consumer, along high and low voltage cables. “Funding party” One of the following: (1) A banking corporation or assisting corporation, as defined in the Banking Law (Licensing), 5741-19813; (2) The following bodies, legally operating in Israel: insurance companies, provident funds, pension funds and any type of permanent investor in the First Addendum of the Securities Law, 5728-19684; (3) A banking corporation outside Israel operating under a legal license or a company controlled by it, and also a foreign insurance company or company controlled by it or a financial institution overseas that accepts deposits from the public, all rated at least “A” or equivalent from Moody’s, with a rating that is updated at least once a year, from one of the following authorized rating companies: Fitch Inc. Moody’s Investor Service Standard & Poor’s and also the following international development banks: EBRD, EIB, ADDB, ASDB, IADB, IBRD. 3 4 “The Administration” The Electricity Administration in the Ministry “The Ministry” The Ministry of National Infrastructures “Gross capacity” The electrical capacity of a production unit, measured at the generator terminals in megawatts. “Installed The production capacity indicated on the production license Book of Laws 5741, p. 232 Book of Laws 5728, p. 234 2 5 capacity” in megawatts “Net capacity” Gross capacity less the production unit’s own consumption, measured in megawatts. “Commercial operation” The date on which the holder of the production license first began to input power into the grid, according to the reporting format and by arrangement with the system manager and the Authority. “Land rights” Within the meaning of the Land Law, 5729-19695, and also rights to use the land. "Minimum operational availability” The minimum ratio between the hours in which the production unit was synchronized with the electricity grid and was available to the electricity grid, and the hours in a year, in percentages. “Production Unit” A technical system intended for conversion of energy from any source to electrical energy or usable electrical and thermal energy or usable electrical and mechanical energy; a production unit may include more than one generator, if the systems driving the generators are technologically linked to obtain maximum utilization of that energy source. “Dual fuel production unit” A production unit that can be powered with two kinds of fuel, at least. “Available Capacity” Net capacity less consumption of electrical energy by the private producer’s consumers. "Minimal capacity” Available capacity that is no greater than 50 megawatts or 25% of the facility’s net capacity, whichever is the greater. “Private Producer” A private producer of electricity who has a production license including the holder of a license that is provisional on a production facility, also the winner of a tender. “Cluster of demand times” A group of hours in which the electricity tariff is uniform, based on the Authority’s decisions from time to time. “Facility” A facility used to produce electrical energy including, inter alia, production units, buildings, machinery, instruments, Book of Laws 5729, p.259 3 accumulators, conductors, accessories and fixed or mobile electrical equipment, relating to the facility. “Tender” A tender published by the Minister for the selection of a producer who shall receive a production license to enable the sale of energy or available capacity to the holders of a transmission license or another. “System manager” The manager of the center for supervision, control and command of loads on the electricity grid, for the holder of a transmission license or whoever has received a license to supervise, control and command loads on the electricity grid. “Reporting formats” Types of reporting to which the producer or holder of a transmission license is committed, including in connection with gross capacity, net capacity, available capacity, minimal operating availability, quantities of electrical energy to be transmitted or sold to the holder of a transmission license or other consumer by means of the electrical grid, including maintenance plans, production plans and so forth. “Connection procedures” Procedures published by the Ministry from time to time, to regulate inter alia the subject of connection of facilities to the electrical grid. “Financial closure” Provision by the financing party of all the credit and financial means, including any financial protections required, as necessary for the erection of a facility until it is synchronized with the electrical grid. “Synchronization of the facility” The end of the acceptance test process, when a qualified tester working on behalf of the holder of a transmission license or the holder of a distribution license, as applicable, confirms that the facility meets all the conditions for feeding electrical energy from the facility into the electrical grid. “Purchasing deal” An arrangement between the holder of a transmission license and a private producer for purchase of electrical energy or provision of available energy capacity. “Production component” The tariff for purchasing electrical energy by the holder of a transmission license in a purchasing deal, as published by the Authority; this tariff may change according to the clusters of demand hours and times, or according to the type of source of 4 the energy production and its availability or the technology. 2. “Normative guarantee component” An amount in New Shekels equal to 600 US dollars per kilowatt of installed capacity of a production unit. “Provisional license” A temporary license given by the Minister to a person who shall receive a production license when the conditions stipulated in it and the provisions of the Law are met. “Associated services” Services required in order to maintain the reliability and quality of the electrical supply over the grid, including voltage stability, frequency stability, reserves of various kinds. “Recognized hours for availability” Times that the Authority shall determine and publish, that shall be recognized for the purpose of payment for the provision of available capacity. “Production plan” A plan in which a private producer or electricity producer specifies the planned consumption of the facility’s consumers and the planned available capacity of the production unit, in megawatts, for defined periods of time, in the reporting format. Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to encourage the erection and operation of private electricity production facilities, according to the principles of minimizing the costs of production for the economy and encouraging the sale of electricity by private producers to consumers. 3. Methods for the purchasing deal The purchasing deal under these regulations may be carried out by the following methods: (1) Sale of energy – a purchasing deal whereby a private producer of electrical energy sells all or part of it to the holder of a transmission license, according to the conditions in these regulations and the appropriate production plan, whose format is determined by the Authority (non dispatchable). (2) Sale of available energy and capacity – a purchasing deal whereby the producer places his available capacity at the disposal of the holder of a transmission license 5 according to a suitable production plan in a format determined by the Authority, and sells him electrical energy or part of it, according to the requirement from the system manager (dispatchable). (b) The Authority shall stipulate a mechanism for cases in which the producer deviates from the production plan submitted according to a suitable reporting format for a deal regarding the sale of energy or sale of available capacity and energy. 4. Obligation to purchase electrical energy (a) A private producer may sell electrical energy or available capacity and energy generated in his facility to any consumer, subject to the contents of regulation 17 and the provisions of any law, for the price paid by a voluntary purchaser to a voluntary seller. If the producer elects to sell to the holder of a transmission license according to these Regulations, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply. (b) A private producer who so wishes may enter into a purchasing deal with the holder of a transmission license, subject to the terms of the private producer’s license, to these Regulations, to the criteria, to the tariffs and to any law. (c) These Regulations constitute an integral part of the transmission license, the distribution license, and the production license. (d) Sale of electricity to parties outside the borders of the State of Israel requires the approval of the Minister. 5. Duration of the arrangement (a) For the purchasing deal, the period of the arrangement with the holder of the transmission license is limited to up to 20 years from the date of the facility’s commercial operation, at the discretion of the private producer. (b) For the purposes of this regulation, the period of the arrangement shall be deemed to start on the date when the facility’s commercial operation begins, and it includes any period of early release and renewal of the deal as specified in regulations 6 and 7. 6. Early release from the deal (a) Notwithstanding the contents of regulation 5, the private producer may be released from all or part of the purchasing deal before the end of the period on the following conditions, providing that he gives prior notice as specified below: 6 (1) For a deal according to a tender published before the commencement of these regulations, the prior notice period for the holder of a transmission license shall be no less than: (a) For a deal according to the energy method – 12 months; (b) For a deal according to the available capacity and energy method – 12 months if the scope of the available capacity placed at the disposal of the holder of the transmission license is reduced but is no greater than the minimum capacity, and if it is greater than the minimum capacity – 24 months; (2) For a deal that is not as stated in paragraph (1), the period of notice shall be as specified below: (a) For a private producer, who operates a facility with a capacity no greater than 50 megawatts, and who wishes for early release from all or part of a purchasing deal before the end of the period of the period prescribed in the deal, in order to make deals to sell electricity to consumers – the early notice shall be given to the holder of the transmission license, and all by arrangement with the Authority, and if the scope of the deals is greater than 50 megawatts – also by arrangement with the Administration. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing in paragraph (a), the early release of a private producer from all or part of a purchasing deal before the end of the prescribed period, which is not for the purpose of selling electricity to consumers, requires the approval of the Administration and prior written notice of no less than the following: For a private producer operating a facility with a capacity no greater than 50 megawatts – 1 month. For a private producer operating a facility with a capacity greater than 50 megawatts but no greater than 250 megawatts – three months. For a private producer operating a facility with a capacity greater than 250 megawatts – six months. (3) A private producer who has taken early release from a purchasing deal shall not be entitled to proceeds according to regulation 10; however, the following two cases shall not be deemed early release from a purchasing deal. (a) A change in the available capacity under the method of selling available capacity and energy in accordance with a suitable production plan, due to the sale of electrical energy to consumers; (b) A change in the capacity to sell electrical energy under the sale of energy method, due to the sale of electrical energy to consumers. 7 (4) The holder of the transmission license shall not be entitled to compensation or any payment whatsoever only for the reason that the private producer has taken early release from the purchasing deal. (5) The Minister may, at the request of a producer or holder of a transmission license, change the early notice period, based on considerations of the reliability of regular and efficient supply of electricity; and all subject to the provisions of section 17(a)(1) of the Law. 7. Renewal of the deal (a) If a private producer has taken early release from a purchasing deal and wishes to resume selling electricity to the transmission license holder, the aforesaid license holder must renew the deal on the following terms: (1) If the deal was according to a tender published before the commencement of these Regulations but 10 years have not elapsed from the start of commercial operation of the facility to the actual renewal of the deal, the deal shall be renewed according to one of the following: (a) A deal according to the sale of energy method – the deal will be renewed on the same terms as the original deal. (b) A deal according to the sale of available capacity and energy method, where the scope of the renewal is no greater than the minimum capacity – the deal will be renewed on the same terms as the original deal; however if the scope of the renewal is grater than the minimum capacity, the Authority may determine in the criteria, if it sees fit to do so in view of the purposes of the Law, a rate of reduction in the proceeds no greater than 4% for fixed operating and maintenance costs, for provision of a quantity of additional available capacity greater than the minimum capacity; (2) In a deal according to paragraph (1), if 10 years have passed since the start of commercial operation of the facility up to the actual renewal of the deal, the proceeds as stated in that paragraph shall be reduced by 5%. (3) If the deal was not as stated in paragraph (1) and 5 years have not elapsed since the early release date to the actual renewal of the deal, the deal shall be renewed on the same terms as the original deal; however, if the producer was not released from the purchasing deal for the purpose of selling to end consumers and wishes to renew the deal, the Authority may determine in the criteria, if this accords with the purposes of the Law and these Regulations, a reduction in the price that shall be no greater than 4% of the price in the original purchasing deal. 8 (4) If 5 years have passed from the date of the early release to actual renewal of the deal, the Authority may determine in the criteria, if this accords with the purposes of the Law and these Regulations, a reduction in the price that shall be no greater than 5% of the price in the original purchasing deal. (5) Renewal of the deal under this regulation is conditional on the private producer giving notice one month in advance, in the case of production units with an installed capacity no greater than 50 megawatts, and three months in advance, in the case of production units with an installed capacity greater than 50 megawatts, to the Authority and to the holder of the transmission license; and in the case of production units with an installed capacity greater than 50 megawatts, also to the Administration, of his intention to renew the deal; and for a facility with an installed capacity greater than 50 megawatts, that the producer has also acted in coordination with the holder of the transmission license, insofar as this affects the operating and maintenance plans of the facility, during the whole period of the early release; if the parties are unable to reach agreement regarding renewal of the deal, the Administration or the Authority will decide, as applicable, within 30 days of being approached on the matter 8. A deal according to the sale of energy method (a) A deal by the sale of energy method shall be done in one of these two ways: (1) If a tender is published – according to the terms of the tender; (2) If no tender is published – in a deal for the sale of energy, a private producer, excluding a private producer with a facility that operates using stored energy, the owner of a facility linked to the grid with low voltage or high voltage, shall be permitted to sell electrical energy to the holder of a transmission license, and the holder of a transmission license shall be obliged to purchase electrical energy from a private producer, each year, as follows: (a) In a facility whose installed capacity is no greater than 5 megawatts – at peak times up to 100% of the facility’s net capacity; at shoulder times up to 40% of the facility’s net capacity; at low demand times, sales according to the sale of energy method shall not be permitted. (b) In a facility whose installed capacity is greater than 5 megawatts – at peak times up to 80% of the facility’s net capacity; at shoulder times up to 30% of the facility’s net capacity; at low demand times, sales according to the sale of energy method shall not be permitted. (c) The proceeds from deals according to this regulation shall be according to regulation 10(a)(2)(a) and the terms of the private producer’s license. 9 Nothing in the contents of this paragraph prevent a private producer from making deals with the holder of a transmission license to sell available capacity and energy, based on consent between a voluntary seller and a voluntary buyer, subject to the approval of the Authority that shall not be withheld unless the matter is contrary to the purposes of the Law and these regulations; the extent of such sales shall be no greater than the difference between the total electrical energy produced in the facility and the electrical energy supplied according to this paragraph. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing in sub regulation (a), the system manager may give a private producer instructions regarding input of energy into the system to prevent damage to the system and for reasons of safety, including the survivability of the electricity production system and the national electricity grid, and prevention of hazards to people and property. 9. A deal according to the available capacity and energy method A deal by the sale of available capacity and energy method shall be done in one of these two ways: (1) If a tender is published – according to the terms of the tender; (2) If there is no tender – a private producer connected to a very high or ultra high voltage grid and a private producer with a facility that uses stored energy and is connected to low or high voltage, shall be obliged to place his available supply at the disposal of the holder of a transmission license, and the said license holder shall be obliged to pay the private producer for the provision of such available supply, according to regulation 10(a)(2)(b) and the terms of his license. 10. The price paid by the transmission license holder (a) The holder of the transmission license shall pay for the purchasing deal as follows: (1) If a tender was published – the price that the transmission license holder shall pay the private producer for the electrical energy or the available capacity, under the sale of available capacity and energy method, shall be according to the terms of the contract signed with the winner of the tender. (2) If no tender was published – (a) For the sale of energy - the price that the transmission license holder shall pay the private producer, from the date when acceptance tests begin, for the electrical energy or part of it supplied to him shall be according to the value of the production component in the electricity tariff and the cluster of demand hours. 10 (b) For the sale of available capacity and energy the private producer shall receive payment, from the date when commercial operation of the facility begins, for supplying available capacity to the transmission holder, and from the date when acceptance tests begin, for the input of electrical energy or part of it to the electricity grid, on the basis of these principles: The Authority shall publish a normative cost per megawatt of net output from the production unit, taking account of the following: Minimal operating availability; The technology on which the production unit is based; The size of the production unit. The Authority shall also publish the fixed operating and maintenance costs. A private producer shall receive 80% of the normative cost of the production unit as specified in sub paragraph (1) for every megawatt of available capacity that he places at the disposal of a transmission license holder, and 100% of the fixed operating and maintenance costs for every megawatt of available capacity, and a private producer with a facility that operates using stored energy – 100% of the normative cost of the production unit as specified in sub paragraph (1) if the net supply is up to 100 megawatts, and 95% if the net supply is greater than 100 megawatts, and 100% of the fixed operating and maintenance costs. The price for the sale of electrical energy, out of the available capacity placed at the disposal of the transmission license holder as specified in paragraph (2)(b) and fed into the electricity grid according to the available capacity and energy deal – shall be in accordance with the tariff determined by the Authority. The producer shall not be entitled to the full payment under paragraph (2)(b) if he supplies all or some of the electrical energy at times that are not recognized for availability. If a private producer is required to input electrical energy under a sale of available capacity and energy deal and for that reason is obliged to use backup fuel at the times prescribed by the Administration, the private producer shall be entitled to payment for the backup fuel to reflect the cost of using this fuel. (b) From the date when the production component or the normative cost was determined, as applicable, on the basis of which the private producer entered into the purchasing deal, and to ensure the private producer’s certainty, no changes shall be made in the production component or the normative cost, as applicable, for that private producer, excluding the regular update of the elements of the production component or the normative cost, as determined by the Authority. 11 (c) Without derogating from the powers of the Minister under any law, the Authority may, by arrangement with the Minister, change the aforesaid rates in sub regulation (a)(2)(b)(2), if it realizes that failure to change the aforesaid rates is preventing the regulations from achieving their purposes. 11. Provisional license (a) These are the conditions for granting a provisional license for the purpose of a purchasing deal according to these Regulations: (1) The applicant for a provisional license must prove rights to the land on which he intends to erect the facility, for the whole term of the requested license; if the land is leased, the applicant may prove rights to the land for the whole license term, subject to extending the lease for the appropriate period, at the end of the lease agreement; in addition the applicant for a provisional license must show the ability to connect to the electricity grid, and in production units powered by natural gas with installed capacity greater than 50 megawatts – also to the gas grid, and deposit a guarantee as stipulated in regulation 16. (2) The applicant for a provisional license must give details, inter alia, of the applicant’s identity, the requested activity, the location, the technology, the facility’s equipment, the planned connections to infrastructures, sources of funding, a business plan and the dates for achieving the milestones specified in sub regulation (c). (b) If the Minister considers that the applicant for a provisional license has complied with the requirements of the Law and these Regulations on the matter of obtaining the said license, the Minister shall grant him the provisional license no later than 60 days following submission of all the details enumerated in sub regulation (a), unless the Minister shall decide, for reasons to be recorded, to extend the aforesaid period and providing that it is no longer than a further 60 days. (c) The provisional license shall stipulate, inter alia, the dates for financial closure, obtaining a building permit pursuant to the Planning and Building Law, 5725-19656, completing the foundations of the facility, connecting to the gas and electricity grids, and synchronization of the production unit with the electricity grid (hereinafter – the milestones). (d) If the producer fails to meet the dates specified in sub regulation (c), the provisional license shall expire, unless the Minister has extended the dates, for the reasons and on the terms to be recorded and without derogating from the provisions of regulation 16. 6 Book of Laws, 5725, p. 307. 12 12. Contracts (a) The holder of a transmission license shall be obliged to enter into a purchasing agreement, and the holder of a transmission or distribution license, as applicable, shall also be obliged to enter into an agreement for the provision of infrastructure services, backup services, and associated services according to the provisions of the Authority, and all subject to provisions according to the Law, the Ministry’s procedures, the criteria published by the Authority from time to time, and any law. (b) The purchasing agreement shall stipulate, inter alia, the period of the deal, the starting date, the type of deals, the price, associated services as determined by the Authority from time to time, arrangements for emergencies, and matters of liability and indemnity. (c) If a tender was published, the purchasing deal shall be according to the contract signed between the transmission license holder and the private producer based on the terms of the tender. 13. Technical and commercial requirements (a) The holder of a transmission or distribution license, as applicable, and the private producer shall reach agreement between them: (1) Regarding the technical terms, according to the connection procedures, and in their absence, according to the terms as prescribed by the Manager of Electricity Matters within the meaning of section 3 of the Electricity Law, 5714-19547 (hereinafter: the Manager of Electricity Matters), no later than 3 months from the date of obtaining the building permit for the facility, unless the Manager of Electricity Matters, in a particular case and for the reasons to be recorded, decides to extend the dates for reaching agreement. (2) Regarding the commercial terms (purchasing agreement, the agreement to provide infrastructure services, backup services and associated services) involved in the connection of the facility to the electricity grid and the start of its operation – no later than 6 months from the date of obtaining the provisional license, unless the Authority or the head of the Electricity Administration, as applicable, decide in a particular case and for the recorded reasons, to extend the dates for reaching agreement. (b) If the parties fail to reach agreement as stated in sub regulation (a), the Manager of Electricity Matters, the Manager of the Electricity Administration or the Authority, as 7 Book of Laws 5714, p. 190. 13 applicable, shall decide the matter within 45 days of the dates specified in the aforesaid sub regulation, and the parties must act according to the instructions of the aforesaid Manager of Electricity Matters, Manager of the Electricity Administration or Authority, as applicable. (c) The Authority shall regularize the coordination and accounting mechanism between the private producer and the holder of the transmission or distribution license, from the starting date of acceptance tests until the start of the facility’s commercial operation. (d) On synchronization of the facility – if an authorized tester representing the holder of the transmission or distribution license fails to arrive within 10 days of being called – the license holder, by arrangement with the Manager, may invite his own authorized tester for the purpose of obtaining approval of the facility’s synchronization. (e) The Authority shall determine a mechanism for compensation for cases where the private producer is unable to supply electricity to its consumers or the electrical grid due to its non connection to the grid as a result of obstacles caused by the holder of the transmission or distribution license. (f) A private producer with a facility working on natural gas and with an installed capacity greater than 100 megawatts, shall be obliged to install a dual fuel unit. The said producer shall ensure a backup stock of fuel for 100 consecutive hours of operation of his facility at full production load. 14. Infrastructure services and associated services (a) Electricity shall be transmitted from a facility over the electricity grid belonging to the holder of the transmission or distribution license, as applicable. (b) Holders of transmission or distribution licenses shall collect from a private producer or an electricity producer who transmits electrical energy over their grid to be sold to another party, infrastructure tariffs, as determined by the Authority from time to time, all subject to the terms of the license of the private producer or the electricity producer, to the criteria and to any law. (c) On the matter of backup services and associated services, the Authority shall arrange a mechanism for the purchase and sale of such services, between holders of a transmission or distribution license, as applicable, and private producers or electricity producers, and shall determine the tariff for the purchase and sale of such services. (d) Subject to the provisions of the law on this matter, nothing in the contents of sub regulations (b) and (c) derogates from the performance of the deals for the purchase 14 and sale of these services between a private producer or an electricity producer, among themselves, and all with prior reporting to the system manager according to the reporting format. (e) Holders of transmission or distribution licenses will begin providing infrastructure services, backup services and associated services, from the expected date for the start of the facility’s commercial operation, subject to the provisions of the Law, the licenses, the criteria and any law. 15. Services to the consumer (a) The existence of an agreement to sell electricity between one private producer and another does not derogate from any or all of the obligations of the holder of the transmission or distribution license, as applicable, towards the consumer, according to the provisions of any law, including the obligation to provide the consumer with a continuous supply of electricity at the proper standard of quality and reliability. (b) Without detracting from the foregoing in sub regulation (a), the holder of a transmission license must supply electricity, backup services and other associated services, in accordance with the instructions of the Administration or the Authority as applicable, to every consumer, pursuant to the provisions of any law, and at the standard of quality and service at which the holder of the transmission or distribution license supplies electrical power and services to all his consumers, in those cases where the producer from whom the consumer purchases electricity is not active. (c) The Authority may prescribe a mechanism for compensation to the holder of a transmission or distribution license for those cases where the private producer is prevented from supplying electricity to his consumers for reasons depending on him or his agents. 16. Guarantee (a) A person who has received a provisional license for a facility with a capacity greater than 1 megawatt shall deposit with the Ministry, on receiving the provisional license, an irrevocable Ottoman bank guarantee (hereinafter: the guarantee), in the format given in the Addendum, equal to 0.2% of the product of the installed capacity in kilowatts times the normative guarantee component but no less than an amount in New Shekels equal to 4,000 US dollars. (b) On the financial closure date, but no later than 18 months after the date of receiving the provisional license, a producer who holds a provisional license for a facility with a capacity of 50 megawatts and more, shall be required to increase the guarantee to 1.8% 15 of the product of the installed capacity in kilowatts times the normative guarantee component. (c) If a producer fails to reach financial closure by 18 months from the date of receiving the provisional license, the provisional license shall expire and the guarantee shall be returned to the depositor, unless the producer has submitted a request to postpone the date for financial closure and the Administration has approved such postponement subject to increasing the guarantee, all as specified below: (1) For a private producer with a facility with a capacity of up to 50 megawatts – subject to increasing the guarantee to 0.4% of the product of the installed capacity in kilowatts times the normative guarantee component. (2) For a producer with a facility with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more – subject to increasing the guarantee to 2.4% of the product of the installed capacity in kilowatts times the normative guarantee component, but no less than an amount in New Shekels equal to 8,000 US dollars. (3) The Administration may, after examining the application, grant the producer, for reasons to be recorded, an extension of the period for obtaining financial closure by 12 more months, subject to increasing the guarantee as specified in this regulation, and providing that the total period from obtaining the provisional license until the date of financial closure shall be no more than 30 months. (d) If the producer fails to achieve financial closure within 30 months of receiving the provisional license – an amount shall be forfeited equal to 5% of the bank guarantee deposited pursuant to sub regulation (c) but no less than an amount in New Shekels equal to 8,000 US dollars for owners of facilities with a capacity of up to 50 megawatts, and the producer shall be required to submit a new application for a provisional license. (e) If the provisional license expires, since the producer failed to achieve financial closure within 18 months of receiving the provisional license, and he did not extend the period for obtaining financial closure by a further 12 months, the producer or anyone acting for him or linked to him who applies for a new provisional license must deposit a guarantee as stated in regulation (c) plus a further amount equal to 5% of the deposited guarantee, but no less than an amount in New Shekels equal to 8,000 US dollars. In this case, the producer must reach financial closure no later than 12 months from the date of obtaining the new provisional license, otherwise 5% of the bank guarantee shall be forfeit, but no less than an amount in New Shekels equal to 8,000 US dollars, and the producer shall be required to submit a new application for a provisional license, and the terms of sub regulations (a) to (d) respectively shall apply. 16 (f) After financial closure and on presenting confirmation that construction of the foundations is complete, and subject to the Administration’s approval on this matter, the producer shall be entitled to reduce the amount of the guarantee accumulated by that date by 30%, so that the Ministry shall be left with a guarantee equal to 70% of the amount of the guarantee up to the aforesaid date. (g) After financial closure and on presenting documents showing orders for the main equipment serving the production unit covered by the provisional license, with an irrevocable undertaking by the producer to the supplier to pay for that main equipment and subject to the Administration’s approval for this matter, the producer shall be entitled to reduce the guarantee by the first or a further 30%, as applicable, so that the accumulated reduction by that date shall be no more than 60% of the guarantee, and the Ministry shall be left with a guarantee equal to 40% at least of the guarantee, and for facilities with an installed capacity of up to 50 megawatts, the guarantee shall be returned in full, when the requirements specified in sub regulation (f) and this sub regulation are met. (h) On synchronization of the facility with the electricity grid, the producer shall be entitled to return of the remaining guarantee. (i) Notwithstanding the foregoing in sub regulation (g), if the producer submits, to the satisfaction of the Authority, a protocol of the handover of the production unit serving the facility, signed with signatures confirmed by representatives of the producer and the party that set up the production units, and 3 months have elapsed at the end of which the connection of the gas infrastructure to the production unit is not yet complete, and as a result it is impossible to carry out acceptance tests for the facility, on that date the guarantee shall be reduced by a further 30%, so that the accumulated reduction by the said date shall be 90% of the guarantee before the reduction specified in sub regulation (f), and the Ministry shall be left with a guarantee equal to 10% of the guarantee before the reduction. (j) If the producer fails to meet the date prescribed for synchronization of the facility with the grid, and without detracting from the provisions of sub regulation (i), 1/6 of the guarantee shall be forfeited for every 3 months in arrears from the date prescribed for the aforesaid synchronization, so that at the end of 18 months from the aforesaid date the whole of the guarantee shall be forfeited. (k) The cost of normative capacity for guarantee purposes shall be updated from time to time at the Administration’s decision and with the Minister’s approval. 17 17. Restrictions on sales to consumers The sale of electricity to consumers according to these regulations shall be permitted only to consumers whose annual consumption of electricity is no less than as determined by the Authority, from time to time, for load and time tariff (LTT) consumers, within the meaning of the criteria. 18. Metering and supervision For the purpose of checking and measuring the issue of electrical energy from the private producer’s facility to the electricity grid or the consumer, metering systems shall be installed, according to the requirements of the Ministry or the Authority, pursuant to their powers under the Law. 19. Maintenance plan A private producer shall submit to the system manager a maintenance plan in the report format as prescribed by the Authority; any dispute between a private producer and the system manager regarding the maintenance plan shall be decided by the Authority. 20. Availability The license shall stipulate the minimal operational availability of the production unit for available capacity and energy deals. 21. Reporting obligations Private producers, system managers and holders of transmission licenses shall report to the Administration or the Authority about deals done according to these regulations, in the appropriate report format prescribed by the Administration or the Authority, as applicable. 22. Preserving laws Nothing in these regulations shall detract from the Electricity Market Regulations (Terms and Procedures for Granting Licenses and Duties of the License Holder), 5758-19978. 23. Commencement and application (a) These regulations shall commence 30 days following their publication (hereinafter: the commencement date). 8 Collected Regulations 5758, p. 40 18 (b) These regulations shall only apply to a party that shall receive on or after the commencement date a provisional license and after that a license, but regulations 8, 9 and 10 shall only apply to a party that shall receive a provisional license by the 23 rd of Tevet 5768 (1st November 2008) or shall receive a license to produce electricity by 15th Tevet 5770 (1st January 2010) on the basis of a provisional license as aforesaid. (c) These regulations shall not apply to: (1) Anyone who received just before the commencement date approval from the Minister or a production license for a cogeneration facility or anyone who received a production license on the basis of such approval; (2) Anyone to whom the Electricity Market Regulations (Cogeneration), 5765-20049 apply. (3) Anyone who received approval or a provisional license or a production license based on these for a facility operating with a renewable energy source. On this matter, “approval” – approval given by the Minister to a person by which, when the conditions stipulated in it are met, that person shall receive a production license. 9 Collected Regulations 5765, p. ____ 19 Addendum (Regulation 16(a)) Bank: ________________ Branch: _______________ Address: ________________ The Ministry of National Infrastructures 216 Jaffa Street, POB 36148 Jerusalem 91360 Re: Guarantee 1. At the request of ______________ (hereinafter: the Applicant) we hereby guarantee to you payment of any amount up to a total of NIS ___________ (in words: __________________ New Shekels only), linked to the rate of the US dollar (hereinafter: the guarantee amount). For the purposes of this guarantee, “the rate of the US dollar” – the representative exchange rate of the US dollar published by the Bank of Israel from time to time. “The basic rate” – the rate of the dollar published by the Bank of Israel on _________, that is, NIS ________ to 1 US dollar. If on the payment date of any amount according to this guarantee, the determining rate is higher than the basic rate, the amount of the guarantee shall be increased by the same rate as the increase in the determining rate over the basic rate (hereinafter: the increased guarantee amount). To remove any doubt, if it emerges that the determining rate is equal to the basic rate or lower than it, there shall be no change in the guarantee amount. 2. a. We undertake to pay you any amount demanded by you up to the guarantee amount or the increased guarantee amount, as applicable, within 7 days of receipt of your first written demand, and this without any demand from us that you explain or establish your demand or prove it in any way whatsoever and without our demanding prior clearance of the aforesaid amount by the applicant. In addition, it is hereby explicitly agreed that you shall not be obliged to undertake any legal proceedings against the applicant or to address any prior demand to the applicant or to exercise all or any other collateral, as a precondition for payment of the guarantee amount or the increased guarantee amount, as applicable, by us. b. Payment under this guarantee may be demanded in installments, providing that the total of all demands paid by us under the terms of this guarantee shall not be greater than the guarantee amount. Therefore, if you do not fully exercise this 20 guarantee from time to time, this guarantee shall remain in full force with regard to the remaining unexercised amount of the guarantee. c. The guarantee amount shall be reduced automatically each time by the amount of any payment made under it. a. The payment demand must be in writing and signed, and the original delivered to the bank branch indicated in this document at the address given, and all during the hours of business when the branch is open to the public. b. In every demand, the amount demanded must be indicated, up to the guaranteed amount. c. A demand sent by fax, telegram, computer or other such method shall not be deemed sufficient for the purposes of this guarantee and shall not be paid. d. If this guarantee is issued in favor of a number of beneficiaries, then any demand under it must be made by all together and we shall make the payment to all of them together. 3. 4. We may not cancel this guarantee for any reason whatsoever, nor may we refrain from making any payment under this guarantee for any reason whatsoever, and we hereby waive explicitly and in advance any claim, including any choice granted to the applicant by law. 5. In addition to all the foregoing, this guarantee is not conditional on the validity of the applicant’s liability towards you or of the contract between you or on the validity of the applicant’s contract with or liability towards any third party linked to you, and it is irrevocable, unconditional and independent. 6. The guarantee shall be in force until __________ or until it is paid in full, whichever is the sooner, and any demand for payment under it must be received by us no later than the said date. After this date the guarantee shall be null and void and any demand for payment received by us shall not be answered. 7. This guarantee cannot be transferred or assigned or both. Regards, _______________________ Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister and Minister of National Infrastructures ______________________ Bank Branch _________________ 5765 (________________, 2004) (HM 3-3444) 21