KAZAKHSTAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, ECONOMICS AND STRATEGIC RESEARCH BANG COLLEGE OF BUSINESS BRAND MANAGEMENT Course Code: MK 3214 Semester: Summer 2011 Credits: 3 Prerequisites Intermediate Marketing Instructor: Igor Makienko, Ph.D. Required Textbook: Required: Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management , (Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., 2003 or 2008) ; Course Description: Brand Management is an advanced course designed for students with marketing major, which explores issues relevant to deep analysis of branding strategies and tactics. Students are expected to enter the course with in-depth knowledge of current marketing concepts and theories. Students must be comfortable with analyzing marketing problems, developing solutions, designing and implementing strategies and tactics. Course Objectives: Brand Management introduces students to state-of-the-art research and practice in branding. Classes emphasize 1) discussion of the field’s most current branding concepts, principles, and theories, and 2) application of brand management concepts to actual business situations through assignments. Expected Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course, students should be able to: Office # 351 Dostyk Bldg. Phone: 777 681 7392 E-mail: i.makienko@umail.kimep.kz Office hours: M-F 14.30-16.00 1. Define, explain and illustrate basic brand management concepts, principles and theories; 2. Develop brand strategies based on corporate goals, ethics, consumers’ needs and business environment; 3. Analyze global and local branding strategies; 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of brand management. Instructional Methods: Lecture, home readings, discussion, home and in-class assignments and student presentations will be used to accomplish course objectives. The assessment of learning progress will be based on assignments and tests. General Classroom Guidelines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Guidelines for Tests and Assignments: Academic Dishonesty: You are responsible for all your grades. To get what you want you should plan your outside class study process accordingly. You are expected to be fully prepared to participate in discussion covering the ongoing topics. Do not approach me at the end of the semester to ask about extra credit opportunities. If you are concerned about your exam, assignment or overall course performance, please, do not wait until the end of the semester - contact me as early as possible to prevent worse problems from developing. You are expected to be on time and respect the instructor and your classmates. You should turn off your cellular phone prior to coming to class. You should refrain from using electronic devices in class for anything other than note-taking or assessing class materials. Attendance of all lectures is mandatory. You are expected to attend class for the entire class period. Excessive absences, tardies and early exits will result in a lower grade. At the end of the semester I will subtract up to 10 points from your total grade for each instance. You are expected to be fully prepared to participate in discussion covering the ongoing topics. All material covered in class (even if not presented in the text) and in the text (even if not discussed in class) is fair game for exams. Missed exams will result in a zero score. There will be no make-up exams unless you have excused absence according to University policy. All makeup work must be done within three days after your come back to class. Assignments turned in after the due date will not be accepted. In general assignments will be judged on the following: professional presentation (spelling and grammatical errors); organization and clarity; accuracy and completeness. You should put your name and class number on all assignments. Written assignments must be typed, double-spaced and stapled (if there is more than one page). Hand-written assignments and assignments that are not double-spaced and/or not stapled will be eligible to receive not more than 95% of total possible points. When you present your projects you should use PowerPoint software and you must give me a printed copy of your slides before your presentation. Print the slides in the six per page format. You are expected to do your own work. Any violation of University policy on academic dishonesty won’t be tolerated. Violations of the University’s academic code include, but are not limited to possession of, or use of unauthorized materials during tests; providing information to another student; copying the work of another person without correct citation etc. Violations may result in academic penalties, including receiving an F in this course. 2 Final Grade Grades will be allocated according to the following scheme: Continuous Assessment: Break Down - Home and In-Class Assignments - 70 points Summary: - Mid-term Exam – 75 points Final Assessment: - Home Assignment/Group Project - 50 points - Final Exam – 75 points Grading Scale: Class Participation - 30 points Total Points: A+ A AB+ B B- 90-100 85-89 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 (~23 %) (25 %) ( ~16%) (25 %) (10%) - 300 points C+ C CD+ D D- 67-69 63-66 60-62 57-59 53-56 50-52 F below 50 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE: All dates and topics are subject to change. It is your responsibility to be aware of changes that are announced in class. Week Date Topic Chapter July 1 11 12 13 14 15 Overview of the Course/Basic Concepts Brands and Brand Management Brands and Brand Management cont-d. Customer-Based Brand Equity Customer-Based Brand Equity cont-d./Brand Positioning Assignment One due * 2 * * * 1 1 2 2/3 * 18 Brand Positioning cont-d. Ch. 3 19 Choosing Brand Elements Ch. 4 20 Designing Marketing Programs/Integrated Marketing Communications Ch. 5/6 Mid-Term Exam (Ch. 1-5) 21 Integrated Marketing Communications cont-d. Ch. 6 22 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations Ch. 7 Assignment Two due * 3 * Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. * * * * * 25 Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies 26 New Products and Brand Extensions 27 Strategic Brand Management Guidelines Final Exam (Ch. 6/7, 11/12, 15) 28 Discussion of Main Topics 29 Assignment Three due/Presentations Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Ch. 15 3