Chapter 12 – Our Place in the Universe 12.1 Observing the Universe Learning outcomes astronomical distances in the Solar System can be measured by radar there are many units for astronomical distances including light years and parsecs distances to nearby stars can be found by parallax distances can be found using the inverse-square law for intensity of light some larger distances are estimated by the apparent brightness of ‘standard candles’, e.g. Cepheid variables and Type 1a supernovae distant objects are observed as they once were because it has taken light time to travel the cosmological distance scale is still subject to uncertainty velocities of astronomical objects can be established by the Doppler shift with d v c for v much less than c. Lesson 1: How far away are astronomical objects and how do we know – radar and parallax Objectives: - distances to nearby objects can be found using radar distances to further objects can be found using parallax, standard candles, Cepheid variables and inverse square law Activity 10E: Experiment: What do you know about cosmology? And discussion NB: the next 3 lessons can be done using the ICT sheet where students research methods of measuring distances inside the solar system, outside the solar system but inside the galaxy, outside the galaxy. You still need to do the expts at some point though. Look at the powerpoint – How big is our planet Radar: Activity 70E: Experiment Investigating the measurement of distance using an ultrasonic sensor Activity 80E: Experiment Tap-tap range finding Definition of light second, minute and year as unit of distance Looking into the night sky is like looking back in time because the light takes time to get here. The astronomical unit (AU) (Earth sun distance) as unit of distance Display Material 80S: Computer Screen Radar images Volcano Display Material 100S: Computer Screen Magic from trip times Parallax - Activity 20E: Experiment Range finding and parallax The parsec as unit of distance Question 50S: Short Answer Trip times tell distances or as a whiteboard quiz Lesson 2/3:. How far away are astronomical objects and how do we know – inverse square law, standard candles and Cepheid variables Objectives: - distances to further objects can be found using parallax, standard candles, Cepheid variables and inverse square law Inverse square law – look at butter gun in book Activity 40E: Experiment Brightness and distance Activity 50E: Experiment Summer Sun remembered to calculate power of Sun. The idea of flux density in Wm-2 (like butter per slice) To follow up: or to set for homework: choose from: Question 40S: Short Answer Comparing intensities for lamps Question 45S: Short Answer Jupiter and Saturn close together in the sky Question 46S: Short Answer Brighter stars aren’t always nearer Harder: Question 52D: Data Handling The brighter stars in the night sky Other methods: Cepheid variables using the book or Question 80D: Data Handling Astronomical distances Finish with Display Material 10O: OHT Distances in light travel time and Display Material 30O: OHT The ladder of astronomical distances as a summary Homework: Piglet see above Pooh - Question 20S: Short Answer Measuring distances within the solar system and beyond Christopher Robin – see above Lesson 4:. How fast are astronomical objects moving and how do we know? Objectives: - velocities of astronomical objects can be established by the Doppler shift with for v much less than c. d v c Starter: How did we measure speed in Ch 8/9? Summarise methods. Using radar: Display Material 90O: OHT Velocities from radar ranging Doppler shift -select from the activities below depending on time Applet to illustrate Doppler effect. File 40L: Launchable File A Modellus model of the Doppler effect Doppler shift song Display Material 110O: OHT Relative velocity from radar pulses Display Material d v 120O: OHT The Doppler shift You need to know c Using gratings to look at spectra - gas tubes. This is how we know about elements in stars (75% hydrogen 25% helium). If we know the element we can work out the redshift. Question 55S: Short Answer Doppler shifts in astronomy Question 60S: Short Answer Binary stars Laptops: Activity 90S: Software Based The space police Activity 100S: Software Based The relativistic Doppler effect Homework: From above questions + this is harder Question 30C: Comprehension Apparent star brightnesses and logarithmic scales 12.2 Was there a Big Bang? Learning outcomes red shifts of distant galaxies give evidence of the expansion of the Universe. A red shift z corresponds to an expansion in scale of R2 1 z R1 evidence that the Universe has evolved from an initial uniform, hot dense state comes from the existence of the cosmic microwave background. further evidence comes from cosmological red-shift Hubble’s Law is v = Hod; Galaxies further away are moving faster 1/Ho gives an estimate of the expansion time-scale of the Universe current estimates of the expansion time-scale of the Universe put it at about 14 ± 2 Gy. there are still fundamental problems in explaining the major features of the Universe. Lesson 5: Redshift and the big bang Objectives: - the difference between redshift and cosmological redshift - z how this provides evidence for the expansion of the universe how to measure expansion further evidence is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) Difference between Doppler shift (things moving towards/away) and cosmological red-shift – the space between galaxies is expanding. You can get Doppler blue shift but NOT cosmological blue shift. Display Material 180O: OHT Red shifts of galactic spectra Blow up big balloon with galaxies stuck to it Activity with measuring the distances between galaxies when balloon partially blown up and fully blown up to show that there is no centre. Derivation of: And hence z R2 1 z R1 Check out applets to show this File 70L: Executable File The space expands Activity 130S: Software Based The cosmological red shift Question 95S: Short Answer Redshifts of quasars Other evidence is COBE: see ppt from 21C Display Material 210O: OHT The cosmic microwave background radiation Question 100S: Short Answer Cosmic microwave background radiation Lesson 6: Hubble’s Law and the age of the Universe Objectives: - galaxies further away are going faster – Hubble’s Law - the age of the universe is approx 1/H - it is a very hard thing to measure – values have changed a lot over time. What is Hubble's Law? Display Material 150O: OHT The history of the Universe Display Material 160O: OHT Hubble's law and the age of the Universe Display Material 140O: OHT How the accepted value of the Hubble constant has changed Great timeline: