Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Unit Plan

South Williamsport Area School District
Unit Plan Template
Teacher: Christopher Lusk
Unit Topic: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Grade Level: 10th.
Unit Summary:
Students will be able to identify and prove angle relationships that occur with parallel lines
and a transversal. The students will be able to use slope to analyze a line and write its
equations. The students will also learn how to find the distance between a point and a line and
between two parallel lines.
Unit Outcomes:
By the end of the unit, students will know:
-How to identify relationships between two lines or two planes
- How to use theorems to determine the relationships between specific pairs of angles.
-How to find slopes of lines.
-How to write an equation of a line given information about the graph.
-How to recognize angle pairs that occur with parallel lines.
-Find the distance between a point and a line.
By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
- Name angle pairs formed by parallel lines and transversal.
- Use algebra to find angle measurements.
- Use slope to identify parallel and perpendicular lines.
- Solve problems by writing equations.
- Prove that two lines are parallel.
- Find the distance between parallel lines.
PA-Core Reporting Categories Addressed (Click here to access PDE web resources)
G.CO.1 – Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line
segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance
around a circular arc.
G.GPE.5 – Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use them to solve
geometric problems.(e.g. find the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line
that passes through a given point.)
G.CO.9 – Prove theorems about lines and angles.
G.CO.12 – Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass
and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.)
G.MG.3 – Apply geometric methods to solve problems.
Revised - March 7, 2016
Unit plans are used for lesson pacing / planning. They will be posted to teacher web pages and provided to administration upon
South Williamsport Area School District
Unit Plan Template
Lessons – Whole Class
Lesson Topics
Anticipated Start Date
Lesson Topics
3.1 – Parallel Lines
and Transversals
3.4 – Equations of
3.2 – Angles and
parallel lines
3.5 – Proving lines
3.3 – Slopes of Lines
3.6 – Perpendiculars
and distance.
Anticipated Start Date
Advanced Learner Anticipated Needs
*Advanced Learners with GIEPs: All Specially Design Instruction is followed as outlined by the student's
Gifted Individualized Education Plan.
Struggling Learner Anticipated Needs
*Struggling Learners with IEPs: All accommodations/modifications are followed as outlined by the
student's Individualized Education Plan. Examples: extended time, small group testing, study guides, test
read aloud, and modifications made to the regular education curriculum.
*Struggling Learners without IEPs: Available during the daily FLEX period to ask questions or review
materials, restating of directions, and instruction that incorporates the different types of learning
modalities (ex: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic).
*Implement Note Cards to help with learning the postulates and theorems.
Revised - March 7, 2016
Unit plans are used for lesson pacing / planning. They will be posted to teacher web pages and provided to administration upon