RFQ - Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board

DEPARTMENT: ____________________________________________
In the Ministry of: _____________________________________________
Postal Address: ______________________________________________________
Physical Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Fax: _______________________________________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________
Contract Title: _______________________________________________
Reference Number: ________________________
Please use your Organizations Letter Head and Logo
Date: _____ day of _______________________________ 20_____
(Insert Company Name):
Postal: ________________________________________________________________________
Dear Sir / Madam,
You are invited to submit a quotation for Provision of Accommodation Services for (insert the number of
people) for a period of……………… from….. to……(insert date) as per the requirements stipulated in the
Request for Quotations (RFQ). To enable you to submit an offer, the request for quotation includes the
following documents:
i. Cover page of the RFQ (indicating the tender/reference number, the procuring entity, the
agent/contact person and the contract title)
ii. Part 1 -Instructions to Bidders
iii. Part 2 -Requirements and/ or Specifications
iv. Part 3 - Evaluation Criteria
v. Part 4 - Price Schedule
vi. Part 5 – Special Conditions
Quotations should be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked Provision of Accommodation
Services and the RFQ Reference Number to the address given on the cover page.
Quotations should be delivered to the above address not later than (Insert time & date) when quotations will
be opened in the presence of bidders wishing to witness the tender closing session immediately after the
tender closing time. Any enquiries or clarifications sought on the issue of this tender may be addressed in
writing to (insert the name of the procuring entity, address) two(2) days before the tender closing date for
the attention of (insert the contact person) Tel no: …………….Fax: …………Late tender offers will not
be accepted.
Telegraphic, telex, telephone, email tenders will NOT be considered.
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender/quotation, and
the Government of Botswana will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs regardless of the
outcome of the tendering process.
Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the Government of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest
or any tender offer.
Yours Sincerely
_________________________________________ ______________
[Procurement officer name]
Phone: _______________ Fax: _____________________ Email: ___________________
Submission of quotations
Quotations shall be filled in electronically, or by indelible ink and submitted in a sealed envelope,
clearly marked Provision of Accommodation Services and the RFQ Reference Number to the address
given on the front page.
A one envelope system, in which a tender document containing the bidder’s financial and technical
offer submitted together in one sealed envelope, will be followed.
Tender Validity: Quotations shall be valid for not less than 30 days from the quotation or bid
opening/closing date.
Pricing Instructions: The prices quoted for the services required shall be stated in BWP (Botswana)
currency. All prices shall be exclusive of VAT except on the grand total. VAT exclusion on the Grand
Total by VAT registered bidders shall render the bid non-compliant and not fit for consideration for
award. The pricing shall be done according to accommodation services to be supplied and, or the
dining services to be provided. The bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its tender, and the Botswana Government will in no case be responsible or liable for
these costs regardless of the outcome if the tendering process.
5. Any enquiries or clarifications sought on the issue of this tender may be addressed in writing to (insert
the name of the procuring entity, address) two (2) days before the tender closing date for the attention
of (insert the contact person) Tel no: …………….Fax: …………Late tender offers will not be
accepted. Telegraphic, telex, telephone, email tenders will NOT be considered.
The evaluation of bids shall be conducted using the Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS) comprising of
two stages, and the contract will be awarded to the technically compliant and lowest price bid subject
to successful negotiations that may be held.
7. The procuring entity does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right of
accepting a tender either in whole or in part as regards to any one or more of the item descriptions
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
Full Board
i) Presidential suite
from….to… (insert date)
ii) Self contained room
e.g standard double or
executive room on single
occupancy basis. This
will include breakfast,
lunch and dinner from
….to….. (PE to insert
iii) Twin Bed rooms
i) Self-Catering Suites
from…to….(insert date)
ii) Twin Bed rooms
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
I/We the undersigned hereby OFFER and undertake to provide and deliver the required (accommodation
)services as indicated, in such quantities as indicated and at such times as may be required and at the prices
set opposite the item(s) therein during the time period stated.
Yours Sincerely
_________________________________________ ______________
[Name of Authorized Signatory]
Phone: _______________ Fax: _____________________ Email: ______________________
Company Official Stamp
This is a one envelope system and the evaluation of bids shall be conducted using the Least Cost Based
Selection (LCBS) selection method comprising of two stages as follows:
Stage 1: Compliance to Basic Requirements
As per the procurement procedure, you are required to enclose your proposed menu with the quotation, as
well as the following mandatory documents for compliance check:
Copy of a certified valid Tax Clearance Certificate or exemption thereof issued by BURS and
Copy of a certified Certificate of Incorporation.
Copy of a certified valid Trade License ( Tourist Enterprise License)
Declaration form showing Shareholding and Directorship of the company including citizenship
Failure to submit the mandatory documents will lead to disqualification from further evaluation.
Stage 2: Technical Stage
At this stage quotations will be evaluated on the basis of eligibility, technical compliance in terms of
meeting the requirements or specifications and price.
In line with the Presidential Directive CAB
11(A)/2010 on Economic Diversification Drive (EDD), bidders are also required to submit an EDD
Certificate in order to benefit from the preference margins based on turnover thresholds.
Basis for Award
The technically compliant least priced bid will be recommended for award subject to successful
negotiations that may be held.
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
Full Board
n Services
i) Presidential suite from….to…
(insert date)
ii) Self contained room e.g
standard double or executive
room on single occupancy basis.
This will include breakfast,
lunch and dinner from ….to…..
(PE to insert date)
iii) Twin Bed rooms
n Services
i) Self-Catering Suites
from…to….(insert date)
ii) Twin Bed rooms
Grand Total
We the undersigned hereby OFFER and undertake to provide and deliver the required (accommodation)
services as indicated in this RFQ, in such quantities and at such times as may be required and at the prices
set opposite the line item(s) therein during the period stated. We will provide the above services upon
receipt of your signed Contract / Government Purchase Order (GPO).
_________________________________________ ______________
[Name of Authorized Signatory]
Phone: _______________ Fax: _____________________ Email: ______________________
Company Official Stamp
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
Currency of
BWP (Botswana Pula)
Services required will be provided at the service provider’s premises
Payment Terms
Payment will be made by cheque/ or bank transfer within 30 days upon receipt
of invoices
Award Criteria for
The bidder that offers the lowest and most compliant quote as per the
award of contract
specifications and requirements stipulated in the RFQ and that meets the
evaluation criteria will be offered the contract.
Validity of Quotation
30 days from the tender closing date
Submission of Quotes
By hand to (state the Procuring Entity’s address)
VAT or Taxes
Include VAT when bidding or invoicing
Request for Clarification
Bidders requesting clarification on any of the items, technical requirements or
conditions stipulated in this RFQ shall communicate in writing to (insert the
contact person) four (4) days before the closing date.
Each page of the offer must be dated, signed and stamped with the company
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
1. The Rights of the Procuring Entity (PE):
The procuring entity shall have the rights to reject all quotations, or to call for clarification or
samples at the time of evaluating the quotations. A Procuring Entity shall not be bound to
accept any quotation or the lowest cost nor assign any reason for the rejection.
The costs of Submission does not constitute a commitment on the part Procuring Entity, nor
does it commit the procuring entity to pay for any or all costs incurred in the preparation and
submission of a quotation.
Should the Procuring Entity decide to proceed with the acquisition of the stated supplies,
services, works or labour that the supplier has offered to sell / provide, then the procuring
entity will promptly provide the named Supplier with a signed contract / Government Purchase
Order/ Government Purchase order, these general conditions of contact and any other
document (or part document) referred to in the Contract / Government Purchase Order.
The Contract / Government Purchase Order shall not include any of the supplier’s conditions
of sale nor include reference to them. The delivery of the supplies, services, works or labour in
response to a Contract / Government Purchase Order, or an order any conditions of this
Contract / Government Purchase Order.
2. The supplier will sell to the PE the supplies, services, works or labour of the supplier at the fixed price
stated for the time period defined in the contract / GPO. The price shall include all storage, packing,
insurance, installation, test certification and/or commissioning (as applicable) and all the materials /
components necessary, or that may be required to complete the preparation / installation / delivery of
the supplies ad services, works. Where applicable all other charges such as taxes, delivery charge etc
should be individually identified and incorporated into the total price.
3. Variations to a price for any or all unit price(s) of the line item(s) to any Task Order or to the supplies
services or works will not be allowed during the time period of this Contract or GPO.
4. The Right of Cancellation:
In addition to other rights of cancellation under these conditions of contract, the PE may
cancel the Contract / Government Purchase Order and any related order amendment thereto, at
any time, by giving the supplier a written notice of termination 15 days in advance.
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
If the supplier submits a claim against the PE for the termination, then the PE will pay to the
supplier any cost of commitment, liabilities or expenditure, which in their reasonable opinion
was a result of the said contract at the time and date of termination. The total of all payments
made, or due to the supplier under this contract, including any termination submit a
termination claim within 3 months of the date of notice of termination then the PE shall have
no further obligation under the contract.
Cancellation of the Contract / GPO will not affect any other rights the PE might have:
Variations of quantities/ materials/task orders/deliverables The quantities, materials, task orders or other items described in the RFP’S shall be
fixed unless otherwise indicated in the RFP that there may be a variation in quantity,
the type, or the service to be completed if a variation is to be requested then the PE shall prior to the delivery send the
supplier an order amendment adding to , deleting or modifying the said supplies,
works, services or labour required.
5. Quality and Descriptions
The supplies, works, services or labour shall
conform in every respect with the specifications and written details stated in the Contract /
be capable of meeting or be superior to all of the standards of performance specified in the
contract / GPO
be fit for any purposes intended or made known to the supplier, expressly or by implication
be new (unless otherwise specified)
correspond to their description or to any samples, patterns, drawings, plans and
specifications referred to in the PO / GPO
Be to the quality intended, implied or specified
Comply with current national legislation
be safe to use and operate, and not contain or generate toxic or hazardous materials
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
be equivalent Items Quoted
If it is written in the RFQ that an equivalent or variation is acceptable then a technical
description and specification of the equivalent being offered shall be attached to the offer by
the suppliers which effectively confirms its conformance or superiority to the standards /
outputs / deliverables expected
6. Reference to local, regional or international standards
Where descriptions of supplies, services, and works in the RFP are referring to an
International, regional or local standard then the supplier shall make a statement that all the
services, supplies and works meet the standards. Where certificates of test, certification or
compliance or commissioning are available or required for the supplies, services or works
offered then they shall be provided prior to any handover to control to the PE
Where such certification as detailed in clause 9.1 above, is required before the operation of
equipment, or to meet a national or trade standard, or is required by a legislation prior to the
completion of the contract / GPO
7. Work on Procuring Entity Premises
If the contract / GPO involves any work or services or labour to be performed on the premises
of the PE then the supplier shall ensure that all suppliers employees, sub contractors and their
employees and any other persons associated with the supplier, will adhere in every respect to
the obligations imposed on the supplier for safety and environmental legislation o the republic
of Botswana.
The procuring entity will make all arrangements and provide for security passes, access to site
of construction or installation or to the area intended service, work or labour during the normal
working hours of the procuring entity. By necessarily hours that will be required which fall
after normal working hours will be for prior to written agreement between the parties.
The PE shall not be held responsible for any loss of the supplier’s material or equipment
8. Inspection, progress, rejection
The supplier at own expense shall provide any schedules for manufacture, erection,
construction, delivery and installation. The supplier shall notify the PE in writing and without
delay, if the suppliers progress falls behind the agreed schedules
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
PE shall have the right to check progress at the suppliers or sub contactors works at any
reasonable time to inspect and to reject supplies or associated materials that donor meet with
the contract specifications or conditions.
Any inspection or approval shall not relieve the supplier from the supplier’s obligations or for
the corrections of any defect under this contract.
9. Packaging, containers and identification
Unless otherwise stated in the contract data, all packaging shall be non returnable. If the
contract states that the package is returnable the supplier shall give the PE full disposal
instructions before the time of delivery. The supplier shall pay the cost of all carriage and
handling for the return of the packaging, the PE shall not be held liable for any package lost or
damaged in transit
If the contract states that the package is returnable the supplier must provide the PE with full
‘knock –down’ and disposal instructions before the time of delivery. The PE shall not be liable
for any package lost or damaged in transit.
Where it may be necessary mark the supplies with a logo, design or identifying format as the
Property of the PE then the supplier shall deliver to the said specification
10. Safety
The supplier shall observe legal requirements of the Republic of Botswana and any other
relevant international agreements in relation to health safety and environment. In particular to
the marking of hazardous supplies
if so required eat supplier will provided data sheets for hazardous materials and for the storage
and handling provisions related to food
11. 14. Delivery
The supplies shall be properly packed, protected, secured to arrive in good condition at hat
time and places specified in the contract
If the supplies or any part of them re not delivered by the time specified in t e contact then the
e PE may by written notice cancel any undelivered balance effort the e supplies
The PE can also return for full credit and at the suppliers expense any supplies that in the PE‘s
opinion cannot be used owing to this cancellation.
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
In the same of services the PE may have the work competed by alternate means, by an
agreement in writing and any cost reasonably incurred will be at the suppliers expense. This
shall not affect any other rights the PE might have
12. Property and Risk
The supplier shall bear all the e risk of loss or damage to the supplies until their delivery and
shall be insured accordingly. Ownership of the supplies shall fall to the PE after this but
without prejudice to our right of examination and rejection under this contract
If the PE makes any stage or advance payment then at the time that such payment is made, the
supplier shall mark those supplies as property of the PE.
13. Acceptance
The PE shall have the right to reject any works, services or lab our in whole or in part within a
reasonable time of delivery if the on not conform to the standards expected or requirements
stated in the contract / GPO
The PE shall give the supplier reasonable opportunity to rectify or replace any supplies, works,
services or labour with new ones that conform to the contract / GPO specifications, after which
time the PE shall be entitled to cackle hat contract / GPO and acquire them elsewhere if they
Any supplies , works or personnel delivering services or labor that can be rejected by the PE
for not meeting the stated requirements, performance, deliverables, or obligations upon written
request shall be removed as soon as possible and shall be at the suppliers own expense and
14. Receipt and inspection of supplies, services, works or labour rendered
All supplies, works, services, labour shall be verified for conformity to the quality specified
and for the quantity delivered.
Should the e supplier without written consent make an deviation from that e requirement as
stated in the contract / GPO and effectively renders a different output, performance, schedule,
construction or expected deliverables then the PE reserves the right to return to the supplier
any deliveries, equipment, materials, constructions in part or in whole or any associated item
and may cancel the contract / GPO or take any remedial action to rectify the deviation. Such
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
action does not limit any future rights f the PE. Returns shall be made at the entire charge and
responsibility for not meeting the standards in the contract / GPO
The PE reserves the right to inspect any works, services or supplies at the suppliers site or at
the site the supplier is engaged at without prior notice. Any inspection b the PE does not
relieve the e supplier of his responsibilities in materials or workmanship.
Where a sample has been furnished the e item shall be delivered to the same specification
15. Replacement of rejected or defective supplies works or services
Where the supplies or works are written or rejected d the PE shall write a request fot the
remedy or replacement of the rejected or defective works, supplies or services. In the event
that ten days after receipt of the request for remedies, a supplier has failed to supply or
recommend a remedy to propose the replacement of any rejected or defective supplies under
the contract / GPO. The PE shall have the right to purchase such supplies elsewhere at the
expense of the supplier for any extra costs arising by deduction from the deposit or any
outstanding amount as the e case may be.
16. Invoice payment instructions
Unless otherwise stated in the contract / GPO the PE shall make any payments before the 30 th
day of receipt of an original and correctly rendered invoice. The suppliers must be addressed
to the department specified in the contract / GPO. The PE’s reference numbers the contract /
GPO number and the value of payment. The PE shall not be held responsible for failure to pay
due to the suppliers failure to comply with the invoicing instructions.
17. Supplier Warranty
It is expressly stated between the parties that items that fail within the stipulated warranty
period shall promptly make good at the suppliers expense or will be replaced. Where
applicable the supplier will ensure that compatible spares are available to facilitate repairs for a
period of at least 5 years from the date of delivery of the e supplies. When the supplier is
aware of a kisser period of availability of spares then that period will be informed to hat PE.
18. Indemnity and Insurance
The supplier shall indemnify the PE all loss, class action, costs, claims demands ,expenses or
liabilities whatsoever (if any) which the PE might incur by common law or statute in respect to
injury or death to any person or in respect to any loss or destruction o damage to
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
property(other than as a result on negligence by the PE or any person for whom the PE is
responsible) which shall have occurred in connection with any work executed by supplier
under this contract or shall be obliged to be attributable to some defect in the supplies.
The supplier will indemnify the PE against any and all loss, costs, expenses and liabilities
caused to the procuring entity whether directly or indirectly or as a result of the action, claim
or demand of any third party by reason of any breach by the supplier of these conditions or
any terms or obligations on the the suppliers part implied by statue statutory provision relevant
tot the contract or to supplies, services or work covered thereby.
The supplier shall hold satisfactory insurance cover with a reputable insurer t fulfill their
insurance obligations for the e duration of this contract / GPO. The supplier shall affect
insurance against all those risks arising from the supplier’s indemnity in condition 13.
Satisfactory evidence of such insurance and payment of current premiums shall be shown to
the PE on request.
19. Recovery of sums due
If under the contract any sums of money recoverable from or be payable by the supplier that
may be deducted from any sums due or which may have become due to the supplier under this
contract or any other contract the supplier might have with the PE.
20. Matters beyond control
If any party is delayed or is prevented from performing its obligations under this contract /
GPO (as in force majeure) by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either party
(including without intervention any form of government intervention, hostilities, strike and
lockouts relevant to the e contact / GPO,VB a breakdown of plant / equipment such
performance shall be suspended and if it cannot be completed within a reasonable time after
the due date as specified in the PO then the contract / GPO maybe cancelled by either party.
The PE shall have to pay to the supplier such sums as may be fair and reasonable in all the
circumstances of the case in respect of how they performed, spare parts purchased or parts
manufactures by the supplier under the e contract / GPO prior to cancellation but only in
respect of work that the procuring entity has received as originally contemplated in the
contract up to the point of break off / disruption. This provision can only have an effect if it is
called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it, giving written notice to the other to that
effect and within 3 months of the cancellation.
21. Articles on loan and use of information
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
All tools, materials, drawings, specifications and other equipment and data (the articles) loaned
by the PE to the supplier or its sub contractors in connection with the contract shall always
remain the PE’s property and be surrendered to the PE upon demand in good and serviceable
condition (fair wear and tear allowed)
Any information derived from the PE property or otherwise communicated to the supplier or
its sub contractor in connection with the contract / GPO shall be kept secret and confidential
and shall not without the consent in writing of the PE authorizing offices be kept secret and
confidential and shall not without the consent in writing of the third party or made use of by he
supplier or its sub contractors except for the purpose of implementing the contract or GPO.
22. Ownership of results
If the contract involves design and / or development work then
All rights of work arising from or deriving from this contract, including inventions, designs,
copyright and knowledge shall be the property of the PE and they shall have the sole right to
determine whether any letters patent, registered trademark, and other protection shall be
the supplier shall promptly communicate to the PE all such results and shall if requested and
at the PE’s expense shall do all acts and things necessary to enable the PE or its nominee to
obtain letters patent, registered designs and other protection for such results in all territories
and to assign the same PE or our nominee
the supplier shall ensure that all technical information (including computer programs and
programming information) arising out of or deriving from this contract is held in strict
confidence except for any such information which becomes public knowledge other than by
breach of this contract.
23. Infringement of Patents
With the exception of supplies made to the design or instructions of the PE, the supplier shall
have warrant that neither the supplies nor the use of them will infringe any patent registered
design, trade mark, copyright or other right and undertake to indemnify the PE against all
actions, claims, costs, demands, charges and expenses arising from or incurred by reason of
any infringement or alleged infringement of any such right
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
The supplier shall warrant that the use by the PE of the supplies, works and services will not
subject the PE to be charged of infringement of any patent and will further agree to indemnify
the PE against any and all costs and charges resulting from them.
24. Non observance of conditions
If the supplier breaches any part of the contract / GPO the PE may give the supplier written
notice of such breach and the supplier will have 30 days from receipt of the notice to rectify
the breach. Should the supplier fail to rectify the breach or non observance then the PE will
have the right to give the supplier written notice terminating the contract immediately.
25. Supplier Insolvency
If the supplier becomes insolvent or bankrupt or (being a company) make an arrangement with
suppliers, creditors or have an administrative receiver r administrator appointed or commence
o be wound up (other than for purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction, the PE may
without replacing any other of our rights terminate the contract with immediate effect by
written notice to supplier or any person in whom the contract may have become vested.
26. Assignment and sub letting
The contract shall not be assigned by the supplier in part or in whole. The supplier shall not
sub let any part of the contract without the written consent of the PE. The PE shall reasonably
consider any such request. The restriction contained in this condition shall not apply to sub
contracts for materials for small details or for any part of which the markers are amend in the
The supplier shall be responsible for all work carried out and all supplies supplied by the entire
sub contractors. The supplier is named in the contract / GPO is the prime contractor
27. Corruption and Gifts
In connection with this or any other contract between the PE and the supplier the supplier shall
not give, provide or offer to staff and agents of the PE any loan, fee, reward, gift or any
emolument or advantage whatsoever. In the event of any breach of this condition, Procuring
Entity shall without prejudice to any other rights the PE may possess be at liberty to terminate
this and any other contract and to recover from the supplier any loss or damage resulting form
such termination.
28. Waiver
Ref. №: _________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________
A failure at any time to enforce any provision of the contract / GPO shall in no way affect the
right at a later date to require complete performance of the contract / GPO, nor shall the waiver
of the breach of any provision be taken or held to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the
provision or be a waiver of the provision itself.
29. Notice
All notices and communications required to be sent by the supplier or by the PE in this
contract / GPO shall be made in writing and sent by the most secure and fastest route possible.
Such delivery should be in ether a registered or recorded form so proof of delivery is evident
and verifiable
30. Amendment
No addition, alteration or substitution of these conditions will bind PE or form part of the
Contract or GPO, unless and until accepted in writing by the PE’s authorizing officer.
31. Disputes settlement and applicable law
In the execution of the contract / GPO the contracting parties shall at the first instance try to
find the ways and means and by negotiations to reach an amicable settlement. In the second
instance such disputes may be referred for arbitration or judicial review under the applicable
law of the Republic of Botswana