Modeling Catalytic Converters for Reducing Hydrocarbons during Cold Start Conditions Paper # 573 Session #ET-2e S. Chauhan, Reader Department of Chemical Engg. and Tech., Panjab University, Chandigarh- 160014, India V. K. Srivastava, Professor and Dean IRD Chemical Engg. Department Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016 India. ABSTRACT: Monoliths are used as catalytic converters for treating pollutants coming out of the vehicular exhaust. Although they have been extensively studied, still there are some areas that need to be further explored like the cold start period, during which the hydrocarbon emissions are relatively high. Mathematical modeling has proved to be a good way of analysing the physicochemical processes occurring in the converter. Modeling is preferred as compared to experimental testing, the later being very expensive and time consuming. Modeling can be applied for design purposes and improving the existing converter control strategies. Difficulties encountered during modeling are due to complexities in reaction schemes and the rate expressions to be used for different catalytic formulations. In this paper reduction in the level of hydrocarbon emissions during cold start was analysed. The transient adiabatic plug flow model accounts for the combined effect of heat transfer, mass transfer and exothermic chemical reactions which are all strongly coupled. This model considers for both catalytic and homogenous reactions taking place in the converter assembly. Platinum used as catalyst helps in early initiation of the catalytic reactions, at a much lower operating temperature. The catalysts distribution over a large surface area ensures maximum mass transfer characteristics between the gas phase and the active catalyst. Heat exchange due to convection between the gas and the solid phase and heat transfer due to conduction in the solid phase are considered and the effect of radiation is neglected. Also diffusion is neglected due to thin washcoat. The ordinary differential equations for heat and mass transfer for gas phase so formed are solved using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. The partial differential equations for heat transfer calculating the catalyst temperature are solved by backward implicit scheme. Solutions derived using both quasi steady and unsteady state are compared and analysed. INTRODUCTION In order to reduce the pollutants coming out of the vehicular exhaust, catalytic converters were first introduced in US some 25 years back. Over the period of time, these converters which are the principal emission control tools have proved to be an unqualified success. In the automobile engine combustion of fuel takes place, whereby chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy. However even in the most efficiently tuned engines this conversion process is never complete and a considerable amount of polluting exhaust gases are released to the atmosphere. Release of hydrocarbons (HCs) during cold start of engine is one of the major problems encountered throughout the world. The HCs form 60-80% of the released pollutants. So after these exhaust gases come out of the engine they are subjected to catalytic reduction in the converter. As these exhaust gases flow through a converter they pass through the monolith channels, adsorb on the precious metals present in the washcoat and react with the adjacent adsorbed reactants. These reactions are highly exothermic in nature and start only after the catalyst has been preheated.1,2 As gases get adsorbed on the catalyst sites, chemical reaction takes place thereby converting harmful pollutants to relatively less polluting products. Traditional converter design used empirical approaches that were time consuming and costly. These approaches could result in over design or under design of converters in terms of noble metal loading and structural strength. Therefore an analytical approach such as numerical simulation enables one to explore much possible design options and yields an optimum design.3 Early converters used a palletized catalyst, but they have now been replaced by free-flowing monolith converters. As compared to the former the later are more compact and being uni-body can withstand mechanical vibrations caused during motion of the vehicle. Monolith behaviour during warm up of an automobile from cold start can be adequately predicted by a onedimensional model.2 As compared to two-dimensional model; the one-dimensional model is simpler and requires less computing time. Modeling of the behaviour of a three-way monolithic catalytic converter remains a very difficult challenge, due to the complex competing reactions which are strongly affected by heat and mass transfer. The need for numerical simulations has induced a lot of research to provide realistic models of heat and mass transfer as well as reliable kinetic expressions. In this study one-dimensional model is considered to help predict the cold start results at quasi steady state, along the axial direction in a catalyzed channel for a mixture of fast oxidizing hydrocarbon propylene and slow oxidizing hydrocarbon propane. Model equations are proposed both for heterogeneous and homogenous reactions. Also the results derived for quasi steady state are compared with those derived for unsteady state for the mixture. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND KINETICS Oxidation reactions of propylene and propane present in the exhaust gases are given below: C3H6 + 4.5 O2 3 CO2 + 3 H2O C3H8 + 5 O2 3 CO2 + 4 H2O These gases are assumed to be present in the exhaust in the ratio C3H6/C3H8: ½.4 Both homogenous as well as heterogeneous phase reactions are considered for both species. In the heterogeneous phase platinum suspended in aluminia washcoat is considered as the catalyst. Reaction rates for the above reactions are given below. 5,6,7 Heterogenous reaction: (-ri)cat(Cs,i ,Ts) = ki-cat exp (-Ei-cat/RTs) Ci Homogenous reaction: (-ri)homo(Cg,i ,Tg) = ki-homo exp (-Ei-homo/RTg) Ci Cb here ‘i’ represents either C3H6 or C3H8, ‘b’ represents O2 and ‘g’ and ‘s’ represent gas and solid phase. Also subscripts ‘cat’ and ‘homo’ refer to catalytic and homogenous reaction rates and corresponding parameters. Values of Rate parameters: Rate constants: kC3H6-cat kC3H8-cat kC3H6-homo kC3H8-homo 9.14 X104 cm/s 2.40 X107 cm/s 2.87 X1015 cm3 /g mol s 2.87 X1015 cm3 /g mol s Activation Energies: EC3H6-cat 12,000 cal/g mol EC3H8-cat 21,460 cal/g mol EC3H6-homo 40,000 cal/g mol EC3H8-homo 26,700 cal/g mol THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL One-dimensional model is used to simulate the conversion and thermal characteristics of the adiabatic monolith catalyst. In this model the cylindrical converter is considered. The model takes into account -the gas-solid heat and mass transfer -chemical reaction and related heat release -axial heat conduction The radial variations along the circular channel are not considered and only the axial gradients are accounted for. Assumptions: Diffusion in wash coat is neglected, Negligible axial diffusion of mass and heat transfer in gas phase, Noble metal concentration is kept constant, Catalyst does not deactivate, Monolith is cylindrical with circular cross-section channels, The heat released by the catalytic reactions inside the washcoat was assumed to be totally given to the gas phase by convection, Heat transfer by radiation within channels and also heat exchange between the substrate and the surroundings at both inlet and outlet faces of the monolith is neglected, Heat conduction inside the gas phase is not accounted and Non-uniform flow distributions inside the converter are neglected, as one single channel represents the entire monolith. Basic equations: a) Modeling for a mixture of propylene(C3H6) and propane (C3H8) at Quasi steady state Quasi-steady gas phase approximation refers to accumulation of mass and energy in the gas phase being negligible.8 This approach is taken to make the simulations simpler and easier. At quasi steady state: Tg / t 0 (1) C C g ,1 g ,2 / t 0 / t 0 (2) (3) where: Cg , Cs = concentrations in bulk gas phase and at the solid surface (g mole/cm3), Tg = gas temperature (K) (i) Modeling for catalytic reactions only Mass balances in gaseous phase: For C3H6 gas: v C g ,1 / x k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 0 For C3H8 gas vC g , 2 / x k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 0 where: kg = mass transfer coefficient (cm/s), (4) (5) S = geometric surface area per unit reactor volume (cm2/cm3) v = average velocity (cm/s). Mass balances in solid phase: a r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 For C3H6 gas For C3H8 gas where: a r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 (6) (7) a = catalytic surface area per unit reactor volume (cm2/cm3). Energy balance in gas phase: C pg v g Tg / x hS Tg Ts 0 where: ρg = gas density (g/cm3), (8) Cpg = specific heat of gas (cal/g K), h = heat transfer coefficient (cal/cm2 s K) Energy balance in solid phase: s 2Ts / x 2 hS Tg Ts a H 1 r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts a H 2 r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts C ps s Ts / t (9) where: (-H) = heat of reaction (cal/gmole) s = thermal conductivity of wall (cal/cm s K), Cps = specific heat of solid (cal/g K), s = solid density (g/cm3) t = time (s). Initial conditions: C g ,1 0, t C g0,1 C g , 2 0, t C g0, 2 Ts x,0 Ts0 Tg 0, t Tg0 Boundary conditions: at x 0, Ts / x 0 and at x L, Ts / x 0 The equations (4), (5) and (8) are ODEs whereas equation (9) is a PDE. (ii) Modeling for both catalytic and homogenous reactions Mass balances in gaseous phase: For C3H6 gas: v C g ,1 / x r 1 hom o C g ,1 , Tg k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 0 For C3H8 gas vC g , 2 / x r 2 hom o C g , 2 , Tg k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 0 (10) (11) (12) (13) Mass balances in solid phase: a r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 For C3H6 gas (14) For C3H8 gas (15) a r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 Energy balance in gas phase: C pg v g Tg / x hS Tg Ts H 1 r 1 hom o C g ,1 , Tg H 2 r 2 hom o C g , 2 , Tg 0 (16) Energy balance in solid phase: s 2Ts / x 2 hS Tg Ts a H 1 r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts a H 2 r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts (17) C ps s Ts / t Initial conditions: C g ,1 0, t C g0,1 C g , 2 0, t C g0, 2 Ts x,0 Ts0 Tg 0, t Tg0 Boundary conditions: at x 0, Ts / x 0 and at x L, Ts / x 0 The equations (12), (13) and (16) are ODEs whereas equation (17) is a PDE. (18) (19) b) Modeling for a mixture of propylene(C3H6) and propane (C3H8) at Unsteady state In the unsteady state model the time derivative terms in both gas concentrations and gas temperatures are accounted for along with those of solid temperature while solving mass and energy balance equations. Mass balances in gaseous phase: For C3H6 gas v C g ,1 / x r 1 hom o C g ,1 , Tg k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 C g ,1 / t (20) For C3H8 gas vC g , 2 / x r 2 hom o C g , 2 , Tg k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 C g , 2 / t (21) Mass balances in solid phase: a r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts k g1 S C g ,1 C s ,1 For C3H6 gas (22) For C3H8 gas (23) a r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts k g 2 S C g , 2 C s , 2 Energy balance in gas phase: C pg v g Tg / x hS Tg Ts H 1 r 1 hom o C g ,1 , Tg H 2 r 2 hom o C g , 2 , Tg C pg g Tg / t (24) Energy balance in solid phase: s 2Ts / x 2 hS Tg Ts a H 1 r 1cat C s ,1 , Ts a H 2 r 2cat C s , 2 , Ts C ps s Ts / t Initial conditions: C g ,1 0, t C g0,1 C g , 2 0, t C g0, 2 Tg 0, t Tg0 Ts x,0 Ts0 Boundary conditions: at x 0, Ts / x 0 (25) (26) at x L, C g ,1 / x 0 at x L, C g , 2 / x 0 at x L, Ts / x 0 at x L, Tg / x 0 (27) The equations (20), (21), (24) and (25) form a set of PDEs. All these above equations (1)-(19) are solved in dimensionless form using the following expressions: C1 C g ,1 / C g0,1 , Tg' Tg / Tg0 , z x/ L t ' t / t0 C2 C g , 2 / C g0, 2 , Ts' Ts / Tg0 , All the ODEs in cases a) (i) and (ii) are solved by Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, whereas the PDEs in cases a) (i) and (ii) and b) are solved by backward implicit scheme.9,10 In Figure 1. I = 1 denotes the entry point, I = 2 to M-1 donate the grid points in between entry and one grid point earlier to the exit and I = M denotes the grid point at the exit of the reactor, J levels show the increment in time used in the backward implicit scheme. By applying the BCs a tridiagonal-banded matrix is formed. The matrix has M×M components. Hence more computer storage is required. This M×M component matrix is transferred to M×3 components as shown in Figure 2. This way a lot of storage space is saved and it helps in reducing the time as iterations are done again and again. The method is used for solving the tridiagonal-banded matrix.9 Effect of grid sizes has been studied. Figure 1: Backward Implicit Scheme for calculating concentration and temperature variation with time. J=N I=1 Time I = M= (N-1) t’ (i.e., J = N) T's varies from I = 1,M z t’ J = N-1 I=1 z I = M= (N-2) t’ (i.e., J = N-1) Time T's varies from I = 1,M t’ J = N-2 Time I=1 Time I = M= (N-3) t’ (i.e., J = N-2) T's varies from I = 1,M z --- --- --- --- --- --- J=2 I=1 z I = M Time = 0+t’ (i.e., J = 2) T's varies from I = 1,M t’ J=1 I=1 z Initial time, t’ = 0 (i.e., J = 1) I = M T's is same from I = 1,M z = grid length in axial direction t’ = grid time (time step) Length of Converter [-] DISCUSSION OF RESULTS: a) Effect of homogenous and heterogeneous reactions on the conversion of propylene Hydrocarbons propylene and propane gases react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water vapour. These reactions can occur in both homogenous as well as heterogeneous phases depending upon the operating conditions. Heterogeneous reactions due to the presence of catalyst start at a lower temperature. In an earlier work, a mixture of propylene and propane exhausts gases entering at temperature 390oC and upto 800oC the effect of homogenous reactions was found to be negligible.11 So in this work relative effect of both homogenous and catalytic reactions was studied at temperatures 900oC and 1000oC. The results so obtained are discussed with help of Figures 2, 3 and 5 representing concentrations of propane and Figures 4 and 6 representing concentrations of propylene. Figure 2 represents propane gas concentration in axial direction for a mixture of exhaust gases propane (2000ppm) and propylene (4000ppm) introduced in the converter at 9000C. It is found that conversion of propane increases slightly in the case of catalytic-homogenous reactions taken together as compared to catalytic reaction only. At time 3.20 the concentrations of propane are 0.3083 and 0.3013 for catalytic reaction only and 0.3069 and 0.2995 for homogenous-catalytic reactions both for axial distances 0.40 and 1.00 respectively. Homogenous kinetics gives slightly more conversion although not much effect is felt at these parameter values (and also at lower values). Figure 2: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Catalytic and both Catalytic and Homogenous reactions for Propane Gas at 2000ppm, exhaust gases at 9000C. 0.33 t’=2.80 t’=3.00 0.31 t’=3.20 Conc 0.29 Increasing Time [-] 0.27 t’=3.40 0.25 ____ Catalytic alone - - - Homogenous and Catalytic both 0.23 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Axial length [-] Figure 3 represents propane gas concentration in axial direction for a mixture of exhaust gases with increased inlet concentrations of both propane (3000ppm) and propylene (6000ppm) introduced in the converter at 9000C. In comparison to Figure 2 slightly more conversion is observed here for catalytic-homogenous reactions on increasing the inlet concentration of the gases. At times 3.10 the concentrations of propane for catalytic reaction only are 0.2806 and 0.2722 and for catalytic-homogenous reactions are 0.2747 and for 0.2654 for axial distances 0.40 and 1.00 respectively. Higher concentration of exhaust gases gives more conversion. Figure 4 represents propylene gas concentration in axial direction for a mixture of exhaust gases propane (3000ppm) and propylene (6000ppm) introduced in the converter at 9000C. It is Figure 3: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Catalytic and both Catalytic and Homogenous reactions for Propane Gas at 3000ppm, exhaust gases at 9000C. 0.34 0.33 t’=2.30 0.32 t’=2.60 t’=2.90 t’=2.90 0.31 Increasing Time 0.3 Conc [-] 0.29 0.28 t’=3.10 ____ Catalytic alone 0.27 t’=3.10 - - - Homogenous and Catalytic both 0.26 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Axial length [-] found that not much increase in conversion of propylene occurs when catalytic-homogenous reactions are compared to catalytic reaction only. At times 3.10 the concentrations of propylene for catalytic reaction only are 0.3489 and 0.2587 and for catalytic-homogenous reactions are 0.3349 and 0.2451 for axial distances 0.40 and 1.00 respectively. This is due to less effect of homogenous reactions observed for propylene kinetics at these parameter values. Figure 4: Comparison of Concentration variation for Propylene Gas with Axial Length for Catalytic and both Catalytic and Homogenous reactions for propylene gas at 6000ppm in mixture of Exhaust Gases at 9000C. 0.7 t’=2.30 0.6 t’=2.60 Increasing Time 0.5 t’=2.90 Conc [-] 0.4 0.3 t’=3.10 ____ Catalytic alone - - - Homogenous and Catalytic both 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Axial length [-] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 5 represents propane gas concentration in an exhaust gas mixture of propane (3000ppm) and propylene (6000ppm) for both catalytic reaction only and catalytic-homogenous reaction at an increased inlet exhaust gas temperature of 1000oC. It is found that for the same time variation the conversion of propane is more for homogenous-catalytic reactions. At axial distance 0.20 the change in concentration for times 2.70 and 2.80 are 0.3137 and 0.2901 for catalytic reactions only and 0.3065 and 0.2728 for homogenous-catalytic reactions. This is due to the fact that more conversion occurs because of homogenous reactions. Figure 6 represents propylene gas concentration in an exhaust gas mixture of propane (3000ppm) and propylene (6000ppm) for both catalytic reaction only and catalytic-homogenous reaction at an inlet exhaust gas temperature of 1000oC. It is found that conversion of propylene is Figure 5: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Catalytic and both Catalytic and Homogenous reactions for Propane Gas at 3000ppm and 1000oC. t’=2.50 t’=2.50 t’=2.60 t’=2.60 t’=2.70 0.32 0.3 t’=2.70 Increasing Time 0.28 Conc 0.26 [-] t’=2.80 t’=2.80 0.24 ____ Catalytic alone - - - Homogenous and Catalytic both 0.22 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Axial length [-] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 6: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Catalytic and both Catalytic and Homogenous reactions for Propylene Gas at 6000ppm and 1000oC. 0.7 Increasing Time 0.6 t’=2.50 t’=2.50 0.5 t’=2.60 Conc t’=2.60 [-] 0.4 t’=2.70 t’=2.70 ____ Catalytic alone 0.3 t’=2.80 - - - Homogenous and t’=2.80 Catalytic both 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Axial length [-] 0.6 0.8 1 more for homogenous-catalytic reactions compared to catalytic reactions. At axial distance 0.20 the change in concentration for times 2.70 and 2.80 are 0.5186 and 0.4352 for catalytic reactions only and 0.4910 and 0.3919 for homogenous-catalytic reactions. This is due to the fact that more conversion of propylene occurs because of homogenous reactions. b) Comparison of quasi steady state and unsteady state modeling for a mixture of propylene and propane gases present in the exhaust. For a mixture of both propane and propylene both quasi steady state and unsteady state models are considered and a comparison between the results derived from these two models is made. Three ordinary differential equations and one partial differential equation (3-ODEs and 1-PDE) represent quasi steady state, whereas the unsteady state system is represented by four partial differential equations (4-PDEs). Both heterogeneous and homogenous reaction terms are incorporated in the rate expressions for propylene and propane oxidation reactions. Results of gas concentrations for the two gas system have been shown in Figures 7 and 8. Figure 7 shows the comparison of solutions obtained for concentration of propylene along the converter length with respect to time for quasi steady state and unsteady state models. Results are derived for dimensionless times 9.00, 11.00 and 11.30. By using the methods of solution, insignificant changes in concentration are found. At time 11.00 the concentrations are 0.4759, 0.3608 and 0.2880 by using 3-ODEs and 1-PDE and 0.4816, 0.3663 and 0.2920 by using 4-PDEs at axial lengths 0.30, 0.60 and 0.90 respectively. At time 11.30 the concentration is 0.2719 by using 3-ODEs and 1-PDE and 0.2721 by using 4-PDEs at axial distance 0.70. Both methods are giving almost same results. Figure 7: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Propylene Gas in Quasi steady state (3- ODEs and 1-PDE) and Unsteady state (4-PDEs) systems. 0.7 0.6 t’=9.00 Increasing Time 0.5 0.4 Conc [-] t’=11.0 0.3 - - - -4-PDEs ____3- ODEs and 1-PDE t’=11.30 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Axial length [-] Figure 8 shows the comparison of solutions obtained for concentration of propane along the converter length with respect to time for quasi steady state conditions and unsteady state conditions in a mixture of propylene and propane exhausts. Results are derived for dimensionless times 9.00, 11.00 and 11.30. Concentration of propane gas calculated in axial direction with variation of time shows insignificant change in concentration in both cases. At time 11.00 the Figure 8: Comparison of Concentration variation with Axial Length for Propane Gas in Quasi steady state (3- ODEs and 1-PDE) and Unsteady state (4-PDEs) systems. 0.34 t’=9.0 0.32 Increasing Time t’=11.0 0.3 t’=11.30 0.28 Conc [-] - - - 4-PDEs ____3- ODEs and 1-PDE 0.26 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Axial length [-] concentrations are 0.3117, 0.2998 and 0.2918 by using 4-PDEs and 0.3103, 0.2975 and 0.2889 by using 3-ODEs and 1-PDE at axial lengths 0.30, 0.60 and 0.90 respectively. At time 11.30 the concentration is 0.2750 by using 3-ODEs and 1-PDE and 0.2780 by using 4-PDEs at axial distance 0.70, showing similar results. CONCLUSIONS: While considering the effect of homogenous reactions it was seen that they have insignificant effect during warm-up conditions. Even though the activation energy of propane is much lower for homogenous reactions still there is not much increase the overall conversion due to very low concentration of the gases. Comparison of modeling results for quasi steady state model with those using unsteady state model was made for propylene and propane mixture. Analyzing these results it was observed that there is an insignificant change in the concentrations of propylene and propane gases for the two cases. Both proposed models represent the physical solutions. Numerical method of solution also gives same results. REFERENCES 1. Keith, J.M.; Chang, H.C.; Leighton Jr D.T. AIChE J. 2001, 45, 603-614. 2. Heck, R.H.; Wei, J.; Katzer, J.R. AIChE J. 1976, 22, 477-484. 3. Chen, D.K.S.; Oh, S.H.; Bissett, E.J.; Van Ostrom, D.I. SAE Paper 880282 1989, 3.1773.189. 4. Koltsakis, G.C.; Konstantinidis, P.A.; Stamatelos, A.M. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 1997, 12, 161-191. 5. Ahn, T.; Pinczewski, W.V.; Trimm, D.L. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1986, 41, 55-64. 6. Hayes, R.E.; Kolaczkowski, S.T.; Thomas, W.J. Computers Chem. Eng. 1992, 16, 645. 7. Wanker, R.; Raupenstrauch, H.; Staudinger, G. Chem. Eng. 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