DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. Section 3-16 questions 1. Define weight in terms of gravitational forces. 2. A. State 2 places or locations on earth where you will weigh the most. B. State 2 places or locations on earth where you will weigh the least. C. What would you weigh on the moon? (Show formula work) D. What would you weigh on Jupiter? (Show formula work) 3. Why isn’t weight a good physical standard? 4. Why is mass a better physical standard? 5. Why does weight vary or change on earth? Section 3-17 questions 6. What does kgf stand for? 7. What does mass measure? 8. What does weight measure? 9. How many pounds does 1 kgf equal? 10. How many newtons does 1 kgf equal? 11. What is the number and units for the acceleration due to gravity here on earth? 12. A. What is the formula for weight? B. What does the “m” stand for? C. What does the “g” stand for?