C &I 235 Content Area Applications of Educational Technology

C &I 235 Content Area Applications of Educational Technology
Science Section, Fall 2003
Room 16 (PC lab) Education Building
Friday: 8:00 – 10:50A.M
Course Description
C&I 235 is taken in the initial year of your teacher preparation program. The primary projects for
students enrolled in C&I 235 are (1) to create an electronic portfolio (ePort) and (2) to write a
lesson plan utilizing the software tool taught in the class. These projects encompass the skill of
creating a professional web site in addition to serving as a means for supporting authentic
assessment. Students will create their ePort in the first year of their teacher training program and
will be asked to continue the process of updating and improving their ePort throughout the
program. The creation of an ePort provides a demonstration of a student teacher's journey of
becoming a professional educator. . For more detailed information of the course, visit
Instructor: Rongji Chen
Office: 314N Education
Office Hours: TBA
E-mail: rchen4@uiuc.edu
Co-instructor: Belinda Jiang
Office: 314N Education
Office Hours: TBA
E-mail: ycheng5@uiuc.edu
Supervising professor:
Karen Ferneding
Office: 315 Education
Office Hours: Tuesday 1-3
E-mail: fernedin@uiuc.edu
Requirements & Grading
1. Attendance and participations: If, for a serious reason, you cannot attend the class, notify
the instructor before class by sending an e-mail message (Grade: 45 points).
2. An electronic portfolio (ePort) on the COE server: See the ePort grading rubric for more
detailed information. Due: December 3, 2003 (Grade: 115 points).
3. Write a statement of your philosophy on technology. This statement must be accessible
from the “standards” page of your ePort. Due: December 3, 2003 (Grade: 40 points).
4. Spreadsheet project: Write a science lesson plan utilizing electronic spreadsheets and link
it from your ePort. See the grading rubric for more detailed information. Due: November
17, 2003 (Grade: 100 points).
5. For some sessions, you will be asked to bring some materials to work in class. See the
schedule below for detail.
6. You need to obtain at least 240 points to receive a grade of satisfactory.
Schedule (tentative)
Course introduction
Design considerations
Planning a website
Introduction to Mozilla Composer
Basic formatting
Student web folder @ COE server
(ePort 1)
Designing and using templates
Working with tables
Page properties, colors & background
E-mail links
Horizontal lines
Local and remote links
Changing & removing links
Locate 3 favorite educational sites.
Bring to class the URLs and a brief
description of each site (in
electronic format is preferable).
(ePort 2)
Table properties
Anchored (targeted) links
Bring an electronic copy of your
(ePort 3)
Table properties (continued)
Images & image links
Bring an electronic copy of a list of
courses (#, title, & credit hour) you
have taken and are taking.
(ePort 4)
Work session
Bring ideas for your philosophy
statement on educational
Discussion on statement of philosophy
on technology use in education (Prof.
Karen Ferneding)
Introduction to MS. Excel
Excel as an administrative tool
Excel for teaching science (1)
Excel for teaching science (2)
ePort Peer evaluation
Course evaluation
Read the three articles in the course
package before class.
Keep working on ePort
Draft of your ePort
Some Handy Links
 C&I235 home page: http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/courses/ci235
 Resource page: http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/courses/ci235/team/rongji/
 Mozilla Composer tutorial: http://talent.ed.uiuc.edu/tutorials/index.html#mozilla
 Examples of ePort from previous semesters:
 Getting Started with Web Publishing:
 Setting/unlocking your Active Directory (AD) password:
Accessing Your Student Web Folder on the COE Server from Windows Machines
The COE server is in the UIUC workgroup. If you are working in the ICL or the computer you
are using is in the UIUC workgroup, do the following:
1. From the Start menu, choose Run.
2. Enter the following path to your web folder: \\ed-w3\wwwroot\students\ your_NetID and
hit OK.
3. Log into the system by entering your UIUC NetID and active directory password.
The following is a universal way to access your student web folder:
1. Launch Internet Explorer (Netscape won't work).
2. From the File menu, choose Open.
3. Important: check Open as Web Folder to turn on the option.
4. Enter your Web Dav path: https://www-s.ed.uiuc.edu/students/your_NetID, as shown
above. Hit OK.
5. Log into the system by entering your UIUC NetID and active directory password.
6. Your folder should now be displayed. At this point, you can open, drag and drop, delete,
and rename files as you would do normally.