Unit 2 Lesson 4 - Tell City Schools

Unit 2 Lesson 5
1. Sequence the following events. Write the numbers 1 – 6 on the lines below.
______ The British and the Americans signed a second Treaty of Paris.
______ The United States declared war on Britain.
______ Battle of Tippecanoe took place near Prophetstown.
______ Blue Jacket’s warriors and General Wayne’s forces met at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
______ Congress passed the Land Ordinance.
______ Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance.
2. Why were the Indians forced to give up their land after the Battle of Fallen Timbers?
Restate and Support.
In this box, describe Chief Little
In this box, describe William Henry
4. By looking on the map on page 110, where in the territory would it have been difficult to
divide the land into perfect squares? Restate and Support.
5. Complete the vocabulary chart below.
Vocabulary Words
Definition in your own words.
6. Complete the IMPORTANT PERSON chart below.
Important Person
Why were they important?
Blue Jacket
Chief Little Turtle
Anthony Wayne
Arthur St. Clair
7. Name two reasons why the United States declared war on Britain?
8. Complete the Important Places chart below.
Important Places
Why were they important?
9. What began the war of 1812? Restate and Support
Name: ______________________
Unit 2 Lesson 5
Reading Recap
1. What is debt?
2. What is a territory?
3. What is a township?
4. What did Chief Little Turtle urge the Native Americans to seek? _________________
5. Who was the first governor of the Indiana Territory? __________________________
6. What group of people did Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa urge the tribes to unite against?
7. Circle one – True or False
After the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the Indians signed the Treaty of Greenville, which
allowed them to keep their land.
If false, rewrite the sentence to make it true.
8. Circle one – True or False
The British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
If false, rewrite the sentence to make it true.
9. Circle one – True or False
The Northwest Ordinance set up a plan for governing the Northwest Territory.
If false, rewrite the sentences to make it true.