Western Expansion: Frontier Wars in Ohio Sandra Noonan Fairfield Central Elementary Fall 2010 This lesson provides an overview of the military actions against the tribes in the Ohio Valley in the early 19th century. Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension Overview Objectives Recommended time frame Grade level Curriculum fit Materials Back to Navigation Bar Students will: In this lesson students will learn about the early wars in Ohio in the 1700’s and gain an understanding about the causes and effects of these wars through individual or group research, create posters providing information about their battle and the leader of their choice. 5 forty minute time periods 4th Social Studies Power Point introducing the battles and the leaders of early Ohio Native American Tribes and early American leaders that helped to lead to the settlement of Ohio. Worksheet 1: KWL Chart Worksheet 2: Research a Battle and a Leader (Native American or American) Worksheet 3: Word Search of new vocabulary Ohio State Learning Standards Benchmark B. Describe the cultural patterns that are evident in North America today as a result of exploration, colonization, and conflict. Grade 4 Indicator 3. Explain the causes and effects of the frontier wars of the 1790s, including the Battle of Fallen Timbers, on American Indians in Ohio and the United States. Procedures Back to Navigation Bar Evaluation Day One: Students will watch a Power Point that will introduce them to key battles and individuals that helped to shape what is now known as Ohio. Explain to the students that they will research one of the battles and leaders of the frontier period then prepare a poster. Distribute Worksheet 2: Ask students to select one of the listed battles and leaders for their report. Point out the table on the worksheet that will assist them with organizing their research. Students will choose their battle and leader and complete Worksheet 2. Days Two, Three, and Four: Students will use different resources to create their posters during three class periods. Students should be given a copy of the rubric so they know what is to be expected of them. Day Five: Students will share their posters while giving an oral report. Back to Navigation Bar Students will be graded on the poster, see rubric. Students will also be graded on the vocabulary word search. Extension Back to Navigation Bar Students can write an essay from the Native American’s point of view of how the settling of the Ohio Territory affected them. Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar Resource Table Image Description Life of Tecumseh, and of his brother the Prophet; with a historical sketch of the Shawanee Indians Citation Drake, Benjamin, 1794-1841 1856 URL http://memory.loc.gov/ award/icufaw/bbf0044/ 0001v.jpg American antiquities, Priest, Josiah, 1788and discoveries in the 1851 1833 West : being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America, many centuries before its discovery by Columbus. And inquiries into their origin, with a copious description of many of their stupendous works, now in ruins. With conjectures concerning what may have become of them. Comp. from travels, authentic sources, and the researches of antiquarian societies http://memory.loc.gov/ cgibin/ampage?collId=icuf aw&fileName=bbf0018 /icufawbbf0018.db&rec Num Trumbull, Henry, A view of Colonel Johnson's engagement 1781-1843 1828 with savages (commanded by Tecumseh) near the Moravian town, October 5, 1812 http://memory.loc.gov/ cgibin/query/D?fawbib:66 :./temp/~ammem_MeC o: Tenskwatawa Citation Also known as The Prophet the brother of Tecumseh "Tenskwatawa", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005, http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=312 In 1811, the Battle of Tippecanoe was a significant defeat for Tecumseh's NativeAmerican Confederation. Tecumseh "Charge of the Dragoons at Fallen Timbers," painted by R.T. Zogbaum, ca. 1895. The painting illustrates General Anthony Wayne's campaign against the http://www.ohiohistory central.org/images/195. jpg http://www.ohiohistory central.org/image.php?r ec=482&img=54 "Tecumseh", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005, http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=373 "Battle of Fallen Timbers", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005, http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=473 http://www.ohiohistory central.org/image.php?r ec=373&img=218 http://www.ohiohistory central.org/image.php?r ec=473&img=941 Ohio Indians in 1794. Treaty of Greenville Citation http://www.ohiohistory central.org/images/774. jpg "Treaty of Greeneville (1795)", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005, http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=1418 Transcript of Treaty Portrait of Anthony Wayne, ca. 1795. General Wayne lead a military campaign against Native American tribes in the Northwest Territory that culminated with the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794 and the signing of the Treaty of Greene Ville in 1795. http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=435&nm=Treatyof-Greeneville-1795Transcript Ohio Historical Society http://www.ohiohistory central.org/images/157 7.jpg Arthur St. Clair William Henry Harrison The Ohio Historical http://www.ohiohistory Society central.org/image.php?r ec=354&img=51 The Ohio Historical http://www.ohiohistory Society central.org/image.php?r ec=190&img=236 Battle of the Thames The Battle of the Thames was a pivotal American victory during the War of 1812. The Ohio Historical Society http://www.ohiohistory central.org/images/53.j pg Lithograph of Little Turtle, accurately portraying his large forehead, known as "fivehead" is reputedly based upon a lost portrait by Gilbert Stuart, destroyed when the British burned Washington, D.C. in 1814.[1] Gilbert Stuart, http://upload.wikimedia .org/wikipedia/common s/thumb/d/db/Little_Tu rtle.jpg/275pxLittle_Turtle.jpg A modern rendition of Shawnee War Chief Blue Jacket in his Maumee River home near present day Defiance, Ohio. Described by White Captive Oliver M. Spencer in a visit there in July, 1792 Painting by Hal Sherman 2007 http://shawneebluejacket.com/Bluejac ket_Images/bj_2.6.8.jp g Photographic reproduction of an engraved portrait depicting Josiah Harmar, ca. 1790-1799 The original portrait was engraved by John Sartain and based on a painting by Raphael Peale."Harmar's Defeat", Ohio History Central, July 1, 2005, http://www.ohiohistory central.org/entry.php?r ec=505 http://www.ohiohistory central.org/image.php?r ec=505&img=962 Rubric Back to Navigation Bar Making A Poster : Battle and Leader Poster Teacher Name: Mrs. Noonan Student Name: CATEGORY Labels ________________________________________ 4 All items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. 3 Almost all items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. All required elements are included on the poster. 2 Several items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. 1 Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled. Content - Accuracy At least 7 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 5-6 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 3-4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Title Title can be read from 6 ft. away and is quite creative. Title can be read from 6 ft. away and describes content well. Title can be read from 4 ft. away and describes the content well. The title is too small and/or does not describe the content of the poster well. Use of Class Time Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Required Elements Several required elements were missing. The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Graphics -Clarity Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. Most graphics are in focus and the content is easily viewed and identified from 4 ft. away. Many graphics are not clear or are too small. Graphics Originality Several of the graphics used on the poster reflect a exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. One or two of the graphics used on the poster reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. The graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others. No graphics made by the student are included. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. Graphics Relevance Date Created: Oct 28, 2010 06:57 pm (UTC) Handouts Back to Navigation Bar Battles and Leaders J M S H D S U P O R E C T S H P J E J L E U U U R A I E T A P W A Z S M R R G W G E K E R K N U V X A G K P E A B C C M T C O V T H Q J X D E E A U A E L T R U T E L T T I L J M R T U O V A F D K S N K W E S S E T E H P O R P E H T J U E D K U M U C E H K X A Y D L H E O H P F M L P B V B J A B P F M A D A N T H O N Y W A Y N E ARTHURSTCLAIR TECUMSEH MADANTHONYWAYNE THEPROPHET JOSIAHHARMAR BATTLEOFTHAMES BLUEJACKET CLAIRSDEFET HARMARSDEFEAT LITTLETURTLE R I A L C T S R U H T R A Q A D J O S I A H H A R M A R W T W J T O H B C F C Y Y I O M Z C L A I R S D E F E T H N L D Solution + + + + + S + + + + + + T + H + + + + + E + + + + + + E T A + + + + + M + + + + + + K E R + + + + + A + + + + + + C C M + + + + + H + + + + + + A U A E L T R U T E L T T I L J M R + + + + + F + + + + + + E S S (Over,Down,Direction) ARTHURSTCLAIR(12,13,N) JOSIAHHARMAR(13,2,S) BATTLEOFTHAMES(14,6,W) LITTLETURTLE(6,12,N) BLUEJACKET(10,13,W) MADANTHONYWAYNE(11,1,S) CLAIRSDEFET(15,1,S) TECUMSEH(2,14,E) HARMARSDEFEAT(1,15,E) THEPROPHET(8,11,N) + T E H P O R P E H T + U E D + + + + + E + + + + + + L H E + + + + + L + + + + + + B + F M A D A N T H O N Y W A Y N E R I A L C T S R U H T R A + A + J O S I A H H A R M A R + T + + + + + B + + + + + + + + + C L A I R S D E F E T + + + + Worksheet 2 Choose one of the battles and leaders listed below to research. Use atlases, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or multimedia to research your project. Answer the questions below then create a poster and be prepared to share your poster during an oral report. Make sure you answer all of the questions on your poster. Battles of the 1790’s Harmar’s Defeat St. Clair’s Defeat Battle of Fort Recovery Battle of Fallen Timbers Name of battle: When did the Battle occur? Where did the battle happen? Who was involved in the battle? What happened? Name the leader: What did the leader do that was so important? What battle or important decision was your leader a part of? What is your leader best remember for? Subsequent Battles of Indian Wars Battle of Tippecanoe Battle of Siege of Fort Meigs Battle of the Thames Early American Leaders William Henry Harrison Arthur St. Clairz Anthony Wayne Josiah Harmar Native American Leaders Little Turtle Blue Jacket Tecumseh The Prophet WORKSHEET 1: KWL CHART Think about the leaders of early Ohio and battles that occurred during the exploration, trade, and settlement era of early Ohio’s history. Before beginning your lesson complete column 1 (What I know) and column 2 (What I want to know). When the lesson is finished, complete column 3 (What I learned). Topic: Battles and Leaders of Early Name: Ohio What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned Power Point Notes: Remember, you are showing the power point to give the students a snapshot of what was happening during the time period. You have been studying Ohio History up to this point so they should have some background knowledge. Encourage discussion of each slide, ask the students to describe what they think happened. Slide one: Battle of Fallen Timbers Slide two: Battle of Thames Slide three: Battle of Tippecanoe Slide four: Arthur St. Clair Slide five: Josiah Harmar Slide six: William Henry Harrison Slide seven: Anthony Wayne Slide eight: Little Turtle Slide nine: Blue Jacket Slide ten: Tecumseh Slide eleven: The Prophet Slide twelve: Directions for what happens next.