Welcome To MVHS Model United Nations 2013 - 2014 Important Information For Parents & Students PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED INFORMATION & RETURN CHECKS AND SIGNED FORMS BY September 26, 2013 to Mr. Opkins Dear Students and Parents, We would like to welcome you back to a new school year and wish you the best in all of your academic endeavors. I hope you have enjoyed the summer vacation with your family and friends. We have spent the last few weeks getting to know and work with the Secretariat and new staff as well as the many students who participated in the summer sessions. We are getting off to a great start with over 150 students—over 50 of which are incoming freshmen. Model United Nations (M.U.N.) has been a great aspect of our teaching careers for many years at Mission Viejo High School. The program, while being very educational will teach students about current events and global challenges. Beyond these aspects, it will teach students time management, organization and accepting responsibility, all of which are vital skills necessary for post-academic careers. We know many previous students have gone on to become well-educated and well-positioned leaders at all levels. With great dedication this will occur with this year’s class as well. We truly believe in the benefits of the M.U.N. program. Mission Viejo High School has a long history of M.U.N. participation. We are happy to have this opportunity to continue the leadership of such a program and hope to continue its success. We will work hard to make this program successful, just as we expect each and every student and parent will. This year Mr. Opkins will be working with the freshmen and seniors. Ms. Linda Seitz will be working with sophomores and Mr. Michael Hoffman & Ms. Nicole Roloff will be working with juniors. Our support staff includes, our Booster Club president, Mrs. Tracy Takatsuka, and many others on campus who support the program and will certainly make all of our hard work worthwhile with their continued encouragement. The Secretariat and their parents will be working hard over the next few months planning and implementing this year’s MVHS MUN Conference. This group of dedicated, hard working MUN families have, and continue to contribute so much of their time and energy to bring together this conference for the 30th consecutive year. Again, this year our freshmen students will be working with UCI students and professors of the “Global Connect” project. Kendra Ritterhern and the Secretariat have chosen, “Together We Can, Together We Will” as the theme for this year’s conference. With input from all interested parties, we will continue the successes of the program and make the necessary improvements. We will work to increase student success in academic areas and in systems of organization. We look forward to a very successful school year, Mr. Jack Opkins & Linda Seitz MVHS MUN Advisors 2013 – 2014 MUN Conferences & Night Debates* First Semester Dates September 28 October 12 October 19 – 20 November 23 – 24 December 14 Conference SOCOMUN (Santa Margarita) (All levels) Cerritos (Novice only) Edison (All levels) Tustin (Novice Saturday, Advanced both days) Capistrano (All levels) January 17 – 19 MVHS (Mandatory) December 3 – 7 RHSMUN (San Francisco) (Juniors & Seniors) Second Semester Dates January 31 – February 1 February 22 March 22 – 23 May 17 Conference Surf City (Huntington Beach) (All levels) Laguna Hills (All levels) El Toro (Novice Saturday, Advanced both days) Whitney (All levels) April 2 – 7? CAHS (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) (Juniors & Seniors Only) Night Debates** Dates Meeting Time September 24 Night Debate 6:45 – 9:00 October 8 Night Debate 6:45 – 9:00 October 15 Night Debate 6:45 – 9:00 November 12 Night Debate 6:45 – 9:00 December 10 Night Debate 6:45 – 9:00 *Conferences may be added or deleted as necessary. Dates are subject to change. No make-up for missed conference credit! **All Night Debates take place on Tuesday nights MUN PARENT BOOSTER CLUB MVHS is proud to have a very active MUN Parent Booster Club. We meet once a month, on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., with a few exceptions. Meetings are held in the MUN room - - room 314. Booster Club meetings are a good time to get to know the other parents and to hear from the teachers regarding MUN activities, events, and special projects. Please note: MVHS MUN Parent Shadow Secretariat will meet the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. We will be compiling an e-mail list of parents so that we can notify you of upcoming meetings and events. Please be sure to provide your e-mail address on the information sheet and sign up for our E-Newsletter so you won't miss receiving MUN or Booster information. To sign up for the E-Newsletter, go to our MVHS MUN website (mvhsmun.org), click on the "Parent Site" tab and then click on the "Sign Up For Our MUN newsletter" link. Booster, Board & Shadow Secretariat Meetings Dates September 17 October 15 November 19 December 17 January 14 February 18 March 18 April 22 May 20 June 17 Meeting Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Executive Board/ Booster Club Executive Board/ Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Shadow Secretariat/Executive Board/Booster Club Time 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 6:00-7:00/7:00-8:00 6:00-7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 5:30-6:30/6:30 – 7:00/7:00-8:00 June 4, 2014 MUN Awards Ceremony MVHS MUN BOOSTER CLUB OFFICERS 2013-2014 The Executive Board includes: Tracy Takatsuka - President Chris Ritterhern - Vice President Patty George- Co-Secretary Debbie Spielman- Co-Secretary Tsehay Villeza - Treasurer PARENT INFORMATION MVHS MUN PROGRAM General Information 1. The D.G. of Tech posts all pertinent MUN information on the MVHSMUN web page. 2. Conference schedules will be posted and updated on a regular basis. 3. Conference applications will also be posted on the web page. 4. Go to: http://www.mvhsmun.org/ Program Cost - $60.00 Due to the active involvement of our students, the MUN Program requests parent participation, as well as, monetary funding. If your child chooses to be a participant in the MUN program, you will be asked to volunteer and pay a yearly program donation. This donation covers classroom books written specifically for the MUN program, conference Delegation registration fees, paper and copying, magazine subscriptions, and other administrative costs. There are a limited number of need-based scholarships available on a first come first serve basis. Please contact the MUN office for information. MUN Conference Information 1. Approximate cost $15-$65 per conference. 2. Average cost $40.00. ($240.00/school year) 3. Payment is due in full with the conference application. 4. Once a conference has been paid for, money is not refundable. The only exception would be the cancellation of a conference due to the lack of participation by the students. 5. Travel and hotel costs for overnight conferences will depend on the number of students who participate. 6. All conference fees (hotel and airfare if an overnight conference) must be paid for in advance. There will be no exceptions. MVHS Conference – January 17 – 19, 2013 Parents are asked to work one 3 hour shift over the two day period. If for some reason you are unable to work, you can send someone in your place. However, this person must be at least 25 years of age. You may also be asked to help provide other items used at the conference. Parent Chaperone Responsibility A parent from each family is responsible for chaperoning one day of an away conference per year. The MVHS Conference does not count towards this responsibility. (See page on Parent Chaperones in this packet.) PARENT CHAPERONES Parent Chaperone Commitment for Away Conferences and MVHS Conference **We ask that a parent from each MUN family chaperone at least one day of a conference every school year, as well as work a three hour shift at the Mission Viejo Conference. The Mission Viejo Conference does not fulfill the parent chaperone commitment.** Chaperoning a MUN conference is the best way to understand the MUN program. It will be a very rewarding experience for you as you discover how challenging the task is that your son or daughter is performing. Also, it shows your student that you support him/her, just as you would by attending his/her sporting event, concert, recital, etc. Please keep in mind, however, that you are fulfilling a very important legal function as well. We are required to have a ratio of 1 adult to every 15 students actively supervising the group. In general, the conference chaperone experience should be an enjoyable one. You will make friends along the way and win the respect and appreciation of the many students who would not be able to attend without your presence. Requirements for Parents of Future Upper Secretariat Members Because parents of Upper Secretariat students have significant responsibilities in running our MVHS MUN conference, they need the experience of chaperoning an away conference. If your student is a junior and he/she is interested in running for a secretariat position, the parent chaperone commitment must have been met on an annual basis. This requirement will be part of the screening process for eligibility to run for an upper secretariat position. MUN records the date and conference that a parent chaperones, and this data will be used to verify that parental responsibilities were met during the student’s freshman, sophomore and junior years. If your student wants to run for an Upper Secretariat position and you are not be able to chaperone during the first semester, make sure you discuss this with Mr. Opkins well before the end of the semester. MUN 2013-2014 INFORMATION SHEET STUDENT NAME_____________________________________________ PARENTS’ NAMES____________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________ CITY AND ZIPCODE__________________________________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER______________________________________ CELL NUMBER (OPTIONAL)___________________________________ PARENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ STUDENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ Dear Parents, Each year we compile a MUN roster for the convenience of our students and parents. This year the MUN roster will be posted in the MUN Office. The information in the Student Forum will only be accessed by a MUN staff, students, and parents. This roster does not include e-mail addresses. If you do not want your address and phone number on the MUN roster, please put a check in the appropriate box. For information about conferences or general information about MUN, go to our website at: www.mvhsmun.org. Thank you. You may use my address and phone number for the MUN roster. Please do not use my address and phone number for the MUN roster. We do compile an e-mail list for internal use only. This is the best way to contact parents about conference information, booster club meetings, and any other items that might come up that need attention. If you would like to be on our email list, please go to our MVHSMUN website www.mvhsmun.org, click “Parent Site” and then click “Sign Up for our “MUN E-Newsletter”. This year MVHSMUN will be begin using the “Constant Contact” e-mail service. Parent e-mail address: ____________________________________________________ SIGNATURE SHEET I have read the information in the first day packet and agree to the costs associated with the MUN program, the 3 days of conferences per semester my child is recommended to attend outside of school hours, and my parental responsibilities to chaperone one day at an away conference as well as work a 3 hour shift at the MVHS MUN Conference. _________________________ Student Signature __________________________ Parent Signature __________________________ Date FOR PARENTS OF JUNIORS ONLY If my student is a junior interested in running for an Upper Secretariat position, I will meet my chaperone responsibilities by the end of the first semester. __________________________ Parent Signature SUMMARY OF ITEMS TO BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. Check for $60.00 made payable to: MVHS MUN Completed Travel Behavior Contract signed by student and parent Completed Information Sheet This Signature Sheet signed by student and parent MUN BEHAVIOR CONTRACT In order for the MUN program to be as trouble-free and pleasant as possible, we have agreed to the following behavioral guidelines. 1. Students will be responsible to keep track of their materials and personal items brought to MUN functions. 2. Everyone must comply with conference check-in and check-out times. Parents must not be more than fifteen minutes late picking up their students from any MUN activity, making every effort to not keep advisors waiting. 3. Students are expected to behave in a professional and respectful manner in public places. Advisors, chaperones and other booster parents are to be treated with respect and their wishes adhered to by all students, without exception. 4. Behavior by a member of MVHSMUN that brings discredit or embarrassment to him/herself or the program. Conduct which falls into this category includes: a. Fighting with or harassing students (physically or verbally). b. Damaging public, school, or personal property. c. Stealing. d. Using profanity. 5. In addition to #4, there will be absolutely no use of alcohol, drugs, or intoxicants. Parents may be requested to pick up their child at the nearest police authority, at their own expense, should violation of this rule occur. District policy will also be followed in that expulsion proceedings follow any violation of this rule as well. Finally, any violation of this rule will result in termination from the MVHS Model United Nations program. 6. Students will stay with the group at all times, unless directed specifically to go elsewhere. In most cases, the conference agenda will be followed. 7. Students will not be allowed to drive themselves to and from conferences when the District provides transportation. When the district does not provide transportation parents and students must arrange their own transportation to and from conferences. 8. Conference attire shall include the following: a. For boys – suit, or dress pants and dress shirt with tie, or dress pants with sweater, and dress shoes. No shorts or tennis shoes. b. For girls – dress, suit, or skirt/pants and blouse coordinated outfit and dress shoes. Overly tight-fitting clothes or skirts (shorter than 2” above the knees) are not acceptable. In addition to anything not considered proper business attire. 9. Couples will exhibit discreet behavior at all times. Public display of affection while at a conference is considered inappropriate. While at a conference and in committee, remember that your job is to participate and be attentive at all times. Any inappropriate behavior in committee will not be tolerated. 10. Should any member of MUN fail (receive an “F” grade), he/she will be ineligible for MUN the following semester. 11. Should any member of MUN commit a violation of ethics (i.e. plagiarism, cheating, etc.) he/she will be dropped from the program and not be allowed to rejoin the program. 12. Should any member of MUN fail to meet their commitment to the program he/she may be deemed ineligible for MUN the following semester. 13. Once you turn in an application and pay for a conference it becomes a commitment. No refunds are given once your application and payment have been submitted. Only in extreme emergency will absenteeism from any part of the conference be permitted. A deduction of points can/will be assessed if a student is reported absent from committee for any longer than personal necessity requires. 14. At the discretion of the advisors, any student who does not comply with these standards will be faced with the following disciplinary action: a. Loss of points (lowered grade) b. Administrative referral c. Suspension and/or withdrawn from program ________________________ ________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature _________________ Date AUTHORIZATION TO TREAT A MINOR I (we), the undersigned parent, parents, or legal guardian of _________________________________________________________, a minor, do hereby authorize and consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis rendered under the general or special supervision of any member of the medical staff and emergency room staff licensed under the provisions of the Medicine Practice Act or a Dentist licensed under the provisions of the Dental Practice Act and on the staff of any acute general hospital holding a current license to operate a hospital from the State of California Department of Public Health or visiting state. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power to render care which the afore-mentioned physician in the exercise of his judgment may deem advisable. It is understood that an effort shall be made to contact the undersigned prior to rendering treatment to the patient, but that any of the above treatment will not be withheld if the undersigned cannot be reached. List any Restrictions: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Signature of Father, Mother or Legal Guardian Date _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Zip Last Tetanus Birth date: __________________________________________________________________________ToxoidBooster__________________________ ______________________________________ Allergies to Drugs or Food: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any Special Medications or Pertinent Information:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Telephones Where Parents Can Be Reached: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Father’s Name Home Work Cell _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Mother’s Name Home Work Cell Family Physician Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Insurance Company: __________________________________________________________________Policy Number: _________________________ ______________________________________