Mr. Brown Guided Notes—Les conjugaisons des verbes réguliers au présent (Conjugating regular verbs in the present tense) Prior knowledge required about the present tense o In any language, a particular tense is used to indicate the ______________ at which an action is being performed. One uses the ______________ tense in English and in French to express actions that are happening. Information related to conjugating in French o Conjugating is the process of changing the ______________ of a verb according to a given subject. In French, this may or may not have an effect on how the conjugation is _______________. o There are three major verb categorizations in French. These are verbs ending in __________, verbs ending in __________, and verbs ending in ____________. o In addition to being classified based on its infinitive ending, every verb in French also is referred to as being either _______________ or _______________ in relation to its conjugations. If a verb is referred to as being _______________, than that means that one would have no way of predicting with certainty the conjugations of that verb because the conjugations do not follow any discernable pattern. If a verb is referred to as being _______________, than that means that the conjugations of the verb follow an established pattern. How to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense o –er verbs Begin by dropping the __________ from the _____________ form of the verb. Example: regarder___________ (this is now referred to as the stem) Next, one adds an appropriate ending to the stem. Write in the endings for each subject below. Je ___________ Nous __________ Tu ___________ Vous __________ Il/Elle/On _____ Ils/Elles ________ Now, conjugate each of the following –er verbs below. parler= regarder= étudier= Mr. Brown écouter= travailler= téléphoner= jouer= dîner= aimer= *nager= *voyager= *manger= *Verbs ending in –ger receive an _______ in between the g and the ons in the first person plural form. For example: Nous nageons. Some other common regular –er verbs include: Translations o There are fewer tenses in French than there are in English. This will require you to avoid direct (or word for word) translation at times. For example, the statement J’écoute la musique= ____________________________________________ or__________________________________________ or __________________________________________. Likewise, for example, if you wanted to say any of the following English statements in French I play soccer, I am playing soccer, or I do play soccer there would only be one way to say them = ______________________. (Je suis jouer au foot. Elle est regarder la télé. Nous sommes étudier. Il est écouter la musique. Tu es parler. Never—they do not exist.)