Lesson 1 – Introduction to The Outsiders

English 8:
The Outsiders
Kimberly Campbell
Clarence Fulton Secondary School
5 Week Practicum
Mentor Teacher: Jeanie Moynes
Vernon, British Columbia
April 11-May 13, 2011
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 2
Lesson 1 – Introduction to The Outsiders ........................................................................... 3
Lesson 2 – Peer Relations ................................................................................................... 6
Lesson 3 – Character ........................................................................................................... 8
Lesson 4 – Things Are Rough All Over ........................................................................... 10
Lesson 5 – Teen Violence ................................................................................................. 12
Lesson 6 – Identity ............................................................................................................ 14
Lesson 7 – Intentions ........................................................................................................ 16
Lesson 8 – Media and Bias ............................................................................................... 18
Lesson 9 – The Family...................................................................................................... 20
Lesson 10 – Death ............................................................................................................. 22
Lesson 11 – Nothing Gold Can Stay................................................................................. 24
Lesson 12 – Unit Review .................................................................................................. 26
Lesson 13 – Unit Test ....................................................................................................... 28
Lesson 14 – Wrap Up ....................................................................................................... 29
Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 30
Lesson 1 : The Outsiders – Story Impression Handout ................................................ 31
Lesson 1: The Outsiders – Four Corners Anticipation Guide....................................... 33
Lesson 2: Somebody to Love – Jefferson Airplane ...................................................... 36
Lesson 2: The Outsiders Peer Relationships Opinionaire............................................. 38
Lesson 3: Leader of the Pack – The Shangri-Las ......................................................... 40
Lesson 3: Reading Quiz – Chapter 2 ............................................................................ 42
Lesson 3: The Outsiders Ponyboy Name Identity ........................................................ 44
Lesson 4: The In Crowd – Dobie Gray ......................................................................... 46
Lesson 4: Unsent Letters ............................................................................................... 48
Lesson 5: Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf ..................................................................... 50
Lesson 5: Violence Pattern Guide................................................................................. 52
Lesson 5: Murder Discussion Web ............................................................................... 54
Lesson 6: Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley ................................................................. 56
Lesson 6: Reading Quiz – Chapter 5 ............................................................................ 59
Lesson 7: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away – The Beatles .................................. 61
Lesson 7: Floor Grid ..................................................................................................... 63
Lesson 7: The Outsiders Mid-Novel Check In ............................................................. 65
Lesson 8: I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry – Hank Williams ......................................... 68
Lesson 8: Reading Quiz – Chapter 7 ............................................................................ 70
Lesson 8 – Interview Worksheet................................................................................... 72
Lesson 1 – Introduction to The Outsiders
- The Outsiders introductory lesson
- A1 – interact and collaborate in pairs and groups
- A3 – listen to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate ideas and information
- A8 – speak and listen to make personal responses to texts
- B7 – after reading and viewing, select and use a range of strategies to extend and
confirm meaning
- B8 – explain and support personal responses to texts
- C1 – write meaningful personal texts that explore ideas and information
- C3 – write effective imaginative texts to explore ideas and information
students will work individually and in groups to form and discuss opinions
students will begin to form impressions and ask questions about the novel
- photocopy Four Corners Anticipation Guide
- photocopy Story Impressions
Anticipatory Set
- book teaser (5 minutes)
They walked around slowly, silently, smiling.
“Hey, grease,” one said in an over-friendly voice. “We’re gonna do you a
favour, greaser. We’re gonna cut all that long greasy hair off.”
He had on a madras shirt. I can still set it. Blue madras. One of them
laughed, then cussed me out in a low voice. I couldn’t think of anything to say.
There just isn’t a whole lot you can say while waiting to get mugged, so I kept
my mouth shut.
“Need a haircut, greaser?” The medium-sized blond pulled a knife out of
his back pocket and flipped the blade open.
I finally thought of something to say. “No.” I was backing up, away from
that knife. Of course I backed right into one of them. They had me down in a
second. They had my arms and legs pinned down and one of them was sitting
on my chest with his knees on my elbows, and if you don’t think that hurts,
you’re crazy. I could smell English Leather shaving lotion and stale tobacco,
and I wondered foolishly if I would suffocate before they did anything. I was
scared so bad I was wishing I would. I fought to get loose, and almost did for
a second; then they tightened up on me and slugged me a couple of times. So I
lay still, swearing at them between gasps. A blade was held against my throat.
“How’d you like that haircut to begin just below the chin?”
It occurred to me then that they could kill me.
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
review the meaning of character, setting, and plot (5 minutes)
o would have been previously discussed in a short story unit
 character – the “who”
 setting – the “where” and “when”
 plot – the “what,” “why,” and “how”
introduce the book and time period (15 minutes)
o Today we are starting The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. S.E. Hinton started
writing the novel when she was a fifteen year old going to high school in
Oklahoma. She wrote the book after a friend of hers was beaten up by
some other teenagers who didn’t like that he was a “greaser.” (what do you
think makes someone a greaser?)
Four Corners Anticipation Guide activity (25 minutes) (B8)
o assign each corner a label of “strongly agree,” “agree,” “disagree,” or
“strongly disagree” and then read off statements and have the students
move to the corner – once there have them Think-Pair-Share
o give students a handout (appendix) with all the questions being asked and
have them check off which corner they went to and explain why
o do the first four as a class and then have the students complete the
worksheet for homework – writing a one to three sentence explanation of
their answer
 Friends should always stick up for each other.
 It is fair to judge people based on their appearance.
 Brothers and sisters can be your best friends.
 People who love you always say, “I love you”
Boys should help with household chores.
Beating someone up is okay if it is for a good reason.
You should always help people even if you get hurt because of it.
Running away from home is the only way to escape problems.
Gangs always want to get into fights.
have students complete a Story Impression activity starting with the first lines of
the novel (20 minutes) (C3)
o When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie
house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride
 tough
 greaser
 undisturbed
 drawing
 hollering
o have the students Pair and Share their writing
ask students if their partner’s story was the same as theirs (10 minutes)
o from here, talk about how every person can use the same list of words but
create a completely unique and creative story
o read section from Chapter 1 of The Outsiders
Extension/Independent Practice
- Four Corners Worksheet
- Exit Slip: “Write one impression of or question about the novel”
- Story Impression/Sprints
Lesson 2 – Peer Relations
- evaluating peer relationships
- A4 – select and use a range of strategies to interact and collaborate with others in
pairs and groups
- A6 – select and use a range of strategies to express ideas and information in oral
- B5 – before reading and viewing, select and use a range of strategies to
anticipate content and construct meaning
- C10 – write and represent to synthesize and extend thinking
students will obtain a copy of The Outsiders
students will work individually and collaboratively to explore peer relationships
- song
- powerpoint
o lyrics
o guiding questions
o first impression images
- Peer Relationships Opinionaire
- copies of The Outsiders
Anticipatory Set
- Somebody to Love – Jefferson Airplane (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- Guiding Questions ( 5 minutes)
o What are the costs and benefits of conformity or nonconformity to a peer
group? How do you measure these costs and benefits?
o How does a person’s relationship with his/her peers affect the kind of
person he/she will become?
Guiding Questions Journal (20 minutes) (B5)
Distribute books and vocabulary worksheets while journal writing
have students fill out the Peer Relationships Opinionaire (appendix) (5 minutes)
First Impressions Think-Pair Share (15 minutes)
o students discuss their first impressions to images presented on the
read Chapter 1 of The Outsiders to students (30 minutes)
o students record their first impressions of each character
Extension/Independent Practice
- read chapter 2
- Exit Slip: “What are three ways peers can influence your behaviour?”
- Guiding Questions Journal
Lesson 3 – Character
- Characterization
- Chapters 2
- A2 – express ideas and information in a variety of situations and forms
- B1 – read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of
literary texts
- B4 – independently select and read, for sustained periods of time, texts for
enjoyment and to increase fluency
- C4 – create thoughtful representations that communicate ideas and
students will work individually and in groups to explore characterization
students will be able to explain direct and indirect characterization
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
o Heroes
o Characterization
o Character Portfolio Assignment
- Reading Quiz
- Name Poem Forms
Anticipatory Set
- Leader of the Pack – The Shangri-Las (5 minutes)
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- show students pictures of “heroes” (10 minutes)
 Superman
 Spiderman
 Batman
 Wonder Woman
o discuss why they are considered heroes
o point out their characterization
review types of characterization (10 minutes)
o Direct Characterization  What the author tells us about the character
o Indirect Characterization  What the author shows us about the character
Ponyboy name poem (15 minutes)
o have students work in pairs to create a name poem for Ponyboy (appendix)
Character Portfolio (35 minutes) (C4)
o introduce assignment
o start a full-class character portfolio for Ponyboy
 Think-Pair-Share to find examples of direct and indirect
characterization in the first two chapters
o have students choose a character from The Outsiders to create a portfolio
 Sodapop (Soda) Curtis
 Darrel (Darry) Curtis
 Johnny Cade
 Dallas (Dally) Winston
o draw an annotated picture of their character
o write a name poem for their character
Extension/Independent Practice
- read chapter 3
- Exit Slip: “Define direct and indirect characterization”
- Heroes journal
Lesson 4 – Things Are Rough All Over
- “Things are rough all over”
- Chapter 3
- A10 – speak and listen to synthesize and extend thinking
- B9 – interpret and analyse ideas and information from texts
- C5 – select and use a range of strategies to generate, develop, and organize
ideas for writing and representing
students will analyze the statement “things are rough all over” in terms of both the
text and their personal lives
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Unsent Letters Worksheet
Anticipatory Set
- The In Crowd – Dobie Gray (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- read part of Chapter 2 where Cherry and Ponyboy are talking about the Socs and
the Greasers (5 minutes)
I had nearly forgotten that Cherry was listening to me. But when I
came back to reality and looked at her, I was startled to find her as white
as a sheet.
“All Socs aren’t like that,” she said. “You have to believe me,
Ponyboy. Not all of us are like that.”
“Sure,” I said.
“That’s like saying all you greasers are like Dallas Winston. I’ll bet
he’s jumped a few people.”
I digested that. It was true. Dally had jumped people. He had told us
stories about muggings in New York that made the hair on the back of my
neck stand up. But not all of us were that bad.
Cherry no longer looked sick, only sad. “I’ll bet you think the Socs
have it made. The rich kids, the West-side Socs. I’ll tell you something,
Ponyboy, and it may come as a surprise. We have troubles you’ve never
even heard of. You want to know something?” She looked me straight in
the eye. “Things are rough all over.”
Think Pair Share (5 minutes)
o talk about how things being “rough all over” can lead to people behaving
in certain ways
read Chapter 3 to students (30 minutes)
Unsent Letters (35 minutes) (B9) (C5)
o have students write a letter to a friend from the perspective of their
character (Soda, Darry, Johnny, Dally) telling them about the ways “things
are rough all over”
Extension/Independent Practice
- Read chapter 4
- Exit Slip: “Write down the character you are making a portfolio about and list two
things you have learned bout that character so far”
- Unsent Letter
Lesson 5 – Teen Violence
- Teen Violence
- Chapter 4
- A5 – select and use a range of strategies to prepare oral communications
- B6 – during reading and viewing, select and use a range of strategies to construct,
monitor, and confirm meaning
- B10 – synthesize and extend thinking about texts
students will examine the violence between the Socs and the Greasers
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
o Foil Characters
- Violence Pattern Guide
- Discussion Web Worksheet
Anticipatory Set
- Born to be Wild – Steppenwolf (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- brainstorm reasons why people are violent (10 minutes)
o anger
o depression
o self-defence
read Chapter 4 (25 minutes)
o Violence Pattern Guide
Murder Think-Pair-Share (10 minutes)
o Why do you think Johnny killed Bob?
o What could have been some alternatives? Were there any?
discussion web (10 minutes) (B10)
o “Should Johnny have killed Bob?”
foil characters (20 minutes)
o explain what a foil character is
o have students compare and contrast Johnny and Dally
 physical attributes
 attitudes/beliefs
how does the presence of Johnny help us understand Dally better?
how does Dally help us understand Johnny?
Extension/Independent Practice
- read chapter 5
- Exit Slip: What do you predict is going to happen in the next chapter of the book?
- Discussion Web
Lesson 6 – Identity
- Identity
- Chapter 5
- A7 – use listening strategies to understand, recall, and analyze a variety of texts
- B12 – recognize and explain how structures and features of text shape
readers’ and viewers’ construction of meaning
students will examine the notion of “identity”
students will recognize the differences between innocence and experience
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Reading Quiz
- Copies of Robert Frost poem
- Poster Paper
Anticipatory Set
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
- Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- brainstorming (5 minutes)
o what defines somebody’s identity?
read pages 68-75 to students (15 minutes)
identity journals (10 minutes)
o why is hair so important to Ponyboy and Johnny?
o what defines your identity?
Robert Frost poem (40 minutes) (B12)
o innocence and experience
 notion of “gold” as innocence
o have students create a poster to go with Robert Frost’s poem
 poem text
 images
 interpretation
Extension/Independent Practice
- read chapter 6
- Exit Slip: “Write one way Ponyboy is innocent and one way he is experienced?”
- Identity Journal
- Poem Poster
Lesson 7 – Intentions
- Intentions
- Chapter 6
- B11 – use meta-cognitive strategies to reflect on and assess their reading and
students will examine the intentions and actions of characters
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Floor Grid
- Four Corners Worksheet
Anticipatory Set
- You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away – The Beatles (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- read chapter 6 (25 minutes)
grid anticipation activity (20 minutes)
o before class make a grid on the classroom floor and draw the grid on the
board and label each square
 good person/good choices
 good person/bad choices
 bad person/good choices
 bad person/bad choices
o read a character’s name and have students move to stand in the square
they think best represents that character at this point in the novel
 Ponyboy
 Johnny
 Darry
 Dally
 Cherry
 Bob
Mid Novel Check In (30 minutes) (B11)
o four corners activity
o think-pair-share about their experiences repeating the activity
Extension/Independent Practice
- complete Character profile up to and including Chapter 6
- Read chapter 7
- Exit Slip: “What is one example of a good person making a bad choice in the
Lesson 8 – Media and Bias
- Media and Bias
- Chapter 7
- C2 – write purposeful information texts that express ideas and information
- C9 – write and represent to interpret and analyze ideas and information
from texts
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
o Bias
- Reading Quiz
- Media Headlines
- Interview Worksheet
Anticipatory Set
- I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry – Hank Williams (5 minutes)
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- bias (10 minutes)
o discuss what bias is
o how bias affects the media
media headlines (15 minutes)
o bring in examples of current media
o work in small groups to determine the bias of each
o are the headlines reliable?
interview worksheet (15 minutes) (C9)
o work in partners to answer interview questions
 role play – one person the interviewer, one Ponyboy
o discuss how the media might “spin” the interview
character newspaper article (30 minutes) (C2)
o write and answer five good interview questions for your character (Soda,
Darry, Johnny, Dally)
o write a newspaper article with a “spin” for your character portfolio
Extension/Independent Practice
- Read page 119 to page 137 (chapter 8 and half of 9)
- Exit Slip: “What is Bias?”
- Character Newspaper Article
Lesson 9 – The Family
- influence of family
- chapters 8 and 9
- B6 – during reading and viewing, select and use a range of strategies to
construct, monitor, and confirm meaning
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Reading Quiz
- Family Pattern Guide
- Skit Situations
Anticipatory Set
- Two of Us – The Beatles (5 minutes)
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- Family Think-Pair-Share (10 minutes)
o what does it mean to be a family
o how do the Greasers act like a family
family journal (15 minutes)
o how is each member of your family unique
o what are some similarities and differences between your family and the
Greaser family
chapters 8-9 pattern guide (25 minutes) (B6)
o look for family patterns in chapters 8 and 9
family skits (20 minutes)
o work in small groups to prepare short skits depicting family interactions
o present skits to the class if time allows
Extension/Independent Practice
- Read page 138-160 (Ch. 9 and 10)
- Exit Slip: “What is one similarity and one difference between the Greasers and
your own family?”
- Family Journal
Lesson 10 – Death
- coping with death
- chapter 9 and 10
- C13 – use and experiment with elements of form in writing and representing,
appropriate to purpose and audience, to enhance meaning and artistry
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Obituaries
Anticipatory Set
- A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall – Bob Dylan (5 minutes)
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- read Johnny’s death (5 minutes)
o page 148-149
read Dally’s death (5 minutes)
o page 153-154
Death Think-Pair-Share (15 minutes)
o How do each of the Greasers react to Johnny’s death? How do they react
to Dally’s death?
o What are the similarities and differences between each death
Obituary Examples (10 minutes)
o show examples of obituaries
o things commonly found in them
Obituary Journal (25 minutes) (C13)
o write an obituary for either Johnny or Dally
Crisis Management Brainstorm (10 minutes)
o what sort of resources are available to youth in a crisit
 in your family
 in your school
 in your community
Extension/Independent Practice
- read chapters 11 and 12
- Exit Slip: “What is one place Dally could have turned for help”
- obituary journal
Lesson 11 – Nothing Gold Can Stay
- nothing gold can stay
- chapter 11 and 12
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- BioPoem Worksheet
- Facebook Templates
Anticipatory Set
- My Generation – The Who (5 minutes)
- Reading Quiz (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- Johnny’s Letter Think-Pair Share (15 minutes)
o read letter
o what is Johnny’s outlook on death?
o Is he happy to die? Proud?
o Why doesn’t Johnny mind dying?
o What is his advice to Ponyboy?
o What is Johnny’s interpretation of Nothing Gold Can Stay?
Ponyboy BioPoem (10 minutes)
o explain how to write a biopoem
o show example of Ponyboy biopoem
Character BioPoem (15 minutes)
o write a biopoem for your character portfolio
Facebook Profile (30 minutes)
o show example of Ponyboy Facebook page
o go to library and have students work on Facebook page for their character
Extension/Independent Practice
- Facebook Profile
- Exit Slip: “What does ‘nothing gold can stay’ mean to you?”
Lesson 12 – Unit Review
- unit review
- A9 – speak and listen to interpret and analyze ideas and information from
- A10 – speak and listen to synthesize and extend thinking
- Song
- PowerPoint
o Lyrics
- Jigsaw Questions
Anticipatory Set
- The Outsiders – Needtobreathe (5 minutes)
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- Jigsaw (45 minutes) (A9) (A10)
o 15 minutes to answer questions in their expert groups
o 3 minutes each to present the most important points to the class
o have students do a jigsaw to review the key points of the novel
 Peer Relations
 Characterization – direct vs. indirect
 Circumstances – “things are rough all over”
 Violence
 Identity
 Innocence and Experience
 Intentions and Actions
 Media and Bias
 Family
 Death
Facebook Profile (30 minutes)
o students have more time to work on their Facebook Profile
Extension/Independent Practice
- Study for Unit Test
- Exit Slip: “What is one question you have about The Outsiders?”
Lesson 13 – Unit Test
- unit test
- movie
- Unit Test
- Film
Anticipatory Set
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- Unit Test (50 minutes)
- Movie (30 minutes)
Extension/Independent Practice
- Exit Slip: “What is one similarity and one difference so far in the movie?”
- unit test
Lesson 14 – Wrap Up
- movie
- course evaluation
- Film
- Course Evaluations
Anticipatory Set
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
- movie (60 minutes)
- course evaluation (20 minutes)
Extension/Independent Practice
- Goodbyes
Lesson 1 : The Outsiders – Story Impression Handout
Name: ____________________________
The Outsiders Introduction
Story Chain
When I stepped out into the bright sunlight
from the darkness of the movie house, I
had only two things on my mind: Paul
Newman and a ride home…
Story Impression
Lesson 1: The Outsiders – Four Corners Anticipation Guide
Name: __________________________________
Four Corners Anticipation Guide
1. Friends should always stick up for each other.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
2. It is fair to judge people based on their appearance.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
3. Brothers and sisters can be your best friends.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
4. People who love you always say, “I love you.”
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
5. Boys should help with household chores.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
6. Beating someone up is okay if it is for a good reason.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
7. You should always help people even if you get hurt because of it.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
8. Running away from home is a good way to escape your problems.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
9. Gangs always want to get into fights.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
Lesson 2: Somebody to Love – Jefferson Airplane
Somebody to Love – Jefferson Airplane
When the truth is found to be lies
And all the joy within you dies
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
When the garden's flowers, baby, are dead
Yes, and your mind, your mind is so full of red
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
Your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his
Yeah but in your head, baby
I'm afraid you don't know where it is
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
Tears are running, they're all running down your breast
And your friends, baby, they treat you like a guest
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
Lesson 2: The Outsiders Peer Relationships Opinionaire
Name: _______________________________
Peer Relationships Opinionaire
Identify whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with each statement. Put a star next to the
statements about which you feel strongly.
1. _______ Other people define you by the people you hang out with.
2. _______ Physical appearance doesn’t matter among friends.
3. _______ I have many friends who are nothing like me.
4. _______ Kids who act “weird” deserve the treatment they get from their peers.
5. _______ A person’s parents are his/her best friends.
6. _______ It’s better to have a large group of friends than just one or two.
7. _______ Your status in your peer group affects how you feel about yourself.
8. _______ It’s okay to change how you act in front of different groups of peers.
9. _______ There are people in my close peer group whom I do not like.
10. ______ The people that you’ll be friends with in the future will probably be similar to
the people you’re friends with now.
Now, ask yourself: Did I lie about any of these answers?
Lesson 3: Leader of the Pack – The Shangri-Las
The Leader of the Pack – The Shangri-Las
Is she really going out with him?
Well, there she is. Let's ask her.
Betty, is that Jimmy's ring you're wearing?
Gee, it must be great riding with him
Is he picking you up after school today?
By the way, where'd you meet him?
I met him at the candy store
He turned around and smiled at me
You get the picture? Yes, we see
That's when I fell for the leader of the pack
My folks were always putting him down (down, down)
They said he came from the wrong side of town
(whatcha mean when ya say that he came from the wrong side of town?)
They told me he was bad but I knew he was sad
That's why I fell for the leader of the pack
One day my dad said, "Find someone new"
I had to tell my Jimmy we're through
(whatcha mean when ya say that ya better go find somebody new?)
He stood there and asked me why, all I could do was cry
I'm sorry I hurt you the leader of the pack
He sort of smiled and kissed me goodbye
The tears were beginning to show
As he drove away on that rainy night
I begged him to go slow
But whether he heard, I'll never know
Look out! Look out! Look out! Look out!
I felt so helpless, what could I do?
Remembering all the things we'd been through
In school they all stop and stare
I can't hide the tears, but I don't care
I'll never forget him, the leader of the pack
The leader of the pack, now he's gone
The leader of the pack, now he's gone
The leader of the pack, now he's gone
The leader of the pack
Lesson 3: Reading Quiz – Chapter 2
Name: _________________________________
The Outsiders Reading Quiz
Chapter 2
Lesson 3: The Outsiders Ponyboy Name Identity
Name: _________________________________
Ponyboy Name Poem
Write a Name Identity poem for Ponyboy. Use each letter of Ponyboy’s name (like
shown below) to create a sentence or single noun, verb, or adjective that describes Pony’s
identity. Refer to Chapter 1 for character information.
O ____________________________________
N ____________________________________
Y ____________________________________
O ____________________________________
Y ____________________________________
Lesson 4: The In Crowd – Dobie Gray
The In Crowd – Dobie Gray
I'm in with the in crowd
I go where the in crowd goes
I'm in with the in crowd
And I know what the in crowd knows
Anytime of the year, don't you hear?
Dressin' fine, makin' time
We breeze up an down the street
We get respect from the people we meet
They make way day or night
They know the in crowd is out of sight
I'm in with the in crowd
I know every latest dance
When you're in with the in crowd
It's so easy to find romance
Any time of the year, don’t you hear?
If it's square, we ain't there
We make every minute count
Our share is always the biggest amount
Other guys imitate us
But the original is still the greatest
Anytime of the year, don't you hear?
Spendin' cash, talkin' trash
I'll show you a real good time
Come on with me and leave your troubles behind
I don't care where you've been
You ain't been no where
'Till you've been in
With the in crowd, yeah!
Ooh! the in crowd
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
We got our own way a walkin', yeah!
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, we got our own way a talkin'
In the in crowd.
Lesson 4: Unsent Letters
Name: ______________________________
The Outsiders Unsent Letters
“Things Are Rough All Over”
Lesson 5: Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
Yeah, darling
Gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space
I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racing in the wind
And the feeling that I'm under
Yeah, darling
Gonna make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once and
Explode into space
Like a true nature child
We were born
Born to be wild
We have climbed so high
Never want to die
Born to be wild
Born to be wild
Lesson 5: Violence Pattern Guide
Name: _____________________________
The Outsiders Chapter 4
Violence Pattern Guide
Lesson 5: Murder Discussion Web
Name: _____________________________
The Outsiders Chapter 4
Murder Discussion Web
Should Johnny
have killed
My Response:
Explain Your Response
Lesson 6: Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley
Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley
Well, since my baby left me
Well, I found a new place to dwell
Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street
At Heartbreak Hotel
Well, I'll be
I'll be so lonely baby
Well, I'm so lonely
I'll be so lonely, I could die
Oh, although it's always crowded
You still can find some room
For broken hearted lovers
To cry there in their gloom
They'll be so
They'll be so lonely, baby
Well, they're so lonely
They're so lonely, they could die
Now, the bell hop's tears keep flowin'
And the desk clerk's dressed in black
Well, they been so long on Lonely Street
And it's so
Well, it's so lonely baby
Well, they're so lonely
Well, they're so lonely, they could've die
Well, if your baby leaves you
You got a tale to tell
Well, just take a walk down Lonely Street
To Heartbreak Hotel
Where you will be
You'll be so lonely, baby
Well you'll be lonely
You'll be so lonely you could die
Oh, although it's always crowded
You still can find some room
For broken hearted lovers
To cry there in their gloom
They've been so
They're be so lonely, baby
Well, they're so lonely
They'll be so lonely, they could die
Lesson 6: Reading Quiz – Chapter 5
Name: _________________________________
The Outsiders Reading Quiz
Chapter 5
Lesson 7: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away – The Beatles
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away – The Beatles
Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
If she's gone I can't go on
Feelin' two-foot small
Everywhere people stare
Each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
How can I even try
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in
How could she say to me
Love will find a way
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Lesson 7: Floor Grid
Floor Grid
Good Person Good Choices
Good Person Bad Choice
Bad Person Good Choices
Bad Person Bad Choices
Lesson 7: The Outsiders Mid-Novel Check In
Name: _________________________________
Mid Novel Check In
1. Friends should always stick up for each other.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
2. It is fair to judge people based on their appearance.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
3. Brothers and sisters can be your best friends.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
4. People who love you always say, “I love you.”
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
5. Boys should help with household chores.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
6. Beating someone up is okay if it is for a good reason.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
7. You should always help people even if you get hurt because of it.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
8. Running away from home is a good way to escape your problems.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
9. Gangs always want to get into fights.
Strongly Agree ______ Agree ______ Disagree ______ Strongly Disagree ______
Lesson 8: I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry – Hank Williams
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry – Hank Williams
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train is whining low
I'm so lonesome I could cry
I've never seen a night so long
When time goes crawling by
The moon just went behind the clouds
To hide its face and cry
Did you ever see a robin weep
When leaves began to die?
That means he's lost the will to live
I'm so lonesome I could cry
The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry
Lesson 8: Reading Quiz – Chapter 7
Name: _________________________________
The Outsiders Reading Quiz
Chapter 7
Lesson 8 – Interview Worksheet
Name: ____________________________________
The Outsiders Chapter 7
Interview Worksheet
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