Ladge Speech & Hearing Center (516) 299-2436 Client: Address: DOB: DOE: Age: (date of birth) (date of entry) (years) Phone: Referred by: AUDIOLOGICAL EVALUATION Background Information: Includes reason for referral and source of referral. Pertinent history: For children: Includes Information concerning birth history, physical development, childhood diseases, history of ear infections, family history of hearing impairment, previous hearing evaluations, etc. For adults: Includes any history of middle ear problems, family history of hearing impairment, physical problems, significant illness, clients own assessment of hearing problems, previous hearing evaluations, noted length of hearing difficulty, possible etiology, etc. Test Results: Describe audiological tests which were conducted: Pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, tone decay screening, etc. Describe how test results were obtained: Routine audiometry, play audiometry, COR, BOA, etc. Acoustic Immittance: Describe how test results were obtained: Screening tympanometry for young children, clinical impedance audiometry for older children and adults. Describe the test results that were obtained. ...................................................................................................... Impressions/Recommendations: Test results are interpreted regarding the type of hearing loss (WNL, SNHL, CONHL, MXHL). Describe degree and pattern of hearing loss, possible etiology, need for amplification or not, referral for medical evaluation, need for further diagnostic audiological evaluations (BSER, ENG, etc.), possible need for aural rehabilitation. Client and of family members are provided counseling concerning the above and recommendations are made. _____________________ Examiner Date of Report Written xx/xx/xx forms/audiol/eval