National School Boards Action Center (NSBAC)

Sequestration (now a 5% across-the-board funding cut to all federal programs) is scheduled to
go into effect this Friday, March 1, unless Congress intervenes. The National School Boards
Action Center (NSBAC) urges you to contact your members of Congress and provides additional
ways you can help to stop sequestration.
NSBAC - Additional Ways You Can Help Stop Sequestration
1. Contact your members of Congress now to stop sequestration.
Directions to email your members of Congress:
• Click here
• Select Take Action under Please Stop Sequestration
• Enter your email address on the left side
• Personalize the letter (Include details of your school district, for example)
• Click Go!
You can also call the Capitol Hill switchboard number at: 202.224.3121.
Please consider including in the email (by cutting and pasting) a copy of your school board’s
resolution opposing sequestration (if you have adopted one) to your members of Congress. To
view the list of school boards that have adopted resolutions, access a sample board resolution,
talking points and background information about the sequester, please
2. Post NSBAC’s Stop Sequestration video on your school district website or share it with your
friends and fellow school board members, urging them to also contact their members of Congress.
3. Watch and share NSBAC’s latest Capitol Hill Update, video which includes information on
4. Listen to the NSBAC press call held this week, illustrating the consequences of sequestration
on school districts.
5. View and listen to additional press coverage on sequestration and its impact on public