Abuse of Power in Apartheid South Africa

Abuse of Power in Apartheid South Africa
Use this outline as an example for your own.
This is not a complete outline, but it is the beginning of one!
Write questions to create the outline and then answer them through your research.
a. Hook
b. Connection
c. Thesis: Abuse of power overturned South Africa into a place of
discrimination and segregation, but finally integration brought peace.
a. Abuse of power in South Africa (CAUSE)
i. Why did it begin?
1. Resources like diamond mines in South Africa
2. Nazis coming into South Africa and the Boer War
3. Source: http://www-csstudents.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201/apartheid.hist.html
ii. Who began it? Who was a part of it?
iii. When did it begin?
iv. How did it start?
b. Discrimination (EFFECT)
i. Arms owned by soldiers (Power of One)
ii. No race-mixing (Power of One)
c. Segregation: Apartheid (EFFECT)
i. Separate bathroom areas
ii. Separate schools
iii. Source: http://www.un.org/av/photo/subjects/apartheid.htm
d. Integration (SOLUTION)
i. End of apartheid
ii. Nelson Mandela
iii. 1994
e. Peace
Abuse of Power in Apartheid South Africa
Use this outline as an example for your own.
This is not a complete outline, but it is the beginning of one!
Write questions to create the outline and then answer them through your research.
a. Hook
b. Connection
c. Thesis: Apartheid, a racist system, was made into law by the
government abusing its power in the hopes of gaining wealth
and world respect.
a. Apartheid (CAUSE AND EFFECT)
i. When did it start?
ii. Who started apartheid in South Africa?
iii. What were the rules or laws of apartheid?
1. Segregated water fountains (Power of one)
2. Segregated living areas
iv. Did anyone try to stop it? What happened?
b. Government
i. How did the government approve of the system?
ii. Why?
iii. Did the government try to help? If so, how?
c. Abuse of Power
d. Wealth
e. World Respect
a. Restate thesis
b. Summarize main points
c. Circle back
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