Guidelines for authors

I. The Bogoslovska smotra is a scientific periodical issued by the Catholic Faculty of
Theology, University of Zagreb and is released four times a year and is primarily
directed to original academic papers in the field of theology and the theology of
related sciences that deal with religious questions in general and in particular
Christian issues. In addition to academic and professional papers that are
categorised, the Bogoslovska smotra publishes reports about scientific conventions that
deal with theological and religious problems, statements, reflections, reviews,
presentations and bibliographies.
The Editorial Board accepts only unpublished manuscripts that are edited in
keeping with the technical and methodological instructions concerning the format
of papers. The Bogoslovska smotra does not publish parts of licentiates, masters or
doctoral theses. Articles are submitted to the Editorial Board via electronic mail at: The Editorial Board retains the right to adapt articles to the
standard Croatian literary language. Manuscripts are not returned.
II. Categorisation of academic papers (the final decision is brought by the Editorial
Board subsequent to two positive reviews):
1) Original scientific paper: a paper that the reviewer and Editorial Board consider
to contain original unpublished theoretical or practical results of original research.
2) Preliminary communication: containing one or more new scientific data but
lacking sufficient features that can be checked as is the case with original scientific
3) Review: an original, succinct and critical review of the situation and tendency in
the development of a particular field of research with a critical review and
4) Professional paper: informs and introduces a professional question or presents
some original solution in this field.
III. Technical and methodological instructions
Scope of the scientific paper: at least 16 (28,800 characters with spaces), and no more
than 32 pages (57,600 characters with spaces). This includes notes.
In addition to the paper the author is required to submit a summary in Croatian (no
more than 15 lines) and in English (no more than 45 lines; if the author is unable to
provide a summary in English, then this may be submitted in Croatian). In addition
to the summary it is necessary to provide at least five key words, that is, notions that
will help to classify the paper.
Reviews, comments, reflections and reports should not be more than eight pages.
The author should provide the Editorial Board with the following information: Name
& surname; academic level; scientific identification number; title and address of the
institution of employment; e-mail address.
Format of the scientific paper:
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 (text); 10 (summaries and notes)
Line spacing: 1.5 - text, 1.0 – notes
Title: Capital letters, bold
Subtitle: Capital letters, normal
Titles and subtitles within the text should stand alone in a separate line or should
be written as follows:
Introduction & Conclusion: bold, without numeration
Main titles: 1. bold
Subtitle: 1.1. Italics, not bold
Subtitles within the subtitle: 1.1.1. normal
Instructions about notes:
General notes:
- Author’s name written in full (not initials), small letters
- Author’s surname written in Capital letters
- Title and subtitle written in italics and separated by a full stop
- In collections of papers titles are written in italics and any additional information
about the collection is separated from the title with a comma and written in normal
- Titles are written in normal letters and the title of the periodical in which the article
was published is written in italics
- The publisher is not noted
- As the publisher is not noted, neither are series (e.g. Documents 117, Metanoja 5 …)
- The place of publishing: several places are separated with a dash and spaces ( – )
and only the first three are noted; the same rule of separation applies to noting
several authors
- The place of publishing is followed by a comma
- The year is followed by a full stop, followed by a comma
- Only the number of pages are noted, without index-cards „str.“; the same applies to
the number of columns
- Numeration is noted with a: „br.“
- The editor or preparer (sometimes this is the publisher) are noted by „ur.“,
regardless of which language the paper was published; a) for collections of papers
with several authors the editor is noted in front of the title (as is the author; Name is
small letters and surname in capitals) and „(ur.)“ is noted after the surname; b) for
papers by one author that was published by another person, the name of the author
is noted at the beginning and the name and surname of the editor comes after the
title and is written in small letters and „(ur.)“ is noted after the surname; in both
cases a comma is placed after the notation „(ur.)“
- Instead of AA. VV. (et al) the notation RAZNI AUTORI is written
- Translators are not noted
- When noting works that were printed in several editions, only the number of the
edition is noted without the following notations „sv.“, „Bd“, „vol.“, „t.“ …; when the
same is noted as a complete paper the number of the first and last edition are noted
after the title (I-III); where editions are identified with two numbers the first is
written in Roman numerals and the second in Arab numerals (VI/2)
- The place of publishing is written in the original form as noted in the paper that it
cites (Roma and not Rim; Paris and not Pariz, Wien and not Beč …)
- When Church fathers are noted as the authors of papers, their personal name is
written in small letters and the second part of their name is written in Capital letters
(e.g. Ćiril ALEKSANDRIJSKI); the notation „sv“ is not written in front of the name
- Introduction, Prologue and Epilogue are noted in the same principle as articles in
collections of papers