Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education Representing Alabama’s Public Two-Year College System AMT 102 Materials and Processes Plan Of Instruction Effective Date: 2004 Version Number: Base Document This course may be taught in its entirety in career/technical education degree programs, non-degree programs, and Training for Business and Industry programs. Individual instructional modules may be taught in customized training, adult education work-based project learner activities, and short-term training. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces aircraft hardware and materials, precision measuring and nondestructive testing, aircraft ground operations, fuels and cleaning and corrosion control methods, and the use of aircraft drawings. Emphasis is on identification and selection of aircraft hardware, performance of non-destructive testing, fabrication and inspection of flexible fluid lines, identification of fuels, use of cleaning materials, and corrosion control programs. Upon completion, students should be able to perform non-destructive tests, use precision measuring tools, fabricate and install rigid and flexible fluid lines, select hardware and fuels, and handle and secure an aircraft, and identify, read, create, and interpret aircraft drawings. CORE CONTACT/CREDIT HOURS (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) Theory Contact/Credit Hours Lab Contact/Credit Hours Total Contact/Credit Hours 3/3 hours 6/2 hours 9/5 hours 55 hours (1:1) 85 hours (3:1) 140/5 hours NOTE: Colleges may schedule lab hours as manipulative (3:1) or experimental (2:1). Adjustments in contact hours must be made accordingly. PREREQUISITE COURSES (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) Determined by college unless stated otherwise CO-REQUISITE COURSES (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) Determined by college unless stated otherwise Materials and Processes AMT 102 INDUSTRY COMPETENCIES Use a micrometer and a vernier caliper to make precision measurements App B, Sec E Item 19, Level 3 Using a worksheet, interpret selected lines, symbols, and dimensions used in blueprints and schematics App. B, Sec B, Item 7, Level 2 Draw a sketch of a major tubular structural repair App. B, Sec B, Item 8, Level 3 Using a worksheet and blueprint, identify selected information from the blueprint App. B, Sec B, Item 9, Level 3 Using the appropriate charts and graphs, determine the data on the charts and graphs and answer questions on that data App. B, Sec B, Item 10, Level 3 Identify and select aircraft materials, and identify the effects of heat-treatment process on aircraft materials App. B, Sec. E Item 16, Level 1 Using visual inspection methods, inspect welds App. B, Sec E Item 18, Level 3 Perform magnetic particle inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 Perform dye penetrant inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 Perform ultra sonic and eddy current inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 Identify selected aircraft hardware App. B, Sec E Item 17, Level 3 Install and safety castle nuts and install self-locking nuts App. B, Sec E Item 17, Level 3 Identify fluid line fittings, identification markings and material App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Fabricate a single fluid line with a single flare with appropriate fittings on each end. make a 45 degree and a 90 degree bend in the rigid tubing App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Fabricate a flexible hose assembly with reusable fittings at each end App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Install rigid and flexible lines App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Identify and select fuel oils and fluids and service aircraft App. B, Sec. F Item 21, Level 3 Start and operate an aircraft engine App. B, Sec. F Item 20, Level 2 Ground handle and secure an aircraft App. B, Sec. F Item 20, Level 2 Identify and select cleaning materials, clean an aircraft and treat an aircraft for corrosion App. B, Sec. F Item 22 and 23, Level 3 Alabama College System 2 Materials and Processes AMT 102 COURSE OBJECTIVES The cognitive objective of this course is for each student to comprehend foundational knowledge needed to perform stated entry-level industry competencies. The performance objective of this course is for each student to apply foundational knowledge to problems and exercises encountered in class. INDUSTRY COMPETENCIES/STUDENT PERFORMANCE Industry Competency Student Performance Objectives MODULE A PRECISION MEASUREMENTS Use a micrometer and a Given the knowledge from this course, micrometers, vernier caliper to make Vernier calipers, precision measurement practical precision measurements problems and verbal instructions, use the precision App B, Sec E Item 19, measurement tools to determine measurements within Level 3 .002. Record measurements as directed. ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify a micrometer Identify vernier calipers Explain the function and use of a micrometer Explain how to read and interpret a vernier micrometer scale Explain the function and use of a vernier caliper Explain how to use a dial indicator, V-blocks, and a surface plate to check the alignment of a shaft MODULE B AIRCRAFT DRAWINGS Using a worksheet, Given the knowledge taught in this course, an aircraft interpret selected lines, drawing worksheet, and verbal instructions, define and symbols, and dimensions explain (verbally or in writing) the symbols, lines, and used in blueprints and dimensions. schematics. App. B, Sec B, Item 7, Level 2 Draw a sketch of a major tubular structural repair. App. B, Sec B, Item 8, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, standard drafting tools, standard drafting procedures, FAA approved structural repair, paper, pencils, and verbal instructions, sketch the FAA approved tubular structural aircraft repair. All lines, symbols and dimensions should be clear and easily distinguishable and the drawing is not traced. Using blueprint information, identify selected information from the blueprint. App. B, Sec B, Item 9, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, an aircraft blueprint and verbal instructions; identify and explain the meaning of selected symbols, lines, and dimensions with 70% accuracy. Alabama College System 3 Materials and Processes AMT 102 Using the appropriate Given the knowledge taught in this course, charts and charts and graphs, graphs, and verbal instructions, answer in writing determine the data on the questions concerning the data on the charts and graphs charts and graphs and with 70% correct. answer questions on that data. App. B, Sec B, Item 10, Level 3 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify symbols used in aircraft schematic diagrams Identify lines used in aircraft schematic diagrams Identify dimensions used in aircraft schematic diagrams Interpret the meaning of lines, symbols, and dimensions used in aircraft schematic diagrams Use drawing symbols and schematic diagrams. Identify standard drafting tools Describe the function of each drafting tool Identify the information presented in blueprint title blocks Identify the common symbols used on aircraft blueprints Explain how to install and modify component parts by reference to blueprints Identify the changes made to a blueprint Use blueprint information. Use graphs and charts. Explain how to determine electric cable size and current carrying capacity Explain how to determine engine power requirements Use schematic diagrams to analyze system malfunctions Extract a specific electrical circuit form system drawing Explain why dimensions are used and how they are shown on aircraft drawings Explain the use of installation diagrams to locate and identify components illustrate a major repair or alteration MODULE C AIRCRAFT MATERIALS AND THE BASIC HEAT TREATMENT PROCESS Identify and select aircraft Given the knowledge taught in this course, a variety of materials, and identify the aircraft materials and verbal instructions, Identify and effects of heat-treatment explain the use of specified materials for aircraft process on aircraft maintenance operations with 70% correct. materials App. B, Sec. E Item 16, Given the knowledge taught in this course, a variety of Level 1 aircraft materials and verbal instructions, explain the effects of heat treatment process for the specified materials with 70% correct. Alabama College System 4 Materials and Processes AMT 102 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify and select aircraft materials to include aluminum alloys and aircraft steels Determine that materials used in aircraft repairs are of the proper type and conform to the appropriate standards. Identify the types of aluminum alloys considered to be heat treatable Identify the steps in the heat-treating process and the types of aluminum alloys used in the heat treatment process Predict the effect of the heat treating process on various metals and alloys State the purpose of annealing copper tubing Explain how to anneal copper tubing Predict the effect of incorrect heat treatment on the corrosion resistant properties of aluminum alloys Identify the degree of temper for aluminum alloy products from code designators Describe the effect of slightly heating a metal above its critical temperature and then rapidly cooling it Describe the effect of strain hardening on the tensile strength of aluminum alloy Explain the relationship between metal hardness and tensile strength State the purpose of annealing a welded part Explain how to anneal a welded part Describe the characteristics of a material that affect its ability to be hammered, rolled or pressed into various shapes Describe the SAE system for identifying steel Explain how to determine wrought aluminum alloy composition and condition by referring to aluminum codes Identify materials suitable for use for firewalls and exhaust shrouds Describe the characteristics of aluminum clad sheet aluminum alloy MODULE D NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION Identify and select Given the knowledge taught in this course, a condition on appropriate nondestructive an aircraft requiring nondestructive testing, identify and testing select the appropriate nondestructive test for the specified App. B, Sec E Item 14, condition. Level 1 Using visual inspection methods, inspect welds App. B, Sec E Item 18, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this class, aircraft structures welded to specification, and verbal instructions, inspect the weld and determine simulated compliance and airworthiness. Perform magnetic particle inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 Given the knowledge taught in this class, aircraft structures, and verbal instructions, perform magnetic inspection to determine simulated airworthiness. Perform dye penetrant inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 Given the knowledge taught in this class, aircraft structures, and verbal instructions, perform dye penetrant inspection and determine simulated airworthiness. Alabama College System 5 Materials and Processes Perform ultra sonic and eddy current inspection App. B, Sec E Item 15, Level 2 AMT 102 Given the knowledge taught in this class, aircraft structures, and verbal instructions, perform ultra sonic and eddy current inspection and determine simulated airworthiness. ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify and select appropriate nondestructive testing methods. Explain use of radiography in aircraft and component inspection Explain the use of ultrasonic testing methods for detecting cracks State the purpose of magnetic particle inspection Describe the applicability of magnetic particle inspection methods to engine crankshafts Explain the general procedure for performing magnetic particle inspection Explain how to demagnetize steel parts after magnetic particle inspection Describe how to clean parts in preparation for penetrant inspection Identify visual indications of a subsurface flaw or fracture during magnetic particle inspection Describe the method for detecting surface cracks in aluminum castings and forgings Identify the technique for locating cracks in materials when only one side of the materials is accessible Explain the purpose of a weld inspection Explain how to locate cracks and blowholes in welded assemblies Explain the purpose of dye-penetrant inspection Explain the procedure for using dye penetrants Explain how perform dye penetrant inspection, magnetic particle inspection, and visual inspection to include welds. Distinguish between heat-treated and non heat-treated aluminum alloys when the identification marks are not on the material Alabama College System 6 Materials and Processes AMT 102 MODULE E AIRCRAFT HARDWARE Identify selected aircraft Given the knowledge taught in this course, aircraft hardware & material hardware, and verbal instructions, identify and explain the App. B, Sec E Item 17, purpose of selected hardware and material with 70% Level 3 correct. Install and safety castle nuts and install self-locking nuts App. B, Sec E Item 17, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, castle nuts, safety wire, cotter pins, tools, FAA guidelines for installation and safetying hardware, and verbal instructions, install and safety the castle nut to specification. Given the knowledge taught in this course, self locking nuts, safety wire, tools, FAA guidelines for installation and safetying hardware, and verbal instructions, install and safety the self locking nut to specification. Given the knowledge taught in this course, turnbuckles, safety wire, tools, FAA guidelines for installation and safetying hardware, and verbal instructions, install and safety the turnbuckles to specification. ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify and select aircraft hardware to include hardware and rivet identification Determine correct torque values for tightening aircraft hardware Explain how to perform safety wiring on bolts and turnbuckles Identify aluminum alloys from code designators Identify steel from code designators Describe the identification markings from of AN standard steel bolts Identify aircraft cable Explain how to install self locking nuts Describe how to determine the correct length bolt to use Determine correct torque values for tightening aircraft nuts and bolts Determine rivet composition, condition, shape, and dimension by referring to rivet code Describe how to install castle nuts Describe the strength characteristics of type “A” rivets Describe the strength characteristics of aluminum alloy rivet material that that causes some rivets to require several days to reach their ultimate strength Determine the hardware used in aircraft maintenance and repair are the proper type and conform to the appropriate standards Alabama College System 7 Materials and Processes AMT 102 MODULE F FLUID LINES AND FITTINGS Identify fluid line fittings, Given the knowledge taught in this course, a variety of identification markings and fluid line fittings and materials, and verbal instructions, material properly identify, in writing, specified fittings and App. B, Sec D Item 13, identification markings with 70% correct. Level 3 Fabricate a single fluid line with a single flare with appropriate fittings on each end. make a 45 degree and a 90 degree bend in the rigid tubing App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, general and specialized tools, fluid lines and tubing, and verbal instructions, fabricate a single fluid line with a single flare with appropriate fittings on each end. Make a 45-degree and a 90-degree bend in the rigid tubing. The angles must be correct, the fittings installed properly and flares within acceptable ranges. Fabricate a flexible hose assembly with reusable fittings at each end App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, general and specialized tools, flexible hose fluid lines and fittings, and verbal instructions. Fabricate a flexible hose assembly with reusable fittings at each end. All fittings installed properly, twist line is straight and hose passes pressure test. Install rigid and flexible lines App. B, Sec D Item 13, Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, general and specialized tools, flexible hose and rigid fluid lines, verbal instructions and installation procedures, install the lines according to specification and conduct appropriate leak tests and inspections to ensure simulated airworthiness. Alabama College System 8 Materials and Processes AMT 102 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Describe the significance of the identification of stripes that appear on aircraft hose Explain the use of lubricants and sealants in the assembly of lines and fittings Summarize the procedure for installing hose clamps Identify flexible hydraulic lines Explain the storage requirements for hydraulic hose Identify the maximum reduction in original outside diameter allowed when bending aluminum alloy hydraulic lines Explain how to fabricate aluminum tubing using standard AN flared tube fittings Explain how to repair metal tube lines Describe the procedure to follow if scratches are detected on an aluminum alloy tube Select tube flaring tools Explain how to fabricate single flares on rigid lines and beads on aluminum tubing. Explain how to determine bend radii for rigid tubing Distinguish between single and double flare tubing Explain how to install Military Standard (MS) flareless fittings Describe how to bend aluminum tubing to specifications Summarize the Installation of rigid tubing to specifications Identify AN and MS fittings and aluminum tubing Identify flexible lines by the markings on the lines Explain how to route and install rigid and flexible fluid line to include the use of hose clamps Explain how to route fluid lines adjacent to electrical power cables Explain how to install rigid tubing Identify AN fitting materials from color designators Identify the lubricant used when assembling oxygen fittings Identify repair procedures and tolerances for rigid and flexible fluid lines. Identify and select various grades of aviation gasoline by color and determine the proper fuel for a specific aircraft. MODULE G AIRCRAFT SERVICING Identify and select fuel oils Given the knowledge taught in this course, aircraft fuel and fluids and service servicing instructions, tools, safety equipment, aircraft and aircraft a fuel source, service the aircraft with fuel to simulated App. B, Sec. F Item 21, specification. Level 3 Given the knowledge taught in this course, aircraft hydraulic oil servicing instructions, tools, safety equipment, aircraft and a hydraulic oil source, service the aircraft hydraulic system to simulated specification. Given the knowledge taught in this course, aircraft engine oil servicing instructions, tools, safety equipment, aircraft and an engine oil source, service the aircraft engine oil system to simulated specification. Alabama College System 9 Materials and Processes AMT 102 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS State the significance of grade variations of aviation gasoline to include the vapor lock tendency and the fuel's antiknock characteristics. State the relative advantage of gasoline and kerosene for use as fuel for turbine engines. Explain how to protect aircraft fuel system from contamination during fueling operations. Describe the effect of ethylene dibromide added to aviation gasoline Distinguish the color of various grades of aviation gasoline Describe the characteristic of fuel that affects its tendency to “vapor lock” Describe the significance of the numbers used to designate various grades of aviation gasoline Explain the relative advantages of gasoline and kerosene for use as fuel for turbine engines Determine the type of fuel to be used with a specified aircraft Describe the factors affecting antiknock characteristics of fuel MODULE H AIRCRAFT GROUND OPERATION Start and operate an Given the knowledge taught in this course, an aircraft, aircraft engine engine run checklist, safety equipment, tools and App. B, Sec. F Item 20, personnel as needed, prepare the aircraft for engine run, Level 2 start up and operate the engine an conduct the appropriate engine operation checks. Ground handle and secure an aircraft App. B, Sec. F Item 20, Level 2 Given the knowledge taught in this course, an aircraft, ground-handling checklist, safety equipment, tools and personnel as needed, conduct ground handling of the aircraft ensuring all ground safety requirements are engaged. Then secure the aircraft to simulated aircraft securing specification. Jack Aircraft App. C, Sec. F, Item 27, Level 2 Given the knowledge taught in this course, an aircraft jacking practicum, and verbal instructions, complete the practicum with 70% correct. Alabama College System 10 Materials and Processes AMT 102 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Summarize the process of starting and operating an engine Explain how to start and operate an aircraft engine. Select and use external auxiliary power units for engine starting. Explain the procedures for extinguishing an induction system fire during starting Describe and use hand signals to direct aircraft movement. Describe how to tie down and secure aircraft for outside storage Describe how to protect fuel system from contamination during fueling operations Explain how to connect and operate an external source of hydraulic power Explain how to start and operate an engine equipped with a float type carburetor Describe how to check a reciprocating engine for liquid lock Demonstrate the correct operation of hand and electrical priming system during engine starting Explain how to start and operate an engine equipped with a pressure injection carburetor Explain how to start and operate an engine equipped with an internal supercharger Identify types of aircraft jacks Explain the operation of aircraft jacks Locate aircraft jacking points Summarize the aircraft jacking procedures Explain aircraft jacking safety Alabama College System 11 Materials and Processes AMT 102 MODULE I AIRCRAFT CORROSION Identify and select cleaning Given the knowledge taught in this course, aircraft materials, clean and treat structures with a variety of corrosion problems, tools, an aircraft for corrosion manufacturer’s guidelines, cleaning materials, and verbal App. B, Sec. F Item 22, instructions, Identify and select appropriate cleaning Level 3 materials given the corrosion problem, clean the aircraft App. B, Sec. F Item 23, structure and treat for corrosion. Level 3 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Identify different types of corrosion on aluminum alloy. Describe how to remove corrosion products from aluminum, magnesium, or steel, and treat the cleaned area using approved methods. Identify the effect of caustic cleaning products on aluminum structures Summarize the method for cleaning aluminum and steel parts. Describe the characteristics and use of chemical cleaners Identify the type of cleaner for use on high strength metals Summarize the methods for cleaning turbine engine compressor blades Explain how to protect tires and other rubber products from the effects of cleaning materials Explain how to protect interior surfaces of closed aluminum or steel tubing against corrosion Describe the cause and corrective procedures for fretting corrosion Explain how to identify and control intergranular corrosion of heat-treated aluminum alloy Describe how to protect a structure from dissimilar metal corrosion Describe how to prevent and remove rust Describe the effect of oily, dirty surfaces on the operation of high performance aircraft Describe how to protect interior surfaces of closed steel and aluminum tubing against corrosion Describe how to clean battery compartments and adjacent areas Explain the importance of removing corrosion products such as metal flakes, scale, powder, and salt deposits from aluminum Describe how to clean corrosion resistant parts by blast cleaning methods Describe the use of paints and organic coatings for corrosion protection purposes Alabama College System 12 Materials and Processes COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE AMT 102 FAA AUTHORITY 147 MODULE A PERFORM PRECISION MEASUREMENTS Layout Tools App. B, Sec. E Item 19, Level 3 o Measuring Tools o Machinist scale o Micrometers o Vernier caliper o Dial indicators o T and ball gauges NOTE: Practical Exercise I-A to be conducted at this point. General purpose tools Shop equipment Progressive Examination #1 scheduled for __________________. MODULE B AIRCRAFT DRAWINGS Purpose of drawings Fundamentals of drawings o Parts of a blueprint Title block Material list Revision block Zone numbers Notes Station numbers Tolerances o Types of drawings Detail drawing Assembly drawing Installation drawing Pictorial drawing Orthographic projection o Types of views Sectional view Half sections Revolved sections Removed sections o Types of diagrams Installation diagrams Schematic diagrams Block diagrams Illustrated parts breakdown o Tools used to make drawings o Lines and symbols Alabama College System 13 Materials and Processes AMT 102 NOTE: Practical Exercise II-A to be conducted at this point. o Sketches App. B, Sec. B Item 8, Level 3 Purpose of sketches Steps in a sketch NOTE: Practical Exercise II-B to be conducted at this point. App. B, Sec. B Item 9, Level 3 Charts, Diagrams and Schematics App. B, Sec. B Item 7, Level 3 o Use of drawings and schematics NOTE: Practical Exercise II-C to be conducted at this point. o Use of graphs and charts NOTE: Practical Exercise II-D to be conducted at this point. App. B, Sec. B Item 10, Level 3 Progressive Examination #2 scheduled for _______________. MODULE C IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF AIRCRAFT MATERIALS AND THE BASIC HEAT-TREATMENT PROCESS Structural metals o Properties of metals o Selection factors o Metal working process Basic heat-treatment process o Principles of heat treatment Ferrous metals o Identification system o Types and uses of alloy steel o Heat-treatment of processes for ferrous metals Aluminum and aluminum alloys o Identification system o Hardness identification o ALCLAD aluminum o Heat-treatment process for aluminum alloy App. B, Sec E Item 16, Level 1 Heat-treatment of magnesium alloy Heat-treatment of titanium Testing of metals o Spark testing o Chemical testing o Hardness testing NOTE: Practical Exercise III-A to be conducted at this point. MODULE D NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION Identification and selection of non-destructive testing methods o Visual inspection App. B, Sec. E, Item 14, Level 1 Alabama College System 14 Materials and Processes AMT 102 Process and technique Equipment Inspection of welds NOTE: Practical Exercise IV-A to be conducted at this point. App. B, Sec. E, Item 18, Level 2 Magnetic particle inspection NOTE: Practical Exercise IV-B to be conducted at this point. App. B Sec. E Item 15, Level 2 Dye penetrant inspection o Theory of operation o Interpretation of indications NOTE: Practical Exercise IV-C to be conducted at this point. Radiography o Theory of operation o Interpretation of indications o Radiation Hazard Ultrasonic inspection o Theory of operation o Interpretation of indications App. B, Sec. E Item 14, Level 2 App. B, Sec. E, Item 15, Level 2 Eddy current inspection o Theory of operation o Interpretation of indications NOTE: Practical Exercise IV-D to be conducted at this point Progressive Examination #3 scheduled for ____________________. MODULE E IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF AIRCRAFT HARDWARE Aircraft Hardware App. B, Sec E Item 17, Level 3 o Identification of specification and standards o Rivets Solid shank Special (blind) rivets o Aircraft bolts o Aircraft nuts o Aircraft washers o Installation of bolts and nuts Installation practices Torque and torque wrenches o Aircraft screws o Miscellaneous materials Turnlock fasteners Control cables Control linkage Pins Plastics Rubbers Alabama College System 15 Materials and Processes AMT 102 Seals Gaskets Sealing compounds o Control Cables Construction Use and restriction NOTE: Practical Exercise V-A to be conducted at this point. o Safety methods Nuts and bolts Electrical connectors Turnbuckles Cotter pin safetying Snaprings NOTE: Practical Exercise V-B to be conducted at this point. Progressive Examination #4 scheduled for _________________. MODULE F FLUID LINES AND FITTINGS App. B, Sec. D Item 13, level 3 Fluid lines: General o Definition of aircraft plumbing Identification of rigid fluid lines Identification of flexible fluid lines Fluid line markings Identification of plumbing connections o Flared fittings o Flareless-tube fittings o Quick disconnect fittings o Bead and clamp fittings NOTE: Practical Exercise VI-A to be conducted at this point. Fabrication of rigid tubing App. B, Sec. D Item 13, Level 3 o Cutting o Bending o Flaring o Beading o Flareless-tube assembly NOTE: Practical Exercise VI-B to be conducted at this point. Fabrication of flexible hose NOTE: Practical Exercise VI-C to be conducted at this point. Repair of metal lines o Damage limits o Repair procedures o Layout of lines Installation of rigid tubing o Connections o Torque o Routing Alabama College System 16 Materials and Processes AMT 102 o Support o Flareless tube installation Installation of flexible hoses o Torque o Twisting o Bend radius o Support Support clamps NOTE: Practical Exercise VI-D to be conducted at this point. Progressive Examination #5 scheduled for __________________. MODULE G AIRCRAFT SERVICING Characteristics and properties of aviation gasoline App. B, Sec F, Item 21, Level 2 o Turbine engine fuels o Fuel system contamination o Water o Foreign material o Other fuels o Microbial growth o Sediment o Contamination control App. B, Sec F Item 21, Level 2 Selection of fuels o Determination of type of fuel to use in a special aircraft o Substitution of fuel grades Fire extinguishers Ground and shop maintenance safety o Safety lanes o Power cords o Compressed air o Aircraft tire mounting o Propeller/jet intake and exhaust App. B, Sec. F Item 20, Level 2 Fuel servicing o Hazards and precautions o Over the wing o Pressure fueling Oil servicing Oxygen system servicing Hydraulic test stands NOTE: Practical Exercise VII-A to be conducted at this point. MODULE H AIRCRAFT GROUND OPERATION Aircraft operations o Starting reciprocating engines o Hydraulic lock in radials o Starting procedures o Hand cranking engines Turbine engine operations Alabama College System App. B, Sec. F Item 20, Level 2 17 Materials and Processes o o o o AMT 102 Turboprop procedures Turbojet engine operations Unsatisfactory starts Jet intake and exhaust hazards Aircraft movement o Towing o Taxiing o Use of hand signals NOTE: Practical Exercise VIII-A to be conducted at this point. Securing aircraft o Aircraft tiedown points o Ramp mooring points o Methods of tie-down Auxiliary equipment o Electrical ground starting units o Air start units o Air conditioning units o Hydraulic power sources o Pre-oiling equipment App. C, Sec F Item 27, level 2 Jacking aircraft Cold weather operations NOTE: Practical Exercise VIII-B to be conducted at this point. Progressive Examination #6 scheduled for ____________________. MODULE I AIRCRAFT CORROSION Types of corrosion o Direct chemical attack o Electrochemical attack Forms of corrosion o Surface corrosion o Dissimilar metal corrosion o Intergranular corrosion o Exfoliation o Stress corrosion o Fretting corrosion Factors affecting corrosion o Climate o Size and type of metal o Foreign material Corrosion-prone areas o Exhaust areas Alabama College System App. B, Sec. G, Item 23, Level 3 18 Materials and Processes o o o o o o o o AMT 102 Battery compartments Bilge areas Wheel well and landing gear Water entrapment areas Engine frontal areas Wing flap and spoilers External skin Miscellaneous areas Corrosion removal o Surface cleaning o Paint removal Corrosion of ferrous metals o Mechanical methods of rust removal o Chemical methods of rust removal Parco Lubrizing Chemical inhibitors Corrosion of aluminum alloy o Treatment of unpainted surfaces o Treatment of painted surfaces o Treatment of anodized surfaces o Treatment of intergranular corrosion in heat-treated aluminum alloy Corrosion of magnesium alloys o Treatment of wrought sheets o Treatment of castings Treatment of titanium and its alloys Protection of dissimilar metal contacts o Contacts not involving magnesium o Contacts involving magnesium Corrosion Limits Processes and materials used in corrosion control App. B, Sec G, Item 23, Level 3 o Metal finishing o Electroplating o Metal spraying o Chemical treatment Anodizing Alodizing o Internal protection of closed steel and aluminum tubing structures o Protective paint finishes Aircraft cleaning Alabama College System App. B, Sec G, Item 23, Level 3 App. B, Sec. G Item 23, Level 3 19 Materials and Processes AMT 102 Powerplant cleaning Recovery of aircraft from water Solvent cleaners Emulsion cleaners Soaps and detergent cleaners Mechanical cleaning materials Chemical cleaners NOTE: Practical Exercise IX-A to be conducted at this point. Progressive Examination #7 scheduled for . FINAL EXAMINATION Alabama College System 20 Materials and Processes AMT 102 RECOMMENDED METHODS OF EVALUATION: The table of specifications below identifies the number of enabling objectives/key indicators per cognitive domain level of learning (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application) per module. The instructor should develop 1-3 test questions per Knowledge Level of Learning, 2-4 test questions per Comprehension Level of Learning, and 5-6 questions per Application Level Learning. The instructor should use the following test item types for each level of learning: Knowledge: Alternative Response test items (true/false or yes/no) Comprehension: Multiple Choice Application: Multiple Choice, Short Answer Exercises The instructor should ensure each student meets the performance and standards published in each criterion objective. See FAA AC 147-3 Certification And Operation Of Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools Appendix 1 for evaluation instrument guidance and development. Domain of Learning/ Content Module A Module B Module C Module D Module E Module F Module G Module H Module I Number of indicators per level TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS Cognitive Domain Total Cognitive Total Performance Knowledge Comprehension Application 2 7 6 4 5 11 2 2 3 42 Alabama College System 4 8 7 13 11 16 7 14 16 97 5 1 4 1 1 12 6 20 14 17 20 26 10 17 19 151 1 4 2 5 4 4 3 3 1 27 21 Materials and Processes AMT 102 RECOMMENDED INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES: The table below links the teaching methods and activities most effective for facilitating student achievement of learning outcomes published in this plan of instruction. Cognitive Level (Thinking) Knowledge Descriptive Verbs: Defines, Lists, States, Describes, Identifies Comprehension Descriptive Verbs: Describe, Explains, Summarizes Goal For Students Teaching Methods Knows common terms, specific facts, methods, procedures, basic concepts, principles Lecture Computer Based Instruction Video Demonstration Mnemonics Examples or Illustrations Repetition Summaries Reviews Understands facts and principles Informal Lecture Discussion Demonstration Participation Interactive Computer Based Instruction 1. Teach to the Knowledge Level Interprets verbal material Interprets charts and graphs Translates verbal material to mathematical formulas Justifies methods and procedures Descriptive Verbs: Uses, Solves, Operates, Produces, Demonstrates, Constructs Applies concepts and principles to new situations Applies laws and theories to practical situations 4. Put students in a new situation, and the students solve the new situation using the concept, principle, or procedure while instructor supervises. Demonstration Individual Research Lab Exercises Case Studies Experiments Constructs charts, graphs, or simple mechanism Psychomotor Level (Doing) Mechanism Descriptive Verbs: Assembles, calibrates, constructs, measures, fixes, dismantles, sketches Alabama College System Learned responses have become habitual and can be performed with some confidence and proficiency 5. Reteach as required 1. Teach to the Knowledge Level 2. Teach to the Comprehension Level 3. Student must identify the concept, principle, or procedure and use it to solve new scenario Solves mathematical problems Demonstrates correct usage of a method or procedure Goal For Students 2. Explains and demonstrates concept, principle or procedure learned 3. Put students in new situation, and instructor and students co-solve employing the indicated concept, principle, or procedure. Estimates future consequences Application Teaching Activities 4. Reteach as required Teaching Methods Teaching Activities Lab Exercises Case Studies Experiments 1. Demonstration 2. Observation 3. Feedback 4. Reteach as required 22 Materials and Processes Plan of Instruction (POI) Industry Competencies Course Objectives Criterion Objectives Enabling Objectives/Key Indicators Table of Specifications Cognitive Domain Psychomotor Domain Course Description Course Prefix/numbers Co-requisite Course Modules Course Content Outline Contact/Credit hours Prerequisite Knowledge Recommended Methods of Evaluation Recommended Alabama College System AMT 102 Glossary of Terms A teaching-learning plan which includes student centered instructional objectives, outlined content, instructional and evaluation strategies, and other relevant information needed to guide the development and/or revision of learning experiences such that students achieve stated educational outcomes. Entry-level skills students must acquire during enrollment in the course. The overall goal of the course of instruction stated in broad terms. The terminal outcome each student is required to meet. Criterion objectives are directly related to industry competencies. There will be one or more criterion objectives published for each industry competency. The required knowledge and/or skill each student must acquire in order to have the best chance of achieving the stated performance in the criterion objective. Used to ensure adequate sampling of student knowledge as specified by the enabling and criterion objectives. The domain of learning typified by thinking and focused on the development of intellectual capabilities. The domain of learning typified by performing or doing and focused on the development of motor skills. Section Explanation A broad description of key elements in a given course. Used to identify courses taught in multiple disciplines. Course required in conjunction to the specified course often in the form of a lab A grouping of interrelated knowledge and skills representing a sub-element of a course. A listing of topics for instruction in a particular course Specifies the recommended contact to credit hours for each course. Mandates the total credit hours awarded for each course. Intellectual capabilities required for handling the academic rigors of the discipline. Suggests test item options for measuring student achievement of enabling objectives. Suggests the number of test items required to adequately measure student achievement of enabling objectives. Mandates the evaluation of criterion objectives. Suggests the most effective instructional methods for 23 Materials and Processes Instructional Methodologies AMT 102 achieving stated learning levels Directions for Use 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Review the entire document. Assess the industry competencies specified in the POI keeping in mind that the stated skills are the target outcomes for the course. Assess the criterion objectives written for each competency keeping in mind the objective specifies the behavior each student must exhibit in order to achieve the competency. Adjust performance evaluation instruments to ensure each criterion objective is addressed. Develop additional performance evaluations as needed Assess enabling objectives/key indicators specifying student outcomes Adjust objective evaluations based on the guidance provided in the POI table of specification to ensure adequate sampling of student learning outcomes. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Evaluate current classroom curriculum and determine if learning experiences support student achievement of skills identified in criterion objectives. Adjust as necessary. Review recommended instructional methodologies for teaching activities appropriate to specified levels of learning. Develop appropriate learning experiences for those skills not addressed. Ensure specified contact hours are enough to cover existing and new learning experiences developed. Ensure adequate time exists to evaluate each student on all criterion objectives. Adjust course syllabus to reflect changes made. If necessary, adjust school surveys to reflect changes made. Alabama College System 24