Learning Outcomes with pedagogy

Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in
UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
March 2012
VCU Libraries
James Branch Cabell Library
Research & Instructional Services
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in
UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
VCU’s University College consists of a three tier core curriculum1. Tier 1 includes Focused
Inquiry, UNIV 111 & UNIV 112, and Tier 2 includes Academic & Research Writing, UNIV
200. These courses emphasize a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning,
including integrating information fluency* into the core curriculum for all students. Tier 3
is related to the culminating experience in the major and not covered by this document.
The core curriculum has been examined by the Information Fluency Committee,
comprised of representatives from University College and VCU Libraries. Pedagogical
tools for library instruction and online tutorial have been identified in order to offer
information fluency skills for UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200.
Defining Information Literacy
From the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Competency Standards for
Higher Education, 20002:
Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the
needed information.” [American Library Association, 1999]
Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to
all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master
content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater
control over their own learning. An information literate individual is able to:
Determine the extent of information needed
Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
Evaluate information and its sources critically
Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base
Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information,
and access and use information ethically and legally
*VCU’s University College program uses the term “Information Fluency” when referring to the standards
above. For purposes of consistency, this document will reflect this agreed upon term to indicate
“Information Literacy” as outlined above.
VCU University College Core Curriculum Overview: http://www.vcu.edu/uc/core
ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education:
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in
UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Executive Summary
The curriculum as it pertains to information fluency for UNIV111, UNIV112, and UNIV200 is presumed to
build progressively based on previously acquired skills and knowledge. Learning outcomes from UNIV111
and UNIV112 should be reinforced by faculty and librarians.
Students should be able to:
Identify service points in Cabell Library in order to seek assistance and information as needed.
Navigate the VCU Libraries Web page in order to increase students’ awareness of VCU Libraries’
online presence.
Students should be able to:
Identify source materials including books and articles using VCU Libraries Search in order to
investigate and refine a research question.
Use VCU Libraries Search to find and distinguish among types of sources, including scholarly,
substantive, popular, and sensational sources, and assess their credibility and appropriateness in
order to investigate and refine a research question.
Access appropriate sources by distinguishing between print and online items available via VCU
Distinguish between different formats of information--such as books versus articles, institutionally
acquired versus free Internet searches, and print versus online--in order to locate or access
appropriate sources.
Students should be able to:
Increase proficiency in areas outlined in UNIV112 information fluency learning outcomes.
Develop a topic-relevant search strategy related to a research question in order to search library
resources effectively.
Locate books and articles using VCU Libraries Search’s advanced features in order to investigate
and refine a research question.
Distinguish between VCU Libraries Search and discipline-specific databases in order to select most
appropriate resources and maximize relevant results.
Identify academic disciplinary origins of materials found via VCU Libraries Search.
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Pedagogical Tools: Library Instruction and Online Tutorials
This Pedagogical Tools outline is intended to aid in the delivery of Information Fluency, not restrict what
an individual library staff member covers in their instruction session.
UNIV 111
Students should be able to:
Identify service points in Cabell Library in order to seek assistance and information as needed.
a. Cabell Library Tours
b. Library Orientation Assignment
Navigate the VCU Libraries Web page in order to increase students’ awareness of VCU Libraries’
online presence.
a. UNIV 111/ UNIV 112 Focused Inquiry Course Guide
 VCU Libraries homepage “map” link & PDF
 Summer Reading Research Guide
 Finding library help (in-person, phone, chat, email)
 Using the library: Video: Printing
 Using the library: Video: RamBucks
 Winter Reading Research Guide
UNIV 112
Students should be able to:
Identify source materials including books and articles using VCU Libraries Search in order to
investigate and refine a research question.
a. Library Instruction session:
 Introduction to the information retrieval process
 Introduce fundamental search strategies using basic searches
o Identifying keywords from your research question
o Keyword combinations using Boolean (AND)
o Keyword searching using truncation (*)
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. Assistance at the “Ask Us” Research Desk
c. Individual consultation
d. Assistance at a Walk-In Research & Writing Clinic
e. UNIV 111/ UNIV 112: Focused Inquiry Course Guide
 Using the Library:
o Video: Getting Started with Your Research
 Finding Books:
o PDF: Finding a Book on a Shelf
o Video: Show me the stacks
o Video: Understanding Call Numbers and Locations
o Video: Catalog Search Strategies
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Use VCU Libraries Search to find and distinguish among types of sources, including scholarly,
substantive, popular, and sensational sources, and assess their credibility and appropriateness in
order to investigate and refine a research question.
a. Library Instruction session:
 Building search skills by refining options
 Identify scholarly sources using the VCU Libraries Search tools including a
description of scholarly sources
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. Assistance at the “Ask Us” Research Desk
c. Individual consultation
d. Assistance at a Walk-In Research & Writing Clinic
e. UNIV 111/ UNIV 112: Focused Inquiry Course Guide
 Using the Library:
o Video: Getting Started with Your Research
 Finding Articles
o Video: Academic Search Complete
o Video: Get It @ VCU
o Link: Evaluating Sources (How Do I… guide)
 Video: Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly
Access appropriate sources by distinguishing between print and online items available via VCU
a. Library Instruction session, “Ask Us” desk assistance, or consultation:
 Reinforce content availability via VCU Libraries Search.
Distinguish between different formats of information--such as books versus articles, institutionally
acquired versus free Internet searches, and print versus online--in order to locate or access
appropriate sources.
a. Library Instruction session:
 Identify sources using examples found in VCU Libraries Search.
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. Assistance at the “Ask Us” Research Desk
c. Individual consultation
d. Assistance at a Walk-In Research & Writing Clinic
e. UNIV 111/ UNIV 112: Focused Inquiry Course Guide
 Finding Articles
o Video: Academic Search Complete
o Video: Local News with LexisNexis
o Video & PDF: Get It @ VCU
o Link: Evaluating Sources (How Do I… guide)
o Video: Scholarly vs Non-Scholarly
o Video: Types of Scholarly Article
 Search Strategies
o Video: Part I and Part II
 Other Useful Information
o Link: Evaluating Sources (How Do I…)
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Video & PDF: Evaluating Web sites
PDF: Is It a Scholarly Journal
Other options UNIV 112:
a. Assistance via “Ask Us” – in-person, telephone, email or chat
b. Individual consultation
c. Cabell Library Tours
d. UNIV 111/ UNIV 112 Focused Inquiry Course Guide
 Home:
 Finding library help: “Ask Us” desk, phone, chat, email, Clinics
 Summer & Winter Reading Programs
 Using the Library:
o Video: Getting Started with Your Research
 Finding Books:
o PDF: Finding a Book on a Shelf
o Video: Show me the stacks
o Video: Understanding Call Numbers
o Video: Catalog Search Strategies
 Finding Articles
o Video: Academic Search Complete
o Video: Local News with LexisNexis
o Video & PDF: Get It @ VCU
o Link: Evaluating Sources (How Do I… guide)
 Search Strategies
o Video: Part I and Part II
 Other Useful Information
o Link: Evaluating Sources (How Do I… guide)
o Summer & Winter Reading Programs
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
UNIV 200
Students should be able to:
Increase proficiency in areas outlined in UNIV112 information fluency learning outcomes.
II. Develop a topic-relevant search strategy related to a research question in order to search library
resources effectively.
a. Library Instruction session:
 Review concepts of breaking down research questions into searchable keyword
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. UNIV 200 200: Writing and Rhetoric Course Guide
 Developing a Search Strategy
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
III. Locate books and articles using VCU Libraries Search’s advanced features in order to investigate
and refine a research question.
a. Library Instruction session:
 Review of basic skills including reading records
 Advanced Search Techniques including limits
 Full-text options
 Using Boolean (AND, OR)
 Truncation review
 Get It @ VCU: full-text or ILL
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. UNIV 200: Writing and Rhetoric Course Guide
 Developing a Search Strategy
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
o PDF: Developing a Search Strategy
 Find Books
o PDF: Finding a book on a shelf
o Search the VCU Libraries Catalog
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
iv. Distinguish between VCU Libraries Search and discipline-specific databases in order to select most
appropriate resources and maximize relevant results.
a. Library Instruction session:
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. UNIV 200: Writing and Rhetoric Course Guide
 Best Bets
o Discipline specific database options
 Find Articles
o Video: Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly Articles
o Video & PDF: Get It @ VCU
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200
Video: Developing a Search Strategy
v. Identify academic disciplinary origins of materials found via VCU Libraries Search.
a. Library Instruction session:
Library Instruction Session AND/OR in combination with:
b. UNIV 200: Writing and Rhetoric Course Guide
 Research Guides
vi. Other options UNIV 200:
a. Assistance via “Ask Us” – in-person, telephone, email or chat
b. Individual consultation
c. Walk-In Research & Writing Clinic
d. Cabell Library Tours
e. UNIV 200: Writing and Rhetoric Course Guide
 Best Bets
o Discipline Specific Database options
 Developing a Search Strategy
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
 Find Articles
o Video: Scholarly vs. Non-Scholarly Articles
o Video& PDF: Get It @ VCU
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
 Find Books
o PDF: Finding a book on a shelf
o Search the VCU Libraries Catalog
o Video: Developing a Search Strategy
 Research Guides
o Find resources in your discipline: links to guides by subject
 Need More Help
o “Ask Us” via chat, email, in-person, Clinics, or Consultations
Learning Outcomes for Information Fluency in UNIV 111, UNIV 112 and UNIV 200