Critical Reading—K. Crider Greek and Latin Roots Root Definition Examples 1. Ac Sharp Acute, exacerbate, acid, acerbic 2. Acr Sharp Acrimonious, acrid, acrimony 3. Ag Act, do Agent, agitate, agenda 4. Agr Field Agriculture, agronomy, agrarian 5. Alb White Albino, albumen, album 6. Alg Pain Neuralgia, nostalgia, analgesic 7. Alter Other Alter ego, altercation, alternate, alternator 8. Am To love Amiable, amicable, amorous, amateur 9. Ambi Around, both Ambitious, ambiguous, ambidextrous, ambivalent 10. Amphi Around, both Amphitheater, amphibian 11. Ana Back, throughout, similar to Anagram, analysis, analogy 12. Anim Mind, soul, spirit, passion Animate, unanimity, animosity, unanimous 13. Ann Year Annual, annuity, anniversary, annals 14. Anthrop Human Anthropology, philanthropist, misanthrope, anthropoid 15. Aqua Water Aquatic, aquarium, aqueduct, aquamarine 16. Arch Chief, ruler Ancient, first Archbishop, archenemy, architect, patriarch, anarchy Archive, archetype, archaic, archaeology 17. Aster Star Asterisk, aster, asteroid, disaster 18. Astr Star Astronomy, astronaut, astrology, astronomical 19. Aud To hear Audible, audition, audience, auditorium, audit 20. Avi Bird Aviary, avian, aviator, aviation 21. Bell War Rebellion, rebel, belligerent, bellicose 22. Bene Well, good Benefit, beneficial, benediction, benevolent, benefactor 1 23. Bibl Book Bible, bibliography, bibliophile, bibliomania 24. Bio Life Biology, biography, biopsy, symbiotic 25. Brev Short Brevity, abbreviation, brief, abridge 26. Cad Fall Cadence, decadence 27. Cal Heat Calorie 28. Cand White, glowing Candle, incandescent, candid, candidate 29. Cap Take Caption, captious, capacious, capable 30. Capit Head Capital, decapitate, capitulate, per capita, captain 31. Card Heart Cardiac, cardiogram 32. Carn Flesh, meat Carnivorous, incarnate, carnal, carnation 33. Cas Fall Cascade, casualty, casuistry 34. Cata Down Catastrophe, cataract, cataclysm, catapult 35. Ced Go, yield Cede, precede, concede, accede, antecedent 36. Ceed Go, yield Proceed, exceed, succeed 37. Ceive Take Receive, conceive 38. Center Center Center, central, centrifugal, concentrate 39. Cept Take Reception, concept, except, inception 40. Cess Go, yield Ancestor, predecessor, recession, recess, access 41. Chrom Color Monochromatic, chromatic, panchromatic 42. Chron Time Chronic, chronology, synchronize 43. Cid Fall Cut, Kill Coincidental, occident, accident, incident Suicide, decide, concise, genocide, incisor 44. Cis Cut, Kill Incisive, precise, scissors 45. Civ Citizen Civic, civil, civility, civilian 46. Clam Cry out Clamor, proclamation, acclamation, acclaim, claim 47. Clar Clear Clarity, clarion, clarinet, clairvoyance 48. Claus Close, shut Clause, claustrophobia 49. Clos Close, shut Cloister, closet, close, disclose 50. Clud Close, shut Seclude, exclude, conclude, include 2 51. Clus Close, shut Seclusion, exclusion, conclusion, inclusion 52. Cord Heart Cordial, concord, discord, accord 53. Corp Body Corpse, corps, corporation, corporal, corporate 54. Cosm Universe, order Cosmic, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut, cosmetic 55. Cour Heart Courage, courtesy, discourage, encourage 56. Crac Rule Democracy, aristocracy, bureaucracy, plutocracy 57. Crat Rule Democrat, aristocrat, bureaucrat, autocrat 58. Crease Grow Increase, decrease 59. Cred Believe Credit, credentials, credible 60. Cres Grow Crescendo, crescent 61. Cret Grow Concrete 62. Cru Cross Crusade, crux, crucial 63. Crypt Hidden Crypt, cryptic, crytography, decryption 64. Culp Blame Culprit, culpable, exculpate 65. Cur Run Care Excursion, current, curriculum, occur, concur, cursive Curator, secure, manicure, accurate, curate, cure 66. Cycl Circle Cyclone, bicycle, cyclic, encyclopedia 67. Dem People Democracy, epidemic, demagogue, demography 68. Dent Tooth Dentist, dentifrice, indent, denture 69. Derm Skin Dermatology, dermatitis, taxidermy, epidermis 70. Dict Speak Dictionary, predict, contradict, dictate, edict 71. Dom Rule, home Dominate, domestic, domicile, predominant 72. Domin Master Dominate, domain, predominant, domineer 73. Duc Lead Conducive, deduce, educate, introduce 74. Duct Lead Induct, conductor, abduct, aqueduct, deductive 75. Dur Hard, lasting Durable, duress, endure, duration 3 76. Dyn Power Dynasty, dynamite 77. Dynam Power Dynamite, dynamic, dynamo 78. Enn Year Biennial, centennial, perennial, millennium 79. Equ Equal Equalize, equator, adequate, inequitable 80. Erg Work Erg, energetic, ergonomics, synergistic 81. Err Wander Err, error, erratic, aberration, erroneous, errant 82. Fac Make, do Manufacture, facility, benefactor, factory, faculty, facilitate 83. Fect Make, do Defect, affect, effect, infect 84. Fer Carry, bear Ferry, infer, conifer, circumference, prefer, refer 85. Fic Make, do Efficacy, artificial, proficient, benefit 86. Fid Faith Confide, confident, fidelity, infidel, affidavit 87. Fin End Finite, fine, definite, infinite, finish, affinity 88. Flect Bend Reflect, inflect, deflect, genuflect 89. Flex Bend Flexible, flex, inflexible 90. Flu Flow Fluent, confluence, fluctuate, flux, influence 91. Fort Strong Fortify, comfort, fortitude, forte, fort, fortress 92. Fract Break Fraction, infraction, refractory, fracture 93. Frag Break Fragile, fragment 94. Frater Brother Fraternal, fraternity, fraternize, friar 95. Fus Pour Refuse, diffuse, profuse, transfusion 96. Gam Marriage Bigamist, misogamist, gamete 97. Gen Race, birth, kind, origin Generation, genius, generate, gentleman, generous, genesis, genetics, genre 98. Geo Earth Geode, geology, geometry 99. Gni Know Cognitive, recognize 100. Gno Know Ignorant, ignore 101. Gnos Know Diagnosis, prognosis, agnostic 102. Grad Step, walk Graduate, gradual, degrade, upgrade, grade 4 103. Gram Write Diagram, telegram, program, epigram 104. Graph Write Geography, autograph, graphic, biography 105. Greg Flock, herd Congregation, segregate, gregarious, aggregate 106. Gress Step, move Progress, digress, aggressive, transgression, regression 107. Helio Sun Helium, heliocentric 108. Hemo Blood Hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemorrhage, hemorrhoid 109. Hum Ground Humus, exhume, humble, humility 110. Hydr Water Hydroplane, hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrant 111. Iso Equal Isometric, isotherm, isobar, isotype 112. Jac Throw Ejaculate 113. Ject Throw Reject, trajectory, eject, inject 114. Junct Join Juncture, adjunct, conjugal, junction 115. Jur To take oath Jury, jurisprudence, conjure, jurisdiction, perjury 116. Lat Bear, carry Translate, collate, relative, legislature 117. Lect Gather, choose, read Collect, electorate, intellect, neglect 118. Leg Law Legitimate, illegal, legislature, legacy 119. Lith Stone Paleolithic, lithograph, megalith 120. Loc Speak Circumlocution, elocution, interlocutor 121. Log Speech, word Analogy, analogy, eulogy, dialog 122. Loqu Speak Soliloquy, eloquent, colloquial, loquacious 123. Luc Light Lucid, elucidate, lucidity, luster 124. Lum Light Luminous, illuminate 125. Magn Great Magnitude, magnate, magnify, magnanimous, magnificent 126. Mal Bad Dismal, malicious, malice, malady, malignant 127. Man Hand Manacle, manipulate, emancipate, manage, manicure 128. Manu Hand Manual, maneuver, manufacture, manuscript 5 129. Mar Sea Submarine, marina, mariner 130. Mater Mother Matriarch, matrix, maternal, maternity 131. Medi Middle Medieval, mediator, immediate, median 132. Mega Great, large Megaton, megalomania, megabyte, megalith 133. Meta Change, beyond Metabolism, metaphor, metamorphosis 134. Meter Measure Meter, speedometer, diameter, thermometer 135. Metr Measure Geometry, metric, telemetry, isometric 136. mid Middle Midst, middle, midnight, amid 137. Migr Wander Migrate, migrant, immigrant, migratory 138. Min Small Miniature, minute, diminutive 139. Mis Send Promise, premise, demise 140. Miss Send Dismiss, mission, missile, emissary, transmission 141. Mit Send Transmit, omit, intermittent, commitment, emit, submit 142. Mob Move Mobile, immobilize 143. Mon Warn Admonition, premonition, monitor 144. Morph Form, shape Amorphous, morphine, anthropomorphic, ectomorphic 145. Mort Death Immortal, mortuary, mortify, mortgage 146. Mot Move Motion, motive, promote, emotion 147. Nais Born Renaissance 148. Nas Born Nascent 149. Nat Born Natural, innate, nation 150. Nav Ship, sail Naval, navigate, nave, navy 151. Neo New Neon, neophyte, neolithic 152. Nihl None Nihilism, annihilate 153. Nil None Nil 154. Nom Law, order Astronomical, economy, metronome 155. Noun Name Noun, announce 156. Null None Null, nullify 157. Nym Name Synonym, antonym 6 158. Onoma Name Onomatopoeia 159. Onym Name Synonym, antonym, homonym, acronym, anonymous 160. Oper Work Operate, inoperable, opulent, opera 161. Ops See Cyclops 162. Opt See Choose Optic Option, adopt, opt, optimist 163. Ora Mouth, talk Oral, oration, orifice, adorable 164. Os Mouth, bone Osculate, oscillate, ostracize, ossify 165. Oys Mouth Oyster 166. Pan All Pantomime, panacea, pantheism 167. Pater Father Paternal, patrimony, patriarch 168. Path Feeling, suffering Sympathy, empathy, apathy, antipathy, psychopathic 169. Ped Foot Child Basket Pedestrian, pedal, pedicure, centipede, expedite Pediatrics, pedagogy Peddler 170. Pel Push Repel, dispel, compel, expel, propel 171. Pend Hang, weigh Pending, appendix, expend 172. Pens Hang, weigh Pensive, dispense, compensate, pension 173. Pet Seek, try Compete, petition, impetus, appetite 174. Phil Love Philanthropy, philosophy, bibliophile, philology 175. Phob Fear Phobia, acrophobia, xenophobia 176. Phon Sound Symphony, microphone, phonetics 177. Phot Light Photography, telephoto, photosynthesis, photogenic 178. Physi Nature, natural Physics, physiology, physique, physical 179. Plac Please Complacent, placate, placid 180. Plex Fold Complex, perplex 181. Plic Fold Complicate, duplicity, accomplice, replica 182. Ply Fold Multiply, pliant, display 183. Pod Foot Podiatrist, anthropod, tripod 184. Poli City Politics, police, metropolis, policy 185. Pon Place, put Exponent 186. Port Carry Port, portable 7 187. Pos Place, put Depose 188. Prob Prove, honest Probation 189. Psych Mind Psychic, psychology 190. Puls Push Expulsion, compulsive, pulsate, repulsive 191. Pyr Fire Pyromaniac 192. Quer Ask, seek Query, conquer 193. Ques Ask, seek Question, quest 194. Quir Ask, seek Inquire, acquire, require 195. Quis Ask, seek Inquisitive 196. Rect Rule, straight, right Rectify, rectangle 197. Reg Rule, straight, right Regent, regime 198. Rupt Break Disrupt, rupture 199. Sat Enough Satisfy, saturate 200. Scal Climb Scale, escalate, escalator 201. Scend Climb Ascend, descend, condescend 202. Scop Look Scope, microscope 203. Scrib Write Scribe, prescribe 204. Script Write Scripture, script, conscription 205. Secu Follow Consecutive, prosecute, execute 206. Sed Sit Sediment 207. Sens Feel Sense, consensus 208. Sent Feel Sentiment, consent 209. Sequ Follow Sequel 210. Sess Sit Session 211. Sid Sit President 212. Sig Sign Significant, signal, signature, assign, resign 213. Sist Stand Resist, insist, consist, resistance 214. Soc Society Social, societal 215. Socio Society Socialize, antisocial, sociopath 216. Sol Sun Alone Solar Sole, solo, solitude 217. Solv Free, loose Solve 8 218. Soph Wise Sophisticated, sophomore 219. Sopr Above, over Soprano 220. Spec Look Aspect, speculate 221. Spect Look Circumspect, inspect 222. Spic Look Conspicuous 223. Spir Breathe Inspire, aspire, conspire 224. Spire Breath, breathe Inspire, expire, conspire, transpire 225. Sta Stand Station, stagnant, status, statue 226. Sti Stand constituent 227. Stit Stand Constitute, destitute, destination, obstinate 228. Stru Build Construe, instrument 229. Struct Build Structure, obstruct, construct, instruction 230. Su Under Suffer, surrender, success 231. Syl Together, with Syllogism 232. Sym Together, with Symphony, symbiotic 233. Syn Together, with Synopsis, synergy 234. Tact Touch Tact, contact, intact, tactile 235. Tag Touch Contagious 236. Tain Hold Detain, contain, container, sustain 237. Tang Touch Tangible, tangent, contingent 238. Techn Art, skill Technology, technician, technicality, polytechnic 239. Tele Far Telephone, television, telepathy, telemetry 240. Tempor Time Tempo, extemporraneous, temporal, contemporary 241. Ten Hold Tenor, tenure, tenacious, tenacity 242. Tend Stretch Extend, contend, pretend, tendency 243. Tens Stretch Tension, ostensible, extension 244. Tent Stretch Tent, pretentious, attention, tentacles 245. Term Boundary Term, terminal, terminate, exterminate 246. Terr Earth Territory, terrain, terrace, terrestrial 247. Text Weave Textile, texture, textbook, context 9 248. Thea Look at Theater 249. Theo God Theology, atheist, pantheon, theocracy 250. Therm Heat Thermometer, thermal, thermos, isotherm 251. Thesis Position, place Thesis, antithesis, synthesis 252. Tig Touch Contiguous 253. Tin Hold Pertinent, pertinacious 254. Tom Cut Anatomy, epitome, tonsillectomy 255. Tort Twist Torture, retort, distort, contortion 256. Tract Drag, draw Tractor, tractable, protactable, contract, distract 257. Trans Across Transfusion, transitory, transcribe, translate 258. Ultra Beyond Ultraviolet, ultrasonic, ultramodern 259. Umbr Shade Umbrella, umbrage, adumbrate 260. Uni One Unison, unanimous, unilateral, unicorn, unify 261. Urb City Urban, suburb, urbane, exurbia 262. Urg Work Metallugy, urgent 263. Vac Empty Vacuum, evacuate, vacancy, vacuity 264. Val Strong, worthy Valiant, valor, value, evaluate 265. Ven Come Advent, invent, adventure, convene, event 266. Ver True Verdict, verify, very, veracity 267. Verb Word Verbal, verbose, verbatim, proverb 268. Vers Turn Universe, version, conversation, versatile, diverse 269. Vert Turn Divert, advertise, convert, vertebrae 270. Via Way Via, viaduct, previous, trivia, deviate 271. Vic Substitute Vice president, viceroy, vicarious 272. Vice Substitute Vice president, vice admiral 273. Vid See Video, evident, provident 274. Vis See Visa, improvise, envision, invisible 275. Viv Live Vivid, vivacious, vivify, revive 276. Voc Call, voice Vocal, vocabulary, vocation, advocate 10 277. Voke Call, voice Provoke, revoke, invoke, evoke 278. Vol Wish, will Volunteer, volition, benevolent, malevolent 279. Volv Roll Revolve, devolve, volume, convuluted, evolution 280. Zo Animal Zoology, zodiac, protozoa 11