A-Z Guide to Professional Services at NTU There is an array of professional and essential services providing support across the University, and although all services have extensive on-line information available on NTU web pages, it is sometimes difficult to get an immediate sense of who exists, what they provide, and how to locate them. Link to homepage listing professional services at NTU: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/human_resources/about_ntu/university_structure/professional_services/index.html Link to homepage listing essential services at NTU: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/essential/index.html This guide brings together a list of the professional and essential services to provide you with an overview of what is available and how to find more information on-line in the NTU web site. Initials Service & Link to Home Page Description On-Line Information & Resource Links Business and Innovation Creation Unit (BIC) This service’s mission is to help NTU staff & students, and external organizations forge mutually productive working partnerships across a wide range of enterprise including joint research, professional courses and education, developing new products to market, consultancy and other types of knowledge exchange. Links to the Business and Innovation Team: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/business_professions/expertise/business_c reation/65365.html A B Two key supports: Academic enterprise and knowledge transfer - including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and other funded support to build relationships with public, private and third sector organisations from The Business and Innovation Team More information about School Champions of Academic Enterprise Scheme: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/bicintranet/champions_ac ademic_enterprise/index.html Links to the HIVE homepage for more information on the support for evaluating and realising your business ideas: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/hive/index.html C Catering and Hospitality https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/hospitality/i ndex.html To help them explore, develop and start up their own business and to help them embed entrepreneurial behaviours across the curriculum, and develop more enterprising and employable graduates. The in-house catering team located administratively in Estates and Resources along with many other professional services teams. Details about NTU cafes and opening times and how to get 10% discount https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/essential/hospitality/outlets_and _opening_times/index.html Their role is to provide a catering service to both students and staff across the three campuses. Our mission is to create a catering offering that is comparable with the High Street resulting in strong levels of customer loyalty. Centre for Academic Development & Quality (CADQ) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/casq / A key service (previously known as CASQ) providing a central resource to NTU Academic Schools for academic governance including the approval, maintenance, innovation and enhancement of academic programmes. NTU’s Academic Standards and Quality Handbook: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality_assurance/standards_qualit y/en-us-index.html NTU’s Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality/strategy/index.html Several key strands of support: Developing and maintaining NTU Academic Standards and Quality Framework & Handbook for academic governance working with academic teams and each School’s Quality Manager on issues such as programme approval, monitoring and review as well as periodic school review, audits, and external examiners Resources to support Learning and Teaching: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality/res_learn_teach/index.html Resources & Information about research-informed teaching http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality/research_informed_teaching /index.html Periodic School Review Process: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality_assurance/periodic_school_r Career Development Centre (CDC) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/care ers/ Centre for Professional Learning & Development (CPLD) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld Developing and implementing NTU Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy working with academic teams and each School’s Learning & Teaching Coordinator Developing resources for academics to use to enhance and innovate learning and teaching Working with the Centre for Professional Learning and Development (CPLD) and the Schools to develop and deliver professional development programmes for NTU academic staff Quality enhancement and assurance of collaborative provision delivered by NTU validated centres across the world eview/index.html Annual Reporting Process for academic programmes in Schools: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality_assurance/psqrs/index.html External Examiners http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality_assurance/ext_examiners/in dex.html Names of School Learning & Teaching Coordinators: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/about/learning_teaching/index.html The Careers Service for NTU students also provides resources for staff to help them review the issues of career management and employability within their courses and curricula. Resources to help staff address career management and employability within the curriculum: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/careers/ntu_staff/index.html Established in 2008 as part of Corporate HR, the CPLD team’s role is to support and promote continuing professional learning and development for all staff at NTU. This includes: NTU Learning and Development Strategy http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld/document_uploads/88720.pdf Supporting colleagues in identifying learning and development needs and ways of addressing these effectively Formulating and delivering staff development events and resources Developing strategy and policy in support of Information about Professional Development for Academic Practice: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld/our_services/academic_practice/inde x.html Information about induction events for new staff: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld/our_services/staff_induction/index.ht ml learning and development at NTU For information about courses & resources to help you use the NOW Virtual Learning Environment and other Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) at NTU go to: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/ecentral/policies/hr/94967 .doc For details of NTU policy on time off and payment of fees for professional and vocational training: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld/our_services/ict/index.html You can also search CPLD’s main website www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld and search under ‘Events’, then ‘Programme of Events’ then look under ‘Information and Communication Technology’ All staff have access to ‘NOW’ Learning Rooms – you can login to the NOW site using your username and password. There you will find on-line help guides under the ‘NOW Community’. Any problems with your login or using NOW please contact elearning helpdesk in IS - Email: elearninghelp@ntu.ac.uk Phone: ext 86030 D The Development and Alumni Relations Office http://www.ntualumni.org. uk/NetCommunity/Page.as px?pid=196&srcid=-2 The Development and Alumni Relations Office co-ordinates university-wide communications with former students and holds contact information for around 100,000 NTU graduates. In addition, the office is responsible for helping to secure private, philanthropic, funding for the advancement of the University, its staff and students. Colleagues in the office can assist in everything from finding the contact information for a former student, through to helping to plan The alumni website can be viewed at: http://www.ntualumni.org.uk/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=19 6&srcid=-2 a communication to many thousands of alumni. Fundraising focuses on university strategic priorities, but professional advice to support local fundraising initiatives is available. E E-Central A single repository of NTU strategies, policies and forms. Links to Academic Policies and Strategies: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/ecentral/categories/academic/in dex.html Established in 2008 as part of Corporate HR with a direct remit for matters involving staff, the Equality & Diversity team is responsible for: Links to a selection of pages from the E&D website providing information on E&D policies, services and activities are listed below: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/ecentral/index.html Equality & Diversity (E&D) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/equ ality_diversity/ Employee Relations and Reward (ER&R) https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/RE LATIONS_REWARD/Pages/i ndex.aspx developing NTU’s equality & diversity, and dignity policies co-ordinating and supporting the planning of work on equality and dignity across the organisation advising management on a range of equality issues supporting the resolution of equality and dignity related disputes developing institutional capability in equality through learning and development The Employee Relations and Reward Team delivers a range of services across the University: Single Equality Scheme Equality Impact Assessment Dignity at Work Equality and Diversity Policy Learning and development Harassment Adviser and Mediation Services Data analysis and interpretation Engagement and consultation Information about all HR policies at NTU: https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/relations_reward/policies_procedures/Pa ges/index.aspx Reward and benefits – who maintain and seek to develop pay and grading processes, job evaluations, voluntary benefits and pensions administration. The two main NTU employee forums are: the Employee Employee Relations - endeavours to engage with all employees through various channels and representative groups. . Information and Consultation Forum and the Employee Negotiating Forum. These enable each and every employee to have their views represented, either through a trade union or their employee representative Policies and procedures - Support the University to have a fair and consistent approach to managing and developing people, providing practical advice and guidance to staff about their own and the University’s responsibilities. They are all updated or newly developed as part of a structured cycle of review. Environmental Team (Ecoweb) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/eco web/ntu_doing/index.html Estates and Resources A lively, vibrant team that prizes a "can do" attitude. The university has placed enormous trust in Estates and Resources to transform the physical estate and lead in providing gold standard customer service. Organised in three main areas of customer services, estates services and finance and administration, we take pride in delivering a wide range of high quality cost effective services including accommodation, car parking, catering and hospitality, cleaning, maintenance, conferencing, grounds, planning, postal, reception, security, signage, space, facilities & See additional information in this guide about each of the individual services highlighted under estates and resources: project management, telephony, transport and utilities in an environmentally friendly and ethical way. F Finance and Internal Audit Devolved Finance services exist as part of each College – key services for staff include payroll and on-line expenses claims. Each College finance team support staff principally in respect of budget management and reporting and external fund/grant management and reporting. Info on the on-line expenses system: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/essential/online_expenses/index. html All are linked to Corporate Finance comprising centralized specialist teams responsible for: Financial Accounting Management Accounting Planning and reporting Financial systems Banking and treasury management Payroll Accounts payable and receivable Expenses Credit control The Internal Audit team support adding value and improving operations and governance within the university. They provide independent objective assurance and consultancy. The Purchasing Department is the University's centre of excellence for procurement, supporting the University by ensuring value for money in purchasing. G Info on payroll: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/payroll/ Info on College finance teams: In BLSS see shared T: drive under College Support H Human Resources (HR) Service is responsible for all aspects of resourcing, employee relations & reward, and development of all University staff. Devolved HR services as part of management teams in each College supporting the Colleges and Schools, and another (Central HR team) supporting all professional and essential services. Go to http://www.ntu.ac.uk/human_resources/, this is the HR external facing site. All other information is listed under the separate headings. All are linked to Corporate HR - comprising centralized specialist teams responsible for: Centre for Professional Learning and Development Employee Relations and Reward. Equality & Diversity Health & Safety (see Occupational Health, Safety & Well-Being) HR systems support (CHRIS) These are listed separately in this guide. I Internal Communications https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/internal_co mmunications/index.html NTU provides a range of internal communications products and services to enable staff to understand and engage with the University’s business and provide structures and processes to promote good communications throughout the University. Products include Staffnet, E-news and Road Shows The contact for the internal communications team is Tatiana de Araujo Alves Woolley. Main website for Internal communications includes handy guides to communications (eg team briefings, running a meeting, giving a presentation) including downloadable booklet on becoming a better communicator Guidelines for communicating with NTU staff using E-news at : https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/46044gp.html International Development Office (IDO) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/inter national/ The central coordinating function for international student recruitment activity within NTU. Works with other professional services and all 4 Colleges to: Details of the IDO staff team available on StaffNet: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/essential/international_developm ent_office/index.html Design and implement recruitment strategies and offers strategic and tactical marketing advice, and a specialist international students’ admissions process Manages relationships between NTU and recruitment partners across the world including NTIC (Nottingham Trent International College) Manages international scholarships and student ambassador programmes and international marketing communications function International Travel – online booking service for staff https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/internationa l_travel/index.html Every member of staff who wishes to travel abroad on NTU related business must follow an online booking process see this website for full details. Information Systems (IS) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/IS Provide a core service to all parts of the university: All international travel is submitted for approval to a Dean of School, Head of Professional Services department or a member of the Senior Management Team for authorisation (depending on where you are based). Manage the operation of all information and communication technologies for the institution including the network, servers, IT help desk call 88500 or email its.service.desk@ntu.ac.uk Information for new staff at NTU: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/information_systems/help_support/new_st arters/index.html telephones and email. Develop new systems for services Install and maintain desktop PCs and printers Provide copy/binding/print services on City and Clifton campuses Information about how to get support and self-help guides for any of the IT systems (including those looked after by teams other than IS). The pages also contain information on how to contact the Business Relationships Managers in IS (one for each College and one for other Services) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/information_systems/help_support/contact /index.html An IS Business Relationship Manager (BRM) works with each College and another works with all of Professional Services J K L Legal and Governance Services The team is in 2 units: Legal Services provides a range of expert professional support to the University in various ways including obtaining legal opinion, advising on agreements and legal documentation, and managing Freedom of Information and Data Protection enquiries. The Governance Services Unit is responsible for: Library & Learning Resources (LLR) http://www.ntu.ac.uk/LLR managing the administration of the University’s Governance framework including the Boards of Governors ensuring regulatory compliance with formal Corporate Governance regulations that apply to HE institutions A key resource for staff and students supporting teaching, learning and research. Important info for staff and researchers: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/llr/staff_researchers/index.html Your School’s subject librarian will be able to give you a full explanation and help with the range of support available including REfworks, Plagiarism detection service, and the ASPIRE management system for reading lists. Specific support for learning and teaching: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/llr/staff_researchers/learning_teaching/ind ex.html Within Schools, contact your Subject Librarian for more help: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/llr/help_support/liaison_team/index.html Opening hours at 3 campuses: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/llr/using_llr/opening_hours/index.html Learning Resources Team (part of LLR from 1 September 2010) Webpage details to follow, For now, email ed.foster@ntu.ac.uk The team offers a number of services that are likely to be useful to academic staff M Marketing Research, resources and staff development into students’ transition from further to higher education & student retention A range of study skills resources for both students and staff Co-ordination of student academic mentoring in 5 schools Expertise in teaching academic writing Co-ordination of the Welcome Week programme NTU Marketing is responsible for the development and implementation of all marketing activity for the University. NTU Marketing is divided between central services and the four colleges. The Integrated Marketing team provides marketing activity across the University. Working in conjunction with the College marketing teams, Integrated Marketing provides NTU literature including prospectuses, course leaflets and other promotional materials. Information about the annual Student Welcome Week & Induction http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality/welcome_week/index.html The College marketing teams are based within the four colleges to achieve College objectives for student recruitment and support for the academic team, including review of course portfolio and new course opportunities, competitor analysis, market trends, commercial activities and all aspects of communication. N O Occupational Health, Safety and Well-Being Team https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/he alth_safety/Pages/index.as px The Occupational Health, Safety and Well-being team are a source of professional expertise to managers and staff on a full range of health and safety, occupational health and general wellbeing issues. Two divisions: P Parking – see Reception Services Postal Services https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/postal_servi ces/index.html Their work includes the provision of a central monitoring service for the University on the safety performance of Schools and Departments by safety audits, safety inspections and accident / incident investigations as well as the provision of advice on completing risk assessments so that workplace activities can take place as safely as possible. Health and Safety https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/health_safety/about_us /health_safety/Pages/index.aspx Health and Safety Policies: https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/health_safety/policies_procedures/healt h_safety/Pages/index.aspx Occupational Health https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/health_safety/about_us /occupational_health/Pages/index.aspx Health and Safety Training for new staff: https://portal.ntu.ac.uk/health_safety/learning_programmes/cou rses/Pages/index.aspx Part of essential services, look here for information about collection and delivery. Save time, no need to queue at the Post Office - The University postal room is open for staff and students to send their private mail at a normal post office rate. If you would like to save time just pop in to one of our postal rooms and send your mail safely. The postal room at City campus is located in Trent House. Further details on the postal services website listed Also handy list of key postcodes for all university buildings. Print Services https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/print_servic es/index.html Q R Reception Services https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/reception/in dex.html Registry Part of Estates, our role is to provide the first point of contact for staff, students and visitors entering University premises; meeting and greeting in a professional, courteous and efficient manner; and providing additional security support for such premises. How to reserve a car parking space for visitors Information about card services Registry is responsible for processes and procedures supporting: S Website includes information on: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/essential/reception/index.html student recruitment and progression timetabling graduation management reporting & analyses compliance with regulations on academic administration Room Bookings Booking of rooms across the 3 campuses is organized centrally by a team based in Registry. To book a room please email: REG Room Requests Schools, Colleges & Community Outreach Team http://www.ntu.ac.uk/com munity/ NTU Schools, Colleges and Community Outreach team provides central co-ordination and brokerage for links with external schools and colleges as part of the University’s community outreach and recruitment and marketing strategy. The aims of the service are to raise awareness of the opportunities that higher education can offer and support students http://www.ntu.ac.uk/community/ through the process of applying to university. With the support of NTU staff and students we deliver an extensive range of activities such as campus visits, master classes and subject taster sessions. We train and support our students who engage with local schools and colleges as mentors, ambassadors and classroom assistants through our Students in Classrooms schemes. We provide advice and guidance on issues related to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We also have strong links with community organisations through our nationally-recognised volunteering programmes (see Volunteering) Security https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intr anet/essential/security/ind ex.html http://www.ntu.ac.uk/current_students/while_here/students_cla ssrooms/index.html Part of essential services, information here about working out of hours and at weekends – getting access to NTU. Also info about Lost property Sport and Lifestyle http://www.ntu.ac.uk/spor t The University's two main campuses at the City and Clifton have a wealth of sport and exercise facilities. The City site has a state of the art fitness suite and exercise studio, in addition to a sports hall (with climbing wall) and squash courts. The Clifton campus has a superb eight-court sports hall, squash courts, a modern fitness suite, an aerobics and dance studio, an artificial turf pitch and numerous grass pitches. Wide-ranging exercise programme, with options including yoga, spin cycle classes and kick Membership packages: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/sport/membership/index.html Info on sports’ scholarships for students including our STARS programme: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/sport/scholarships/index.html boxing. Student Support Services http://www.ntu.ac.uk/sss/ Students Union http://www.trentstudents. org/ T Offering support to students to smooth their transition to studying at NTU is a top priority. They offer a range of services including Financial Support Services, Counselling, Disability Support, International Student Support, Mature Student Support, Mental Health Support and access to affiliated health centres. In addition, they endeavour to disseminate information to the wider student body and university staff, using a range of targeted publications and outreach initiatives with current and prospective students. Although geared at students - this website provides interesting insights to the university from the students’ perspective. Subject Administration (Colleges) Within each College, the subject administration team support academic staff and students in terms of course materials, events, queries and data capture/reporting. Technology-Enhanced Learning See CPLD above And from CASQ: The Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 29/30 March 2011 will address e-learning / technology-enhanced learning – will be opportunities for presentations, papers, discussions and showcase of materials. For further information go to: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/CASQ/quality/events/inde x.html Web site also offers a range of self-help guides: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/sss/self_help/index.html STRIDE is free Student Training and Development Service designed to induct students into university life and provide the opportunity to develop themselves and their skills to become highly employable, well-rounded graduates with enviable life skills. In College of BLSS see shared T: drive under College Support For information about courses & resources to help you use the NOW Virtual Learning Environment and other Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) at NTU go to: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld/our_services/ict/index.html You can also search CPLD’s main website www.ntu.ac.uk/cpld and search under ‘Events’, then ‘Programme of Events’ then look under ‘Information and Communication Technology’ All staff have access to ‘NOW’ Learning Rooms – you can login to the NOW site using your username and password. There you will find on-line help guides under the ‘NOW Community’. Any problems with your login or using NOW please contact elearning helpdesk Email: elearninghelp@ntu.ac.uk Phone: ext 86030 U V Volunteering http://www.ntu.ac.uk/hum an_resources/about_ntu/v olunteering/index.html Part of the ‘Widening Participation’ Resource at NTU, this team organise a variety of volunteering schemes and projects within Nottinghamshire, suitable for participation by NTU staff and students. These encourage staff and student volunteers to become more involved in the community where they live, work and learn. Information for staff about volunteering - Employee Volunteering and Community Engagement Scheme: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/intranet/community/volunteering/39168g p.html NTU used a virtual learning environment called NOW to support learning and teaching and blended learning https://now.ntu.ac.uk VLE WXYZ Information about Student Volunteering through the Students’ Union Initi8 programme: http://www.trentstudents.org/volunteering/content/?page=1451 55