106752287 SN Description 300042979 Closings - Copy function should be hidden Customer Name QBE Management (UK) Limited 300044591 New History Navigation error QBE Management (UK) Limited 300044702 Policy Sequence No. Issue QBE Management (UK) Limited 300045021 Closings Input Net to source 0.00 QBE Management (UK) Limited 300045038 Policy Reference renewal issue QBE Management (UK) Limited 300045041 Signed Line Validation QBE Management (UK) Limited 300045159 OCR - Received run time error message QBE Management (UK) Limited 300045697 Closings - Run time 13 error QBE Management (UK) Limited 300047221 No prompt if password has expired 300047547 Closings - Entering large amounts QBE Management (UK) Limited QBE Management (UK) Limited 300048431 Product Codes - Copy on sequence not working QBE Management (UK) Limited 300054398 Bureau Closings Error Message UTD1131 300055809 Bureau Claims validating Diary versus Advise date QBE Management (UK) Limited QBE Management (UK) Limited 300056791 USS4REP.S4CHET not XL Re Services (UK) 07-Mar-16 Note A user can be restricted from using the Copy Closing Function. To enable this enhancement the system administrator will need to amend the Manual Closing Input in the IRIS System Administration and restrict the user from using the Copy Closing Function. A "Type mismatch" error occurred when selecting the history option on a policy after the Accounting screen had been cancelled. This has now been corrected. When creating a policy the sequence number must be greater than zero. This is controlled by a product rule applicable to all product types. This rule has to be set up as follows :- Product Code = Blank Status = Live Direction = IO UW Type = FLPX Application = Policy Input Field Code = POPOSQ Rule Type = MIN Field Value = '01' Condition = Blank HelpID = 0 Action = Blank Within Closings Input, if a credit and a debit were entered for 2 different revenue codes resulting in a 'Net to source' value of zero, an error message was produced. This has been rectified, and an error is no longer given. When a policy is renewed it is now possible to select a different policy number for the renewal provided that the new policy number is unique and that the number is in the correct range for the type of policy. Previously, the Estimated Signed Line % was being used in the validation of the Signed Line % against the Written Line %. Now, the Signed Line % is correctly validated against the Written Line % irrespective of the value of the Estimated Signed %. The OCR closing function was crashing when an invalid value was entered into either the original currency field or the a/c currency field. An error message is now displayed. A "Run Time" error was occurring when invalid data was entered into the Related Audit and "Related Batch" fields on the RI transaction screen for a closing. The same error was occurring if the control date on the gross transaction screen was deleted. Both these errors have now been fixed. If your password has expired, the GUI will now warn you of this and prompt you to change it. In the Closings Input function, validation of the individual amounts and the total net amount has been introduced such that they are limited to a maximum of thirteen digits i.e. 9,999,999,999.99. Product rule copy actions are now working correctly when Accounting Term fields are duplicated as a result of copy, renewal or add sequence option being chosen from policy input. The error messages UTD1131, UTD1132 and UTD1133 all now operate correctly as appropriate. The validation processing regarding the bureau claims error message UTD0359 (produced as a result of comparing the loss advised date of the message against the diary date of the claim) has been removed. Allocations date fields, Cash Update fields (IAPDDT Paid Page 1 of 4 106752287 SN Description populated by Allocations Customer Name Ltd 300059027 Enhancement: New fields required in Enquiries QBE Management (UK) Limited 300064433 Record locks in Bureau Cash Axis Specialty Ltd (Bermuda) 300065508 Enhancement: Add SPS to Iris Authority check 300065625 LIRMA WSETT - Account Fields Incorrect St Paul Specialist Services Xchanging Ins - Sure Services 300066210 Paid incorrect on Claim Screen 300066576 Enquiry Default re A/C Currency has changed XL Re Services (UK) Ltd QBE Management (UK) Limited 300066639 Claim Input save on exit loops QBE Management (UK) Limited 300067044 SLD Lineslip error program crash QBE Management (UK) Limited 300067314 Auto generate flag default has changed 300068034 Claim Summary is wrong QBE Management (UK) Limited QBE Management (UK) Limited Note Date, S4CHET Cash Entry Date and F4CHET Cash Entry Date) were not being populated for allocations if an insurance item was written off with no other items in the allocation session. This has been resolved. There is a data fix program to populate these fields. A change was made to this fix program in 7.13-006 to also update S6CHET and F6CHET. CALL FUSS4R00. This change adds fields POPT05-POPT14 and POPC07POPC16 to PolicyAccTerms Enquiry layout. Add adds POPT05-POPT14, POPC07-POPC16 and DDBNEP fields to Policy_Acc_Deds Enquiry layout (plus dummy marker fields) and also missing POPC07-POPC16 fields and Deductions Net of Previous Flag (DDBNEP). Two or more users can now select the option to generate LIRMA Settlement Cash at the same time without the program UTBURTR0 crashing. If more than one user tries to generate the cash for the same member, the second user will now receive a message - 'Member xxx has been selected by another user'. New data has been added to the Iris security file ZZVUREP. LIRMA Settlement Cash Generation now reports an error if the Posting Account for any of the Cash items does not exist. When this occurs the items are not posted to the Ledger and the Posting Account must either be corrected or added. Paid and Outstanding figures on the Claim Input screen display correctly. This change resolves a problem in Claims Summary Enquiry where the Accounting Currency was being displayed by it's code and not it's description. i.e. "1" displayed instead of "USD" This change fixes a problem in Claims Input introduced in 7.13-005. The problem occurred if you attempted to exit the Claims Input screen before saving this caused the screen loop/hang depending on responses taken to error messages. An error occurs in Policy Input when Revised EPI (POEIHR) field exceeds 9,999,999,999,999. This field has now been restricted to it's correct maximum of 9,999,999,999,999. The error no longer occurs. A number of other fields have been similarly changed as part of this fix. In policy Input the Auto-Generate Flag defaults to “On” for New and Copy Policy. Bureau closings was in an earlier versions sometimes producing duplicate rows in the file UKKSREP which business users would see as duplicate rows in Claims Summary Enquiries, ie there could be 2 rows for a particular policy/claim/currency, where there should only ever be 1. This is no longer occurring, both manual closings and bureau closings update existing rows/records rather than 07-Mar-16 Page 2 of 4 106752287 SN Description 300067827 Account Source Customer Name QBE Management (UK) Limited Note adding duplicates. AS400 and GUI validation was comparing the broker supplied on bureau message for DSIGN items with the Placing Broker, as defined by QBE (default IRIS name "Source", POLBRC), using message UTD1112. For LIMCLM the Bureau Broker was correctly being compared to Policy Closing Broker (ie default IRIS name "Account Source", POLBR1), however, if this failed a message was raised with text seeming to compare the bureau broker with the Policy Placing Broker. The message used here is UTD0363. Additionally there was no way to amend the severity of this message, as it's ID was missing from the relevant file. This has been amended in 7.13-006 as follows Bureau Closings -------------------A new severity message has been included for bureau closings - the message is UTD1569. This validation compares the bureau closing broker O1LBRC with Policy Closing Broker (POLBR1, default IRIS name Account Source). The severity can be set in the normal way using the AS400 then Codes Transfer. If the comparison between Bureau Closing Broker (O1LBRC) and Policy Placing broker is not longer required then the severity for the message UTD1112 should be lowered. Bureau Claims -----------------The validation remains as it was, however upon failure a new message is reported, correctly showing the Bureau Broker and the Policy Closing Broker (POLBR1). It is now possible to set the severity on this message using the normal method on the AS400. The message ID is UTD0363. 300068179 Cannot view processed bureau closing QBE Management (UK) Limited Users were unable to view processed DSIGN messages (the right click option from Bureau Closed enquiry did not include the View option for those items) This has been fixes in 7.13-006 and now the view menu is available for all items 300045747 Closings entering large amounts 07-Mar-16 QBE Management (UK) Limited When adding new policies and processing is interrupted after a policy number is allocated, the next policy added will have a higher policy number rather than allocating the same number twice. Page 3 of 4 106752287 07-Mar-16 Page 4 of 4