4th & 5th Grade Science Review

5th Grade Science
4th & 5th Grade Science Review
5th Grade Physical Science
1) During a chemical change, atoms
rearrange to form products with
2) Name several examples of a chemical
3) During a chemical reaction, a
____________________ is formed.
4) What are signs of a chemical change?
Different properties.
5) All matter is made up of___________.
6) Atoms combine to form ___________.
7) What are the properties of metals?
Conduct heat & electricity, malleable
(bendable), ductile (can be made into wires).
Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe) Nickel (N), Copper
(Cu), etc. Pure metals are represented on the
Periodic Table of Elements
Steel and brass are not pure. They are made of
more than one metal. They are alloys.
Matter that has only one type of element.
8) Give examples of pure metals.
9) Give examples metals that are not pure.
10) What is an element?
Rust, burning, cooking (popcorn, cakes,
cookies), and reactivity.
New substance.
Heat, color, or bubbles.
11) How are
elements on
the Periodic
Metals, nonmetals, semimetals (metalloids)
*similar properties and increasing atomic
12) What instrument do scientists use to
view atoms and molecules in well ordered
13) How can you separate salt and water?
Electron microscope.
14) What are some common chemical
15) What is a physical property?
16) What is an example of a chemical
Using a heat source, you can evaporate the
water and the salt would be left behind.
CO2 (carbon dioxide), NaCl (table salt), H2O
Density, volume, color, texture, size – mass,
weight, solubility, odor (smell), taste.
Combustibility and reactivity.
5th Grade Science
17) What are the properties of sugar?
18) What are the properties of water?
19) What are the properties of helium,
oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide?
20) All living things have the element
21) What are the properties of table salt
White, solid at room temperature, has mass
and density, is sweet, is soluble in water.
Colorless, liquid at room temperature, has
mass, density, and is tasteless.
Colorless, gas at room temperature, has
mass, density and is tasteless.
Carbon (C).
White, solid at room temperature, has
mass, density, taste and is soluble in water.
4th Grade Physical Science
22) What do you need to build a circuit?
Wires, batteries, and bulbs.
23) What is a series circuit?
A series circuit is a circuit where there is
only one path from the source through all
the loads and back to the source. This
means that all of the current in the circuit
must flow through all of the loads.
24) What is a parallel circuit?
A parallel circuit is a
circuit in which there are at least two
independent paths in the circuit leading get
back to the source. In a parallel circuit, the
current will flow through the closed paths
and not through the open paths.
25) What is a compass?
26) How does a compass work?
A compass is a
navigational instrument for finding
directions on the earth. It consists of a free
floating magnetized pointer that aligns
itself accurately with Earth’s magnetic
field, which is of great assistance in
A compass detects Earth’s magnetic field.
5th Grade Science
27) What is an electromagnet?
28) What are electromagnets used in?
29) Do electrically charged objects repel
or attract each other?
30) Magnets with two like poles will
_____________ each other.
31) Magnets with unlike poles will
_____________ each other.
32) Magnets have a _________ pole and a
_____________ pole.
33) Where is Earth’s magnetic field the
34) Electrical energy can be converted
into what?
An electromagnet is a
type of magnet in which the magnetic field
is produced by the flow of an electric
current through wire that wrapped around
an iron core.
Electric motors, generators, doorbells,
Repel (move away) and attract (come
North and South
At the north and south poles.
Heat, light and motion. Examples include:
heater, air conditioner, fan, light bulb, hair
dryers, etc.
5th Grade Life Science
35) How does blood circulate through the
36) We release _____________ as waste
in our lungs.
37) We breathe in ______________.
38) Where does the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide take place?
39) What are the steps of digestion?
Oxygen rich blood leaves the heart, and it
travels through the body in the arteries to
the capillaries. The capillaries exchange
oxygen and waste in the cells, and then the
oxygen lacking blood returns to the heart in
the veins. This blood goes to the lungs to
get oxygen, returns to the heart, and the
process starts again.
Carbon dioxide (CO2).
Oxygen (O2)
Lungs and cells.
Mouth – teeth, tongue and saliva break
food into smaller pieces. Then the food is
pushed to the back of the throat and down
the esophagus to your stomach. The
5th Grade Science
39) Continued --- Steps of digestion
40) Where does cellular waste (ammonia)
get removed?
41) Kidneys convert (change) urea to
42) Urine is stored in the _____________.
43) What tubes transport water and
minerals in vascular plants?
44) What tubes transport food in vascular
45) Plants use ____________ and
____________ and ___________.
46) Plants make ______________ and
release _______________.
47) Plant and animal cells break down
sugar to obtain energy resulting in
_____________ and _________________.
stomach breaks the food down even
further, making it ready for the small
intestine. Next, the small intestine allows
nutrients to be absorbed through the villi
and into the bloodstream. Lastly, the large
intestine (colon) absorbs water and
minerals and any waste products are release
from your body through the rectum.
Steps of digestion are: 1) mouth, 2)
esophagus, 3) stomach, 4) small intestine,
5) large intestine (colon), rectum.
Kidneys filter your blood. They remove
cellular waste products.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and
Sugar and oxygen.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
4th Grade Life Science
48) What is the primary source of matter
and energy entering most food chains?
49) What is an herbivore?
50) What is a carnivore?
A living thing that only eats animals.
51) What is an omnivore?
A living thing that eats both plants and
A living thing that feeds on dead plant and
animal matter.
52) What is a decomposer?
53) Do producers and consumers compete
with each other for resources in an
54) Name several decomposers.
A living thing that only eats plants.
Fungi, insects, and microorganisms.
55) What do decomposers recycle?
Matter from dead plans and animals.
56) What two things are in an ecosystem?
Living and nonliving things.
5th Grade Science
57) Can all plants and animals survive in
57) all environments?
No, depending on their adaptations, some
survive better than others.
58) What do plants depend on animals for?
58) continued
59) Animals depend on plants for
____________ and ______________.
60) Most microorganisms do not cause
disease and many are instead
Seed dispersal (spreading of seeds), and
Food and shelter.
5th Grade Earth Science
61) Where is most of Earth’s water
62) Explain the water cycle.
63) Water vapor forms _______________.
64) Is fresh water in limited supply on
65) What cause wind (convection
66) What are the two types of wind?
Oceans (salt water)
Evaporation, condensation, and
Clouds and fog.
Yes. Most of Earth’s fresh water supply is
frozen on glaciers. Although water is
recycled through the water cycle, we use
water up more quickly than the amount of
time it takes for water to be recycled
through the water cycle.
Uneven heating of the earth’s surface.
Global (prevailing) winds and local winds.
67) What causes a hurricane?
The formation of a hurricane requires two
key ingredients: heat and moist air. In
the summer and early fall, masses of air
heat up over warm ocean waters and absorb
moisture, creating the conditions that
generate a hurricane. Air flow in a
hurricane spirals around the center or eye
of the storm. The eye of a hurricane is
deceptively tranquil (peaceful), while the
strongest winds and heaviest rains occur in
the region surrounding the eye.
68) What causes a tornado?
Tornadoes form inside thunderstorms when
a cold front or a line of hot, dry air collides
with warm, humid air and winds create a
horizontal spinning effect.
Strong updrafts then pull the warm, moist
air upward and create a giant vertical
5th Grade Science
68) continued
69) What damage do hurricanes and
tornados cause?
70) What is a cold front?
71) What is a warm front?
72) What type of weather can you expect in
a high pressure area?
73) What type of weather can you expect in
a low pressure area?
74) What is a thunderstorm? What causes
75) As you move away from the Earth,
pressure _____________.
76) What force holds Earth’s atmosphere
77) Earth’s atmosphere exerts a pressure
and at any point it exerts this pressure
___________ in all directions.
78) The sun is ___________.
79) The sun is made up of _________ and
chimney of rotating air.
Lost and damage to property, flora & fauna
(plant and animal life, and human life).
A cold front is defined as the transition
zone where a cold air mass is replacing a
warmer air mass. Cold fronts generally
move from northwest to southeast. The air
behind a cold front is noticeably colder and
drier than the air ahead of it. When a cold
front passes through, temperatures can drop
more than 15 degrees within the first hour.
A warm front is defined as the transition
zone where a warm air mass is replacing a
cold air mass. Warm fronts generally move
from southwest to northeast and the air
behind a warm front is warmer and moister
than the ahead of it. When a warm front
passes through, the air becomes noticeably
warmer and more humid than it was before.
Clear skies, nice, fair weather.
Cloudy, stormy skies.
A thunderstorm is a storm with rain, wind,
lightning and thunder, and sometimes even
hail. This type of storm begins to form
when warm, humid air moves upward
rapidly. The sun heats an area on Earth’s
surface, which then warms the air mass
above it.
This balloon
demonstrates how air (gas) pushes in all
directions inside of it equally.
An average size star.
Helium (He) and hydrogen (H).
5th Grade Science
80) The sun is the ____________ of our
solar system.
81) How do planets stay in orbit?
82) The sun is the ________ body in our
solar system.
83)Our solar system includes _________
There is a balance between inertia (the
tendency of something to continue to do
what it is doing) and gravity.
Earth, the moon, the sun, eight other
planets and their satellites, asteroids, and
___________________________________. comets.
84) The path of a planet around the sun is The gravitational attraction between the
due to ___________________________.
sun and the planet.
4th Grade Earth Science
85) What is igneous rock?
86) What is sedimentary rock?
87) What is metamorphic rock?
Igneous rocks are called fire rocks and are
formed from cooling lava either
underground or above ground.
Underground, they are formed when the
melted rock, called magma, deep within the
earth becomes trapped in small pockets.
As these pockets of magma cool slowly
underground, the magma becomes igneous
rocks. Igneous rocks are also formed when
volcanoes erupt causing the magma to rise
above the earth’s surface. When magma
appears above the earth, it is called lava.
Igneous rocks are formed as the lava cools
above the ground.
For thousands- even millions of years- little
pieces of our earth have been eroded
(broken down) and worn away by wind and
water. These little bits of our earth are
washed downstream where they settle to
the bottom of the rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Layer after layer of eroded earth is
deposited on top of each. These layers are
pressed down more and more through time
until the bottom layers slowly turn into
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have
“morphed” (changed) into another kind of
rock. These rocks were once igneous or
sedimentary rocks. How do sedimentary
5th Grade Science
87) Continued
88) Explain the Rock Cycle.
89) How can you identify rock forming
and igneous rocks change? The rocks are
under tons and tons of pressure, which
fosters heat build up, and this causes them
to change. If you examine metamorphic
rock samples closely, you’ll discover how
flattened some of the grains in the rock are.
The Rock Cycle is a group of changes.
Igneous rock can change into sedimentary
rock or into metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary rock can change into
metamorphic rock or into igneous rock.
Metamorphic rock can change into igneous
or sedimentary rock.
Use a table (Moh’s Hardness Scale)
90) What reshapes earth?
Waves, water, wind, and ice
91) ________________ causes slow
changes on our planet, Earth.
92) _______________________ cause
rapid changes on our planet, Earth.
93) What causes rock to break into smaller
94) What erodes (breaks down)
95) What is weathering?
96) What is transport?
It is the movement of eroded material by
wind, water, or ice.
It is when the process of erosion stops and
the transported particles fall out of the
transporting medium and settle on a
97) What is deposition?
Landslides, volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, etc.
Freezing and thawing and the growth of
plant roots.
Wind and water.
The break down of rock to form sediment.
4th & 5th Grade Investigation and Experimentation
98) How do you classify (organize) objects Physical properties (what it looks like and organisms?
texture, smell, size, shape, etc.) and / or
chemical properties.(what it is made up of)
99) Are all questions testable?
No. Testable questions require variables
and repeatable investigations.
100) What is an independent variable?
(manipulated variable)
101) What is a dependent variable?
(responding variable)
An independent variable is the one
component of an experiment that is
changed during the experiment.
A dependent variable changes in response
to an independent variable.
5th Grade Science
102) What instrument is used to measure
103) What instrument is used to measure
air pressure?
104) What do you use to measure length
in science?
105) What do you use to measure weight
in science?
106) What do you use to measure mass in
107) What is a graduated cylinder used
108) What is a hot plate in a science lab
used for?
109) How can your record data?
A meter stick.
A scale
A balance.
Measuring volume.
Heating and evaporating liquid.
Using charts, tables, graphs, and diagrams,
*The metric system is used for measurement in science.