united way of brevard county - Department of Management Services

Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign
211 Brevard, Inc.
2-1-1 Brevard connects people to services by providing information, referral, crisis, intervention and training. 2-1-1 or
(321) 632-6688 www.211brevard.org 6.20%
Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Central Florida
Provide mentors for children and students who need social, emotional or academic assistance. Mentors meet
regularly with mentees at local schools or in the community. (321) 690-2221 www.bbbscfl.org 11.24%
Boy Scouts of America, Central Florida Council
Boy Scouts of America provides educational programs activities for youth ages 6-20 such as leadership training,
aquatic safety, camping and food collection for the needy. (407) 889-4403 www.cfcbsa.org 6.62%
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, Inc.
Safe, affordable after school/summer childcare and developmental programming for at risk youth in Brevard, Orange,
Osceola and Seminole counties, teaching values, skills and knowledge for successful lives. (321) 635-9900
www.bgccf.org 8.76%
Brevard Achievement Center, Inc.
Provides adult day training, job placement, supported independent living and leisure/social/arts activities for adults
and children with disabilities. (321) 632-8610 www.bacbrevard.org 6.72%
Brevard Alzheimer's Foundation, Inc.
Promote public awareness and provides daycare, education, respite and support services to frail leders, dementia
and Alzheimer's patients, their caregivers, family and the professional community. (321) 253-4430
www.brevardalzheimers.org 18.77%
Brevard County Legal Aid, Inc.
Brevard County Legal Aid Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers eligible and disadvantaged persons in our
community free assistance in civil legal matters. (321) 631-2500 0.38%
Bridges BTC
Provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to assist them to maximize their
individual potential and achieve the highest level of independence. (321) 690-3464 www.mybridges.org 16.31%
Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc.
Family assistance (food and monetary assistance); counseling (individual, couples, pregnancy and family); adoptions.
Serving those in need regardless of race, creed or color since 1963. (321) 636-6144 www.cflcc.org 14.64%
Center for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
CVI provides independent living training to blind individuals including daily living skills, mobility training, computer
skills and peer support, adjustment to blindness counseling. (321) 631-8068 www.cvicentralflorida.org 12.13%
Central Brevard Sharing Center
The Central Brevard Sharing Center provides emergency assistance to those in our community who are struggling to
obtain life's most basic needs. (321) 631-0306 www.sharingcenter.org 12.10%
Central Florida Young Men's Christian Association
Develops values and improves the quality of life for individuals, families and communities through fitness, youth
development and senior outreach programs. (407) 896-9220 www.centralfloridaymca.org 13.16%
Child Care Association Brevard County, Inc.
Providing high quality childcare and early childhood related services for all children and their families in order that
they may develop to their fullest potential. (321) 643-3500 www.childcarebrevard.com 5.61%
Children's Advocacy Center of Brevard
Intervene and investigate in the most serious cases of child abuse found in Brevard County. Crisis counseling offered
without cost to child victims of abuse. (321) 259-1883 www.cacbrevard.org 3.97%
Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign
Children's Home Society of Florida
Children's Home Society provides a full continuum of services from infant and child services to abuse prevention,
intervention, foster care, residential and adoption services. (321) 752-3170 www.chsfl.org 16.74%
Club Esteem, Inc.
Club Esteem provides educational and character building programs for economically disadvantaged school-age youth
after school in the evening and in the summer. (321) 409-8942 www.clubesteem.com 7.07%
Coalition for the Hungry and Homeless of Brevard County, Inc.
Provides affordable housing and opportunities to Brevard County's homeless, low income, families, disabled and
veterans. (321) 639-0166 www.winhousing.org 7.44%
Community Services Council of Brevard County, Inc.
Provide support and assistance to elders, that allow them to live in the least restrictive setting possible with the
greatest degree of dignity and respect. (321) 639-8770 www.communityservicescouncil.org 12.06%
Community Treatment Center, Inc.
Comprehensive residential treatment services for addicted individuals as well as outpatient substance abuse
treatment, restoring them to improved functioning individuals and contributing members of society. (321) 632-5958
www.communitytreatmentcenter.org 15.43%
Crosswinds Youth Services
Creates opportunities for young people to succeed through residential programs, vocational and life skills
development, diversion/intervention programs and community counseling services. (321) 452-0800
www.crosswindsyouthservices.org 10.66%
Family Counseling Center of Brevard
Provide counseling, education and social services to individuals and families to help them function better in their
personal lives and relationships as contributing members of communities. (321) 632-5792 www.fccbrevard.com
Florida Camp for Children and Youth with Diabetes, Inc.
Provides diabetes education programs for youngsters and their families and a medically supervised, fun camping
experience that provides psychosocial support while teaching diabetes management. (352) 334-1323
www.floridadiabetescamp.org 10.64%
Girls Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc.
Girl scouting provides programs and activities which help girls build their own courage, confidence and character who
make the world a better place. (407) 896-4475 www.citrus-gs.org 24.77%
Links of Hope, Inc.
We provide family management services including parent education, anger management, GED and other classes,
case management and counseling for those at risk of child abuse. (321) 690-0080 www.linksofhope.net 16.62%
North Brevard Charities Sharing Center
Emergency for which financial assistance may be provided includes purchase of prescription medication, utilities,
rent, gasoline, bus tickets, emergency groceries, dental, emergency and transition housing. (321) 269-3272 2.48%
Pregnancy Resources, Inc.
Free pregnancy test, sonograms and options counseling for women facing unplanned pregnancies including adoption
support, twenty four week parenting course and abortion recovery workshops. (321) 724-6009
www.pregnancyresourcesinc.org 16.71%
Prenatal & Infant Healthy Care Coalition of Brevard County, Inc. dba Healthy Start Coalition
The organization works to improve birth outcomes by providing interconceptional care, care coordination,
referral/intervention services, educational information and emergency funding to pregnant women/children. (321)
634-6101 www.healthystartbrevard.com 14.87%
Project Response, Inc.
Provides a variety of services to people living with HIV and AIDS, including case management, transportation, food
pantry services and emergency financial assistance. (321) 724-1177 www.projectresponse.org 15.85%
Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign
Rolling Readers Space Coast, Inc.
Literacy organization serving economically disadvantaged children Pre-K through fourth grades. Provide read aloud,
tutor mentor, and GRIP; all three programs build literacy skills. (321) 254-9976 www.rollingreadersspacecoast.com
Salvation Army of North Central Brevard County
Provide assistance with rent, utilities, prescriptions, food, holiday meals and gifts; Emergency homeless shelter; noon
feeding program; domestic violence shelter and support services; supervised visitation; education. (321) 632-6060
www.salvationarmyncbrevard.org 17.00%
Salvation Army of South Brevard County (The)
Provides emergency financial assistance to those of less fortune in South Brevard County Florida. Services, food,
clothing, rent, mortgages, utilities, prescriptions, transportation, shelter without discrimination. (321) 724-0494
Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, Inc.
Second Harvest Food Bank collects and distributes over 17 million pounds of donated food annually to more than 500
local non profit agencies with feeding programs. (407) 295-1066 www.foodbankcentralflorida.org 2.78%
Serene Harbor, Inc.
We provide emergency shelter, counseling, case management, information, referral, hotline, outreach, advocacy and
civil criminal justice support to adult and child victims of domestic violence. (321) 953-5389 www.sereneharbor.org
South Brevard Women's Center, Inc.
Empower women and their families by providing support, advocacy, education, housing services, counseling and
referral to residents of Brevard County. (321) 242-3110 www.womenscenterinbrevard.org 9.62%
Space Coast Center Early Intervention Center
We strive to maximize development of young children challenged by disabilities and their typically developing peers
while providing a model demonstration site for future educators. (321) 729-6858 www.sceic.com 21.29%
Space Coast Marine Institute
Residential moderate security facility for the rehabilitation of juvenile males who have committed crimes. Achieved
through academic courses, life skills and mental health counseling services. (321) 752-3200
www.spacecoastmarineinstitute.org 3.91%
Specialized Treatment, Education and Prevention Services, Inc. (STEPS)
Community based organization that offers comprehensive substance abuse intervention, education, and treatment to
individuals prioritizing women who are pregnant/postpartum and/or have small children. (321) 637-7730
www.flsteps.org 10.34%
The Haven for Children, Inc.
The Haven for Children Inc. provides a residential group home for infants and children that have been removed
because of abuse or neglect. (321) 773-3095 17.03%
United Way of Brevard County
United Way of Brevard is mobilizing the caring power of our community by funding programs that help Brevard
residents and exploring solutions to community problems. (321) 631-2740 www.uwbrevard.org 9.96%