Charity - Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan Order of the Eastern Star

The Star Gazer
Volume 1, Issue 2
Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan, OES
September 2014
From the Editors:
Labour Day just passed and marked the last long weekend of the summer. It is hoped your day was
spent in an enjoyable and fruitful way. Abraham Lincoln, in a message to Congress had this to say
about labour.
“Inasmuch as most good things are produced by labour, it follows that all such things ought to belong
to those whose labour has produced them. But it has happened in all ages of the world that some
have laboured, and others, have enjoyed a larger proportion of the fruits. This is wrong, and should
not continue. To secure to each labourer the whole product of his labour as nearly as possible is a
worthy object of any good government.”
Queen Alexandra #84 Celebrates 85th Birthday
Monday, May 5th, 2014, was not only the Chapter’s Official Visit but it also marked the Chapter’s 85th
Birthday. The chapter came into existence by the untiring efforts of Mary Halliday and J.J. Adam,
assisted by Brother Bob Thomson (Saskatoon #4) (who spent his early years in Kindersley and in
1929 was Grand Sentinel). The wives of Masons were contacted to see if they were interested in
joining the Order of the Eastern Star.
What to call the Chapter? Many wanted it to be named after royalty and first thought of calling it “The
Prince of Wales” Chapter, however a Chapter may not be named after a living person, thus the name
chosen was Queen Alexandra, being the Prince of Wales’ late mother.
Queen Alexandra Chapter was instituted on Thursday, May 2, 1929 with Bro. R.J. McClinton, WGP
presiding, assisted by several Grand Officers. The work was exemplified by members of Rosetown
Chapter #64. Thirty-nine members (32 women and seven men) became the Charter Members.
Queen Alexandra was constituted November 20, 1929 with Sister Ethel Rutherford, WGM in
attendance. Our first Worthy Matron and Patron were Sister Mary Halliday and Brother J.J. Adam.
This was an exciting time, but no one knew the hardships that were ahead of them, e.g., the Great
Depression, followed by World War II. While some Chapters, during these trying times, were forced to
surrender their charters, the members were determined to keep going.
In 1932 the membership had reached 60; but it steadily decreased to 49 by 1941. However, in 1942 it
began to increase and by 1954, the Chapter’s 25th Birthday, it was at 120, which included 17 Charter
Members. In 1979, eight Charter Members received 50-Year Pins at a 50th Anniversary celebration, at
which time membership had soared to 1986. Then in 1989, four Charter Members received their 60Year Pins at a tea celebrating the Chapter’s 60th Anniversary when the membership was 167. In May
1999, Sister Annie Falchesky, PM, the only surviving Charter member, received her 70-Year Pin.
Sister Annie passed away on November 2, 2006, at the age of 99 (a mere 7 and a half weeks short of
her 100th birthday - a 77-Year Member of the chapter.
Sister Verna Mills PM had the honor to present
Charter Member Sister Annie Falchesky, PM with her 70 Year Pin.
Two chapters have amalgamated with Queen Alexandra: Eatonia Chapter #141 on February 9, 1976
and Unity #25, Leader, on January 12, 1981.
Many members have served the Grand Chapter: 28 Sisters as D.D.G.Ms.; 45 Sisters and 10 Brothers
received Grand Representative Commissions; 21 Sisters and one Brother served as Appointed Grand
Officers. Serving as Worthy Grands were: Brother Frank Taylor 1971-72, also as a Grand Trustee;
Sister Clara Lyons 1980-1981; Sister Anne Bruce 1991-1992; Past Grand Patron Brother Gordon
McIntyre 1991-1992. Brother Gordon affiliated with the Chapter in 1993. Sister Cannida Coventry
(who served six years as Grand Treasurer) has begun her journey to the East in Grand Chapter.
In 85 years, a total of 512 people have been a part of the Chapter: initiated (373) and affiliated (139).
As of 2014, membership stands at 50 (30 Initiates, 20 Affiliates). Since 1979, 60 members were
recognized for their years of service: 70 Years – 2; 60 Years – 13; and
50 Years – 55. Forty-eight Sisters have received Honorary Life Membership and 64 Brothers and
Sisters received Life Memberships.
The Chapter has had two “homes”. The first Masonic Hall was located at 115 2nd Ave. W. In Fall 2002,
the Chapter moved to the existing Masonic Hall located at 501 Main Street.
Submitted by Sister Sandra L McIntyre PM
August 8 – 10, 2014
The IPG Pilgrimage began on Friday night with a great get-together at the Conservatory with a ‘roast
beef and bun buffet’. Old friendships were renewed and a lot of new ones were made. The weather
cooperated for all of us and made the weekend most enjoyable. Friday night ended with a Vesper
service at the Peace Garden Chapel.
Readings were given by Sisters Kathy Blackstock (Saskatchewan), Carol Girling (Manitoba),
Margo Hellickson (Montana) and Doug Woodall (North Dakota) General Grand Chapter
Committee Members on the Peace Garden Chapel. Brother John Grobler, MWGP and his
wife Barbara were in attendance, along with a couple of their General Grand officers. We were
privileged to hear the Cathedral chimes played during the service, which was the
first time played.
The host hotel for the Pilgrimage was the Sky Dancer Casino Resort just outside of Belcourt, ND. It
had been all remodeled and was a true pleasure to stay in. We were able to enjoy the company of our
members, play some slots and enjoy the amenities of the hotel.
The next morning was the time for everyone to tour the garden, take pictures or just relax as they
chose. The MWGM, Sister Bobbi White arrived late on Friday. An enjoyable luncheon was provided
on Saturday, after which we enjoyed a couple of skits which lightened up the mood of the whole day.
The next item was an open Masonic meeting at the Masonic Auditorium. It was well-attended and
After the open Masonic Meeting, we enjoyed an evening meal together and were entertained by
“Buffalo Bill Cody” who gave a wonderful story line to the history that he was involved in. He spoke for
at least 45 minutes and held everyone’s attention. Not only was he entertaining, he was educational in
the information he conveyed.
During our wanderings throughout the Garden, some of us inspected the Saskatchewan Picnic area,
and were pleased to note it had been used and well-cared for.
We rounded up the Saskatchewan members for a group picture, but unfortunately three were missed,
however, they were there in spirit.
Sunday morning the Committee planned the Church service in the Auditorium, led by
Brother Dick Elefson, PGP of North Dakota and the message was delivered by the Worthy
Grand Chaplain, Sister Marilyn Myers of West Virginia. It was a well done service with readings done
again by the four GGC Committee Members, the sermon by the Worthy Grand Chaplain. Musical
solos were done by Brother Fred Larson, PGP of North Dakota. Since the MWGP, Sister Bobbi White,
was no longer in attendance, Brother John Grobler, MWGP, spoke on behalf of the GGC, followed by
the WGM/WGPs of the Jurisdictions in attendance.
At the completion of the service, members stayed for a brief meeting of the 4-Star Exchange. It was
decided at that time that a rotation be followed, as planned earlier. The Exchange would not be held
during the year in which the Pilgrimage will take place, as the purpose of an Exchange is to get
together and it was agreed that during a Pilgrimage this was being accomplished. Following the
meeting we proceeded to the outdoor pavilion and enjoyed a Ukrainian buffet of perogies, cabbage
rolls, salads, etc. Take-away trays were provided for many of us who were ready to begin our journey
home. All in all, we enjoyed a very nice weekend consisting of: good weather, the renewing and
making of friendships and excellent entertainment and we look forward with anticipation to another
Peace Garden get-together in three years. A big thank you goes to the GGCC Members: Sister Kathy
Blackstock (Saskatchewan); Sister Carol Girling (Manitoba); Sister Margo Hellickson (Montana) and
Brother Doug Woodall (North Dakota) and commend all for their hard work. You all did an awesome
Submitted by Sister Bev Otsuka, PGM
Mizpah Chapter #1, O.E.S. has been in recess since the Official Visit of WGM Wilma & WGP Bruce
on June 16th. Many of our Officers and members have been attending the Official visits of other
Chapters during the summer.
A note of interest: August 4th was Mizpah Chapter’s 105th Anniversary!
It is with great sadness we mourn the passing of a true, gracious and dedicated PGM Sister Tillie
Jaeger. 2014-2015 Grand Chapter year would have been the 50th anniversary since she served as
Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Jurisdiction of Saskatchewan.
Meetings: Stated - Monday, September 15th.
Monday October 20th.
Monday, November 17th (will include our Annual Chapter Memorial
Service, plus Election of 2015 Officers)
Monday, December 1 - last one for WM Lynne and WP Ray
Monday, December 15th – Installation Ceremony of 2015 Corps of Officers
Everyone is invited to come out and experience our
“Princess & Prince Charming” Tea
Saturday, October 18th from 1:30 pm till 3:30 pm
at the Masonic Temple in Moose Jaw
Attention Parents, Grandmas (also Grandpas): Bring your Princesses & Princes in their favourite
outfits. Included will be: cupcake decorating, face painting, wishing well, penny parade and more.
For registration please contact: Lynne Moffatt at or (306) 693-2726.
Submitted by Brother Lloyd Pethick, PGP
Reasons for Thanksgiving
To have food enough and a place to dwell
To have work to do and to do it well.
To find the comfort when things go wrong
In a bit of prayer or a snatch of a song.
To know the pleasure a kind act brings
To see the beauty in simple things
To know good books and share their worth,
To plant bright flowers in rich brown earth
To have true friends...this is living
And reason enough for Thanksgiving.
Sister Wilma, Worthy Grand Matron has designed a Saskatchewan collar to be worn
over jackets or dresses, etc. when visiting other Jurisdictions. It is a very attractive
collar with black netting supporting the gold beads as shown in the picture below.
Unfortunately delivery of the collars may take up to three months. However, you may
have noticed some members wearing those supplied in the first shipment. If anyone is
interested in purchasing these collars, please contact the WGM, Sister Wilma McKee at to order. Cost is approximately $55.00
Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan
1916 – 2016
Get Ready to Celebrate 100 Years!!
The Centennial Committee is making a Commemorative Book to celebrate 100 years of Fun and
Fellowship as a Grand Chapter.
All chapters and individual members are invited to submit “OES Stories” and/or photos from
yesteryear. Send as many submissions as you want. We are especially interested in stories from our
senior members who may tell some stories about when and what it was like when they were initiated,
what Star has given them, and for those members who have affiliated more than once as Chapters
surrendered their Charters, what they remember about those chapters. These accounts could be in
the form of anecdotes, past memories, favourite recipes, verses from a chapter addendum, or any
other special chapter memories.
So pull out your creativity and send us those wonderful stories from our past. You are welcome to
submit stories, or ideas of subjects of topics not mentioned. We know Star people are very creative
and you are free to express that creativity in any manner that can be published. If you need help to
write your story, ask someone to help you, or if you know someone who has a great story, offer to help
Please send your submissions (typed or handwritten) to Jo Ann Scott-Hodgins at or Box 8, Duval, SK S0G 1G0 by November 15, 2014.
If you have any questions about your submission, you may telephone Jo Ann at 306-725-3739. When
all the submissions have been received, the Committee will choose the ones that will become a part of
this Commemorative Book.
Submitted by Jo Ann Scott-Hodgins, PM
Lloydminster Chapter #76 would like to congratulate Breanna Harrison on winning the Job's
Daughters Miss Saskatchewan distinction in March. Breanna then travelled to Spokane at the
beginning of August to compete in the Miss International Job's Daughters Pageant at the Supreme
Session. At the Miss International Job's Daughters Pageant she represented Bethel #8 with elegance
and honour. The Pageant isn't all glitz and glamour and is based on memory work, public speaking
abilities, exams, and interviews. Miss Harrison has been a Job's Daughter for 9 years and personifies
the ideals behind the organization. She has just finished her term as Honoured Queen for her Bethel
and is looking forward to beginning studies at Lakeland College this Fall.
Thank You Breanna! We hope, in the future, you will be adding your special light to 'Star! '
Breanna invites anyone who may wish to have more information about Job's Daughters to contact her
at 780-870-5563 or
She would be pleased to speak with you. Lloydminster Chapter #76 also has the distinct honour of
having Sister Judy Harrison, Breanna's mother, as part of the Chapter.
Come along Everyone!
Lloydminster Chapter #76, invites everyone to their
Annual Order of Eastern Star Tea, Bazaar & Bake Sale
(a fancy name for an excuse to have tea, treats and visit with friends)
Masonic Temple
4009 - 49th Street in Lloydminster
Saturday, September 27th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission $3.00 Children under 12 are free
Yes, there will also be Draws and Door Prizes!
Some Chapter members have been somewhat busy this summer. Attending the Grand Chapter Session in
Manitoba were twelve amazing people from all over Saskatchewan, including Sister Barbara & Brother
Doug Hoffman, Grand Trustee, members of Lloydminster Chapter #76. There were also visits to Kamsack
and Yorkton, Saskatchewan by Sister Colleen Hozack, Associate Grand Conductress and Sister Barbara
and Brother Doug Hoffman.
Thank You to our Chapter members who were able to attend some of the many events that were held
throughout the summer months. We look forward to the start-up of our Fall meetings.
Submitted by Sister Heather Sigmundson
“Summer afternoon – the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
It was a special pleasure to have a visit from Sister Bev Otsuka, GGCCM – Eastern Star Journal, PGM,
along with Sister Donna Sanders, WGM who presented a Grand Representative Commission - Alberta in
Saskatchewan – to Brother Don Finan.
Honorary Life Memberships were bestowed on Sisters Irene Martin and Thelma Kendall.
Special birthdays were celebrated by Brother Walter Ard (100th) and Sister Thelma Kendall (90th) and
congratulations were extended.
Sister Susan Francescone was appointed by the WGM to be a Ritualistic Instructor for 2014-15 term.
Attending The Royal Garden Party Grand Chapter Session were: Sister Linda Sheppard, Page; Brother
Gordon Yarde, soloist; Sisters Shelley Mikkelson and Sylvia Mikkelson – Treasure Chest; Sister Idella Barr,
AGM and Brother Eric Rann, AGP; Brother Jack Smith, PGP and Sister Lyn Smith, PM.
WGM, Sister Wilma McKee and WGP, Brother Bruce Lambert and Sister Shelley Mikkelson, WM, visited
Brother Walter Ard and Sister Thelma Kendall at the time of the Official Visit.
Kudos to Brother Jack Smith, PGP for creating large replicas of the two WGM and WGP pins – a
Saskatchewan wheat sheaf and the familiar Ronald McDonald boot! Thanks for his talent and generosity.
Charity begins at home – actually at the home of Sister Linda Ard, PM, assisted by Sister Lyn Smith, PM
and Brother Jack Smith, PGP for hosting a profitable ($1,330) Tea and Sale of jams, pies, jewellery and
tatting, with proceeds going to the Special Project Ronald McDonald House. Good job, Stars!!!
Sister Shelley Mikkelson also got in the act by having her hair cut and head shaved to raise $400 for the
same project – Ronald McDonald House. Her braid was donated for wigs for Cancer patients.
We mourned the passing of Sisters Winnie Loucks and Lynne Hartigan.
“The laughter of a friend echoes pleasantly through the halls of memory.” - Iris Thompson, PM
Hiawatha Chapter #47, Kamsack held a come-and-go coffee and cake party to celebrate the
anniversary of their 90th birthday on Wednesday, June 18 in the basement of the Masonic Hall. The
public was invited to attend the gathering and to enjoy birthday cake with us.
Monetary donations and goods were collected for the Worthy Grand Matron’s Special Project, Ronald
McDonald House.
Our oldest member, Sister Nora Clyde, was honoured with a corsage and assisted in cutting of the
cake, along with our Worthy Matron, Angela Bothner, and Worthy Grand Patron, Stan Stone.
After the party, the members of the Chapter enjoyed supper out together before the regular meeting
later that evening.
A Chain of Memories
There's a golden chain of memories that binds us all together.
A chain so strong it holds us fast through fair or stormy weather.
Its links are forged of love and trust, of happy moments shared,
Of times it meant so much to know that someone special cared.
The years can never break that chain but only add new length
As joys and sorrows, hopes and plans combine to give it strength.
Doris Faulhaber
On Wednesday, August 27, Hiawatha Chapter #47 in Kamsack held its Official Visit of the Worthy
Grand Matron, Sister Wilma McKee and Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Bruce Lambert at a special
meeting of the chapter.
Prior to the meeting, forty-two members attended a banquet catered in the basement of the Masonic
During the meeting the Chapter exemplified balloting and the Obligation. A Star Point Addendum was
presented. Following this we enjoyed a sing-along and a musical presentation by Sister Susan Bear.
A cheque was presented to the Worthy Grand Matron and Patron for their special project, Ronald
McDonald House.
Seated Front Row, L to R: Sister Angela Bothner, WM; Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Bruce Lambert; Worthy
Grand Matron, Sister Wilma McKee Brother Stan Stone, WP
Submitted by Sister Susan Bear
Our Chapter has experienced a busy, but gratifying summer.
The Official Visit of WGM Sister Wilma McKee and WGP Brother Bruce Lambert on July 17th began
with a banquet. We were delighted to have so many Grand Officers, visitors and members present.
WGM Sister Wilma McKee presented 60 year membership pins to Sister Melva Layman and Sister
Kay Mitchell.
WM Sister Margaret Ann Ferguson and WP Leroy Layman and their officers participated in a lovely
addendum for WGM Sister Wilma and WGP Brother Bruce.
We completed the evening with ice cream sundaes and a Heads and Tails auction.
Photo #1: Official Visit, Assiniboia Chapter #8 - Front Row (left-right): Shirley Burgeson, Wilma McKee, WGM, Margaret
Ann Ferguson, WM, Leroy Layman, WP, Bruce Lambert, WGP Jack Pinnow (Acting A.P), Llynne Lambert. Second Row (leftright): Marie Costain, Joyce Noble, Muriel Choma, Melba Batty, Ruth Nekurak, Lynn Hartness, Donalda Noble, Kay Mitchell,
Lloyd Pethick (Acting Marshal). Back Row (left-right): Melva Layman, Cheri Cowan, Donald Costain and Nettie Thomas.
Photo #2: Presentation of 60 year members - Left-right: Leroy Layman, WP, Bruce Lambert, WGP, Kay Mitchell, Melva
Layman, Wilma McKee, WGM, and Margaret Ann Ferguson, WM
The following day, our Chapter hosted the Shining Star Picnic in Connor’s Park in Moose Jaw.
Although the weather was cooler, the friendship, food and a ‘heads and tails’ auction warmed things
Photo #1: Brother Bruce Lambert, WGP auctioning items at Heads and Tails Auction
Photo #2: Left-Right: Sister Llynne Lambert, PGM, Sister Colleen Hozack, Associate Grand Conductress and Sister Wilma
McKee, WGM.
On August 13, our fundraiser Barbeque and Dessert Party in Assiniboia was a real success. Plans are
underway for our Annual Soup and Sandwich Day on Wednesday, October 8. We look forward to the
community’s attendance and support. Many of our members plan to attend the Homecoming of our
WGM and WGP in Melfort on October 4.
Submitted by Sister Joyce Noble, PM
Accession Chapter's Official Visit of the Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron
Friday, October 3rd, 2014
Supper 5:00 p.m.
Cost is $15.00, with meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m.
Please contact Sister Dorothy Busby, PGM to let us know you are coming.
306-752-3116 or email
The Homecoming of the Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron will be held on
Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at the Melfort Travelodge
Meet and greet from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Entertainment 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Dinner (roast beef) beginning at about 4:30 p.m., Tickets are $20.00
Please RSVP and send cheques made out to Accession Chapter #96
To Sister Gillian Hipkins, PM, P.O. Box 2975, Melfort, SK S0E 1A0.
Come one, come all!
A Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank Thee for this place in which we dwell, for the love that unites us, for the
peace accorded us this day, for hope with which we expect the morrow, for the
health, the work, the food and the bright skies that make our life delightful, for our
friends in all parts of the earth. Spare us to our friends, soften to us our enemies.
Bless us if it may be in all our innocent endeavors. If it may not, give us strength to
encounter that which is to come that we may be grave in peril, constant in tribulation,
temperate in wrath and in all changes of fortune, and down to the gates of death,
loyal one to another...
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Mizpah #1, Moose Jaw
North Battleford #2
Acacia #3, Biggar
Saskatoon #4
Regina #7
Assiniboia #8
Kitchener #15, Estevan
Prince Albert #16
Excelsior #21, Regina
Queen Esther #31, Unity
Golden West #38, Lanigan
Hiawatha #47, Kamsack
Lloydminster #76
Queen Alexandra #84
Corinthian #89
Yorkton #92
Accession #96, Melfort
Regal #132, Saskatoon
Lloyd Pethick, PGP
Iris Thompson, PM
Bev Otsuka, GGCCM
Melinda Nagy
Joyce Noble, PM
Alretta Walsh, WM
Alice Bedford, PM
Melinda Street
Keith Bird, PGP
Susan Bear
Heather Sigmundson
Sandra McIntyre, PM
Dorothy Busby, PGM
If your Chapter has not yet reported the name of your Correspondent we look forward to receiving it
The Star Gazer is a publication of the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan and is designed to enhance
communication within the Order by providing timely, interesting and educational information.
The Star Gazer will be emailed to Chapter Secretaries (or to another Chapter member if the Secretary
does not have email access) on the following dates: June 15, September 15, December 15, 2014 and
March 15, 2015.
Please note the deadlines for submissions:
June 1
September 1
December 1
March 1, 2015
For this issue 60% of the submissions were received after the deadline. In
future, when submissions are late they will not be included until the following
Marianne Woods, PM
Rose Whaley, PGM