KERALA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY List of new books on Display to be released on 09/02/2015 1. k3,L7 Q4(R) BRITANNICA BOOK of the year 2014 2. zObT:5,5 Q431(R) SUBBURAJ (V V K) PSC secretariat assistant 3. zObT:5(B32),5 Q4(R) RAHI (Vikas) Concepts of functions & calculation 4. zObT:5(P-),5 Q42(R) THOMAS (Annamma M) Three-in-one IELTS speaking course 5. zObT:5(X5:(Z)),5 Q4(R) TULSIAN (P C) and TULSIAN (Bharat) Mercantile laws for CA-Common Proficiency Test (CPT) 6. 1:3 Q4 DANGI (K L)etc Textbook of communication skills 7. 1:3,2.2 Q31(TB) KOHLI-KHANDEKAR (Vanita) Indian media business 8. An73,N Q5(R) McGRAW-HILL YEARBOOK of science and technology 9. B2 Q4 CHO (Ilwoo) Algebras, graphs and their applications 10. B281 P72 BISWAL (Puma Chandra) Probability and statistics 11. B288 Q04 SRINIVASAN (G) Operations research 12. B288 Q4 JHA (J Pradeep) Operation research 13. B7:55 Q4 WHITHAM (G B) Linear and nonlinear waves 14. C Q22 NAIK (P V) Principles of physics 15. C5:3 Q3;1 FULORIA (Neeraj Kumar) Spectroscopy 16. C51:3-72 Q3 THAKUR (S N) and RAI (D K) Atom, laser and spectroscropy 17. CN1 Q12(TB) ARULDHAS (G) Quantum mechanics 18. D1:2 Q4 BASAK (N N) Surveying & levelling 19. D6:4:(D651) Q21(TB) ALCIATORE (David G) and HISTAND (Michael B) Introduction to mechatronics and measurement system 20. D65,4 Q5 ZIEMER (Rodger E) and TRANTER (William H) Principles of communications 21. D6512:4 Q2 GORDON (Geoffrey) System simulation 22. D6513 Q3 CORMEN (Thomas H) Algorithms unlocked 23. D65174 Q4 PAULI (Tania)etc Image statistics in visual computing 24. D92 Q33 BRAYNER (Roberta)etc,Ed. Nanomaterials 25. E mQ4(TB) OBIMAKINDE (John Olusina) and OBIMAKINDE (Samuel Oluwaseun) Calculations in chemistry 26. E9G11OaF9G Q3 BANSAL (M P) Molecular biology and biotechnology 27. F53 P2;1(TB) SIVASANKAR (B) Food processing and preservation 28. F53 Q0;1(TB) RAO (D G) Fundamentals of food engineering 29. F5596:(D8665) Q4 KAUL (S N)etc Bioenergy from waste waters 30. F9G11332 Q3 CHAUDHURI (Keya) Recombinant DNA technology 31. G:55 Q25(TB) CUNNINGHAM (William P) and CUNNINGHAM (Mary Ann) Principles of environmental science 32. G91:6 Q4 CHAUDHURI (Keya) Microbial genetics 2 33. G9555:(E9G,982) Q3 TRINCONE (Antonio),Ed. Marine enzymes for biocatalysis 34. J:438:55 Q4 SATHE (Tukaram Vithalrao) Recent trends in biological pest control 35. J3:3Or424 Q3 MAHESHWARI (Dinesh K)etc,Ed. Bacteria in agrobiology 36. JB:5 Q4 ATANGANA (Alain)etc Tropical agroforestry 37. KZ332 Q4 NAIK (Jayant K) and ANANDARAO (K G) Marine fish and fisheries 38. L:3 Q03 SILVERTHORN (Dee Unglaub) Human physiology 39. L:44 Q41 STANLEY (Lesley A) Molecular and cellular toxicology 40. L:472573wN39,1 32Q3(KR)-32Q3;1(GB) KRISHNAN NAIR (M) Njanum R.C.C.yum 41. L:5:f Q2 RAMACHANDRAN (P)etc Survey research in public health 42. LB:4:6 Q4 SURESH BABU (S) Treatise on home remedies 43. O:g(G:55) Q4(R) GARRARD (Greg),Ed. Oxford handbook of ecocriticism 44. O-:g(V:5) Q4 RAY (Girindra Narayana) Writing difference: Nationalism identity and literature 45. O-2,3:g(Y73:1) Q0 CHASKAR (Ashok) Multiculturalism in Indian fiction in English 46. O-6,3N3Ow,1 Q2 ACHEBE (Chinua) There was a country 47. O152,3N237,M Q4 SHIVANI Mayapuri 48. O32x Q2(KR) KRUTHAKRISHNA,Ed. Parayipetta panthirukulam 3 49. O32,31N545w,1 Q0(KR) CHANDRAMATI Njan oru veedu 50. O32,3NKU18,K Q4(KR) KUMARAN (U K) Kanunnathalla kazhchakal 51. O32,6N5311x P1(KR) SREERAMAN (V K) Vazhvum ninavum 52. P32:4K Q3;1(R) PADMANABHA PILLAI (Sreekanteswaram G) Prayogasabdatharavali 53. S:6825 Q31 KLINE (John A) and BHALLA (Bhavna) Speaking effectively 54. S:864ObT Q3 SHRIVASTAVA (K K) Educational counseling methods techniques and services 55. S9 Q2 MANDAL (Fatik Baran) Textbook of animal behaviour 56. :f P41;2 PANNEERSELVAM (R) Research methodology 57. T94 Q3;1(TB) DANGI (K L) and SAMOTA (Santosh Devi) Textbook of extension education 58. V1A c5Q4(R) INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY of government 59. V2:19.P P91;1(TB) SIKRI (Rajiv) Challenge and strategy 60. W:5 Q35 SINHA (Manoj Kumar) Implementation of basic human rights 61. X Q5(R) SOWELL (Thomas) Basic economics 62. X:8 Q24 MAHESHWARI (Yogesh) Managerial economics 63. X:89B3:(13:87) Q1 ROSEN (Anita) Effective IT project management 64. X:9:(Z2) Q2 MONAPPA (Arun)etc Industrial relations and labour laws 4 65. X:9:(Z2).N7 Q3(TB) MISRA (Surya Narayanan) Labour and industrial law 66. X:(B) G8;10(R) ALLEN (R G D) Mathematical analysis for economists 67. X5:(B) Q21(TB) CLENDENEN (Gary)etc Business mathematics 68. X5:(R4) Q21 ROBINSON (Simon) and DOWSON (Paul) Business mathematics 69. X6:5.2 Q4(R) PATHAK (Bharati) Indian financial system 70. X62:8 Q3 POPLI (G S) and PURI (S K) Strategic credit management in banks 71. X62:8D Q0 ROSE (Peter S) and HUDGINS (Sylvia C) Bank management & financial services 72. X7 Q2;1(TB) KENNEDY (Maria John M) Public finance 73. X9M:8D Q4(TB) EITEMAN (David K)etc Multinational business finance 74. Y15OaS:72 Q4 ANNIS (Barbara) and MERRON (Keith) Gender intelligence 75. Zk Q2(R) RAMANATHA AIYAR (P) Concise law dictionary 76. Z2ObD65171 Q13 BARKHA and RAMA MOHAN (U) Cyber law & crimes 77. Z2,12 Q3 DIWAN (Paras) Family law 78. Z2,9298 Q0 JAIN (M P) and JAIN (S N) Principles of administrative law 79. Z2,94 Q3;2 RANCHHODDAS (Ratanlal) and THAKORE (Dhirajlal) Law of evidence 80. Z2,985 Q21 BHASHYAM (K) and ADIGA (K V) Negotiable instruments act 5