Product Commercial – TGJ2O Script With a partner or in a group of 2-3, you will begin planning and writing the script and storyboarding for your 30 second Product Commercial Step-by-step Procedure; 1. Begin by brainstorming topic for your Product Commercial 2. Present your idea to Mr. Shea 3. Write a rough draft of your script and create your storyboards 4. Remember it cannot exceed 30 seconds 5. Your concept should be unique and attention grabbing 6. Turn your rough draft in to a script and neat storyboards 7. Must be typed and/or hand drawn 8. Remember to include all audio, music, sound effects and voiceovers (if required) Script Format Script should include: • Scene number (1, 2, 3) • Scene description - Interior/exterior, location, time of day (all on one line) • Editing transitions- Cuts, dissolves, wipes, etc. • Field of View - CU, MS, WS, ECU, etc. • Audio - Dialogue, music, sound effects, etc. • Dialogue Blocks - Character’s name- how it’s read - Dialogue – what the character says - in quotations Script Example THE DON’T’S IN OFFICE – DAY WS – John is alone in the office. MCU – He takes a drink WS – Office door opens – Mr. Penney enters the room MS - Sits down in the arm chair across from John CU – Close up Mr. Penney’s angry face. DON’T JOHN “Give me a drink of that Gatorade Resources The equipment and tools required to complete the activity include … PC computer Headphones General Handouts on Camera Shots and Script Writing Videos Evaluation Podcast/Vodcast Evaluation - TGJ2O Thinking - Storyboards, scripting, sketching Use of planning skills uses planning (e.g., identifying the problem, skills with limited selecting strategies and effectiveness resources, scheduling) uses planning skills with some effectiveness uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness uses planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness Use of critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., problem-solving, design, and decision-making processes) uses critical/ creative thinking processes with some effectiveness uses critical/ creative thinking processes with considerable effectiveness uses critical/ creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness demonstrates considerable understanding of content demonstrates thorough understanding of content uses critical/ creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness Knowledge - Camera work, shots, editing, Style and effectiveness of video Understanding of content demonstrates demonstrates (e.g.,procedures,technological limited understanding some understanding concepts,processes,industry of of standards) content content Communications - Storyboards, scripting, sketching Expression and expresses and organization of ideas organizes ideas and information (e.g., clear and information expression, logical organization) with limited in oral, visual,and effectiveness written forms expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness Application - Camera work, shots, editing Application of knowledge applies knowledge and skills (e.g.,concepts, and skills in familiar processes,use of equipment contexts with limited and technology) in familiar effectiveness contexts applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness Transfer of knowledge and skills (e.g., concepts, processes, use of equipment and technology) to new contexts transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with considerable effectiveness transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with limited effectiveness